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Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column. Use the English idioms in a proper context.

Читайте также:
  2. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  3. A Dictionary of the English language
  4. A dream in the hands of the right person is a winner every time
  5. A Listen to the dialogue. Match the columns to form the dialogue.
  6. A Real Hard Right
  7. A Review of the Russian medieval cadastre.


Exercise 1.

When do we say the following about people? Give answers, using the pat­tern.

Pattern: She never misses classes.

We say, 'She never misses classes' if she attends classes regularly.

1. Nick has a good command of English.

2. Richard has done well in his exams.

3. Donna lags behind the group.

4. Brenda keeps up with the rest of the group.

5. Susan has failed in her exam.

6. Ray is burning the midnight oil.

7. Sara can't learn English just by picking it up.

8. David and Steve never disrupt classes.

9. Max never cribs at exams.

10. Brandon lacks fluency.

11. Helen is fond of playing truant.

Exercise 2

Name at least two or three situations that cause you feel the emotions listed below.

Pattern: I find talking about things that don't interest me boring. I find writing long tests annoying.


boring — attending lectures (seminars, classes)

embarrassing — taking notes

depressing — reading up (for)

confusing — making reports

exciting — writing essays

annoying — doing one's homework

worrying — correcting mistakes

amusing — translating from Russian into English (from English into Russian)

rendering texts; doing exercises; listening to the tapes; cheating (in exams and tests); taking examinations; failing examinations; retaking examinations


Continue the list. Compare your answers with those of other students in the class. Discuss these situations and the feelings they cause. Also discuss what activities you think difficult and what — easy.

Exercise 3


Speak in class what you feel when:

you get a bad mark; you fall (lag) behind the group; you fail (in) an examination; you read up for an examination late at night; you miss classes; you come late to classes; you keep up with the rest of the group; you catch up with the rest; you have to retake an examination; you work in the library at the week­end; you work on your dissertation on holiday; you spend sleepless nights over a load of books; you look up every word in your dictionary when reading an English book; you are not prepared for the class; you are given virtually no time to digest and remember several chapters; the telephone rings while you are doing your homework; your essay is well-received; another student cheats at an examination or test.

Patterns: I feel like a failure when I fall behind the group,

I feel pleased/confused/bored, etc. when I catch up with the rest.

Exercise 4

Split up into two teams. The members of the first team should find argu­ments to agree with the statements given below and the members of the second team should find arguments to disagree with them. Keep per­suading each other till your opponents are unable to find further argu­ments. The team which wins more rounds is the winner of the debate.

1. Learning gives a lot of pleasure.

2. One shouldn't always try to be at the top of the class — it spoils relations with one's classmates.

3. During college years social life is a lot more important than studies.

4. Memorizing things is unnecessary — computers will do anything.

5. Quick learners forget faster that slow learners.

6. Male teachers are more popular with the students.

7. Even if one doesn't understand something, he or she should never show it.

8. In language learning boys generally do better than girls.

9. Success at the university depends on the type of school one has finished.

10. One's attitude to education is formed in the family.

On the one hand..., on the other hand... Generally speaking... That depends on...

Use the following phrases:

If you ask me...

It just occurred to me...

On the surface of it, it really is, but...

Exercise 5

Add the missing phrases which stand for the following abbreviations.

BA — a Bachelor of Arts MA —...........?

BSc —....................?................... MSc — a Master of Science

PhD — Doctor of Philosophy DSc —...........?


Exercise 6

Answer the questions. Everyone in the group is supposed to speak about himself or herself.

1. Was it easy for you to get in to the university? How did you prepare for it?

2. Did college life meet your expectations or were you disappoint­ed with it?

3. In what way is college life different from school life?

4. What classroom activities appear to be the easiest and the most difficult for you?

5. What helps more to achieve success in studies — hard work or innate intelligence?

6. What do you lack in your students' life?

7. Are students in any way different from other groups of youth?

8. What subjects on your curriculum are absolutely necessary and absolutely unnecessary? Support your opinion.

9. Should education be free of charge for all or should all pay for it?

Exercise 7

Translate into English. Consult the Topical Vocabulary.

1. Она поступила в университет прошлым летом и закончит его только через четыре года.

2. Лучше не пропускать занятия, а то можно быстро отстать от группы. Хорошо известно, что нагонять всегда сложнее.

3. Все студенты в группе получили зачёт по языкознанию. Это было серьёзное испытание.

4. Мой любимый предмет, конечно же, английский. А ещё мне нравится страноведение Великобритании и США.

5. Я не очень люблю писать диктанты и изложения, но пони­маю, что это необходимо для приобретения навыков пись­менной речи.

6. Расписание составляется таким образом, чтобы лекции чере­довались с практическими занятиями.

7. Староста нашей группы получила стипендию от Британского Совета. Она будет учиться в Лондонском университете и одно­временно писать дипломную работу.

8. Не думаю, что, готовясь к экзаменам, имеет смысл всю ночь не ложиться спать. Эффект от такой подготовки может быть обратный.

9. Больше всего я боюсь провалить экзамен по психологии, поэтому стараюсь всё выучить почти наизусть.

10. В штате преподавателей у нас три профессора, четыре до­цента, пять старших преподавателей и семь ассистентов.

11. Проверяя контрольные работы, преподаватель отмечает ошибки на полях.

12. В эту сессию будет один письменный и два устных зачёта, а также четыре экзамена.

13. В начале года в деканате всем первокурсникам выдали студенческие билеты и зачётные книжки.

14. Когда я начинаю делать домашнее задание, то долго не могу сконцентрироваться на работе — меня постоянно что-то отвлекает.

15. В обучении ему не нужно прикладывать никаких усилий — он всё хватает на лету.

Exercise 8

Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column. Use the English idioms in a proper context.

1. to go into details А. начать с азов

2. to drum something into В. как дважды два — четыре

somebody's head

3. a brain twister С. куриные мозги

4. two and two make four D. синий чулок

5. a stumbling block E. вдаваться в подробности

6. the key word F. головоломка

7. the brain of a pigeon G. легко даваться

8. to come easy H. ключевое слово

9. to start from scratch I. камень преткновения

10. a blue stocking J. вдолбить что-либо в голову

Exercise 9

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Exercise 280.| Exercise 7. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required.

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