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Rector of National Aviation University

Читайте также:
  1. Aviation Security equipment
  3. Contracts in international business transactions
  4. English as a world language and an International aviation language
  6. General aviation quiz.
  7. Here are 10 aviation terms and definitions to them. Try to match the terms with their definitions, memorize them.

Kulyk Mykola Serhiyovich is Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, HonouredScienceand Technology Worker of Ukraine, State Prize Laureate of Ukraine.

He was born on the13th January, 1952 in Gel`myaziv village of Zolotonosha District in Cherkassy Region. In 1970 he entered Kyiv Civil Aviation Engineers Institute, after graduation he worked as Junior, Senior, Leading, and Chief Scientist at the Scientific-Research Department of the Institute.

In 1983 he entered Kyiv Civil Aviation Engineers Institute‘s graduate school. He started studies for getting the PhD in 1990. Future Rector defended his thesis in 1993. After that he worked as Professor, headed Aviation Engines’ Department.

From 1999 to 2007 - he occupied the position of Provost.

From 2007 to 2008 - he was an acting Rector.

In 2008 he was elected as a Rector of National Aviation University.

The area of his scientific interests lays in the sphere of aviation engines. Professor Kulyk has published more than 200 scientific researches; this list includes monographs and textbooks.


Exercise 11. Explain the meanings of the following terms in English:

· Bologna Convention · priorities
· student exchange · thesis
make a contribution · advanced technologies
· profound knowledge · campus
· equal opportunities · flight safety


Exercise 12. These are the key words connected with the topic discussed in the Unit 1. Match these words with the appropriate definitions.

scientist subjects included in a course of study or taught at a particular school, college, university.
graduate scientific study and use of mechanical arts and applied sciences for example engineering.
achievement expert in one or more of the natural or physical sciences.
curriculum thing done successfully, with effort and skill.
research careful study or investigation in order to discover new facts or information.
knowledge person who holds a degree from a university.
technology understanding; all that a person knows.

Exercise13. Study National Aviation University’s leadership and fill in the table.

Position Responsibility Full Name
Scientific and Research Issues Provost      
Educational Issues Provost      
Correspondence Courses and Distance Learning Issues Provost      
Administrative and Economic Issues Provost      

Exercise 14. Read and translate the text.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

The constitution of ICAO is the Convention on International Civil Aviation, drawn up by a conference in Chicago in November and December 1944, and to which each ICAO Contracting State is a party. According to the terms of the Convention, the Organization is made up of an Assembly, a Council of limited membership with various subordinate bodies and a Secretariat. The chief officers are the President of the Council and the Secretary General.

The Assembly, composed of representatives from all Contracting States, is the sovereign body of ICAO. It meets every three years, reviewing in detail the work of the Organization and setting policy for the coming years.

The Council, the governing body which is elected by the Assembly for a three-year term, is composed of 36 States. The Assembly chooses the Council Member States under three headings: States of chief importance in air transport, States which make the largest contribution to the provision of facilities for air navigation, and States whose designation will ensure that all major areas of the world are represented. As the governing body, the Council gives continuing directions to the work of ICAO. The Council is assisted by the Air Navigation Commission (technical matters), the Air Transport Committee (economic matters), the Committee on Joint Support of Air Navigation Services and the Finance Committee.

The Secretariat, headed by a Secretary General, is divided into five main divisions: the Air Navigation Bureau, the Air Transport Bureau, the Technical Co-operation Bureau, the Legal Bureau, and the Bureau of Administration and Services.

ICAO works in close co-operation with other members of the United Nations family such as the World Meteorological Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the Universal Postal Union, the World Health Organization and the International Maritime Organization. Non-governmental organizations which also participate in ICAO's work include the International Air Transport Association, the Airports Council International, the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations, and the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations.



Exercise 15. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the structure of ICAO?

2. How often do the Contracting States meet?

3. What is the governing body of ICAO?

4. What is the Assembly responsible for?

5. Whom is Council assisted by?

6. Name all International Organizations which you know.


Exercise 16. Read and translate the text.

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