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Timely, specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic

· Smart goals

o Quality standards

o Strategy

o Decision

o All answers are correct



· It is essential to set the right goals in a right way.

o Factors that influence individual decision making

o People’s behaviour is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself

o Halo Effect

o Confirmation trap


49. Wants in Organizations it is:

· Owners, Vision, Mission

o Organizational Life cycle theory

o Belief in personal relevance

o Courtship

o Past experiences


50. Needs in Organization it is:

· Organizational Life cycle theory

o Owners, Vision, Mission

o Belief in personal relevance

o Past experiences

o Halo Effect


51. What is the abbreviation of five indicators of realistic goals?







52. What does it mean “S” in abbreviation of SMART goal?

· Specific

o to the manufacturing sector exclusively

o mostly to the service sector

o to services exclusively

o mostly to the manufacturing sector


53. What does it mean “S” in abbreviation of “SMART” goal?

· Specific

o Selfish

o Sensational

o Supernatural

o Subconscious

54. What does it mean “M” in abbreviation of “SMART” goal?

· Measurable

o Mysterious

o Magnificent

o Magic

o Materialistic


55. What does it mean “A” in abbreviation of SMART goal?

· Attainable

o Awesome

o Awkward

o Approximate

o Amoral

56. What does it mean “R” in abbreviation of SMART goal?

· Realistic

o Rapid

o Radical

o Random

o Respectful

57. What does it mean “T” in abbreviation of SMART goal?

· Time-targeted

o Turbulent

o Transcendental

o Touchy

o Trivial

58. What is the basic theory, which explains life stages of all living organisms?

· Life cycle theory

o Evolution theory

o Big bang theory

o Conspiracy theory

o Theory of six handshakes

59. What motivates and gives the sense of direction?

· Goal

o Self-control

o Soul

o Coal

o North Pole

60. Who decides what should be the next goal?

· Top (or any) managers

o Competitors

o Environment

o Garbage can

o Everyone


61. What is the definition of “The process by which decisions are made in organizations:

· Organizational choice

o Tactical Decision

o Operational Decision

o Individual choice

o Group decision

62. Owners and Board of Directors can be involved in the process of making:

· Strategic decisions

o Tactical decisions

o Operational decisions

o Group decisions

o none of the above answers

63. Most employees can be involved in the process of making:

· Operational decisions

o Strategic decisions

o Tactical decisions

o Group decisions

o none of the above

64. 4 Steps in Decision Making include:

· Identify the problem, collect and sort information, compare each solution, arrange solutions in order to make an optimizing research

o Identify the problem, evaluate alternatives, select the best alternatives, implement decision

o Sort information, develop solution, evaluate alternatives, implement problem solving

o Remembering information, collect memory, arrange memory, implement decision making

