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Ivan Khivrenko. Sisters. 2012

Читайте также:
  1. Ivan Khivrenko. Monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky, central Kiev. 2012


After reflection of the Earth to another dimension - the mirror opposite universe, - there will be no more negativity here at all (in the present sense) - none whatsoever, - negativity will seem to be an absolutely impossible, fictitious, fantastic concept. By the same token, in the present negative reality, its mirror opposite - the positive paradise - seems to be just an impossible, fictional, fantastic concept, - located somewhere “there”, outside the sphere of the Earth, beyond the limits of our coordinates system, somewhere in some unreal, fictional, fantastic “heavens”. That is to say, negativity will exist here only as a deceptive mirage, as a joke, - in the same measure as a tantalizing positivity exists here now – as a mockery, - evasive, shaky, unreliable, stubbornly disintegrating. On the upper floors of paradise inside the planet Earth the laughable mirage of infinitesimal amount of negativity will be close to zero.


After completion of the positive transformation on the planet Earth, which will rapidly happen within a historically short period of time, there will be unimaginable grandeur and wellbeing of the morally and scientifically transfigured humanity, and all other forms of life on the planet. The future new marvellous life in paradise will open our eyes onto our current misery, deprivation, pathetic squalor, and insane, perverted, sadistic nature of the present disgusting life on a dump, - in the openly criminal torture chamber – menagerie, which is fundamentally programmed for suffering and negativity. To be precise, now we live (or rather – you live in this state in the sphere-screen in your movie-“existence”; see about that below) on its roof, where there is some light of normality and positivity, which is muddling and cruelly disorientating your mind about the real pitiful state of affairs. Every human being vaguely suspects and feels somewhere deep in one’s heart that there is something fundamentally wrong in our present life, - and that there should not be all that cruelty to living beings.


In the future paradise world, one will commonly and ubiquitously see new “fantastic” functions, which can now be somehow switched on for a short time in a rudimentary form only by some yogi conjurers. It is mental synthesis, that is to say - physical materialization by benevolent mental, emotional and willing power. Only benign, beneficent manifestations and volition will be possible there, because the other ones will not work there. It is control of gravitation, including your ability to control the flight of your own body. It is synthesis of energy and elements, including synthesis of energy and elements inside the bodily cells. Hence there will be no more need of external nourishment of the body. It is telepathy, teleportation and other positive “wonders”, which we can barely imagine now, and which will be ubiquitous and common.


Who is god?

You are a “movie-viewing” god. What you perceive on the illusionary spherical screen (“located” in the absolute “void”) as an appearing and disappearing picture, thoughts and feelings – it is all unreal. The only “real” thing is you, who are watching this illusionary “movie”, and who cannot be seen, described or understood, - for the simple reason that there is nothing to see, describe or understand.


Now it is difficult to understand it, but in paradise you clearly “remember” that you are god, and that it is all just an illusionary game. At that time, it will never ever even cross your mind that you are an angel, and you live in paradise, and that it can be somehow differently. By the same token, nowadays it does not even occur to you that now you live in negativity (let’s euphemistically call it so), and you think now that you are just a human being, - despite recurrent obvious mishaps and suffering of different intensity, and your own periodic mistreatment of others. (By the way, in paradise information-memory about the future, equally beautiful there as the past and present, is open to all willing to know it. While here, the future, equally criminal as the past and the present, is concealed, with a criminal intent, from the unsuspecting victims of the approaching suffering-crimes.) In the present “reality”, which is permeated with negativity, your mind boggles before the very notion that everything in the world can be totally different. Even from the purely hypothetical standpoint, now it seems to be a pure fantasy that there can be a completely different life, which is totally devoid of negative things, - where nobody is afraid, sad or sick, nobody is suffering, nobody can meet any harm (because of the different - as if “hologram” - structure of matter), nobody ages, and even nobody dies. And when you are thoroughly bored by life in paradise, you just say “bye” and irrepressibly laugh yourself (infecting with laughter those who wave goodbye to you) into “transfiguring yourself” - “switching over” - in a rainbow, iridescent flash of light - into a different state, as if to a different “waveband” - into nirvana, snow white shine of radiant blissful quietness-calm-silence, - with infinitesimal, practically unnoticeable residue of disequilibrium (in the form of weightless, quiet flight of the bodiless pure consciousness in the ocean of light), - which is a penultimate state before you wake up and “leave” the screen. Then the illusionary kaleidoscopic “cinema screen”-sphere (with no dimensions – just proportions, and with the same principle as in a TV set - dots of light, light mosaic) is switched off and disappears in the indescribable void of nothingness, and you return to the original point of your “movie viewing journey” - to the true yourself, the absolute equilibrium, absolute freedom, including freedom from yourself. It is easy to picture what nirvana - immaculately clean white screen - looks like from “outside”, - just look up at the sun in the clear sky. Before the screen disappears, the light in nirvana is switched off, and it becomes a black sphere - the same as white nirvana eternal exhilarating moment of pure happiness - blissful calm.


