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Fedoskino school differs from three other schools of lacquer miniature in many ways. First of all, Fedoskino craftsmen use oil paints and besides that the image itself is largely realistic in composition and details. Fedoskino school is also very famous for the big number of different techniques that are used there, e.g.:


1. Using of mother-of-pearl (an artist cover the whole surface (or a part of it) with the piece of the mother-of-pearl and then lacquers it and paint the image over it. When the image is done he scrapes the paint in particular places where it is need with a special tool called a “wolf fang” to have an effect) – пример ‘Боярский пир’

2. Using of gold leaf / potal (a special foil which consists of 5% gold) (the same technique as the previous one with the use of a “wolf fang”) – пример ‘Боярский пир’

3. Scottish cross (an artist cover the surface of a box with a number of points in a special order and then he paint the multicolor lines with a ruler and a triangle and as a result we can see a geometrical ornament which has something in common with a Scottish cross) – пример ‘Церковь’

4. Candle technique (according to the tradition, an artist kept the box above the flame of a candle for some time and as a result the surface of the box was covered with some darker spots that were a little similar to the leopard ones) - нет

5. Marble technique / dipping (an artist dip the box in the turpentine solution for some time and as a result we can see that the surface of the box changes and becomes similar to the surface of a marble stone) – пример ‘Ангелы’

6. Wrapping (according to the tradition, an artist cover the whole surface of the box with tree-leaves and as a result the surface of the box is covered with some irregular lines which are similar to the fibers of the tree-leaves) – пример ‘Жених / Сватовство’

7. Glazing technique (лессировка) (an artist during the process of painting cover the image on its different stages with several thin layers of lacquer or transparent or semi-transparent paints that makes the image deeper and more dimensional) - все

8. Using of a sea-shell (an artist uses a sea-shell as a top of the box and then cover it with a painting or sometimes he uses it as both the top and a bottom of the box (шкатулка ‘Веснушка’ – ‘Freckle’))

9. Diverging pattern / Zirovka (an artist uses silver or gold wire to create a pattern on the bottom or the top of the box; when he place the wire in a special way he wants he press it in the surface of a box and then cover it with lacquer (шкатулка ‘Птицы’))

10. Using of velvet (an artist as a tribute to the tradition can sometimes use velvet inside the box (nowadays red paint inside just imitate velvet which was used in the past) – пример ‘Портрет’ + в кубе есть еще три шкатулки


The main themes that are used in Fedoskino school of lacquer miniature are portraits, landscapes, city views and architecture, animals, replicas of famous paintings, fairy tales, etc.


Шкатулки, которые надо знать – минимум:


- Жених / Сватовство, автор – Богатырева, 272 тыс. (Groom / Marriage Proposal)

- Боярский пир, Черных, 252 тыс. (Noblemen feast)

- Пиковая дама, Зотов, 250 тыс. (Queen of Spades)

- Золушка, Зотов, 210 тыс. (Cinderella)

- Пират, Зотов, 79 тыс. (Pirate)

- Церковь, Михилов, 149 тыс. (Church)

- Жар-птица, Говорун, 184 тыс. (Fire-bird)

- Портрет, Голубенков, 168 тыс. (Portrait)

- Птицы, Даньщин, 168 тыс. (Birds)

- Петропавловская крепость, Данченко, 102 тыс. (the Peter-and-Paul Fortress)


+ неплохо знать еще какие-нибудь шкатулки из куба и прилежащих полок, типа Ворожеи, Одуванчиков, Счастливой поры, Рио, Цирка, Неравного брака и т.п.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав

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