o none of the answers is correct

65. What is Problem Solving?

· Finding the root cause of a deviation

o Problem existence

o Decision Making

o Choosing alternatives

o Making decisions

66. First step in Problem Solving Process

· Identify problem

o Find root causes

o Develop Alternatives

o Decision Making Process

o all of the above

67. Second step in Problem Solving Process

· Find root causes

o Identify problem

o Develop Alternatives

o Decision Making Process

o all of the above

68. How much steps does have The Decision Making Process?

· Seven-steps

o Six

o Ten

o Six Sigma Program

o None of the above

69. The last step in decision making process

· Follow up and evaluate

o Identify the problem

o Develop alternatives

o Collect relevant information

o None of the above

70. First step in decision making process is about

· Identify the problem

o Follow up and evaluate

o Develop alternatives

o Collect relevant information

o none of the above answers

71. Choose the decision tool

· Expected value analysis

o Quality tool

o Resources

o Directive

o None of the above

72. Choose the decision tool

· Decision trees

o Quality tool

o Resources

o Directive

o None of the above

73. Choose the decision tool

· Marginal analysis

o Quality tool

o Resources

o Directive

o None of the above

74. What is data?

· it is raw, analyzed facts that are relatively useless

o values and beliefs shared within an organization

o rituals, modes and transmitters of organization

o analyzed and processed data

o none of the answers is correct

75. What is Information?

· analyzed and processed data

o it is raw, analyzed facts that are relatively useless

o rituals, modes and transmitters of organization

o values and beliefs shared within an organization

o none of the answers is correct

76. What is the decision making style where there is a Consideration facts, rules and procedures?

· Directive

o Analytic

o Conceptual

o Bahavioural

o All of the above

77. What is the decision making style where there is a Focus on tasks and technical problems, taking a logical approach?

· Analytic

o Directive

o Conceptual

o Behavioral

o None of the above

78. By which step of decision making process we can list the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative?

· Evaluate the alternatives

o Identify the problem

o Develop Alternatives

o Collect Information

o none of the answers is correct

79. By which step of decision making process we can apply creative thinking to find possible solutions?

· Develop Alternatives

o Evaluate the alternatives

o Identify the problem

o Collect Information

o All of the above

80. What is Perception?

· a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment

o decision making process

o problem solving process

o organizational process

o none of the answers is correct

81. What is distinctiveness?

· it shows different behaviors in different situations

o it is response is the same as others to same situation

o responds in the same way over time

o consensus

o none of the above


82. What is consensus?

· it is response is the same as others to same situation

o it shows different behaviors in different situations

o responds in the same way over time

o distinctiveness

o none of the above


83. What is consistency?

· responds in the same way over time

o it shows different behaviours in different situations

o it is response is the same as others to same situation

o distinctiveness

o none of the above


84. Choose the factor which influence individual decision making

· Past Experiences

o Customer retention

o Customer satisfaction

o Profiling

o None of the above

85. Choose the factor which influence individual decision making

· Cognitive biases

o Customer retention

o Customer satisfaction

o Profiling

o None of the above


86. Choose the factor which influence individual decision making

· Individual differences

o Customer retention

o Customer satisfaction

o Profiling

o None of the above


87. Choose the factor which influence individual decision making

· Socioeconomic status (SES)

o Customer retention

o Customer satisfaction

o Profiling

o None of the above

88. What is creativity?

· the ability to produce novel and useful ideas

o Do think right

o Do thing correctly

o Accomplish tasks thoroughly and completely

o Finish work on time

89. What is the definition of “situation when people are brought together to analyse problems consider and evaluate alternative courses of action, and select from among the alternatives”?

· Group decision-making

o Individual decision-making

o Motivation

o Problem-solving

o Scientific decision-making

90. Find the explanation of Importance of Decision Making in an Organization

· The decision making ability of the think is the essence of any organization. An organization without people, who can't make decisions and take them to their logical conclusion is doomed

o Quick decisions, need to be made by business managers to take advantage of opportunities and Profiting in a business is all about making the most of a window of opportunity that appears in a market place

o Every decision made by the management of a business affects employee morale and performance, ultimately influencing the overall business performance

o A leader makes decisions for all his followers. The fate of all followers is entwined with the decisions that a leader makes for them. He must choose what is best for them and The fact that they trust his judgment puts immense responsibility on his shoulders

