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Рекомендовано Мшютерством освгги i науки Укра'ши якпщручник (лист№ 14/18.2-1716 вщ 16.07.04) 15 страница

6. What international languages are the most important?

7. What three languages would you advise people to learn?

8. How is any foreign language best learnt?

3. Transcribe the following word combinations and sentences, read them aloud paying attention to pronunciation.

Precisely, eclectic, alternative, stimulus, widespread, millennia, serendipity, Celtic, Mandarin Chinese, Germanic syllable, enormous growth, possessive, flexibility, nuances, in the middle of the desert, a tasty dessert, I wonder, to wander off, invariably, pharmaceutics.

4. Transcribe the following sentences, mark the stresses and tunes. Read the sentences aloud.

1. English is the only real contender for global language. 2. How is any foreign language best learnt? 3. Are you from Ukraine? 4. Chance would be a fine thing. 5. Is it difficult or easy to learn English? 6. What three languages would you advise people to learn?

5. Listen to the recording of the text "English as a Global Language". Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise the text for test reading.

Text: English as a Global Language

England may only have a population today of about 48 million, but English is clearly the only contender for global language in the world and by far, the most widespread. Some of the reason is a combination of timing and serendipity. Many countries have built and lost empires over the past couple of millennia, but those that travelled widely to colonise 'new' continents have spread their language most effectively. The population of the relatively small country of Portugal is vastly outnumbered by the total speakers of Portuguese due the use of that language in South America. Much of the same may be said about Spain and the Spanish language.

Today, roughly half a billion people speak English as their first or equal first language. India with a population of almost a billion and 1600 native languages and dialects uses English as a unifying national language. The Chinese have reputedly over 300 million people studying English, more than the population of the USA, and there are very few areas in the world where an English speaker may not be found. Indeed, 44 countries have English as an official language.

Of the six languages used by the UN as "International", English is the one most commonly used in an international' context and the majority of traditionally published work, whether popular or academic, is in English. Although very difficult to estimate, it is thought that over 80 % of the material on the Internet is in English.

China currently has a population of over 1.2 billion, and so by sheer force of numbers, the 50 or so languages spoken by that nation, with Mandarin as the common unifying national language, Chinese is the most spoken language group on this planet. But speaking Chinese on six of the seven continents of this planet is unlikely to bring much success.

Success in the long term depends not only on quantity but also quality. Having established itself, it is extremely unlikely that English could ever be challenged due to its ability to grow and change to meet circumstances.

English has a curious ability to develop and evolve due to its eclectic history and nature. Its roots of predominantly classical Latin, ancient Greek, Germanic and Celtic have been transformed through highly complex rules (or non-rules!) into a modern language with extraordinary abilities. A Greek suffix may have a Latin prefix with a Germanic syllable in the middle to form a word that has obvious meaning to English speakers. This means that the language has almost unique flexibility and a huge vocabulary enabling often extremely complex ideas to be expressed very precisely.

This ability also means that new words may be often easily created in English for technical and scientific purposes, in medicine, pharmaceutics, computing, physics and so on. The basic vocabulary of English is about 615,000 words. French uses a basic vocabulary of 100,000 words and German 187,000. Many complex or new words in Ukrainian have invariably been derived from English although sometimes through other languages. Attempts to introduce Ukrainian alternatives, such as "електронно-обчислювальна машина" for "computer" have not led to widespread use, even though that term uses 'elektron' from Greek and 'machine' from Latin, for example.

Learning English as a foreign language is generally easier than learning most other languages, despite the frequently apparent lack of simple formal structure and clear rules. In English there are only two cases (the common and the possessive) while in Ukrainian there are seven. English has only ever one form of an adjective (other than the almost never-used blond/blonde) while Ukrainian has over a dozen. Its alphabet relies less on very complex throat and mouth sounds represented by long consonant clusters as in Arabic, and very fine tonal nuances of pronunciation as in Chinese.

Whereas it is impossible to ever conclude which language is the "best", it may be not too difficult to argue the case that English is the most powerful in both ability and usage. The enormous growth of the Internet and the desire of people around the world to reach information published, in English primarily, has now given a further stimulus to the spread of the global language, English.

