What's the use of importing an expensive machine if it can't work in the conditions of our winter? Êàêîé ñìûñë âîçèòü äîðîãóþ ìàøèíó, åñëè îíà íå ñìîæåò ðàáîòàòü â óñëîâèÿõ íàøåé çèìû?
D No, quite. Well, it's all clear, I think. There's the question of the price, there's the delivery date, and there's the technical difficulty. But I expect it'll all sort itself out. Äà, êîíå÷íî. ß äóìàþ, ýòî ïîíÿòíî. Îñòàåòñÿ âîïðîñ öåíû, ñðîê ïîñòàâêè è òåõíè÷åñêàÿ ïðîáëåìà. Íî ÿ äóìàþ, ÷òî âñå ýòè ïðîáëåìû áóäóò ðåøåíû.
R. I'd like to discuss one of the points of our future contract - the terms of delivery. ß áû õîòåë îáñóäèòü îäèí èç âîïðîñîâ íàøåãî áóäóùåãî äîãîâîðà: óñëîâèÿ ïîñòàâêè.
J. What terms of delivery do you suggest? Êàêèå âû ïðåäëàãàåòå óñëîâèÿ?
R. We can deliver part of the equipment by air and part of it by railway. Ìû ìîæåì ïîñòàâèòü ÷àñòü îáîðóäîâàíèÿ ñàìîëåòîì, à ÷àñòü - ïî æåëåçíîé äîðîãå.
J. It'll suit us better if you deliver the goods by railway only. Íàñ áîëüøå óñòðîèò, åñëè âû ïîñòàâèòå òîâàð òîëüêî æåëåçíîé äîðîãîé.
R. Unfortunately we can't do that, as part of the equipment is not fit for transportation by railway. Ê ñîæàëåíèþ, ìû íå ñìîæåì ýòîãî ñäåëàòü, òàê êàê ÷àñòü îáîðóäîâàíèÿ íå ìîæåò áûòü òðàíñïîðòèðîâàíà ïî æåëåçíîé äîðîãå.
J. I think, you are right. Please, don't forget to inform us in advance about the date of shipment and the number of the invoice by cable or telex. Ïîæàëóé, âû ïðàâû. Íå çàáóäüòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ñîîáùèòü íàì çàðàíåå äàòó îòãðóçêè è íîìåð íàêëàäíîé ïî òåëåãðàôó èëè òåëåòàéïó.
And now let's discuss the time of delivery. When could you deliver the equipment? Òåïåðü äàâàéòå îáñóäèì ñðîêè ïîñòàâêè. Êîãäà âû ìîãëè áû ïîñòàâèòü íàì îáîðóäîâàíèå?
R. We could deliver two sets of the equipment in the third quarter of 1994 and two sets in the third quarter of 1995. Ìû ìîãëè áû ïîñòàâèòü äâà êîìïëåêòà îáîðóäîâàíèÿ â òðåòüåì êâàðòàëå 1994 ã. è äâà êîìïëåêòà â òðåòüåì êâàðòàëå 1995 ãîäà.
J. We'd like to get the equipment in the second quarter. Ìû õîòåëè áû ïîëó÷èòü îáîðóäîâàíèå âî 2-îì êâàðòàëå.
R. We'll try to find a decision acceptable for both sides, but we'll have to contact the manufacturing plant. Ìû ïîñòàðàåìñÿ íàéòè ðåøåíèå, ïðèåìëåìîå äëÿ îáåèõ ñòîðîí. Íî íàì ïðèéäåòñÿ ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ çàâîäîì-èçãîòîâèòåëåì.
J. All right. We can wait. And can there be a delay in delivery? I mean in transit during transhipments? Õîðîøî. Ìû ìîæåì ïîäîæäàòü. À ìîæåò áûòü çàäåðæêà âî âðåìÿ äîñòàâêè? ß èìåþ â âèäó ïðè òðàíñïîðòèðîâêå, íàïðèìåð, íà ïóíêòàõ ïåðåâàëêè ãðóçà?
R. It's hard to foresee that now. Anyway we'll do everything we can to deliver the goods on time. Ñåé÷àñ òðóäíî ýòî ïðåäóãàäàòü.  ëþáîì ñëó÷àå ìû ñäåëàåì âñå âîçìîæíîå, ÷òîáû äîñòàâèòü òîâàð âîâðåìÿ.
We are well aware of the fact that there are penalties, and we'll have to pay the penalty if the delivery is overdue. Ìû ïðåêðàñíî ïîíèìàåì, ÷òî ñóùåñòâóþò øòðàôû, è, åñëè ïîñòàâêà áóäåò çàäåðæàíà íàì ïðèéäåòñÿ ïëàòèòü øòðàô.