o All of the above is right

91. Which of the following is NOT phase of group decision-making?

· Monitoring

o Orientation

o Discussion

o Decision

o Implementation


92. What is the definition of “group members’ individual decision are averaged”?

· Statistical aggregation

o Voting

o Random choice

o Delegation

o Consensus

93. What is the definition of “an individual or subgroup within the group makes the decision for the group”?

· Delegation

o Voting

o Consensus

o Statistical aggregation

o Random choice

94. Which of the following is NOT advantage of group decision-making?

o Greater pool of knowledge

o Different perspectives

o Deeper commitment to the decision

· Groups often work more slowly than individuals

o Intellectual stimulation

95. Which of the following is NOT advantage of group decision-making?

o Greater pool of knowledge

· Goal displacement

o Different perspectives

o Deeper commitment to the decision

o Intellectual stimulation

96. The four phases of group decision-making?

o Orientation, monitoring, decision, implementation

o Managing, controlling, orientation, implementation

· Orientation, discussion, decision, implementation

o Orientation, planning, monitoring, implementation

o Planning, monitoring, decision, implementation

97. What is “right or wrong answer – e.g. math problems”?

o Judgmental tasks

· Intellective tasks

o Intrinsic task

o Extrinsic task

o Creative task

98. What is “no correct answer – e.g. jury’s verdict”?

o Intellective tasks

· Judgmental tasks

o Intrinsic task

o Extrinsic task

o Creative task

99. Which of the following is the method of group decision-making?

o intuition

· brainstorming

o voting

o expertise

o competition


100. Which of the following is the method of group decision-making?

o motivating

o competition

o intuition

o voting

· nominal group technique


101. Which of the following is the method of group decision-making?

o competition

o intuition

o voting

· Delphi technique

o expertise

102. Which of the following is definition of “can be regarded as the mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives”:

o problem-solving

· decision-making

o decidofobia

o astrology

o numerology

103. What is the definition of finding the root cause of a deviation:

· problem-solving

o decision-making

o decidofobia

o astrology

o numerology

104. Which of the following “Focuses on tasks and technical problems; Considers facts, rules, and procedures; Low tolerance for ambiguity ”?

o analytic

o conceptual

o behavioral

· directive

o none of the above

105. Which of the following “looking for information that will most likely support your initial point of view

o Horn effect

o Availability heuristics

o Halo effect

o Hindsight trap

· Confirmation trap

106. What is a definition of “A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”

o vision

· perception

o decision-making

o self-censorship

o probem-solving

107. Which of the following is “Evaluation of a person’s characteristics that are affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics”

o self-serving bias

· contrast effect

o profiling

o halo effect

o Availability heuristics

108. Which of the following is “the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others”

o self-serving bias

o selective perception

· fundamental attribution error

o halo effect

o Availability heuristics

109. Which of the following is “The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors”

· self-serving bias

o selective perception

o fundamental attribution error

o halo effect

o Availability heuristics

110. Which of the following is “Believing too much in our own ability to make good decisions”

o anchoring bias

o availability bias

o confirmation bias

· overconfidence bias

o none of the above

111. Which of the following is NOT component model for creativity “

o intrinsic task motivation

o creative thinking skills

· extrinsic task motivation

o expertise

o all of the above

112. What is the “Ability to undertake self-directed tasks and cope with them”

o locus of control

o none of the above

o machiavellianism

o externality

· ego strength

113. “Right is right, wrong is wrong, hence make ethical decisions and carry them out”

· black-and-White Approach

o full Potential Approach

o best Ratio Approach

o none of the above

o all of the above

114. What is the definition of Ethics

o values and beliefs shared within an organization

· it is the study of human behavior within a moral context

o organizational value system that results in an environment that is conducive to the establishment and continual improvement of Quality

o all of the above

o none of the above

115. After an outcome is already known, believing it could have been accurately predicted beforehand

o Availability bias

o Halo effect

· Hindsight bias

o anchoring bias

o none of the above

116. What is the definition of “group members’ individual decision are averaged”

o delegation

· statistical aggregation

o consensus

o random choice

o voting

117. Which of the following is definition of “The primary goal of this stage is to build the Founder's enthusiasm and commitment to his dream”:

o prime

· courtship

o infant

o adolescence

o go-go

118. Which of the following is the definition “organization is a company that has a successful product or service, rapidly growing sales and strong cash flow”

o prime

o stable

o adolescence

· go-go

o decline

119. Which of the following “Exist when decision makers lack complete certainty regarding the outcomes of various courses of action, but they can assign probabilities of occurrence”?

