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I. Read the text and answer the questions. Find out about the legislative branch of the UK as much as possible.

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The Legislative branch of the UK.

I. Learn new words and word-combinations.

Magna Carta– Велика хартія вільностей(1215 року в Англії)

to include– включати

acceptance– прийняття

flexible– гнучкий

on occasion of– у випадку

significance– важливість, значність

to require– вимагати

to scrutinize– ретельно перевіряти (документи)

a universal suffrage–загальне виборче право

duration– тривалість

to give permission– давати дозвіл

to ascend the throne– сходити на трон

to recognize– визнавати

to annex– приєднувати

to cede– віддавати, уступати (територію)

the Privy Council– Таємна Рада

dispatch– офіційне повідомлення

impartiality– неупередженість

hereditary - спадкоємний

to succeed - успадковувати

to preside - головувати

Lord Chancellor - Лорд-канцлер (глава судового відомства та верховний суддя Англії, глава Палати лордів)

peer - пер, лорд

constituency – виборчий округ

appeal – апеляційна скарга

general election – загальні вибори

civil servant – цивільний службовець

spiritual - духовний

bishop - єпископ

temporal – світські (члени Палати лордів)

I. Read the text and answer the questions. Find out about the legislative branch of the UK as much as possible.

1. What is the Government?

2. What kind of country is the UK?

3. What doesa constitutional monarchy mean?

4. What body is legal authority given to?

5. What body is executive authority given to?

6. What can you tell about the Constitution of the UK?


What is the Government? The Government is the management of the country. The Government makes the important decisions, e. g. about foreign policy, education, or health, but all these decisions have to be approved by Parliament. If Parliament thinks that a particular Government policy is against the public interest, then it can force the Government to change its mind.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It has either a king or a queen – as its Head of State, but the power of the monarch is limited by the country’s constitution. In practice the monarch reigns but doesn’t rule. The legal authority (the passing of acts) is given to Parliament, and executive authority (the carrying out of laws) to the government. All real power lies with Parliament and the existing government.

The British form of government, that of a “Constitutional Monarchy”, might seem a puzzling notion to many on discovering that Britain does not actually have a written constitution. The Constitution of the United Kingdom is not one document, as are the constitutions of many other countries. Much of it is not ever in writing and so the country is often said to have an unwritten constitution.

Some of the written parts of the Constitution come from laws passed by Parliament. Some written parts come from such old documents as Magna Carta, which limited the king’s power. Other written parts come from common law, a body of laws based on people’s customs and beliefs, and supported in the courts.

The unwritten parts of the Constitution include many important ideas and practices that the people have developed over the years. They include the Cabinet system of government and the relationship between the Cabinet and the monarch. The Constitution can be changed at any time by an act of Parliament or by the people’s acceptance of a new idea or practice. The Constitution is thus very flexible and adapts readily to changing political conditions and ideas.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 55 | Нарушение авторских прав

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