J. Let's hope that we'll get the goods in time. Áóäåì íàäåÿòüñÿ, ÷òî ìû ïîëó÷èì òîâàð âîâðåìÿ.
D. You've got the agenda, haven't you? Ó âàñ åñòü ïîâåñòêà äíÿ, íå òàê ëè?
d. Yes, I have. Today we are to discuss the price for the goods, the date of delivery, transportation and insurance. Äà. Ñåãîäíÿ íàì ïðåäñòîèò îáñóäèòü öåíó òîâàðà, äàòó ïîñòàâêè, òðàíñïîðòèðîâêó è ñòðàõîâàíèå.
D. I've talked to the sales manager about the price and he's willing to allow a good-will discount of 8.5% ß ðàçãîâàðèâàë íàñ÷åò öåíû ñ çàâåäóþùèì ôèíàíñîâûì îòäåëîì, è îí ãîòîâ ïðåäîñòàâèòü âàì â êà÷åñòâå ëþáåçíîñòè ñêèäêó â 8,5%.
d. So, the price will be $18000. Çíà÷èò öåíà ñîñòàâèò 18000 äîëëàðîâ.
D. Yes. the next point is the question of the delivery date. I'm afraid we'll have to insist on June the 30th. Äà. Ñëåäóþùèé âîïðîñ - ýòî ñðîê ïîñòàâêè. Áîþñü, íàì ïðèéäåòñÿ íàñòàèâàòü íà 30 èþíÿ.
d. As a matter of fact we are pressed for time. Very much depends on the installation of the engine. So it's very important that we should get it before the 30th. Äåëî â òîì, ÷òî ó íàñ îãðàíè÷åíû ñðîêè, è ìíîãîå çàâèñèò îò óñòàíîâêè äâèãàòåëÿ. Ïîýòîìó äëÿ íàñ î÷åíü âàæíî ïîëó÷èòü åãî äî 30-ãî.
D. Yes, but let me explain the position. We had a little strike trouble, not long ago, and so there's a back-log of orders to complete. We're working at full capacity at present, but... Äà, íî ïîçâîëüòå ìíå îáúÿñíèòü ñèòóàöèþ. Ó íàñ íåäàâíî âîçíèêëè íåáîëüøèå ïðîáëåìû, ñâÿçàííûå ñ çàáàñòîâêîé. Ïîýòîìó ñåé÷àñ íàêîïèëîñü ìíîãî çàêàçîâ.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ ìû ðàáîòàåì íà ïîëíóþ ìîùíîñòü, íî...
d. The date of delivery must be the 30th of June at the latest. Äàòà ïîñòàâêè äîëæíà áûòü íå ïîçäíåå 30 èþíÿ.
D. I think we can compromise on that. Can we make June the 24 the official shipment date? ß äóìàþ, ìû ñìîæåì ïðèéòè ê òàêîìó êîìïðîìèññó. Ìû ìîæåì îôèöèàëüíî íàçíà÷èòü äàòó îòãðóçêè íà 24 èþíÿ?
d. Then we must firmly fix the 24th of June as the final shipment date.  òàêîì ñëó÷àå ìû äîëæíû òâåðäî äîãîâîðèòüñÿ î òîì, ÷òî 24 èþíÿ áóäåò êðàéíèì ñðîêîì îòãðóçêè òîâàðà.
D. Fair enough. But we'll do our best to meet an earlier date. Now what about transport and things like that? Ñîâåðøåííî ñïðàâåäëèâî. Íî ìû ñäåëàåì âñå âîçìîæíîå, ÷òîáû îòãðóçèòü òîâàð ðàíüøå. Êàê îáñòîÿò äåëà ñ òðàíñïîðòèðîâêîé è ñâÿçàííûìè ñ ýòèì âîïðîñàìè?
d. The engine will be taken to the port in a lorry and then it'll be delivered to Russia by a vessel belonging to Willson Shipping Company. Äâèãàòåëü áóäåò äîñòàâëåí â ïîðò ãðóçîâûì àâòîìîáèëåì, à çàòåì áóäåò îòïðàâëåí â Ðîññèþ ñóäíîì ïàðîõîäíîé êîìïàíèè Óèëñîí.
D. And what about insurance? Êàê îáñòîÿò äåëà ñî ñòðàõîâàíèåì?
d. I have already met the insurance brokers. ß óæå âñòðåòèëñÿ ñî ñòðàõîâûìè áðîêåðàìè.
D. As we said before, all insurance costs will be met by us. Êàê ìû óæå ãîâîðèëè, ñòîèìîñòü ñòðàõîâàíèÿ ìû áåðåì íà ñåáÿ.
d. Yes. Now all the problems are settled. We'll contact you in case of emergency. Äà, òåïåðü âñå âîïðîñû óëàæåíû. Ìû ñâÿæåìñÿ ñ âàìè â ñëó÷àå âîçíèêíîâåíèÿ íåïðåäâèäåííûõ ïðîáëåì
Дата добавления: 2015-11-05; просмотров: 324 | Нарушение авторских прав
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