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Рекомендовано Мшютерством освгги i науки Укра'ши якпщручник (лист№ 14/18.2-1716 вщ 16.07.04) 13 страница

16. То tackle somebody. Поставите питания i роз1братися з кимсь або чимось.

17. То be bushed. Розмовна фраза, яка означае "бути дуже стомленим".

18. To get underway. Походить з морськоУ термшологи, означае "почати щось робити".

19. То be bound to do something. Обов'язково зробити щось. "It is bound to mean" перекладаеться "це обов'язково означатиме".

20. То keep doing something. Продовжувати щось робити.

21. То afford to do something. Мати достатньо грошей, сил, часу


Subject vocabulary

То settle into a city, to find one's way around, to get accustomed, to benefit from something, to honour someone's name, to take full use of something, to take a look; to treat somebody to something, to take out for a meal, to take one's bearings, a shared apartment, gap year, to tackle something/ somebody, a monument to somebody, a statue of somebody;

spacious, airy, newly restored, splendour, stained glass windows, parquet floor, banister;

to set a curriculum, academic year, a hall of residence, lecture, reference section, lending section, language laboratory, a lecture room, a session, to have classes in the second session, a course, a university canteen, a fellow student, to record.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the filming taking place? 2. Who is the chosen "victim"?

3. Oxana is an Arts student. What other main (subject) divisions are there?

4. Is the idea of a 'gap year' common in Ukraine? (see exercise 23 for more information on this subject) 5. How would you spend a gap year in Kyiv? 6. Where do most first year students live? 7. Would you prefer to attend the first (morning) session of lectures or the second (afternoon) session? Why? 8. What are the most usual forms of transport from student lodgings to their places of study? 9. How much is the Internet now used to find material to support academic study?

2. Insert the correct prepositions and articles in the spaces, but only wherever necessary:

1. Oxana has smoothed... her dress, checked... her hair and taken... deep breath. 2. The students stood right... front of... Yellow Building in...

blazing sunshine. 3. Ihor is... first year student.................. National University in

■ ■ • Kyiv. 4. Have you settled down.......... capital city after you have arrived?

5. She can never find her way................ University and is always late. 6. I can

not get used... having... classes in... second session. 7. Do you know anything... the curriculum set... us for... coming academic year? 8. Not all

... students live............... hall of residence. Only those from... other towns or

cities. 9.1 believe myself lucky to have this tremendous opportunity to get...

education.............. best university in... country. 10. I'm a student...............................

Department... Western Linguistics, specifically... the sub-department... translation. 11.... Red Building built... 1834 is opposite... statue... Taras Shevchenko... the park and the University itself is... monument to Shevchenko. 12. Sorry, can't talk to you any longer, as right now, I'm... my

way........... seminar... Ukrainian literature. 13. Come and take... look...

yourself! 14. Was it... good session then?

3. Complete the following sentences in the context of the above material:

1. I got distracted... 2. I don't know about you lot but... 3. I've a

better idea... 4. That's great but... 5. I'm about to... 6. To take our bearings right now would... 7. I was asking as... 8. I wish... 9. Don't forget... 10. Never mind all that, what about...

4. Respond to the following sentences. Work in pairs.

1.1 could eat a horse. 2. How does that work? 3. Tell me, how are you going to be getting in? 4. It's easy to get distracted from your studies when you live in a large city. 5. What about a public bicycle here as a means of transport to get to the University? 6. Don't forget how hilly Kyiv is, and all that ice and snow. 7. It's rare to see someone on a bike here.

5. Think of appropriate phrases to which those below may be replies.

1. That's definitely your fault. 2. That's great but I'll go Dutch. 3. Fair

enough. 4. True, I suppose. 5. I'm hardly surprised. 6. Nothing like that here. 7. Oh, it's easy for me.

6. Compare and contrast the following words "monument/statue " and the ways in which they are used differently in British and American English.

UK: Nelson's Column in London is a monument to the British Admiral. There is a statue of Nelson on top of the column. The statue of Bohdan Khmelnitskiy in Kyiv is next to the monument to Saint Sophia.

US: There is a monument to Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

UK/US: The Albert Hall in London is a monument to Prince Albert, husband to Queen Victoria.

