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Kazakhstan obviously is in less advantageous position as rivers Ili and Irtysh for 70% are formed in China. Therefore kazakhstan considers questions of water division and control of quality of the cross-border rivers from the psoition of the international law, in particular on the basis of two conventions mentioned above. In this regard Kazakhstan seeks to solve a problem of the cross-border rivers at the high state level. In 2008, Kazakhstan suggested to include the commission on use and protection of the cross-border rivers into the structure of the mechanism of the Kazakhstan-Chinese Committee on cooperation.


The aspiration of the People's Republic of China to tighten solution of the problem of water division and protection of the cross-border rivers stimulates Kazakhstan to undertake adequate measures. In particular, Kazakhstan seriously considers possibility of implementation of the project of turn of the rivers Ak-Kaby and Kara-kaby, which consts nearly 1 bln. dollars of the USA.

Besides, Kazakhstan using mass media tries to force a problem of the cross-border rivers. For example, in the state and pro-imperious Kazakhstan mass media focus attention on possible ecological consequences from a massive dams and pollution of waters of the cross-border rivers from the Chinese party.


Nevertheless, Kazakhstan understands that it is impossible to solve a problem of use and quality control of waters of the cross-border rivers by use of forcible measures. Apparently, it is caused by the following facts.


First, according to article No. 4 "Agreements between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of People's Republic of China on cooperation in the sphere of use and protection of the cross-border rivers" Kazakhstan can't counteract plans of the People's Republic of China for expansion of an intake of water of the rivers Ili and Irtysh as it is rational approach of the Chinese party.


Secondly, it is necessary to consider dependence of Kazakhstan on many economic and trade problems from the People's Republic of China, for example, on energy cooperation. In this regard in 2007 Kazakhstan suggested China to make an exchange on a drain of the cross-border rivers, first of all Ili and Irtysh on the preferential contract on deliveries of the food. However, the People's Republic of China rejected this offer.


The chronic of negotiations on transboundary rivers, with accent to Ile-Balkhash Basin is provided below.

. Chronic of negotiation process between RK and CPR

- 1998 – 2000 three rounds of consultations of the experts on transboundary riversbetween the Republic (RK) of Kazakhstan and Chinese people Republic (CPR)


- March, 19-23, 2001 the fourth round of consultations of experts on transboundaryrivers between RK and CPR (Almaty)


- August 11-17, 2001 the fifth round of consultations on transboundary rivers betweenRK and CPR (Pekin)


- June 16- 23, 2001 the first working meeting of the working group of experts of thejoint commission on transboundary rivers between RK and CPR (Pekin)


- September 12, 2001 Agreement on partnership between the Government of RK and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on partnership in the sphere of use andprotection of transboundary rivers,


- September 12, 2001 The resolution of the Government of the RK and of the

Government of CPR in the sphere of use and protection of transboundary rivers,Regulation on Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of

transboundary rivers.


- August 28, 2002 Meeting of the joint control commission on water distribution of theriver Khorgos and agreement on distribution and use of the water of Khorgos (Kuldzha)



- October 27-31, 2003 The first meeting of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Pekin) Annex 3: The list oftransboundary riversbetween RK and CPR is considered.


- June 30, 2004 Meeting of working groups of experts of Kazakhstan-Chinese jointcommission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Urumchi).


- July 12 2004 Agreement between the representatives of Raiymbek region of Almaty oblast and representatives of the district Dzhausu, of Ile-Kazakh autonomous oblast ofCPR on the rivers Sumbe and Kayshybulak.


- October 13-19 2004 Second meeting of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in useand protection of transboundary rivers (Almaty) Annex 3 The list of transboundary riversbetween RK and CPR is considered and approved.


- March 23-25, 2005 The first meeting of the joint working group of the specialists ofCPR and RK on correction of TEM on building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on theriver Khorgos (Inin).


- May 23-28, 2005 Meeting of the working group of experts of Kazakhstan-Chinese governments.