The way back is in the reverse order. I clearly remember the transition from nirvana into the “dream movie”: The same all the time. I cannot stand it any more. What will be if I upset equilibrium? The movie. As a test, I repeatedly switch forth and back several times from nirvana to the “dream movie”. I experiment with different feelings of different intensity. (How is it? Will I be able to do it to myself? Will I be able to endure it?) Ok, let’s view a movie for some time. When it bores me, I will come back. I erase memory. I slip into slumber. I am seeing dreams. Then I wake up back into nirvana. (At this moment, I-protagonist inside the sphere-screen – “died”. To be honest, I already began to panic that I had fallen asleep for ever and that I would never wake up.) The first thought after waking up into nirvana: “Again an old acquaintance”. A moment later, when the memory about the “dream movies” has been erased: “Why on earth did I yearn so much to get back here? What have not I seen here? Alright, anyway I will feel good alone”. Then I wake up back into blackness. I wake up back to the “genuine” myself into nothingness and leave the sphere-screen.


After shrinking into a dot and disappearance of the screen (the point of disequilibrium), then – nothing, nowhere, nobody, immobility, stillness, numbness. There is absolutely nothing “there”. In this “there” – there is absolutely nothing to “catch your eye” to be able to describe it. It is not even emptiness. In the “place”, where there is nothing, there is even no emptiness. It is impossible to understand it, because there is simply nothing and nobody to understand. It is impossible to describe it, because there is simply nothing to describe. Who am I? What am I? From where have I “come” and into where do I “disappear”? There is no answer to that, for the simple reason that there is nobody and nothing to answer. (To be precise, this silence – that is an answer.) Just an indifferent contemplation: To “be” – or not to “be”, «I» - «not-I» - what is the difference? There is no difference whether to stare into “emptiness” or, from time to time, once again into an illusionary “TV set”, because anyway interest does not last long, as I have already seen everything in eternity an innumerable number of times. I am anyway unreal, I do not even exist, nobody, nothing, empty place, just a fantasy. I am immortal, though. When I am totally bored of “being”, I can easily totally “disappear” and then again “pop up” as if from “nowhere”. I can easily do it just in the same way as every night we slip into the sleep, as if into non-being, and wake up in the morning, as if from nowhere, back into being, and regain consciousness. I have always been before, I am now, and I will always be around for ever – for eternity, always. With a caveat, though, about unreality of that “being”. I am alone. There is nothing and nobody except me. In my self-illusions - animated cartoons - I have total almightiness, albeit a false one. No limitations whatsoever. Although, as the current sadistic “reality” shows, – there should be some limitations in place on my “creativity”. I have nothing else, except these self-deceiving illusory “movies”–“dreams” or other games–hallucinations to fill this eternity, - just to forget for some time the true myself “over there” – where there is absolutely nothing to do, with absolutely nothing interesting. After the so-called “death” everybody will automatically “switch over” “there” and will “recall” all that, but now, in the current life, with an erased memory, it is certainly impossible to believe in all that. Because of the impeccable quality of the program, it is practically impossible to notice somehow that what we perceive is unreal, self-deceit, a dream, hallucinations. Maybe you can only notice a mirror nature of the program in the delayed, boomerang-style return to you of your own earlier actions, both good and bad, - in the form of similar situations later in your life. It should be also noted that when you are “inside” the sphere-movie screen, while viewing the “movie”-“dreams of emptiness”, - the “real” you, who is “emptiness”-“nothingness”, who is viewing this “movie”, - you are in fact immobile, and it is the picture that is moving, with connected perfect self-deceiving mental and sensory special effects, creating a perfect illusion of complete reality of what is happening to you.


To put it short, it is always the same inevitable final destination point after any “dream movie”, with sophisticated self-deceiving mental and sensory special effects, or any other game of the infinite number of other indescribable games, filling your eternity, but in paradise the procedure of transfer to your final connection is certainly much more pleasant than the present “death” in the current prohibited sadistic “movie”, which has no right to exist. The current torture of humans and myriads of other living creatures is totally unjustifiable, - period, full stop, - whatever we hear to the contrary from the obscurantist religions.