7. Complete the sentences choosing between to borrow and to lend.

1. Students may not... books from the Reference section of the library.

2. Could you... me this book for a fortnight? I couldn't find it in the library.

3. They never let me... anything. 4.1 saw her sitting in the chair reading the book I have... her. 5. If you don't bother to return them, it's better not to... things from other people. 6. Why can't you... some money from a friend of yours? 7.1 can't afford to... you any. 8.... me your pencil for a moment, will you? 9. Where's that CD you... from me last month?

8. Translate the following paying special attention to the use of the word "курс" or its Ukrainian equivalents.

1. На якому Kypci ти вчишся? - На першому. 2. Хто читае курс лекцш з антично!' лггератури? 3. У п'ятикурснимв зараз практика.

4. В рестораш ми замовили общ з чотирьох блюд. 5. Який шлях дш ти обрав? 6. Ми вивчали латину протягом року. 7. Старшокласники часто вщвщують пщготовч1 курси перед вступом до вищих навчальних заклад1в. 8. Який сьогодш курс обмшу евро?

9. Complete the following sentences by choosing between pass an examination and take an examination.

1. If you don't... the examination, you'll never get a pass mark. 2. If you don't... the examination, you can't go on to the next course. 3. When the results came out, did you... the examination? 4. Don't tell me you overslept and didn't... the examination. 5. Calming down enough to... the examination was the hardest part. 6. It's a good feeling to... an examination.

10. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the vocabulary of the unit.

Жертва, зшмальна група, обладнання звукозапису, пригладжувати, глибоко вдихнути, слшуче сонце, шчого под1бного, мати справу з кимсь, влаштуватися на новому мющ, знайти дорогу, звикати до чогось, уникати, скористатися перевагами, надзвичайна можлив1сть, пам'ятник, скористатися повною Mipoio, прямувати, вщволшатися, побачити на власш oni, потрапити в цшь, на чиюсь честь

студент першого курсу, навчальна програма, навчальний piK, гуртожиток, вщдш каталопв, читальна зала, читацький абонемент, ceMiHap з..., носш мови, здшснювати звукозапис, обладнання, друга змша, вщремонтувати, аудитор1я, просторий, свплий, пишнота, мармуров1 сходи, мозаТчие скло, паркетна шдлога, перила,

проголодштися, голодний як вовк, шматочок, ушверситетська Тдальня, дешевий, поласувати, швидка Тжа в торговельному центра блюдо, замовляти, запросити в кафе/ресторан,

зор1ентуватися на мющ, добиратися, жити одному, дшити юмнату з кимсь, зшмати юмнату, маршрутка, громадський транспорт, паркувати, пот1к транспорту.

11. Translate the following sentences into elegant Ukrainian, in conjunction with your tutor to ensure optimum stylistic form. Think about different ways of translating each sentence.

1. That was a good session in the library. I've got a good chunk of that essay written. 2. Maybe I'm not quite that ravenous, but a choice morsel would hit the spot. 3. I'll treat us all to lunch in the Metrohrad food mall. 4. That's great but I'll go Dutch. 5. Isn't it good just to sit down and take our bearings? 6. I'd never dare to tackle Kyiv drivers armed with only a bike. 7. I'm absolutely bushed.

12. Read the following text and translate it, paying special attention to the terminology.

The term "higher education" refers to learning institutions that students can attend after they have finished school. The university is the best-known kind of higher education establishment. Other kinds bear such titles as college, institute, academy, polytechnic, or higher school. However, these other titles can be confusing, since they have other meanings in some countries. For example, in most countries the word "college" means a higher learning institution, while in nations with a British or Spanish tradition, college may also mean a private secondary school.

The usual way universities differ from other kinds of higher education establishment is in the wider range of subject matter universities offer. A typical university provides opportunities for students to specialize in fields of science (physics, chemistry, geology, biology, astronomy), social science (anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics), the humanities (history, philosophy, literature, languages), the creative arts (painting, music, dance, drama), and more. In addition, universities prepare students to enter particular occupations - to become architects, engineers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, agricultural experts, accountants, business administrators, and the like.

13. Explain the use of the indefinite article (a, an). Translate into Ukrainian, defining clearly the meaning of the indefinite article where it occurs whenever possible.