- July 4, 2005 Agreement between MA RK and MWF on extraordinary notification ofChinese and Kazakhstan parts in case of natural disaster by spring flood and mud flow ontransboundary rivers.


- October17-23, 2005. The third meeting of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission inuse and protection of transboundary rivers (Shankhai)


- February 17, 2006 Meeting of the experts on discussion of projects, agreements between the governments of RK and CPR on transboundary rivers (Astana).


- March 1-5, 2006 The second meeting of the joint working group of specialists of the RK and CPR on correction of TEM on building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on theriver Khorgos (Almaty)


- March 6, 2006 The second meeting of the working group for preparation of the draftsof agreements between the Government of RK and CPR in the sphere of use andprotection of transboundary rivers (Astana) in the sphere of use and protection oftransboundary rivers,


- June 12, 2006 Meeting of the working group of experts of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Pekin).


- June 19-24, 2006 The third meeting of the working group of specialists of the RK andCPR on finalization of work of correction of TEM on building of the joint hydro system“Dostyk” on the river Khorgos (Inin).


- August 7-9, 2006 The fourth meeting of the joint working group of specialists of the RK and CPR on sharing of finished TEM on building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk”on the river Khorgos (Inin).


- October 16-21, 2006 The fourth meeting of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Almaty)


- November 17, 2006 the third meeting of the committee on partnership of RK andCPR (Pekin).


- December 20, 2006 Agreement between MA RK MWF of CPR about the

development of scientific-researching partnership on transboundary rivers (Pekin).


- July 2-6, 2007 Meeting of the working group of experts of the Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Astana).


- December 1-4, 2007 The fifth meeting of the Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers. (Pekin)


- July 18-21, 2008 The fifth meeting of the working group of experts of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Inin, SUAR)


- October 8-14, 2008 The sixth meeting of the Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission inuse and protection of transboundary rivers. (Almaty)


- December 24-28, 2008 The fifth meeting of the expert-designers of Kazakhstan andChina on building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on the river Khorgos.


- June 11-14, 2009 The sixth meeting of the working group of experts of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Taldykorgan).Annex 6 the main direction of technical work on water dividing on transboundary riversbetween RK and CPR.


- June 29-30, 2009 The first Kazakhstan-Chinese working meeting of the experts in thesphere of the environment. (Pekin)


- August 2009 Meeting of working group of experts between RK and CPR (Pekin).


- September 15-19, 2009 The sixth meeting of the Kazakhstan –Chinese working groupon designing of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on the river Khorgos.(Pekin)


- December 2009 Meeting of the commission on partnership between RK and CPR(Pekin).


- January 27-30, 2010 The first meeting of the Kazakhstan –Chinese working groupon building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on the river Khorgos.(Urumchi)


- May 26-28, 2010 Special meeting on the level of the deputies of the Ministers ondiscussion of the draft of the agreement between the Government of CPR and RK aboutprotection of quality of transboundary rivers.(Pekin)


- June 24-27, 2010 The second meeting of the the Kazakhstan –Chinese working groupon building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on the river Khorgos.(Urumchi)


- July 4, 2010 The seventh meeting of the working group of experts of Kazakhstan-


- Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Pekin).


- August 2-4, 2010 Working meeting on the discussion of the text of the draft of

agreement between the governments of RK and CPR on partnership in the sphere ofenvironment. (Astana)


- October 18-20, 2010 Special meeting on the level of the deputy ministers on

discussion of the draft of the agreement between the Government of CPR and RK aboutprotection of quality of transboundary rivers.(Almaty)


- November 9-13, 2010 The eights meeting of Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission inuse and protection of transboundary rivers (Karaganda).


- December 22-27, 2010 The first meeting of the working group of the experts of

Kazakhstan-Chinese joint commission in use and protection of transboundary rivers (Inin)on discussion of the program of providing of technical work on preparation to waterdividing between RK and CPR.


- January 18-20, 2011 The third meeting of the Kazakhstan –Chinese Working

Commitee on building of the joint hydro system “Dostyk” on the river Khorgos.(Inin) [7]



The first time official negotiations on a question of use of the cross-border rivers took place in 1998. Since this year, between Kazakhstan and China five rounds of negotiations on problems of management of the cross-border rivershave been. As a result, Joint working group of experts on the cross-border rivers was created.

