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Exercise 1. Study the figures for software piracy in different regions of the world. Piracy rate is percentage of total software installed.

Region Piracy rate Loss
Western Europe 34% $ 362 million
Eastern Europe 70% $ 505 million
North America 26% $ 358 million
Asia/Pacific 47% $ 279 million
Middle East 63% $ 284 million
Africa 56% $ 193 million

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. In Western Europe and North America, the piracy rates are lower, but the losses are higher. Why do you think this is so?

2. How do you think piracy affects the growth of the legitimate software market?

3. How easy do you think it is to prosecute for piracy?

Exercise 3. Discuss your ideas, try to use the following phrases:

I (really don't) think that we should... In my opinion...

I’m not so sure about I (don't) agree with your point

That's an interesting idea,... I suppose we should...

The advantage of... The problem with... You have to remember that...

Exercise 4. Look through this abstract and express your view point.

Cryptography has become so powerful that messages scrambled with so-called strong cryptography are virtually indecipherable. Like many powerful technologies, this is a double-edged sword. Encryption can keep email and financial transactions over the Internet secure and private, but law enforcement officials worry that criminals and terrorists could use the same tools to conceal incriminating evidence and violent plots. This Point/Counterpoint Sidebar provides an excerpt from a statement by Louis J. Freeh, director of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), arguing before a congressional committee for government regulation, and a contrasting viewpoint from cryptographer Ronald L. Rivest.

Exercise 5. Choose the topic you want to speak about.

1. Freeware anti-virus software and shareware one.

2. Anti-virus software can protect your computer from any viruses or threats.

3. Threats and benefits of Internet.

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