1. Where there's a will, there's a way (proverb) 2. There was a week left to the end of term. 3. Andriy Shevchenko plays as a striker. 4. Volodimir Cathedral is an important monument in Kyiv. 5. There is a green hill far away (British hymn). 6. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel (saying).

7. You can frequently see a Mercedes limousine pass along Khreshchatik.

8. There was an apple in the fruit bowl. 9. "Never mind about all that, just peel me a grape". (Mae West) 10. If only I had taken a course in statistics. 11. You must have been an angel.

14. Explain the use or the absence of the article before the word/s in bold type.

1. May I have a biscuit? 2. Would you mind if I took the last biscuit? 3. Do you like biscuits? 4. Can you see the road sign from here? 5. Is there a road sign anywhere? 6. Are there readable road signs in Kyiv? 7.1 got a goal today. 8. I got the winning goal today. 9. I took a shot at goal and scored. 10. Designer trainers are expensive. 11. A designer shirt can look expensive. 12. The designer jeans were expensive. 13. The James Bond DVD was of excellent picture quality. 14. Is there a James Bond DVD on that stall? 15.1 really enjoy watching James Bond DVDs.

15. Insert a, some, any where necessary.

1. Could I have... banana? 2. Don't you have... apples in the house? 3. I can see... over there. 4. You can buy... films on DVD. 5.... of the team would be pleased to give you an autograph. 6. Do you have... copy of the play on VHS cassette? 7. Do you have... of her albums on CD? 8. If you have... digital camera, can you store... picture on your PC? 9.... of these are excellent, and you could call... of them good. 10. Can I have... selection of these sweets?

16. Learn the difference in the meaning of each pair of sentences.

1. There's little milk left. I'd like a little milk in my tea. 2. There was little noise in the studio. He heard a little noise in the studio. 3. He had little patience. All that was needed was a little patience to finish the job correctly. 4. There was happily little mess after the party. The puppy left a little mess on the carpet.

***17. Use the appropriate article, where necessary, with nouns denoting objects considered unique or especial. Be aware that although a definite article is frequently used with unique objects, this is no more than a guideline.

1. Is this... greatest film ever made? 2. You tidied your room? This has got to be... first for you. 3. Set... controls for... heart of... sun. 4.... sun rises in... east. 5.... winner was chosen. 6. This is... small step for... man,... giant leap for... mankind. (Neil Armstrong). 7. Who won... Oscar for... best director? 8. Where is... statue of Buddha? 9.... snow fell on... forbidding landscape. 10. All roads lead to... Rome. 11. See that tall, ginger- haired Scotsman over there? He's... McLeod, Head of... Clan.

18. Learn the meaning and expand the following idiomatic prepositional phrases into a sentence:

Hand to mouth, soaked to the skin, incandescent with rage, bursting with happiness, with ears cocked, with eyes peeled, hand on heart, by heart, hand in hand, year on year, from head to foot, out of sight, on sale, by hand, at the midnight hour, at the end, on the stroke of moon.

***19. Insert articles wherever necessary in the following famous English proverbs, quotes and sayings, ignoring misleading spaces: In which of these is "the" used as an adverb?

1.... bird in... hand is worth... two in... bush. 2. Make... hay while... sun shines. 3.... rolling stone gathers no moss. 4.... red sky at... night,... shepherd's delight. 5.... power tends to corrupt, and... absolute power corrupts absolutely. (Lord Acton) 6.... spectre is haunting... Europe -... spectre of... Communism. (Karl Marx) 7. All... world's... stage and all... men and... women merely... players. (Shakespeare) 8. Every cloud has... silver lining. 9. There's... pot of... gold at... end of... rainbow. 10.... grass is always greener on... other side. 11. Man is by... nature... political animal (Aristotle). 12.... hell is... other people (Sartre). 13. We wish you... Merry Christmas and... Happy New Year. 14.... stitch in... time saves... nine. 15.... less haste,... more speed. 16. Oh,... East is.. East and... West is... West, and never.... twain shall meet. (Kipling) 17. What student is... better for mastering these futile distinctions? 18. There can be no question that... burning of... Joan of Arc must have been... most instructive and... interesting experiment. (GB Shaw) 19. If you want... picture of... future, imagine... boot stamping on... human face - for ever. (Orwell) 20.1 find... television very educational. Every time... someone switches it on I go into another room and read... good book. (Groucho Marx) 21.... nihilism is best left to... professionals. (Iggy Pop)

20. Insert the definite article or a possessive pronoun.

1. Kate shook... head 2. Kate shook... packet of cornflakes. 3. It's... soap. But I can lend it to you. 4. This has to be... strangest moment of... life. 5. Is that... book over there? 6. Did you see... sunset? 7. This is... favourite time of the year. 8.... head hurts. 9.... nail on... thumb was dirty. 10.... racquet was hit hard by... tennis ball.

