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Our parallel lives

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2. Прочитайте і запам’ятайте вимову власних імен:

Charlie [΄t∫a:li]

Tait [teit]

Lisa [΄laizə]

Kevin [΄kevin]

Kylie [΄kaili]

Willie [΄wili]

Dawn [do:n]

Michael [΄maikl]

Scott [skot]

Becky [΄beki]

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Parallel, symmetry, reflect, phone, registration, empathy, fact, computer, family, identical

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Our parallel lives

Looking at the picture it would be easy to think that one family has been reflected in a mirror. But it shows two families whose lives, like their looks, have an astonishing symmetry.

Charlie Tait, 33, has his wife Lisa, 31, son Kevin, 16, daughters Kylie, 13, and Charlie, 6. His identical twin Willie has his wife Dawn, 33, who is Lisa’s sister, and their children Michael, 16, Scott, 12, and Becky, 5.

The husbands and wives were playground sweethearts who became teenage parents. They each had their three children before staging a joint wedding, and now they live next door to each other in New Castle.

Their phone numbers are almost identical, as are the registrations of their similar cars. Charlie learned to drive three years ago. Willie, who is the elder of the twins by a few minutes, has been driving for a year.

Meanwhile their elder sons have followed in their fathers’ footsteps by quitting school to earn their living as roofers.

This summer the families will holiday together as usual. Every single Tait likes burgers and chips. The families put their closeness down to a mixture of coincidence and natural empathy.

Their mother Sybil lives at the same street – their father William died before they were born.

They bought their homes, which each have three bedrooms. Inside, the two women chose similar bathroom suites and kitchen units.

“We have really bonded together since we were kids”, said Lisa, who has an identical job to Dawn as a domestic help at the same nursing home.

In their street, neighbours and sometimes even the children still find it hard to know which dad is which as they come home from work. “It is quite easy for us to meddle them up”, said Lisa. The wives naturally notice more differences than just the fact that Charlie drinks lager while Willie prefers cider. Lisa said: “Willie is more of a saver than Charlie and they have probably got more money in the bank than us. But then I think Dawn wishes her house was a bit bigger”.

The brothers and sisters seldom pop next door for a chat, probably because they see each other all the time at work. Instead the women use the telephone because it is quicker, while the men communicate via their computers.

look [lu:k], n – погляд, вираз обличчя, очей; зовнішність, вигляд

look [lu:k], v – дивитися, оглядати, бути уважним; виглядати, здаватися

son [sΛn], n – син

identical [ai΄dəntikl], adj – той самий, однаковий, ідентичний

twin [twin], n – близнюк

husband [΄hΛzbənd], n – чоловік

sweetheart [΄swi:tha:t], n – коханий, кохана

parents [΄pεərənts], n, pl – батьки

wedding [΄wediŋ], n – весілля

follow in one’s father’s footsteps – наслідувати батьків

earn one’s living – заробляти на життя

coincidence [kəu΄insidəns], n – точний збіг, однаковість, випадковий збіг обставин

die [dai], v – помирати

be born [΄bi΄bo:n], v – народжуватися

bond [bond], n – зв’язок, зобов'язання

bond [bond], v – бути міцним, зв’язувати себе зобов’язаннями, поєднувати(ся)

neighbour [΄neibə], n – сусід

difference [΄difrəns], n – різниця, відмінність, несхожість

pop [pop], v – раптово з’являтися

chat [t∫æt], n – дружня розмова, бесіда, теревені

chat [t∫æt], v – розмовляти по-дружньому, теревенити

5. Перегляньте текст, дайте відповіді на питання.

1) Why are their lives called parallel?

2) How many children does Charlie have? What about Willie?

3) What is their job?

4) What do the families like eating?

5) Who has been driving longer, Willie or Charlie?

6) Do they live together?

7) Where does their mother live?

8) How do they communicate?

9) Where do the wives work?

10) What differences between the brothers are mentioned?

6. Скажіть, чи відповідають дійсності такі твердження:

1) Charlie and Willie are twins.

2) The families are neighbours.

3) They seldom see each other.

4) There are two people in the family named Charlie.

5) The brothers got married on the same day.

6) Willie is younger of the twins.

7) They have different cars.

8) Kevin and Michael study at the University.

9) All the men in the families are roofers.

10) The women often pop next door to chat.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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