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American Economy

Читайте также:
  2. American English
  3. Aмeрикaнский ( American breakfast, AB ), включaющий сoки, свeжиe фрукты, сaлaты, выпeчку, мясныe и рыбныe зaкуски.
  4. Be ready to characterise the economy of the United Kingdom (up to 15 sentences).
  5. Belarus Economy

Look through the list of English words and their Russian equivalents before reading the text:

1.to extract (v) извлекать
2. gross domestic product (n) валовой внутренний продукт
3. to contribute (v) делать вклад, способствовать
4. natural resources (n) природные богатства
5. to involve (v) включать в себя
6. manufacturing (n) производство
7. to account (v) считать
8.primary (a) первичный


The United States ranks first in the world in the total value of its economic production. The nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) amounts to over $7 trillion. The United States economy is based largely on a free enterprise system. In such a system, individuals and companies are free to make their own economic decisions. Individuals and companies own the raw materials, equipment, factories and other items necessary for production, and they decide how best to use them in order to earn a profit.

The US economy consists of three main sectors: the primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary economic activities are those directly extracting goods from the natural environment, including agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining. The primary sector contributes about 3 percent of annual GDP.

Agriculture accounts for 2 percent of the US gross domestic product and employs 3 percent of the nation’s workers. Yet, the United States is a world leader in agriculture production. The country’s farms turn out as much food as the nation needs, with enough left over to export food to other countries. About a third of the world’s food exports come from U.S. farms.

Beef cattle rank as the most valuable product of American farms. Other leading farm products include milk, soybeans, chickens and eggs, hogs, wheat, cotton. United States farms also produce large amounts of hay, tobacco, turkeys, oranges, tomatoes and apples.

A variety of natural resources provide the raw materials that support the economy of the United States. The most valuable resources are minerals, soils, water, forests and fish.

The United States has large deposits of coal, iron ore, natural gas, petroleum, which are vital to the country’s industrial strength. Its many other important minerals include copper, gold, phosphates, silver and zinc.

Secondary economic activities involve processing or combining materials into new products, and include manufacturing and construction. They account for 22 percent of the gross domestic product and employ 20 percent of workers. The leading categories of U.S. products are chemicals, transportation equipment, food products, non-electrical machinery, electrical machinery and equipment, printed materials, scientific and medical instruments, fabricated metal products, paper products, rubber and plastic products, and primary goods.

Construction accounts for 4 percent of the US GDP and provides jobs for 4 percent of the work force. This industry employs such workers as architects, engineers, contractors, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, roofers, ironworkers and plasterers.

The tertiary sector includes the commercial services that help industry produce and distribute goods to the final consumers, as well as activities such as education, health care, leisure, tourism and so on.


Ex.1. Match the English words with the appropriate Russian equivalents:

1. secondary a) нефть
2. soybeans b) индейка
3. wheat c) железная руда
4. iron ore d) цинк
5. deposit e) соевые бобы
6. turkey f) пшеница
7. zinc g) вторичный
8. petroleum h) залежь


Ex.2.Give English equivalents from the text:

Валовой внутренний продукт, сырьё, окружающая среда, медь, третичный сектор экономики, строительство, переработка материалов, сантехник, сено, каменщик, химикалии, серебро, природные богатства, продукты питания, лесоводство, хлопок, жизненный, здравоохранение, оборудование, заработать прибыль.

Ex3. Say whether these statements are right or false:

1. The United States ranks second in the world in the total value of its economic production.

2. The United States economy is based largely on a free enterprise system.

3. The US economy consists of three main sectors: the primary, secondary and tertiary.

4. The primary sector contributes about 5 percent of annual GDP.

5. About a third of the world’s food exports come from Russian farms.

6. United States farms also produce large amounts of hay, tobacco, turkeys, oranges, tomatoes and apples.

7. The United States has large deposits of coal, iron ore, natural gas, petroleum, which are vital to the country’s industrial strength.

8. Secondary economic activities involve processing or combining materials into new products, and include manufacturing and construction.

9. Construction accounts for 7 percent of the US GDP and provides jobs for 8 percent of the work force.

10. This industry employs such workers as architects, engineers, contractors, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, roofers, ironworkers and plasterers.

Ex.4. Answer the questions:

1. What system is the United States economy based on?

2. What is a free enterprise system?

3. What sectors does the U.S. economy consist of?

4. What do primary economic activities include?

5. What do the United States farms produce?

6. Does the country have enough natural resources to support the economy?

7. What do secondary economic activities involve?

8. What does the tertiary sector of economy include?

Ex.5.Complete the sentences:

1. The United States ranks first in the world….

2. The United States economy is based largely ….

3. In such a system, individuals and companies are free….

4. The US economy consists of three main sectors:…

5. Primary economic activities are those directly extracting goods from the natural environment, including….

6. Yet, the United States is a world….

7. The most valuable resources are….

8. Secondary economic activities involve….

9. The leading categories of U.S. products are….

10.The tertiary sector includes….


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