$ Notes

1. A global language - свпова мова, an official language - офщшна мова, a unifying national language - едина нацюнальна мова, an international language - м1жнародна мова, мова м1жнародного спшкування, language roots - MOBHi кореш, the UN language department - вщдш переклад!в ООН, language shift - мовш змши, тобто змши в граматищ, лексичних значениях та вжитку айв, яю вщбуваються в MOBi протягом часу.

2. Contender - претендент, кандидат. Пор1вняйте вживання англшських ошв "contender" i "candidate", яю не е повними синошмами в англшськш MOBi. Volodymyr Klichko was a contender for the WBO and WBC titles. The candidates for President appeared in a debate.

3. Serendipity - штуУтивна прозорливють.

4. Millennium - тисячолптя. 1менник мае дв1 форми множини: сучасна - millenniums та застарша - millennia.

5. То estimate - визначати юльюсть, оцшювати, вважати. Пор1вняйте: Не estimated that Prime Minister would arrive in about five minutes. An estimated 70 000 people took part.

6. By sheer force of numbers - виключно за рахунок чисельностг

7. То challenge - кидати виклик, оспорювати, претендувати на щось.

8. Due to - завдяки чомусь, через щось. Due to the ability - завдяки здатностг Due to the circumstances - з певних обставин. Michael hated mathematics at school, mainly due to the teacher.

9. Vocabulary - словник, словниковий запас або склад мови, термшолопя. Huge vocabulary - дуже великий словниковий запас.

10. To derive - визначати походження, простежувати виникнення, походити, брати початок. Derivative - похщне слово, дериват, однокоршне слово. Derivation-походження, виникнення. Derived-похщний, вторинний.

11. То give a further stimulus - дати додатковий поштовх.

12. То argue the case - обстоювати якесь положения, точку зору.

Dialogue 1 Travelling among the football crazy

Katya: Brilliant! Here we are in the middle of the desert and we've hardly a cupful of petrol left.

Mykyta: We're on a major trade route and we should have come to a filling station ages ago, according to what the man at the rental agency said.

K: You're really sure that we haven't wandered off the road or taken the wrong turn?

M: There's only this one road in a thousand square kilometres, anyway, look! There are a couple of Arabs. Hey!

Anwar: English, eh?

K: No, Ukrainian, but we speak English.

Osama: David Beckham, yes?

M: A very good player but we have Shevchenko.

A: Ah, Milan. You are from Italy?

K: Kyiv in fact, but where can we get some petrol?

O: Ryan Giggs, yes? He still plays in Manchester.

M: Yes, but we need to fill our tank.

A: Zidane, over the next dune.

K: Am I crazy or what? No, look. There's a billboard to the south. It's advertising Texaco.

M: I see it. It's Zidane endorsing petrol, that where the filling station must be.

К: I wish it was Shevchenko endorsing 'Rohan'. I'd love a long cold beer now.

Dialogue 2 Doing homework

Ira: I've got to write an essay on Mykola Kulish and I really don't want to have to go down to the library.

Andriy: Why? Use your dad's PC and you'll get masses more from the Internet.

I: On a Ukrainian poet? I've never seen a translation of his work into English and so how am I going to find critical reviews? I thought most of the Web was in English.

A: It's true the majority is, but there are loads of Ukrainian language sites now.

I: Well, maybe, but I don't like using English-language search engines and trying to fathom the results in English.

A: You don't need to. I always use Google and there's a 'Google Ukraine' interface now, actually in Ukrainian.

I: And that'll give me results in Ukrainian?

A: And in English and maybe in Russian if there are any Russian sites on Kulish.

I: Chance would be a fine thing.

$ Notes

1. Brilliant! Вжито в ipoHiHiioMy значенш, в даному контекст! перекладаеться як "Жахливо!" У буквальному значенш "Чудово!"

2. Filling station - заправна станщя, бензоколонка, синошм - petrol station (брит.). В американському BapiaHTi вживаеться словосполучення "gas station". То fill a tank - залити бак.

3. То endorse - рекламувати. Вживаеться стосовно знаменитос­тей, яю особисто рекламують певний товар. То advertise - розмщувати рекламу, рекламувати. It was important to find a famous personality to endorse the product during the advertising campaign.

