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Recent developments of tourism

Читайте также:
  1. Always, never, already, just, recently, lately, this week, this year, today, this morning, so far, up to now, for ages, yet, the last week
  2. E) Imagine you are telling the class about your recent trip to London.
  3. Le poids économique et social du tourisme (session 2010).
  4. Le tourisme, secteur clé de l'économie française.
  6. ВТО (Всемирная Туристская Организация, WTO – World Tourism Organization).


1. The economies of scale which made foreign travel possible for so many people also broadened the travel horizon. As technologi­cal developments in the airline business produced bigger and fast­er aeroplanes, it also had the effect of shrinking distances in terms of journey times. Today, a 400-passenger aeroplane can fly non­stop from London to Johannesburg in 11 hours; or from London to Bangkok in 14 hours. Long-haul holiday destinations are now re­alistic in relation to journey times and attractive in terms of price as air fares are, relatively, much cheaper than they were 15 years ago. Long-haul holiday travel is becoming a growing sector in inter­national tourism demand.

2. The rapid growth of international tourism is reflected in the growth in membership of the WTO, which in 1995 had 125 coun­try members and 250 affiliate members. The growth of tourism on an international scale has brought with it problems particularly related to its impact on societies -and the natural environment. The uncritical acceptance of the benefits of tourism prevalent in the 1970s began to give way to a more balanced approach to the role of tourism in development, particularly related to its noneconomic impacts. Tourism plan­ners began to include socioeconomic and environmental factors in their work; concerns about overdevelopment of coastal regions in Spain, poor resort planning in Pattaya, Thailand, and sex tour­ism in Bangkok and Manila were all issues that were seen as neg­ative features. By the 1990s economic advantages were no long­er the only criteria to support the development of tourism; increasingly, development is linked to the concept of sustain-ability.

3. Sustainable tourism can be defined as "a process which al­lows development to take place without degrading or depleting the resources which made the development possible." Sustain-ability in tourism as a concept is often referred to as "ecotour-ism", "green tourism", or "responsible tourism". Whatever its description it is seen as a means of recognizing that the Earth has finite resources and in tourism as in other sectors, there are limits to development, particularly in site-specific locations.

4. Current concerns are to be found in tourist usage of game parks in Kenya, deterioration of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and damage caused by irresponsible trekking in mountain areas of Nepal. The interdependence between tourism, culture, and the environment has become a critical consideration in the for­mulation of tourism policies. Sustainability applies not only to small-scale tourism projects; it is equally, if not more important in areas where there is high-volume tourism, as in the Mediter­ranean basin countries where environmental pollution is of major concern.


2. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What made foreign travel possible for many people?

2. What is the definition of the term “sustainable tourism”?


3. Заполните пропуски соответствующей активной или пассивной формой глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. London …… (founded, was founded) by the Romans in 43 A.D.

2. Most travel agencies …… (offered, are offered) businessmen going to a

conference, exhibition or negotiations.

3. The various sights of Prague …… (explore, are explored) by tourists.

4. The contract …… (signed, was signed) yesterday.


4. Переведите предложения на русский язык обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты.

1. Family and friends often get together to discuss where they want to travel or vacation next.

2. There is no reason to believe that tourism will decline as an international activity in the future.

3.Tourism planners began to include socioeconomic and environmental factors in their work.

4. Nick ordered some water to be poured.

5. The delegation is reported to have arrived in Geneva.


5. Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The waiter to serve you will be here in a moment.

2. What you need is to dial the extension number.

3. You seem to dial the wrong number.

4. Our bellboy noticed you to take a towel out of the room.

5. Our hotel is known to make all your wishes come true.


6. Употребите глагол-сказуемое в прошедшем времени, используя эквиваленты модальных глаголов:

1. Our business trip may include meetings, visits to enterprises and professional exhibitions.

2. You must give me your address in London

3. This travel agency can solve all our problems.


7. Заполните пропуски соответствующим модальным глаголом и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You (may/ should) come and see Leaning Tower of Pisa next time.

2. I (has to/ am to) leave for Moscow on Monday.

3. She (will be able to/ could) return tomorrow.


8. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями some, any, no.

1. Can you give me (some/ any) magazines?

2. There are (no/ some) other agencies in our city.

3. We have (no/ any) money to finance his business trip.


9. Составьте диалог из приведенных ниже предложений.

1. -Would you like anything for dessert?


-And could I have the bill, please.

-Let me have it. I'llpay.

- Yes, you are right. I'm sorry, sir. I'll change the total.

-Nothing for me, thanks.

-I'll have a white coffee, please, and a piece of cheesecake.

-Do you accept credit cards? Visa?

- Certainly, sir. Just a moment. Here you are.

-Oh, no, no, Tom, it's my treat. Oh, there is a mistake here. Excuse me, the bill is wrong. We didn't order two bottles of wine. We only had one.

-Just a black coffee for me, please. What about you two?

-Definitely, sir. Thank you very much.


10. Вставьте в текст подходящие по смыслу слова из приведенного ниже списка. Переведите текст.


Restaurants can be differentiated based on five…………variables: food & wine list, service,…………, ambience, location..

Depending on the............, some of these variables are more …………than others. These days, the Internet offers great …………as some restaurants offer would-be patrons (and competitors) the opportunity to peruse the …………online. Specialty sites even offer …………lists of restaurants classified by genre and …………

The trouble is that you are rarely …………to the Internet when you must choose a place …………Word of mouth has always been instrumental in the …………of a restaurant, but this won't help when you're travelling. So what should you………… for in a restaurant?


Important, extensive, to look, main, to dine, resources, success, occasion, menu, region, to connect, price.



1. Прочтите текст и переведите в письменной форме абзацы 1, 3, 4.


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