21. Insert articles or pronouns wherever necessary.

1. My cousin is... nice looking girl of fifteen. 2. This is... favorite book. 3. Yours was... honest answer. 4. I saw... old lady working in the garden.... old lady stood up and said hello to me. 5. Let's go on to... exercise eighteen. 6. Have you finished... first chapter of the book? 7. Mr. Steel lives on... corner of... 12th Street and... 13,h Avenue. 8. Paramedics are trained to give... first aid. 9. Was it love at... first sight for you? 10.... Ukrainian sportsman won... first prize in... competition. 11. You told me it was going to be only... two days work, didn't you? 12. Although it was just... day's journey, it was rather tiring. 13. It was... good news. 14. Ellen gave me...good advice. 16. Shevchenko scored... consolation goal for... national side yesterday. 17.... girl had... beautiful hair of most unusual colour. 18. She sold... sea shells on... sea shore. 19. Did you really eat all of... meal? 20.... motherboard in... PC needs upgrading.

22. Insert articles wherever necessary, and only where necessary, in the following text:

Oxford University is... oldest university in... Great Britain and... one of... world's most famous institutions of... higher learning. It is located in... Oxford, England, about 80 kilometres northwest of... London.

... Oxford University started to develop during... 1100's from... number of schools in... city of Oxford. Its development was aided by... break in relations between England and France in 1167. Hostility between...

two nations prevented... English students from attending... University of Paris, and many of them went to... Oxford instead.... university received its first official recognition in 1214.... three oldest Oxford colleges - University, Balliol, and Merton - date from... 1200's.... twelve more colleges were founded between... 1300 and... 1555.... first colleges for women were established during... late 1800's. The university did not grant degrees to... women until... 1920.

Today,... university has more than... 13,000 students. It consists of... 35 colleges, plus 5 private halls established by... various religious groups. Of... colleges, St. Hilda's is for... women only, and... rest are for both... men and... women. These include All Souls, Christ Church, Jesus, Lady Margaret Hall, Magdalen, Nuffield, St. John's, Somerville, and Trinity. At Oxford, each college is... corporate body distinct from... university and is governed by its own head and... fellows.... staff is uniquely organised in that most fellows are... college instructors called... tutors, and... rest are university professors, readers, and lecturers. Each college manages its own buildings and property, elects its own fellows, and selects and admits its own undergraduate students.... university provides some libraries, laboratories, and other facilities, but... colleges take primary responsibility for... teaching and... well-being of their students.

Each student at Oxford is assigned to... tutor, who supervises... student's course of... study, primarily through tutorials.... tutorials are... weekly meetings of one or two students with their tutor. Students may see other tutors for... specialised instruction. They may also attend... lectures given by... university teachers.... students choose which lectures to attend on.. basis of their own special interests and on... advice of their tutor.... degrees are granted by... university, not... individual colleges. Unlike... most other British universities,... first degree in... arts or... sciences is... Bachelor of Arts with... honours.

Although... Oxford is undeniably... paragon of... academic excellence, its major difference from... Kyiv Shevchenko University is its adherence to.... tradition and... pure learning at... expense of... practical tuition. As Bill Bryson writes in "Notes from a Small Island" p 153:

"I have... greatest respect for... university and its 800 years of... tireless intellectual toil, but I must confess I'm not entirely clear what it's for, now that... Britain no longer needs... colonial administrators who can quip in...Latin. I mean to say, you see all these dons and scholars striding past, absorbed in... deep discussions about... Leibniz-Clarke controversy or... post-Kantian aesthetics and you think: Most impressive but...tad indulgent for... country with... three million unemployed and... last great invention was Cat's-eyes."

