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Validity vs Reliability

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As it was mantioned before the triangulation will be present in the proposed research because several methods of collecting data are used. Still the attention for such things as sample size, bias and random samplings whenever it’s possible have to be under researcher control. Those actions will also help to incise the validity of research.


Reliability refers to how consistent the findings are. The issue with reliability could arise. Sometimes it is hard to repeat the same test again, as some participants might not be willing to do two or more tests. To increase the reliability of the research, such technics as inter-rate, test-rate, parallel forms, Internal consistency could be used. So, for example, the same questionnaire could be asked to the different sample of people, or the same sample will be asked in different time.


4. Practical and ethical issues

Gaining access

One of the many problems facing researchers aiming to carry out in-depth qualitative case study research into organizations is the issue of gaining access, since it is often the case that a considerable amount of time is spent on this task. Getting access to Honda and Ford's database initially is a very prescribed process that includes letters and meetings in order to deal with Ford and Honda's interest amd worries abouth the goal of my research. Companies are ess likely to be intereste in my research. These companies can deny in requested access if no strong relevence of the research nature presented so the business get interested. So, in getting access process i have to be sure that enough time hase been left. Also i ll try to get support from someone in the Ford and Honda companies, specify my goals and outline the methods which will be used, like anonymity data collection.


Ethics can be defined as the ‘norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about our behavior and our relationships with others’ (Cooper and Schindler 2008:34, cited in Saunders et al., 2009, p184). It should be mentioned all details of how people ought to behave and that no harms comes to the research and society (McNeill & Chapman, 2005). There are several main ethical rules exists and have to be covered in any research.

First of all, people may misunderstand the research aim and meaning (McNeill & Chapman, 2005). It means that respondents can refuse to answer questions without any comments. The second is confidentiality and anonymity. According to The Data Protection Act people abput whome the data have been collected information from required to retaine confidentiality. If confidentiality cannot be secured the members of research should be notified beforehand. The third rule the respondents should be protected from physical or emotional harm. Researcher bear responsibility for protection of participants from physical or moral harm, than, that to which respondent incure in a daily life. The fourth is related to the size and content of questionnaires. Long questionnaires get less response than short one. The content can also affect on response. Person is more likely to respond if they are involved and interested in the research toic, so questions should be interesting and easy to understand to the respondent.

All this ethical rules are importent because it is influence on validity of data collection. Issues in data recording, storage and retrieval have an effect on quality of research.


5. Plan & Timetable of activities

The research is time-consuming and will take approximately 8 mounth as demonstrated in the Appendix 6.2.

6. Appendixes

6.2 Appendix: Timetable of activities

Month number:                
Forming a group                
Project meeting                
Identify research area                
Formulate research questions                
Read literature                
Read methodology literature                
Draft research strategy                
Develop questionnaire                
Pilot test                
Negotaite access                
Gaining information from primary research                
Data collection                
Data analysis                
Write draft                
Revise draft                
Presentation of final report                


6.2 Appendix: References

1. Monaghan, A. 2013, Strong start to 2013 for UK car market [online], The Telegraph, Available from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/9852634/Strong-start-to-2013-for-UK-car-market.html [Accessed: 20.4.2013].

2. BBC 2013, Honda to cut 800 jobs in Swindon [online], BBC News, Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20983462 [Accessed: 15.4.2013].

3. Haydon, P. 2013, EU membership is crucial to Britain's growing car industry [online], The Guardian, Available from: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/13/eu-membership-britain-car-industry [Accessed: 15.4.2013].

4. Struttom, M. 2011, Car Buying UK [online], Mintel, Available from: http://academic.mintel.com/display/545223/?highlight=true# [Accessed: 15.4.2013].

5. Struttom, M. 2011, The Car Market - out of recession? [online], Mintel, Available from: http://academic.mintel.com/display/574361/?highlight=true [Accessed: 15.4.2013].

6. BBC 2012, Ford's Southampton Trensit factory closure 'devastating" [online], BBC news, Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-20078143 [Accessed: 15.4.2013].

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