o certain environment

o uncertain environment

· risky environment

o probability environment

o none of the above

120. Which of the following “looking for information that will most likely support your initial point of view ”

o Horn effect

o Halo effect

o Hindsight trap

· Confirmation trap

o None of the above

121. Which of the following “Members believe in the rightness of their cause and therefore ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions”

o Illusion of vulnerability

o Collective rationalization

· Belief in inherent morality

o Self-censorship

o None of the above

122. Which of the following “Creates excessive optimism that encourages taking extreme risks”

· Illusion of invulnerability

o Collective rationalization

o Belief in inherent morality

o Self-censorship

o None of the above

123. Which of the following “Creates bases a decision on incremental adjustments to an initial value determined by historical precedent or some reference point.”

o Availability heuristic

o Representativeness heuristic

o Hindsight trap

· Anchoring heuristic

o None of the above

124. Which of the following is not stage of Groupthink”

o Antecedent conditions

· Precedent conditions

o System of groupthink

o Defective decision making

o None of the above

125. At what stage the company can achieve optimal position on the lifecycle, where the organization finally achieves a balance between control and flexibility.”

o Stable

o Infancy

o Courtship

· Prime

o Decline

126. Which of the following decision making models “Accepts a world with bounded rationality and views the decision maker as acting only in terms of what he/she perceives about a given situation”

o classical model

· behavioral model

o garbage can model

o analytical model

o directive model

127. Choose the wrong type of decision making styles

· Bureaucratic

o Behavioural

o Directive

o Analytic

o Conceptual

128. Choose the characteristic of analytic style

· acquires information by careful analysis, using a large amount of data

o Considers facts, rules, and procedures

o Low tolerance for ambiguity

o Focuses on tasks and technical problems

o Efficient and logical

129. Choose the characteristic of conceptual style

· consider many options and possibilities

o Receptive to suggestions from others

o Focuses on people and social aspects of the work situation

o Considers the well-being of others Work well with others

o Concerned with achievement of their employees

130. Choose the characteristic of directive style

· focuses on tasks and technical problems

o Open to many alternatives

o Evaluates information through abstract thinking, avoiding incomplete data

o Evaluates information by using feelings and instincts

o Focuses on people and social aspects of the work situation


131. What is the definition of Decidophobia?

· The fear of making the wrong decisions

o The essence of manager’s work

o Getting things done in the most efficient manner

o The processes by which decisions are made in organizations

o All of the above is wrong


132. What is the definition of Decision Making?

· Can be regarded as the mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives.

o Discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs

o Finding the root cause of a deviation

o Is analyzed and processed data

o Believing too much in our own ability to make good decisions

133. Decidophobia introduced by?

· Walter Kaufmann

o Frederick Taylor

o Eli Whitney

o Henry Ford

o W. Edwards Deming

134. ____ of the fears come from your consciousness?

· 85 %

o 50 %

o 55 %

o 25 %

o 5 %

135. Find the explanation of Importance of Decision Making in Management?

· Every decision made by the management of a business affects employee morale and performance, ultimately influencing the overall business performance

o Quick decisions, need to be made by business managers to take advantage of opportunities and Profiting in a business is all about making the most of a window of opportunity that appears in a market place

o A leader makes decisions for all his followers. The fate of all followers is entwined with the decisions that a leader makes for them. He must choose what is best for them and The fact that they trust his judgment puts immense responsibility on his shoulders

o The decision making ability of the think is the essence of any organization. An organization without people, who can't make decisions and take them to their logical conclusion is doomed

o All of the above is right


136..Decidophobia introduced by Walter Kaufmann in?

