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Watson we’d almost given up on you. Holmes(clearly a lie) I had trouble with my tie. Watson may I present miss Mary morstan.

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  7. A) Uttered Represented Speech
Mary extends her hand.

MARY I’ve heard so much about you.

Holmes leans down, takes Mary’s hand, awkwardly.

HOLMES And I... um I...

Holmes’ failed attempt at small-talk becomes not-suchpolite scrutiny. Still holding her hand, he examines Mary with a prolonged, acute gaze. Mary shifts, doesn’t know what to do. Watson clears his throat. Holmes realizes what he’s doing, releases Mary’s hand immediately

HOLMES Yes, well... I’m glad to see that you didn’t punish your student today. It never worked on me.

Mary is stunned by Holmes’ insight. Watson sighs.

WATSON Why don’t you sit.

But Holmes feels compelled to explain, not sit.

Watson told me you’re a governess.
Yes, I am.
Your student’s a boy of 8.
Charlie’s 7, actually.
Then he’s tall for his age. He flicked ink at you today.
(horrified ) Is there ink on my face?
No, your face is perfect.
There are two tiny drops on your ear. Almost invisible.
(trying to soften the blow) India blue’s nearly impossible to wash off, anyway.
Please sit down.
How do you know I didn’t punish him?
Well, because –

And then Holmes notices Watson glaring at him.

HOLMES -- perhaps I should sit down.

Holmes sits.

MARY I’d like to know. Really.

Holmes shoots Watson an apologetic look, but he’s in too deep to stop.

HOLMES Your necklace and bracelet are matched South African diamonds from Asprey’s, flawless. Not...(beat)... not the jewels of a governess. The lady you work for lent them to you. She wouldn’t’ve done so if you’d punished her son, not even if he deserved it -- human nature being what it is.

Mary is beet red with embarrassment.

WATSON(angry) Some human nature is unaccountable. In my professional opinion. MARY Well... I did ask.

Holmes and Watson sit in silence. Watson’s anger brings out the haughty worst in the detective. The awkwardness is rescued when the WAITER arrives with three menus.

WAITER Mam’selle, messieurs...

Watson and Mary read their menus together. Holmes does not. Instead, he looks at Watson and Mary deciding what to eat. They look every inch the happy couple. Holmes looks around at the room. HOLMES POV: happy couples eating, laughing, talking. Suddenly, Holmes hears no words. He just sees their mouths moving. The sound of silverware clinking and scraping on fine china rises to an orchestral roar.

WATSON(sharply) Holmes!

Holmes jerks back to reality.

WATSON (CONT’D) Would you like to order?

The waiter stands, poised. Holmes discovers that he is sweating.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав

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MARY (CONT’D) I think it’s important that I meet him. WATSON So do I. Evidently Holmes disagrees.| Vocabulary Practice.

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