And the first meeting of this group took place on November 6, 2000 in Almaty, where the preliminary list of 23 cross-border rivers was agreed, the plan of works on 3 stages is developed. As a result, the Agreement between the governments was signed on September 12, 2001 in Astana.

Agreement was between the governments of Kazakhstan and China concerning cooperation on use and protection of the cross-border rivers. This agreement was approved by the Resolution of the government of RK on September 10, 2002 (It should be noted that the draft of this agreement was presented in February, 1992 by Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China.) On the basis of this agreement the Kazakhstan-Chinese Joint commission on use and protection of the cross-border rivers was also created.


At the 1st meeting of the commission, in Beijing, from October 27 to October 31, 2003, questions on the development and adoption of the Provision on activity of the commission and the solution of appropriate questions on the implementation of interstate agreements "About cooperation in the sphere of use and protection of the cross-border rivers" were discussed. On all discussed questions the protocol of the Joint Commission was prepared and signed by the parties.

At the first meeting of the commission the plan of work on following 2004 year was also agreed. Subsequently it became usual procedure of work of each meeting of the commission.

The second meeting of the commission took place in October, 2004 in Almaty. Following the results of this meeting the Memorandum of the immediate notification of the parties of natural disasters on the cross-border rivers was signed. (Subsequently, on the basis of this memorandum on December 20, 2006 in Pekin the Agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture of RK and the ministry of a water management of the People's Republic of China on development of research cooperation on the cross-border rivers was signed.)


In October, 2005 in Shanghai (People's Republic of China) the third meeting of the Kazakhstan-Chinese Joint commission on use and protection of the cross-border rivers at which the order of the mutual notification of the Kazakhstan and Chinese parties by information in case of natural disasters took place at the cross-border rivers was approved. The parties exchanged hydrological and hydrochemical data on hydroposts, and also the exchange of standard state samples for water analysis on 10 ingredients and other additional samples was carried out. The comparative analysis of results of hydrological and hydrochemical supervision is carried also out. Discussion of drafts of the Agreements concerning the cross-border rivers offered by the Kazakhstan party became an essential result of negotiation process with the Chinese party. The Kazakhstan party informed the Chinese party on its readiness to develop the draft agreement on water division on the cross-border Irtysh Rivers and Ili and to send it to the Chinese party through diplomatic channels.


The fourth meeting of the commission took place in October, 2006 in Almaty. during this meeting, according to the offer of the Kazakhstan party, first of all. questions of use and protection of water resources of the cross-border rivers. taking into account mutually acceptable interests and prospects on the long future, were considered. During work of the commission technical questions of construction of the integrated Dostyk water-engineering system on the boundary river Horgos were also considered.


In June, 2006 in Beijing took place the fifth meeting of the commission with a meeting of the working groups of experts. At this meeting the question of joint construction of the Dostyk water-engineering system on the boundary river Horgos was discussed. At this meeting, interstate procedures of the construction of the project "Dostyk" water-engineering system was considered. Besides, experts of the working groups made the decision on an exchange of hydrological and hydrochemical data of boundary hydroposts of the parties on the Irtysh Rivers and Tekes. At a meeting the question of an order of the emergency mutual notice in case of natural disasters on the cross-border rivers was also considered.


The last meetings of the commission began to have more, concrete character. It started being observed since the sixth meeting of the commission. Perhaps, it became possible after visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao to Kazakhstan in the beginning of 2009. During the conversation with N. Nazarbayev, concerning water division and protection of the cross-border rivers, the leader of the People's Republic of China certified the Kazakhstan party on the need of solution of this problem.


As a result, supported by Hu Jintao, the offer of the Kazakhstan party, the sixth meeting of the commission took place on December 4, 2009 in Beijing within the Kazakhstan-Chinese Committee on cooperation. The Kazakhstan delegation at negotiations was headed by the first deputy prime minister Umirzak Shukeev. From the Chinese party there also was a representative of high level - the deputy of the premiere of the State Council - Wang Qishan.