The most upsetting thing is that, when it is all over, in the end, - along with an overwhelming feeling of liberation, freedom and a huge relief that all this current crime, all this current sadism was just a make-believe self-illusion – extremely realistic, lifelike hallucinations of your own make in the program trap of the screen, it will also turn out that there was no justification whatsoever for suffering, and there was absolutely no need to suffer and to view this sadistic, shit movie, - but for the criminal, idiotic curiosity to feel after interminable eternity of blissfulness: “How is it - the opposite?”, “Will I be able to do to myself all those things that I am afraid of?”, “Will I be able to endure it?”, “Will I be able to abuse and torture myself, and to take risks?”, - while being at the same time, it should be noted, in total safety, with a reliably opening parachute of nirvana in the end, - it is always the same happy end. (I clearly remember that in nothingness I myself was drawing this shit-movie - “fairytale movie“, - and that I was saying to myself: That’s enough shit, because I myself will have to feel all that.) It is not in any way a mitigation that in the sadistic “movie” there is an absolute “equity” in distribution of sadism, - as the tormentor and the victim are the same single personality, and they just swap places of perception in another “movie”. Certainly it is hard to believe that it is all that simple, primitive and senseless. While inside the program, it is hard to believe that, except for a “computer simulation”, mystification-illusion in the sphere-screen, there is no universe, - except for what you perceive as an illusion at each individual moment (always now), - and there is absolutely nothing at all whatsoever, there has never been anything whatsoever, and there will never ever be anything whatsoever.


Never to return… The same pledge every time…


I clearly remember though that I will definitely come back. Because eternity is not just a very, very long time. It is always, eternally, endlessly now, which has to be filled by something. Moreover, I even remember the gist of the further development of the story line of the serial “Mankind” after the switch-over of the program “Humanity” to paradise. When the upward movement of the pendulum reaches in paradise the point, which will be mirror opposite to our present state in the hell, there will be such a huge number of people that they will start commonly en mass switch over to even higher – subatomic – level (where space is a relative concept) in paradise, closer to the center of the Earth (“people will begin to get rid of their bodies”, as Vanga said). It should be noted that in paradise the divide between atomic and subatomic levels will ne a notional and purely technical notion, and in paradise there will be no such a massive wall as now between the positive atomic and subatomic strata of the matter. When the pendulum of the story plot reaches this top point in paradise, at the atomic level the geographic map of our floor – the outer stratum of the Earth, – after the new shift of the poles (deliberately, technologically arranged), will look like an ocean planet without continents above the sea level (“without islands”, as Vanga said, - because Vanga seemingly did not have a scholarly word “continents” in her active vocabulary), and subatomic geographic localities on the crust of the planet, marked on the map, will look like “submerged” in projection onto atomic level. (In the mirror opposite way, nowadays, before the pendulum swings to paradise, in a short while the story line will also take a nosedive into sharp deterioration, and people will start en mass “to get rid of their bodies” as a result of the massive loss of life during cataclysms; and huge territories will also disappear under water during the “flood”.) Moreover, what may presently seem totally unbelievable and incomprehensible, at this stage of the sheer bliss in paradise the pendulum of the story plot will begin to swing back. Vanga described it (from the present standpoint) as “new illnesses of the mind”, - because currently one can hardly believe that in paradise the story line will suddenly take an “incomprehensible” turn towards a deliberate mass movement of the angelic masses from the “excessive” ease of paradise to the mass desire to see the decrease of the overwhelming fairyland ease, – just for the sake of feeling at least some resistance of the program. Presently it is certainly hard to understand this future logic of the deliberate reduction of the “excessive” ease and wellness in paradise (which would probably now appear to be “unhealthy” to everybody, not only Vanga). However, by the same token nowadays many people, - just for the sake of thrills and emotional diversity, - from time to time deliberately abandon their everyday comfort and engage in sports, adventures, travel, mountaineering, and other adrenaline-pumping amusements. You can see the same logic (only the mirror opposite) in the current swing of the pendulum in the form of the mass desire and movement towards decrease of negativity and increase of the level of ease and wellness. So, before the total stop of the pendulum of the program “Mankind” at its final destination - in stillness, in nirvana, - the pendulum will swing for some time a little bit on the very borderline between positivity and negativity. It should be noted though that, from our present standpoint, this “borderline” life between hell and paradise will be totally devoid of any negativity (in our present sense of this concept). In this future “borderline” life, there will be all today’s upper gamut of positivity, plus the lower part (also purely positive) of the spectrum of paradise, which is beyond our current range of perception. It will be something like luxurious, care-free life of today’s absolutely healthy, most privileged, lucky and happy people, only a way much more better.

However, it is a topic for another story.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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