· 1973

o 1945

o 1991

o 1898

o 1941

137. Find the explanation of Importance of Decision Making in leadership?

· A leader makes decisions for all his followers. The fate of all followers is entwined with the decisions that a leader makes for them. He must choose what is best for them and The fact that they trust his judgment puts immense responsibility on his shoulders

o Every decision made by the management of a business affects employee morale and performance, ultimately influencing the overall business performance

o The decision making ability of the think is the essence of any organization. An organization without people, who can't make decisions and take them to their logical conclusion is doomed

o Quick decisions, need to be made by business managers to take advantage of opportunities and Profiting in a business is all about making the most of a window of opportunity that appears in a market place

o All of the above is right


138. An effective and proven decision process which has been developed over the last 70 years is known as

· Operations Research/Decision Science

o Non-scientific decision making

o Astrology

o Astronomy

o Palm readings

139. Who are the great contributors to Scientific Decision Making:

· H.Simon, H. Fayol.

o F.Taylor, H.Ford

o E.Deming, M.Porter

o F.Gilbreth, E.Whitney

o none of the above

140. Which of the following “affect choices and the processes by which individuals make a decision:

· Individual choice

o Group decision

o Confusion

o organizational choice

o strict subordination

141. Which of the following “ the process by which individual preferences are transformed into collective choices in group settings:

· Group Decision

o Individual choice

o Organizational choice

o tactical decision

o Operational decision



142..At each new stage of development an organization is faced with a unique set of challenges:

· Organization

o Strategy

o Goal

o Vision

o Halo effect


143. Problem of courtship

· Over-excitement, possibly unwarranted

o Right is right, wrong is wrong, hence make ethical decisions and carry them out

o Creating meaning out of random events – superstitions

o Many companies have corporate ethics programs

o none of the above


144. Courtship is the first stage of an organization's development. At this stage, the company is not yet born:

· Courtship

o Ethics

o Mission

o Owners

o none of the above

145. _____begins the moment financial risk has been undertaken and the Founder quits her paying job, signs the loan documents or promises 40% of the company to outside investors

· Infancy

o Go-go

o Courtship

o Adolescence

o none of the above

146. Company that has a successful product or service, rapidly growing sales and strong cash flow. The company is not only surviving, it's flourishing:

· Go-go

o Courtship

o Decision

o Strategy

o Decline

147. This critical transition is much like the rebirth a teenager goes through to establish independence from their parents.

· Adolescence

o Ethics

o Goal

o Mission

o Vision

148. Optimal position on the lifecycle, where the organization finally achieves a balance between control and flexibility?

· Prime

o SMART goal

o Quality

o Decision making

o Vision

149. The leaders of companies are starting to feel content and somewhat complacent. This attitude has been developing for some time:

· Stable

o Standards

o Mission

o Prime

o Quality


150. What is the “discussion to unanimity”?

· consensus

o random choice

o statistical aggregation

o voting

o delegation


151. What is the advantage of group decision-making?

· Better understanding of decision rationale

o groupthink

o a few people dominate or intimidate

o goal displacement

o groups often work more slowly than individuals

152. Which of the following is NOT phase of group decision-making?

· Motivation

o Orientation

o Discussion

o Decision

o Implementation


153. How many factors that influence of ethical behavior?

· 3

o 2

o 6

o 8

o 1


154. Which ofthe following is basic ethical principles?

· all answers is correct

o mutuality

o fairness

o respect

o integrity

155. Ability to undertake self-directed tasks and cope with them is –

· egostrength

o norms of ethics

o Machiavellianism

o locus of control

o no correct answer


156. Social dilemma is –

· when the best long-term interests of the individual conflict with the immediate interests of the individual

o People generally want to blame others for their own short comings and failures

o Board-level committees that monitor the ethical behaviour of the organization

o Ability to undertake self-directed tasks and cope with them.

o A person’s behavior can be well within the prescribed limits of the law and still be unethical