This fact meant that Kazakhstan managed to take out a problem of use of the cross-border rivers on nation-wide level, that is to depart from especially technical aspect on what the Chinese party insisted. It is possible therefore at this meeting of the commission questions of water division and protection of the cross-border rivers for the first time were widely considered. In particular, the draft of the Concept on water division on the Irtysh Rivers and Ili, and also the draft agreement on quality control of cross-border waters and the prevention of their pollution was presented and provided to the Chinese party.


On November 13, 2010 during the 7th meeting of the Kazakhstan-Chinese Joint commission on use and protection of the cross-border rivers in Karaganda the Agreement on joint construction of the integrated Dostyk water-engineering system on the river Horgos which is inflow of the river was signed Or. (It should be noted that Kazakhstan and China in 1992-1993 signed Protocols on joint construction of the integrated water intaking water-engineering system on the river Horgos.) It is supposed that by means of this water-engineering system it will be possible to use water resources in equal volumes for both parties. This agreement became the most considerable result for all the time of work of the commission.


At the eighth meeting of the commission which took place in. Families in July, 2011, the first results of mutual surveys of hydroposts on the Irtysh River were considered. At this meeting, according to the offer of the Kazakhstan party, the question of reconstruction of the water-engineering system on the river Sumba [1] constructed on the basis of the agreement in 2008 and infringing our water interests now was also considered.


Also the comparative analysis of the hydrogeological and hydrochemical data taken on hydroposts of the Irtysh Rivers, Or and Tekes was carried out. The question of joint scientific researches of quality of waters and other problems of the cross-border rivers was raised. At a meeting technical problems of further construction of the integrated Dostyk water-engineering system were also discussed. (Construction of the water-engineering system began in April, 2011 and, according to the plan, one and a half years will proceed.)


Thus, since the seventh meeting of the commission, collaborations in technical aspects of water division on the cross-border rivers between two states began to find the concrete embodiment (the planned terms - 2011-2014). In the past, 2011, between Kazakhstan and China the agreement on the joint section of resources of the cross-border rivers Or and Irtysh by 2014 was also accepted.


For preservation and rational use of water resources and ensuring effective management of basins of the rivers of Kazakhstan, in May, 2014 the plan of measures on implementation of the state program of water resources management was approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2012 in Johannesburg at the World Summit on a sustainable development by all countries which took part in it it was decided "to develop Plans of the integrated water resources management and effective use of water by 2005". On third (2003) and the fourth the World water forums (2006) it was noted that water crises are, first of all, crises of management, inconsistency of actions of interested parties and insufficient financing that demands new approaches to their decision.

Now the integrated water resources management is the most progressive technology which is among the international priorities of decade "Water for life" (2005-2015). This process coordinates development and management of water, land and related resources, improves indicators of social and economic development without violation of stability of the vital ecosystems.

The national plan for the integrated water resources management and increase of efficiency of water use of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the fundamental document on improvement of a control system of water sector of economy of the republic and defines a complex of priority actions for creation of favorable legal conditions, formation of the organizational environment and development of instruments of water resources management in Kazakhstan.

Water is the key and at the same time limited natural component of ensuring existence of mankind and integrity of ecosystems. Now the most burning issues are the increasing deficiency of water, pollution of surface and underground water, huge excess losses of water, a problem in providing the population with clear drinking water, problems of interstate water division, threat of exhaustion of water resources owing to climate change.

Despite the reduction of a water consumption by branches of economy and the population, use of water resources remains not effective, there is an acute shortage of water, as on certain regions, and in general on the republic.

Quality of a surface water practically of all water objects doesn't conform to the established standards. The main cross-border Irtysh Rivers (China), Or (China), Syr-Darya (Uzbekistan), the Urals (Russia) are very polluted. The main source of pollution of water objects — dumpings of waters of the enterprises chemical, oil processing, mechanical engineering industry and nonferrous metallurgy. The polluted waters of the rivers on the territory of our country arrive from territories of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. It should be noted that questions of sharing of the cross-border rivers are insufficiently settled, and the level of implementation of obligations under international treaties is insufficiently high.

