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Profit Up to 1,091% as Great Britain Deals a $6 Trillion Blow to Putin's Stranglehold Over Europe

The "Second Shale Boom"
is Paving the Way for Russia’s Collapse
and Renewed Security for Europe and
the U.S. Here’s how YOU can profit...

Dear Investor,

Is Putin shaking in his boots?

Because up until a few months ago, he held the cards in Europe.

He’d worked for 15 years to build Russia into an energy-exporting powerhouse...

Into a state that could use its energy dominance to bully other countries into submitting to the motherland’s goals.

Within months of each other, he had taken Ukraine’s Crimea, reduced gas supplies to Europe, and completely cut off Ukraine’s gas altogether.

And no one could do anything about it. Putin, and Russia, were just too powerful.

But no longer...

Europe is fighting back.

Or more specifically...

Our friends, the British, are.

You see, even though Russia has been battered by the low oil prices, it still remains the key supplier of European energy.

Its decade-long plan to be the master of Europe is still intact.

At least, it was until Britain set into motion its plan to end Russian supremacy over the continent.

How? With the "Second Shale Boom."

You see, one 3,500-square-mile tract of land in Southern England has been reported to hold up to 100 billion barrels of oil.

You read that right: 100 billion barrels.

To give you some perspective, this has the potential to be bigger than the oil reserves in countries like Russia, the United States, Qatar, Nigeria, the UAE, Libya, and China.

My estimates put this at a $6 trillion opportunity...

An opportunity you can tap with the three investment plays I’ve identified.

Of course, these figures are the "first-look" numbers. The actual result could be a bit lower... or a lot higher!

Just recently, in fact, independent company Schlumberger found that in just one area of this oil find, we could be looking at 271 million barrels per square mile.

That’s not a number to be sniffed at.

And the timing couldn’t be better...

It’s no secret that oil has taken a beating over the past 18 months.

But it's due for a turnaround.

In fact, I predict a $20 jump in oil prices by first quarter of 2016. Let me tell you why...

You see, the Saudi plan to cut U.S. production is finally beginning to work.

For the first time in nearly a decade, two out of three of America’s largest oil-producing regions are going to see production fall.

To put it bluntly, American shale companies are in survival mode — they can only afford to drill the most profitable rigs.

In fact, the Financial Times just recently reported that Shell CEO Ben van Beurden said:

"U.S. shale has been stymied by Saudi Arabia."

This is likely all the Saudis need to see before they cut supply, bringing prices back up.

Why? Because very few countries make money on oil at this price:

Qatar needs $71 per barrel. The United Arab Emirates needs $80. And the Saudis need $99 oil.

Put simply, what we’re seeing is an unprecedented platform to profit from this "Second Shale Boom."

And that’s exciting.

Just take Continental Resources, one of the companies that kick-started the American shale boom. Just $5,000 invested would have returned you $59,550. That’s a 1,091% gain.

If you booked that, congratulations.

If you didn’t, today’s your "second chance."

In this report, I’m going to reveal intel I’ve uncovered through long hours of due diligence and analysis — and also reveal three companies set to book gains as high as 1,091%.

Of course, it’s important you know that these aren’t companies already covered in the news. These are plays whose share price has yet to move on this opportunity.

I’m taking you right to the "hidden gems" of the "Second Shale Boom."

But I’ll tell you now... one of these plays is a small, Denver-based company helping to beat back the Russian bear.

In this report, you’ll be handed all you need to get very, very rich as Russia’s grip on Europe is broken.

We'll get to that shortly.

First, I want to talk about the unprecedented opportunity I see for you to make a lot of money as our ally, Great Britain, puts Russia back in her place.

Allow me to explain...

Welcome to the "Second Shale Boom"

First, let’s rewind to February 2009 — the first shale boom.

Back then, U.S. shale oil was beaten down.

Yet by 2014, oil had skyrocketed.

Companies went on five-year bull runs, and many investors booked healthy returns.

We’re talking doubles, triples, and even higher.

Like Brigham Exploration, for example...

In June 2009, my readers and I bought in at $3.43. Just one year and five months later, we sold for $23.15 — a 574.93% gain.

Enough to turn $5,000 into $33,746.50.

Why’s this good news for you? Because before the first shale boom, this company was in a very similar position to the plays I want to give you today.

I’ll give you another example, Northern Oil and Gas...

In March 2009, it sat at just $2.22.

That was the bottom for oil... just like the one we’re facing today.

As the shale boom took off, however, this play jumped to a high of $32.69 in March 2011...

A return of 1,372.52%.