157. A product of a society‘s culture, which includes its traditions, customs, values, and norms is –

· ethics

o decision making

o ego strength

o integrity

o no correct answer


158. People are basically good, hence create appropriate conditions. There is –

· best ratio approach

o full potential approach

o black-and-white approach

o locus of control

o social dilemma


159. Locus of control means:

· perspective of people concerning who or what controls their behavior

o Ability to undertake self-directed tasks and cope with them.

o People generally want to blame others for their own short comings and failures

o Board-level committees that monitor the ethical behaviour of the organization

o that have, are, and always will provide the foundation for a good life


160. Managers and leaders have wondered not only about what?

· they might do when confronted by particularly troublesome dilemmas in their organizations.

o that have, are, and always will provide the foundation for a good life

o Ability to undertake self-directed tasks and cope with them.

o All answers is correct

o No correct answer


161. Best Ratio Approach means:

· People are basically good, hence create appropriate conditions.

o More time spent in this stage the greater the performance

o Right is right, wrong is wrong, hence make ethical decisions and carry them out.

o For helping employees make ethical choices.

o Investigating and adjudicating policy violations


162. Accepting responsibility helps to build:

· Trust, integrity

o Orientation, implementation

o Trust, orientation

o Decision

o Discussion


163. What is ego strength?

· Ability to undertake self-directed tasks and cope with them.

o they might do when confronted by particularly troublesome dilemmas in their organizations.

o People generally want to blame others for their own short comings and failures

o perspective of people concerning who or what controls their behavior

o all answers is correct


164. How many % have codes of ethics?

· 78%

o 50%

o 33%

o 67%

o 70%


165. Many companies have …. ethics programs –

· Corporate

o International

o Legal

o Illegal

o All answers are correct


166. Institutionalizing ethics is?

· Board-level committees that monitor the ethical behaviour of the organization

o Development of shared mental model

o Accepting responsibility helps build trust, integrity, and all other elements of ethics.

o People are basically good, hence create appropriate conditions.

o For helping employees make ethical choices.


167. Which of the following is the method of group decision-making?

o motivating

o competition

o intuition

o voting

· nominal group technique


168. Which of the following is the method of group decision-making?

o competition

o intuition

o voting

· Delphi technique

o expertise

169. Which of the following is definition of “can be regarded as the mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives”:

o problem-solving

· decision-making

o decidofobia

o astrology

o numerology

170. What is the definition of finding the root cause of a deviation:

· problem-solving

o decision-making

o decidofobia

o astrology

o numerology

171. Which of the following “Focuses on tasks and technical problems; Considers facts, rules, and procedures; Low tolerance for ambiguity ”?

o analytic

o conceptual

o behavioral

· directive

o none of the above

172. Which of the following “looking for information that will most likely support your initial point of view

o Horn effect

o Availability heuristics

o Halo effect

o Hindsight trap

· Confirmation trap

173. What is a definition of “A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”

o vision

· perception

o decision-making

o self-censorship

o probem-solving

174. Which of the following is “Evaluation of a person’s characteristics that are affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics”

o self-serving bias

· contrast effect

o profiling

o halo effect

o Availability heuristics

175. Which of the following is “the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others”

o self-serving bias

o selective perception

· fundamental attribution error

o halo effect

o Availability heuristics

176. Which of the following is “The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors”

· self-serving bias

o selective perception

o fundamental attribution error

o halo effect

o Availability heuristics

177. What is Perception?

· a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment

o decision making process

o problem solving process

o organizational process

o none of the answers is correct

178. What is distinctiveness?

· it shows different behaviors in different situations

o it is response is the same as others to same situation

o responds in the same way over time

o consensus

o none of the above


179. What is consensus?

· it is response is the same as others to same situation

o it shows different behaviors in different situations

o responds in the same way over time

o distinctiveness

o none of the above


180. What is consistency?

· responds in the same way over time

o it shows different behaviours in different situations

o it is response is the same as others to same situation

o distinctiveness

o none of the above

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Managers and leaders have wondered not only about what?| Суббота, 20 июня 1942 г.

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