The actual wear of infrastructure of water management sector makes more than 60%. It demands the decision taking into account the international experience.

One of the reasons of degradation of ecosystems — imperfection of a control system of quality of water of basins of the rivers of Kazakhstan, and also system of the prevention and elimination of harmful effects of waters is imperfect.

The listed problems of water sector of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan can have the extraordinary negative economic and social consequences causing damage to environment, resource potential and health of the population: environmental disaster of the Aral Sea; low supply of the population of safe drinking water; environmental problems of oil and gas sector, in connection with possible technogenic catastrophes at oil production on the shelf of the Caspian Sea; deficiency of water and pollution of waters, salinization (desertification) of farmlands; unsatisfactory qualitative condition of the majority of water ecosystems of the republic; risks and possible damage from technogenic catastrophes in connection with physical wear of hydraulic engineering constructions.

If not to fix the reason the listed water problems, by 2015-2020 there will be real threats for development of economy, ecological stability and providing with drinking water the population of the country.In Kazakhstan there are all prerequisites for transition to the integrated water resources management, but before it is necessary to execute a big complex of institutional, legislative and information measures for ensuring development of process.

The purpose of the National plan is formation and development of system of the integrated water resources management and increase of efficiency of water use for ensuring ecological safety and a sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The objectives of the National plan will be achieved by means of the solution of the following tasks:

• improvement of the legislation in the field of water resources management;

• improvement of organizational structure, increase of potential and formation of intersector partnership in the field of use and protection of water objects;

• introduction of the IUVR ecological component and quality management of waters;

• prevention and elimination of consequences of harmful effects of waters;

• increase of efficiency of water use;

• formation of an information and analytical control system of water resources;

• development of the international cooperation and improvement of management of cross-border water objects.

2 Solution of tasks of the National plan is carried out by means of a complex of instruments of the integrated management: an assessment of water resources and need for them, development of management plans water resources at the different levels of hierarchy (interstate, republican, basin, territorial); modeling of scenarios of development of water sector; demand management and more effective use of water; resolution of conflicts, fair water division, etc.

Ecosystem approach considers interests of all water users. Prevention of floods, regulation of a drain and water-supplies, improvement of quality of surface and underground water, fixing of deposits, decrease in an erosion of soils, stabilization of river coast and coastal lines and decrease in potential of landslides, improvement of an infiltration of water, stimulation of accumulation of water in the soil, simplification of replenishment of underground waters, etc. — all this the actions necessary for ensuring health of ecosystems.

Introduction of an ecological component of the integrated management provides transition to new generations of the quality standards of waters; development of a package of measures on improvement of quality of waters in the respective pools, on optimum control of the small rivers of the Republic of Kazakhstan; coordinating of works on development of projects of establishment of the water protection zones and strips; development of suggestions for improvement of the legislation regarding strengthening of responsibility for infliction of harm to water objects. Besides, introduction of system of a payment for ecosystem services is planned; creation and development of system of monitoring of a condition of water ecosystems and quality of waters; improvement of the water legislation taking into account the principles of ecosystem approach and need for protection of water ecosystems.

For decrease in a water consumption by 33% reconstruction and full replacement of distributive channels will be made. For the purpose of increase in volume of superficial water resources reconstruction of reservoirs is planned. Tasks of water supply and water disposal will be implemented within the state program of development of regions. Cleaning and sanitation of lakes, and also regulation of the bed of the Syr-Darya River and northern part of the Aral Sea will be carried out. Updating of machine and tractor park of the water management organizations is also provided.

Source of financing of the National plan — means republican and local budgets, economic entities, users of nature, grants of the international organizations and the countries of donors, other sources which aren't forbidden by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Implementation of the National plan will provide to Kazakhstan an effective investment in water sector of investments, ecologically sustainable economic development.



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