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Read the texts.

Прочитайте текст 4D. | A Family of Scientists | Read the words aloud. See the way they are used in speech. | Поставьте сказуемое главного предложения в Past Inde-finite и произведите соответствующие изменения в придаточных предложениях. | Read the text and think of the role a chance plays in inventing. | Pairwork. Students and teachers from the USA visit the institute where our friends study. One of the students, William, speaks to Michael. | B) read the text and find out if you were right or not. | A) time your reading. It is good if you can read it for four minutes (80 words per minute). | Read the text to find answers to the given questions. | Read the text. |

Читайте также:
  1. Below are collocations frequently used in family contexts. Match them with their meanings on the right.
  2. Read the texts, translate. Make 5 types of questions to the texts.
  3. Skim the texts below and think up a title for each of them. Write down the titles in the blanks before the texts.
  4. Study the following terms and then translate the texts.
  5. Task. 9. Find the answers to these questions in the following texts.
  6. These are some helpful word-combination in addition to the glossary that you will translate, memorize, and use while discussing the texts.

Text 5I

Reading for advanced students

While reading the text "Some Discoveries of the 19th Century", find the answers to these questions.

1 What principle was Thomson's device based on? 2 What is a strong narrow beam of electrons? 3 What conclusion did Thomson come to after performing outstanding experiments? 4 What rays are now called electrons? 5 What was developed by Bohr? 6 What did Bohr propose? 7 What charge is now called a proton? 8 What is its charge equal to? 9 What is hydrogen's atomic number? 10 What was a great achievement of Bohr and his colleagues?



J. J. Thomson designed some apparatus which was the forerunner of our modern day electron guns which are found in television receivers and which are used as an electronic tool in experimental physics. His device was based on the principle of accelerating electrons originating at a cathode and, while under the influence of the high voltage, they produce a narrow beam. This narrow beam then passed through an electric field and a magnetic field that deflected the beam in proportion to their strength, striking on a fluorescent screen. A strong narrow beam of "electrons is a useful tool in physics and is the heart of the television-receiver.

(forerunner – предвестник; guns – пушки; tool – инструмент, орудие; deflected – отклоняли; striking on a fluorescent screen – падая на флюоресцирующий экран).

Thomson performed outstanding experiments and came to the conclusion that the cathode rays were particles contained within the atom and that these particles were ejected from the atoms of the cathode during the discharge. These cathode rays are now called electrons.

(were ejected – были выброшены; discharge – разрядка)

Rutherford's experiments, his ideas and conclusions were the beginning of the atomic structure picture developed by Bohr a few years later. Bohr proposed that the, positive charge of each atom is equal to the atomic number of the atom. One positive charge is now called a proton and its charge is equal to that of one electron. On this basis, hydrogen has one positive charge (one proton) since its atomic number is one, and one negative charge (one electron) since in its natural state the atom is neutral. The introduction of the quantum idea into the structure of the atom with its far reaching consequences, was a truly great achievement of Bohr and his colleagues.

(far reaching consequences – большие последствия; truly – поистине)


In the closing year of the nineteenth century an absent-minded professor of Physics in Cambridge discovered the electron. He was Joseph John Thomson, born in Manchester, first a student and then a lecturer in mathematics at Trinity College, and in 1884 was appointed Professor of Physics when he was only twenty-eight years old. However little his thoughts may have been concerned with everyday matters they were occupied to very good purpose in exploring the mysterious phenomena associated with the conduction of electricity through gases.

(in exploring – в исследовании; was appointed – был назначен)

"I was led to investigations on this subject," he wrote, "by having come to the conclusion that whenever a gas conducts electricity some of its molecules have been split up and that it is molecules which have been thus modified which impart electrical conductivity to the gas… It was until 1897 that I discovered that the decomposition of the molecules was of quite a different type from ordinary atomic dissociation; then I found that one of the bodies into which the molecules split up, the one carrying the negative charge, is something totally different from an atom and is indeed smaller in mass than one thousandth part of the smallest atom known."

(have been split up – были расщеплены; have been modified – были видоизменены)

This characteristic statement illustrates the clarity and originality of Thomson's thinking and the extraordinary insight into the invisible world of atoms which enabled him to identify and measure the incredibly small electron, and to inspire his pupils and colleagues to discover the structure of the atom. It would be naive to imagine that the discover of the electron would have been long delayed if Thomson had been less brilliant. The time was ripe for it and in the main centres of physical research of the nineteenth century world other scientists were making experiments. His great achievement was the peak of physical science in the nineteenth century and the source of its main stream in the twentieth. Thomson was a remarkable men who saw further than most of his colleagues but not even he could have foreseen the profound effect his discovery was to have on the lives of the people in the twentieth century.