Your $5,000 would’ve become $73,626 in just two years.

Today, it’s as if we’re in 2009 again. We’re looking at similar returns.

Oil has bottomed.

And smart investors are already preparing to get in on the doubles, triples, and even 10-baggers lining up.

Except this time, your returns are going to be "fast-tracked."

Why? Because the companies drilling for oil in the UK won’t be held back by the same thing we were: technology.

You see, fracking and horizontal drilling have already been perfected here in the U.S.

For this $6 trillion opportunity, it’s just a case of "plug-'n-play."

And that’s why you need to invest today.

This opportunity won’t hang around for long.

In fact, there are three more reasons this oil is going to come out of the ground very soon. I’ll get to them in a moment.

I want to make it clear, though: this is a booming opportunity.

If you missed out on the first shale boom... if you watched friends and family pick up huge gains (or, if you were in on it, know the type of windfall gains a boom like this can produce and are ready for "round two")... then now is your second chance.

Your chance to profit from a terror-stricken Russia.

Here's the Real Reason Putin is Shaking in His Boots

It’s no secret Russia is an export-led economy.

It has been for decades.

Just look at the former Soviet Union... driven "bust" because of low oil prices.

Sure, today Russia can withstand low prices. But it's all bark and no bite.

The simple truth is that according to the IMF, two-thirds of Russia's exports are from the energy sector. And that makes up about one-third of general government revenue.

Remember, the report was published when oil prices were above $100.

Now that oil has bottomed, that’s a huge chunk of money the Russian government is missing.

And that’s good for Europe and the United States.

Because Russia won’t have the cash to keep building up its military.

Suddenly, it won’t be able to keep rearming nukes, building new submarines, expanding into the Arctic, and arming Syria and Iran.

The world will become safer. And Britain is making sure of that.

So make no mistake...

A Weak Russia is Great for Everyday Americans

We’ve known since 2008 that Russia is a threat to the United States.

Back then, the Wall Street Journal reported:

"Russia’s Nuclear Threat is More Than Words."

Fast-forward to today, and the Wall Street Journal now says:

"Putin’s Nuclear Plan is Working."

Russia has been watched very closely. But not just by the mainstream media outlets.

All of Europe and North America has kept an eye on her.


Because Russia is using one little-known tactic to undermine the West and, more specifically, the United States.

You see, it's not just building up its military...

What it's doing is much more dangerous to the average American.

Putin is actively trying to kill the U.S. dollar’s "preferred status" in international trade. And ground zero for this assassination attempt is Russia’s — and the world’s — most important international market: energy.

Why? Because Putin knows that money is power.

The more countries that use America’s money to conduct international trade, the more influence America has around the world.

All throughout history, the country whose money had "preferred status" carried the most power.

Great Britain. France. Spain... All were the most influential nations during their heyday.

And it wasn’t just because they could use their military to impose use of their currency around the world.

It’s because having your money used by different countries gives you at least some control over them.

When a nation receives your money from things it sells to other countries, it has to come to you to — or your allies — to redeem that money.

And when all works well, whoever owns the "preferred" currency holds the power.

Well, Putin knows this. And because Putin isn’t the biggest fan of America, he’s using international trade agreements to try and unseat the U.S. dollar’s superior status as the "world reserve currency."

He’s waging a currency war on the U.S. — and he’s won at least some battles.

His biggest achievement to date is with China, as the Financial Times reports:

"Gazprom Neft sells oil to China in renminbi rather than dollars."

On top of that "holy grail" deal, Russia is settling trade with Egypt in their own respective currencies.

Iran is no longer using the dollar in international trade.

And "India, Thailand and Turkey" are countries Putin sees as possible partners in his de-dollarization plans, as reported by the International Business Times.

Russia is directly hurting U.S. influence in the world.

Need proof? Just look at it challenging us over the Ukraine and Syria. Look at China pushing the boundaries further and further with its claim in the South China Sea. Look at some of our strongest allies like Germany and Japan, who are joining Asian-led investment banks.

It wouldn’t have happened even five years ago.

Russia and its allies haven’t saber-rattled this much since the Cold War.

Now, this paints a pretty bleak picture. And without the "Second Shale Boom," it would be.

But the Pentagon, the Senate, and even the White House are over the moon because...

Britain is About to Deal a Deathblow to Russia

And everybody knows it.

International Business Times says:

"Fracking Boom Would Insulate Europe Against Cold War."

Britain’s Independent said:

"David Cameron pushes for fracking to lessen reliance on Russian oil."

Forbes published:

"Fracking could free Europe from Putin."