4. I wish it was... У сучаснш англшськш Moei здебшьшого вживаеться "was" замють граматично правильного "were".

5. Masses of something - велика кшьюсть чогось. Синошм - loads of something.

6. Chance would be a fine thing. Стале словосполучення, яке можна перекласти "Добре, якщо нам пощастить".

7. То fathom the results. З'ясувати результата, збагнути.

8. There are a couple of Arabs. В розмовнш англшськш MOBi можливе вживання д1еслова у множиш з "a couple of', коли мова йде про жив1 icTOTH, а не предмета.

Subject Vocabulary

Language, dialect, to be alive, to be in use, programming languages, artificial language, mother tongue, openness of vocabulary, machine translation, inflection, free admission of words, derivative, cluster

to borrow, to give a stimulus, to outnumber, to meet circumstances, to wander off, to wonder, to be forced, to simplify, to fathom, to endorse, to argue the case, to derive, to estimate, to fill a tank

approximately, simplicity, vital, essential, obvious, doubt, in the original, incredibly, a practical purpose (aim, goal, target, objective), total nuances, predominantly, flexibility, invariably, reputedly, unique, pharmaceutics, computing, widespread, cupful of something, rental agency, billboard, essay, critical review, contender, millennium

1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is English the only realistic contender for global language? 2. How many people in the world speak English as their first language? 3. Why is English used as a unifying national language in India? 4. How many countries have English as an official language? 5. What are the major international languages? 6. Why is Chinese the most spoken language on the planet? 7. What are the roots of modern English? 8. What is meant by the unique flexibility and huge vocabulary of English? 9. What is the number of basic words in English (Ukrainian, French, German)? 10. Why have so many new words migrated from English into Ukrainian? Give examples of such borrowings.

11. Is it difficult or easy to learn English? Express your opinion and prove it.

12. How many cases are there in English and Ukrainian? Compare the two languages and give examples. 13. Why is English the most powerful language in both ability and usage? 14. What factors have given a further stimulus to the spread of English as a global language?

2. Insert articles or pronouns where appropriate.

1. Today roughly half... billion people speak... English as... first language. 2.... Chinese have reputedly over 300 million people studying... English, more than... population of... USA. 3.... Mandarin is... common unifying national language in China. 4.... Success in... long term depends not only on... quantity but also... quality. 5.... English word may have... Greek suffix with... Latin prefix and... Germanic syllable in... middle. 6.... new words may often be easily created in... English for... technical and scientific purposes. 7. Learning... English as... foreign language is

generally easier than... most other languages. 8___ English is... most powerful

in both... ability and... usage.

3. Insert prepositions wherever necessary.

1. England may have a population today.......... 48 million, but English is

clearly the only contender... global language... the world. 2. The population... the relatively small country... Portugal is vastly outnumbered... the total speakers... Portuguese due to the use... that language... South America. 3.... the six languages used... the UN as "International", English is the one most commonly used... an international context. 4. Although very difficult to estimate, it is thought that... 80%... the material... the internet is... English.

5. China currently has a population............. 1.2 billion, and so... sheer force...

numbers, Chinese is the most spoken language... the planet. 6. Many complex or new words... Ukrainian have invariably been derived... English although sometimes... other languages. 7. Its alphabet relies less... very complex throat and mouth sounds, represented... long consonant clusters as... Arabic. 8. The enormous growth... the internet and the desire... people... the world to reach information published... English has given a further stimulus to the spread... English. 9. Speaking Chinese... six... the seven continents... this planet is unlikely to bring much success.

4. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian and use them in the sentences of your own.

A global language, a unifying national language, a relatively small country, to be outnumbered by, estimate, by sheer force of numbers, the most spoken language, to meet circumstances, ancient languages, a huge vocabulary, unique flexibility, to be derived from, possessive case, consonant clusters, tonal nuances, to give a further stimulus, derivatives, serendipity.

5. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following proverbs, sayings and quotations. Explain in English the meaning of each saying and express your own opinion.

1. Learn a new language - learn a new world.

2. The more languages you know, the more you grow as a human being.

3. Language is fossil poetry.

4. Language is the dress of thought. (S. Johnson)

5. There is no such thing as an ugly language. Today I hear every language as if it were the only one, and when I hear of one that is dying, it overwhelms me as though it were the death of the Earth.