(the clarity – ясность; insight – проникновение; incredibly – невероятно; would be long delayed – было бы отложено надолго; was ripe – созрело)

The discovery of the electron, and the investigations into its nature which followed, led to a revolution in physical science. The application of the new knowledge in applied science and above all in the applied science of electronics, led to a revolution in technology which dominates our time and will determine our future.

Before the discovery of the electron our knowledge of the nature of matter had advanced little beyond the conjectures of the Ancient Greeks. There was very strong evidence that all substances were made up of a limited variety of different kinds of 'ultimate' particles called atoms.

The word 'atom' means 'uncuttable' and it was generally accepted that if it were possible to cut up a piece of, say, pure gold into smaller and smaller bits, the process would end with a large number of very small, identical, gold atoms which could be cut no further.

A great deal was known about the properties of substances like gold, copper and iron, yet no one could explain the differences between gold, copper and iron atoms. The efforts of the alchemists, for example, to change iron, copper or tin into gold simply underlined their ignorance of atomic structure.

Today one can break up atoms into smaller bits and change some kinds of atoms, into other kinds because we know something of how atoms are 'made. Modern atomic theory began with Thomson's discoveries in the Cavendish Laboratory and caused a revolution in physics which in turn transformed the whole of science.

(conjectures – предположения; ultimate – зд. элементарный; uncuttable – неделимый; underlined them ignorance – подчеркивали их незнание)

The searchlight which Thomson threw on the hidden world of the atom paved the way for many exciting new discoveries at the Cavendish laboratory and by physicists all over the world. The' outstanding achievements alone included: the discovery of the atomic nucleus and the proton by Rutherford, Thomson's young collaborator from New Zealand who was to outshine even the illustrious 'J. J.'; the discovery of the neutron by one of Rutherford's young men, James Chadwick; and the invention of. the particle accelerator by two others, Cockcroft and Walton. Discoveries such as these inspired the great mathematical physicists of the early twentieth century who were then formulating their revolu-tionary theories. Planck's Quantum Theory, Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Bohr's model of the atom, were all concerned to account for the observed behaviour of electrons, protons and other fundamental particles of the Universe.

(the searchlight– зд. луч света; hidden – скрытый)

The revolution in pure science rapidly bore fruit in many fields of applied science and technology, especially in the applied science of electronics.

The vacuum techniques developed for the study of free electrons led directly to the radio valve, and the Crooke's tube which aroused Thomson's interest in cathode rays was the father of the television receiver.

The new electronics combined with the older techniques of the telegraph and telephone produced a revolution ill communications.

If the discovery of electron had led only to radio and television it would still represent a decisive factor in the shaping of our civilization – but it led to still more discoveries of Russian and foreign scientists.

(bore fruit – принесла плоды; aroused – вызвала; decisive – решающий)

Electronics produced radar. It led to nucleonics and hence to the exploitation of the immense store of energy locked in the atom. It gave birth to the electronic computer.

By the middle of the twentieth century a rapidly expanding world-wide electronics industry was pouring out millions of parts of radio and television receivers and instruments for every branch of science and technology – instruments capable, of unprecedented speed and sensitivity.

Electronic devices give immense extension to our senses. One can now examine structures too small to be visible in even the most powerful optical microscope and receive signals from radio stars which started their long journey through space ages before there was any life on our planet.

Electronics combined with rocketry has enabled scientists to take close-up pictures of the moon and made it possible for men to land on it.

Electronics applied to medicine has already produced significant advances in diagnosis and treatment.

(treatment – лечение)

In industry, electronics plays the leading role in automation which is generating a second industrial revolution of wider social significance than the first.

In the home electronically controlled appliances will replace domestic drudgery and in the office electronic data processing machines will replace mental drudgery.

(drudgery – тяжёлая, нудная работа)

The increased leisure which will result in the electronic revolution will create problems for society but it will also enrich and extend human culture and provide opportunity for the enjoyment of the vastly increased facilities for social and cultural interchanges which electronics will make possible.

(leisure – досуг)


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 119 | Нарушение авторских прав

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