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Functions and Rights of the Committee

Statuteon the State Property and Privatization Committee at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Statuteon the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Financeof the Republic of Kazakhstan | General provisions | Committee’s tasks, functions, rights and obligations | Organization of the Committee’s activity |

Читайте также:
  1. A rights issue
  2. A. Corruption and violations of economic and social rights
  3. A. Protection of minority rights
  4. Anonymous functions
  5. Article 29. Rights and Responsibilities of Currency Control Authorities and Currency Control Agents
  6. B. Lack of accountability for human rights violations and rule of law institutions
  7. Balancing rights and responsibilities

General Provisions

1. The Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) is a department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan that shall fulfil realization, control and supervisory functions in state budget execution within its competence.The Committee major tasks are:organization of the Republican Budget execution;local budget servicing, as well as state institutions accounts servicing;control over the compliance of documents submitted by the budgetary programs administrators and state institutions to the Committee bodies with the effective budgetary legislation.

2. The Committee shall carry out its activity guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other normative legal acts, as well as this Statute.The Committee has territorial subdivisions.

3. The Committee is a legal entity in the organizational and legal form of a state institution. It shall have seals and stamps with its name in the state language, forms of the established sample, as well as accounts with the banks in accordance with the legislation. The Committee shall enter into civil law relations in its own name. The Treasury Committee shall have the right to act as a party in civil law relations on behalf of the State, when it is authorized to it in accordance with the legislation.

4. The Committee, in the procedure established by the legislation, shall issue orders concerning the matters within its competence that have a binding force in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. The structure and staff number limit of the Committee is approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. The Committee’s activity is financed from the Republican budgetary funds. It is prohibited to the Committee to enter into contractual relations with subjects of business as to fulfil duties being the Committee functions. Where by the legislative acts, the Committee is given the right to carry out activity giving revenue, the revenue obtained in the result of such activity shall be transferred to the Republican budget revenues.

Functions and Rights of the Committee

The Committee, in the procedure established by the legislation, shall perform:

1 ) functions for implementation of the government policy in: servicing of the State budget execution and preparation of information on the results of the Republican and local budgets execution;financing of the Republican budget expenditures in accordance with the budgetary assignments for the next financial year; effecting transference of money both in national and in foreign currency by state institutions’ orders;provision of state institutions with cash through second-tier banks and organizations having licenses for rendering of the appropriate kinds of bank services; giving information on local budgets execution to the local executive bodies and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;preparation of operative, monthly, quarterly and annual statements on the Republican budget execution;giving monthly information about expenditures incurred for the programs, subprograms and specifics to the Republican and local budgetary programs administrators, state institutions financed from the Republican and local budgets; preparation of consolidated statements on use of means received from paid services, sponsor\'s and charitable assistance, and expenses incurred from foreign currency accounts;maintenance of operation of the Treasury State Information System; effecting transference of money for repayment and servicing of state external loans and non-state external loans guaranteed by the State;carrying out an activity in granting, servicing and recovering budgetary credits and means allotted from the Republican budget in case of coming into force of the state guarantee, as well as borrowers’ means;keeping records of the government and state guaranteed liabilities and claims, and operations on withdrawal of means from the government external loan accounts;maintenance of fulfillment by borrowers of their liabilities to the Republican budget, state and state guaranteed loans of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s residents, under budgetary credits;formation of the consolidated financial plan of the Republican budget financing and conducting of the amended consolidated plan of the Republican budget financing for the current fiscal year; registration of the civil law transactions effected by state institutions at the expense of budgetary money;forecasting of the Republican budget cash flows and management of the Republican budget current balance and placing thereof on deposits with the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the purpose of receiving income; management of the local executive agencies’ temporary free money committed to trust, and allocation and return thereof with the interest incurred; distribution of state taxes and payments between the Republican and local budgets and placing thereof in the budgets of different levels; according to the financial control bodies offer, indisputable recovery (withdrawal) of money to the budget in case of illegal and untargeted use thereof by the state institutions;

2) control and supervisory functions: control over the conformity of the consolidated financial plan of administrators of budgetary programs to the individual plans of the state institutions financing;control over the conformity of sums of obligations undertaken by state institutions to the sums of authorization; control over the conformity of obligations undertaken by state institutions to the measures specified in the budgetary programs passports; examination of documents submitted by state institutions for conformity to the budgetary legislation;revision the compliance of currency transactions made by state institutions to the currency legislation; exercise preliminary and current control over the observance of the accounting legislation by state institutions;control over the correctness of giving permission for opening of state institutions’ accounts, paid services, sponsor\'s and charitable assistance accounts and a depositary account;control over the correctness of placing income derived from rendering paid services to state institutions’ accounts;monitor paid services, sponsor\'s and charitable assistance accounts spending operation;suspension of treasury payment operations in case of discrepancy between:plans of budgetary programs (subprograms) financing and a consolidated plan of financing;payments effected and the obligations undertaken;monitoring of use of budgetary funds and accounting of the state institutions expenditures;conducting and accounting of state institutions currency transactions through the Committee’s appropriate bank accounts with the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan; acceptance and examination of quarter and annual reports of the administrators of the Republican budgetary programs on implementation of budgetary funds, currency and current accounts financing plans; monitoring and management of the government and state guaranteed debt, monitoring of observance of requirements to the Republican budgetary debt, as well as monitoring and control of the local executive bodies debt; control over the observance of organizational measures while operating the Treasury Integrated Information System;control over the fulfillment of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ agents obligations to service budgetary credits.

The Committee is entitled to: get information and data required for execution of the Republican and local budgets from state institutions, and in case of untimely submission thereof to request bookkeeping reporting;have a single Treasury account and bank accounts in tenge and foreign currency;revise validity of estimates submitted by administrators of budgetary programs during formation of consolidated financial plan for the corresponding financial year and introduce amendments thereto;make proposals aimed to the observance of financial discipline, targeted and effective use of state funds;draw up a protocol on administrative infringements and submit thereof for consideration to the financial control bodies in case of disclosing violations in the state institutions’ financial reporting;issue within its competence orders on budget accounting and accounting, reporting in the budgetary system and internal audit in the Treasury bodies, keeping records and control over the execution thereof, as well as to take part in the development of draft regulatory legal acts; participate in preparation of draft international treaties, contracts and agreements;request and receive from the ministries responsible for investment projects implementation, reports on receipt (disbursement) of government external loan funds;receive from the financial agents, borrowers, state bodies all information required for budgetary credit lending under the state and state guaranteed borrowing;carry out inspection of the Committee’s bodies activities, make proposals on the improvement thereof; work out proposals on practical use of foreign treasuries experience; carry out the following banking operations in national and foreign currency solely with regard to and at the expense of general government budget funds without the right of delegation of the execution thereof to the third parties:receiving deposits, opening and keeping bank accounts of legal entities; transfer operations: carrying out legal entities’ orders on money transfer; accounting operations: discounting of bills of exchange and other debt liabilities of legal entities; lending operations: lending credits in cash;opening (issue) and confirmation of a letter of credit and performance of liabilities under it.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 58 | Нарушение авторских прав

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NOTES TO THE TEXT| Statute on the Insolvent Debtors Work Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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