6.1 speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my horse. (Charles V, King of Spain)

6. Work in pairs to discuss the following phrases and to decide whether they are true or false.

1. English was already an important world language four hundred years ago. 2. It is mainly due to the United States that English has become a world language. 3. One person out of seven in the world speaks perfect English. 4. There are few inflections in modern English. 5. In English, many verbs can be used as nouns. 6. English has borrowed words from many other languages.7. In the future, all other languages will probably die out.

7. Read the article on English as a world language. Compare the information to your answers to exercise 6. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Today, when English is one of the major languages in the world, it requires an effort of the imagination to realize that this is a relatively recent thing - that in Shakespeare's time, for example, only a few million people spoke English, that there was no standardised English and the language was thought to be unimportant by the other nations of Europe, and was unknown to the rest of the world.

English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the continents of the world. This export of the English language began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America, India, Australia and Africa. Above all, it is the great population growth in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which has given the English language its present standing in the world.

People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learned it as their native language; those who have learned it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual; and those who are forced to use it for a practical purpose - administrative, professional or educational. One person in seven of the world's entire population belongs to one of these three groups. Incredibly enough, 75% of the world's mail and 60% of the world's telephone calls are in English.

***8. Fill each gap with one suitable word only from the following list: since, human, make, use, are, mistakes, involved, accuracy, back, more, so, ever, improving, part, replaced. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Computer translation

Once upon a time, according to a much-told story, a computer was set the task of translating 'traffic jam' into French and back into English. The machine buzzed, clicked, blinked its lights and eventually came up with 'car- flavoured marmalade'. Machine translation has come a long way... then. Computer translation systems are now in... in many parts of the world. Not surprisingly, the EU is very... with so many official languages, translating and interpreting take up... than fifty per cent of the Union's administrative budget. But although the efficiency of machine translation is... rapidly, there is no question of... translators being made redundant. On the contrary, people and machines work together in harmony. Today's computers... of little value in translating literary works, where subtlety is vital, or the spoken word, which tends to be ungrammatical, or important texts, where absolute... is essential. But for routine technical reports, working papers and the like, which take up... much of the translation workload of international organizations, computers are likely to play an increasing... The method of operation will probably be for the machine to... a rough version, which the translator will then edit, correcting obvious... and where necessary referring... to the original. If machines can translate languages, could they... teach languages? Yes, say enthusiasts, although they doubt that the teacher could ever be totally... by a machine in the classroom. Perhaps humans are not yet redundant.

9. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Сьогодш англшська мова e безперечно единим претендентом на св1тову мову. 2. Mi-жнародш мови, що використовуються Оргашзащею Об'еднаних Нацш - це англшська, французька, юпанська, росшська, арабська та китайська. 3. В 1ндп, де функцюнуе 1600 р1зних мов та д1алект1в, англшська (мова) використовуеться як ушфжована нащональна мова. 4. Хоча це дуже важко визначити, вважаеться, що приблизно 80 % шформацй в 1нтернет1 подаеться англшською мовою. 5. Китайська мова вважаеться найбшьш поширеною мовою на планет^ оскшьки зараз населения Китая нараховуе 1,2 мшьярди людей. 6. Для англшсько!' мови притаманш таю риси, як: ушкальна гнучюсть, великий словниковий запас та вщкритють словника для нових запозичень. 7. Словниковий склад англшсько!' мови ншйчуе 615000 агпв. 8. Велика кшьюсть складних та нових сл!в постшно запозичуеться з англшсько"! мови до украшсько'!. 9. Вивчення англшсько'! як шоземно! мови легше, шж вивчення шших шоземних мов. 10. Немае сумшву, що англшська мова е найбшьш впливовою та розповсюдженою завдяки Г! широкому використашпо у всьому свт. 11. Англшською мовою як рщною розмовляють у Великш Британп, Сполучених Штатах Америки, Канада Австралй, Новш Зеландп.

12. Hcmi слова, утвореш в англшськш MOBi для використання в галуз1 медицини, науки, TexHiKH, осв1ти, нових шформащйних технологш, часто запозичаються в шип мови. 13. У 44 кршнах англшська мова вико­ристовуеться як офщшна. 14. В англшськш MOBi вживаеться 2 вщмшки: загальний та присвшний.

10. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

]. Who (knock) on the door? 2. It (rain), better take your umbrella. 3. Don't interrupt me, please, I (work). 4. Hurry downstairs, your sister (wait) for you. 5. What you (think) of right now? 6. Let's have some tea. It (get) cold. 7. Keep the noise down. We (listen) to music. 8. "What Tom (do) now?" "He (play) the oboe." 9. It's a lovely day. The sun (shine) brightly. 10. What you (look) at? 11. We (drink) coffee every morning. 12. What this word (mean)?

13. At this moment we (do) an exercise on the Present Simple. 14. You (know) that boy over there? 15. "What you (do), Tom?" "I (draw)" "Let me see what you (draw)" 16. You (see) anything? 17.1 (not remember)... his name exactly. 18. Granddad (be) by himself in the kitchen. Gran (do) the housework. 19.1 (hope) you (know) where he (live). 20. "You (read) dear?" "Yes." "What (be) the book about?" "Don't talk to him while he (read)." 21. You (eat) too much, which is why you (get) so fat. 22. How long it (take) you to get to the institute, usually? 23. You (like) what you (do) now? 24. "It (snow) now?" "Yes, it (snow) very hard. You shouldn't go out yet." 25. "How Peter (get) on in the Navy?" "Very well. He (seem) to like the life."

11. Complete the conversation with verbs in the Present Continuous. Use each of the verbs in the following list once only: invite, stay, come, hold, make, get, book, give, travel, deliver. Read the dialogue to the end before you do the exercise.

Lewis: Can you keep a secret?

Sophie: Yes, of course. What is it?

L; I (a)... a surprise party for Emily next Saturday. It's her thirtieth birthday.

S: A surprise party! That'll be difficult to arrange without her knowing. Who... you (b)...?

L: Everybody. All our friends, her friends from work, all her family, even her two aunts from Scotland. They (c)... down by train on Friday evening and they (d)... overnight in that small B&B at the end of our road.

S: What about the food and drink? Where (e)... you... that from?

L: It's all arranged. Luigi's restaurant (f)... all kinds of food and drink on Saturday afternoon, and their chef (g)... even... a special birthday cake with pink icing and sugar flowers.

S: Excellent! And what (h)... you... Emily for her birthday? Have you got her a good present?

L: Oh yes! I (i)... a very special holiday. A weekend for two in Paris! We (j)... by Eurostar, through the Channel Tunnel!

S: That's a great idea. I can see that you are going to enjoy her birthday, too! Do I get an invite?

L: Of course. But keep it a secret!

12. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I'm exhausted! I (work) all day, and I (not finish) yet. 2. I (visit) many countries over the past few years. 3. Someone (take) my books. I (look) for them for ages, but I still (not find) them yet. 4. I (shop) all morning, but I (not buy) anything. 5. That's one of the best books I ever (read). 6. 'You're filthy! What you (do)?' 'I (work) on the rockery.' 7. The streets are all wet. It (rain). 8. I (listen) to you ages, but I'm afraid I (not understand) a single word. 9. 'What's the matter?' 'I (read) for too long, and now I've got a headache.' 10. I (try) to lose weight for ages. I (lose) ten pounds so far. 11. 'Why is your hair wet?' 'I (swim).' 12. 'Why the phone (engage)'? 'I (use) the Internet'.

13. Open the brackets using the verbs in one of the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous tenses:

1. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books. 2. What you (to do) here since morning? 3. Lena is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today she (to help) her mother since morning. They already (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furniture. Now they (to cook) dinner together. 4. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 5. What they (to do) now? - They (to work) in the reading room. They (to work) there for already three hours. 6. Where he (to be) now? - He (to be) in the garden. He (to play) volleyball with his friends. They (to play) since breakfast time. 7. I (to live) in Manchester. I (to live) in Manchester since 1998. 8. This is the factory where my father (to work). He (to work) here for fifteen years. 9. You (to find) your notebook? - No! I still (to look) for it. I already (to look) for it for two hours, but (not yet to find) it. 10. You (to play) with a ball for already three hours. Go home and do your homework. 11. Wake up! You (to sleep) for ten hours already. 12. I (to wait) for a letter from my cousin for a month already, but (not yet to receive) it. 13. She already (to do) her homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it. 14.1 (to wait) for you since two o'clock. 15. What you (to do)? -1 (to read). I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages. 16. It is difficult for me to speak about this opera as I (not to hear) it. 17.1 just (to receive) a letter from my granny, but I (not yet to receive) any letters from my parents. 18. The weather (to be) fine today. The sun (to shine) ever since we got up. 19. Every day I (to wind) up my watch at 10 o'clock in the evening. 20. Come along, Kylie, what you (to do) now? I (to wait) for you a long time. 21. Where your gloves (to be)? -1 (to put) them into my pocket.

14. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

1. Didier is French. He... (come) from Toulouse. 2. Derek's good at golf, but he... (not/play) very often. 3. It's very noisy - Suzy... (listen) to rock music. 4. You look good, Anne.... you... (wear) a new dress? 5. While I... (walk) past the cemetery, I... (see) something scary. 6. When... you... (meet) each other? 7. He... (not/work) at the computer when I... (come) to visit him. 8. She... (have) a headache since yesterday. 9.1... (not/know) her very long. lO.They... (build) this house five years ago. 11. I got up late yesterday morning when he... (arrive). 12. She couldn't go on holiday because she... (not complete) her thesis yet. 13. She... (not study) hard last term, but she... (work) hard this term. 14. What... you... (do) since lunchtime? 15. How long... she... (write) this essay? 16.How many pages... you.. (read) so far? 17. If the food... (be) good, we... (come) here again. 18. If he (not pay), he...(get into) trouble. 19. I'm very busy. But if I... (have) more free time, I... (not waste) it. I... (learn) another language. 20. If I... (be) you, I... (take) scratched CD back to the shop.

15. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, Past Simple or Continuous, or Present Perfect. Sometimes there are two possible options.

Benjamin and Barbara Golightly (live) in a village called Henfield. They only (live) there for a few weeks. They (move in) on 28th August when they (to have delivered) the furniture to their new house. They (not make) many friends yet, but they (expect) that they soon will. The neighbours (be) very kind so far, and Mr. Golightly (invite) some of them to a housewarming he (hold) next week. His friends from Brighton and Worthing (come) to the party.The Golightlys (live) in Crawley, not far away, before they (come) to Henfield. Barbara especially (not like) living so near to Gatwick airport. While Benjamin (visit) some friends in Brighton last year, he (meet) a company director who (offer) him a job. Barbara (not want) to live in Brighton itself, as whenever they (visit) the seaside resort, the tourists were so numerous and so they (decide) to enjoy living in the country.

16. Delete the two incorrect options.

1. Many teachers say to/say that/tell their students should learn a foreign language. 2. Learning a second language is not the same like/as/that learning a first language. 3. It takes long time/long/a long time to learn any language. 4. It is said that Chinese is perhaps the world's more hard/hardest/ harder language to master. 5. English is quite difficult because of all the exceptions what/which/who have to be learnt. 6. You can learn the basic structures of a language quite quickly, but only if you are wanting/are willing to/will to make the effort. 7. A lot of people aren't used to the study/to study/to studying grammar in their own language. 8. Many adult students of English wish they would have started/had started/would start their language studies when younger. 9. In some countries students have to spend a lot of time working by their own/on their own/in their own. 10. There aren't no/any/some miraculous ways to learn a foreign language instantly. 11. Some people try to improve their English by hearing/ by listening/by listening to the B.B.C. World Service. 12. Live/Living/Life with a foreign family can be a good way to learn a language. 13. It's no use to try/trying/in trying to learn a language just by studying a dictionary. 14. Many students of English would rather not to/would rather not/ would rather prefer not take tests. 15. Some people think it's time we all learn/should learn/learnt a single international language. 16. Darren Gough is a teacher at a comprehensive school in Cardiff. He joins/joined/has joined the school staff in 1998 and worked/has been working/works there ever since. 18. Before moving/to move/move to Cardiff, he taught in England and Ireland, and before that he has been/was/was being an undergraduate at Manchester University. 19. So far he wasn't/isn't/hasn't been in Wales for as long as he was in Ireland but he likes the country a lot and could/should/ would like to stay there for many more years.

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