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Variant 24

Читайте также:
  1. Choose the correct variant in Passive:They have changed the date of our meeting
  2. II. a) Choose the best translation of each English sentence below (or give your own variant) and reason oat your choice;
  3. II. Choose two or three paragraphs from the text of Unit Five for translation. Reason your choice and discuss possible variants of the translation.
  4. Read this description of a job and choose the right variant: I study at the university. Student
  5. Variant 1
  6. Variant 10
  7. Variant 11

1. Calculate the determinants

а) b) c)

2. Solve the given system of linear equations using a) Cramer’s Rule; b) matrix method; c) Gauss’ method. Compare the results:

3. Calculate the value of the expression А -13(А+В)-ВА with given matrix A and B: А= , В= .

4. Given the vertices of a triangular A(2;-1;2),B(3;-2;2),C(2;2;-5). Find the projections of the following vectors on the coordinate axes and the angle В.

5. Calculate the area of the parallelogram formed on the following vectors

а =(2;4;-4), b =(4;-3;2)

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