The opportunity is there to put Russia back in her cage, to protect European countries and U.S. global influence.

Now, clearly the UK has always had this oil. It just hadn’t uncovered its true potential.

Today we’re in a unique situation where three vital reasons have combined to mean NOW is the time to pump this oil out of the ground.

Three Vital and Necessary Reasons Why
This Oil is Coming Out of the Ground Now

I’m about to reveal to you the three reasons this oil is going to come out of the ground at lightning pace.

Each of the three reasons could fast track the returns you could book on this opportunity by itself. But as I’ll explain, they’re all happening right now.

So let’s get into it...

Oil Companies Are in Survival Mode

I touched on this earlier.

But you can’t underestimate its importance.

Because it’s the core reason I believe oil is going to jump $20 by first the quarter of 2016.

Right now, only the most profitable wells can be drilled. Slowly but surely, this is reducing the amount of oil on the market.

And less supply often means higher prices.

I’d expect OPEC to cut production, too.

Because right now, they’re split.

On one side of the table, you have countries like Iran and Venezuela, who are price hawks. They want the most "bang for their buck."

Then on the other side, you’ve got Saudi Arabia, who wants to keep market share.

Well, with U.S. wells shutting down and production headed for a sharp fall, the Saudis have their share.

And as very few countries are making money with oil so low, I’d expect OPEC to start ramping down production.

The most likely "sweet spot" for oil prices will end up between $70 and $90 within nine months. This is the point at which U.S. shale companies are still financially limited in what they can drill, but OPEC still makes money.

The next reason...

The British Government Wants
Fracking to Fire Up the Economy

The Conservatives just recently came out on top of the British elections, which is good news for us. Their leader, David Cameron, just recently announced...

"We're going all out for shale."

This is a clear sign the UK not only has the oil and the technology to extract it but also the political will, too.

But Cameron went even further, saying that Europe should "take a long hard look at its energy resilience, and its energy independence."

And let’s not overlook the mammoth amount of popularity the Conservatives will win by reinvigorating the British economy and creating tens of thousands of new jobs. They’re almost guaranteeing another five years of governing.

When all this is added up, it’s clear the UK is set to become a fracking powerhouse.

And the last reason...

The UK's Largest Oil Field is in Decline

The UK’s largest oil field is turning into a liability. I’m talking about the North Sea.

The oil field produces $6 billion in taxes every year, employs 450,000 people, and supplies 67% of Britain’s oil demand.

Sounds great, right?

Not quite — it's running out of oil.

Since 1999, production has been on a decline — from 2.9 million barrels per day to under 1 million.

It’s running out of time. And Britain knows there will be a crisis if taxes, jobs, or supply are lost.

To add to this, a pro-Scottish independence political party now controls the Scottish government.

With threats to hold another referendum on Scottish secession from the rest of the UK, the future of the North Sea looks turbulent.

That’s why onshore England may be more secure.

It’s a brand-new oil find, yet to be tapped on an industrial scale.

It’s in the heart of England, central to Britain, with two international airports nearby to help bring in equipment and people and with pipeline infrastructure already in place.

The quicker Britain can tap into the possible 100 billion barrels of oil, the more secure the country will be.

Now, remember...

This is Your Opportunity to Profit as
Britain Goes Head to Head with Russia

I’ve identified three stocks that are set to profit from this opportunity. You’ll find them in my report, "3 Stocks Set to Profit up to 1,091% from the Second Shale Boom."

But before I send it over to you, I want to make something clear...

There aren’t as many clear-cut profit stocks in the "Second Shale Boom." And the real opportunities don’t necessarily lie in the stocks you’d expect at first glance.

In fact, only a few companies have the expertise and processes to even be involved in this $6 trillion opportunity.

And you’ll find them in the report, "3 Stocks Set to Profit up to 1,091% from the Second Shale Boom."

I’ve spent endless hours doing due diligence and digging into this find.

I’ve looked at the estimates, what’s likely to be commercial, the viability of this project moving forward, which promised profit opportunities are legitimate (and which aren’t), and the best ways for investors to play this massively important discovery.

And I’ve distilled all this down into the report I want to give you.

Now, I want to tell you one more very important reason why this oil WILL come out of the ground...

The One Document That Virtually
Guarantees the End of Russia's European Dominance

On the 25th of February 2015, the European Commission produced a report called the "Energy Union Package."

Not many people know about it, but it detailed how the European Union plans to end external forces holding it ransom with energy.

It’s this document that is going to make all the difference.

Let me show you a couple of key parts...

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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