23. Dramatize the following situation: a group of Ukrainian lecturers comes to Oxford University and communicate through an interpreter. They want to attend a seminar on microbiology.

***24. Translate the following text about Prince Harry's gap year, from a BBC Online news article September 2003, having inserted articles wherever necessary. Note that the British often refer to Australia and New Zealand as 'Down Under (the other side of the globe)'.

Harry heads Down Under for... gap year

Prince Harry arrives in Australia this week, at... start of his gap year before joining... military.... 19-year-old is scheduled to stay Down Under for... three months. After his year off, he plans to enrol for officer training at... military academy at Sandhurst in Surrey, and then follow... army career.

He is expected to devote a lot of his time in Australia to... sport - watching...Rugby World Cup and playing... polo, probably for... Australian tycoon Kerry Packer's team. Harry has already captained a Young England team and could do so again at Millamolong, New South Wales, in... special Ambassador's Cup match.

Armed officers from... Scotland Yard's royalty protection branch are travelling with... prince.... estimated £600,(Ю0 cost for... 12-strong squad has already caused some controversy in... press.

... Australia is... number one destination for... British gap year students and... prince, who has a reputation for... partying,... drinking and... smoking, is expected to have... good time.

Harry,...third in line to... throne, gained two A-levels before leaving... Eton -... В in... art and... D in... geography. St James' Palace officials have confirmed Harry has applied to... Sandhurst and wants to be... career soldier. However, it has not been made public what regiment he would prefer or how long he would like his commission to be. Nor is it known how he will be spending... remaining months of his gap year.

25. Translate the following letter into English paying special attention to the use of articles and pronouns.

Люба Катруся,

Cnirny cKopiuie подшитися з тобою радюними новинами. MeHi таки пощастило i я цього року стала студенткою одного з найкращих винив столищ. Як я i мpiялa, я тенер буду навчатися в Нацюнальному ушверситет1 iMeni Тараса Шевченка, що славиться сво'Уми давшми традищями. Ще тшьки другий тиждень занять, а ми вже прослухали лекщУ з загального мовознавства, заруб1жноУ та украУнськоУ лггератури, icTopii УкраУни. Щкаво проходять заняття з англшськоУ фонетики в спещальнш лаборатори. IlIicTb раз на тиждень маемо практичш заняття з англшськоУ мови. До реч1, вчимося в другу змшу, до чого я була не готова, але вже звикаю.

Встигла поселитися в гуртожитку i освоУтися на мющ. Завтра йду до читацького абонементу отримувати навчальну л1тературу. Б1блютека розтошована поруч i3 червоним корпусом, а ми, як ти знаеш, навчаемося в жовтому, що на бульвар! Тараса Шевченка. Прямо напроти нас гарний парк, де стоУть пам'ятник Тарасу i де завжди повно студснтш.

I останне. Я вже иодружилася з дским з нашоУ групи i гуртожитку. Д1вчат у нас бшьше, н1ж хлопц1в. Далеко не Bci кияни, дехто зн1матнме квартири. Атмосфера дружня. Проводимо час разом не тшьки на заняттях. Ще не встигла як слщ ознайомитися з mIctom, але вже почала в ньому ор1ентуватися. Впевнена, все попереду.

Чекаю вщ тебе листа. Якщо зможеш, приУжджай на вихщш до


Мщно щлую, твоя Леся.

Lesson 3

Topic: Kyiv Shevchenko University

Grammar: Types of Sentences. Subject, Predicate. Constructions "There is... There are..." Functional expressions: Clarifying

1. Learn the following expressions that clarify a situation: Could we please check that...?

May I ask you to explain...?

Am I right in thinking that...?

Could we make sure that we understand properly...?

Would you please repeat...?

Do I understand correctly that...?

Do we all have a clear picture?

Have I understood you correctly?

Could you be more specific?

So basically what you are saying is...?

What does... mean in this context?

2. Discuss the following questions in the context of the topic of this lesson, using as many of the above expressions as possible.

1. How important is a higher education for young people today?

2. How easy is it to get into university?

3. Does a university qualification guarantee a good job?

4. Why are some universities more prestigious than others?

5. Why does the university you attend seem to be more attractive than others?

6. What does modern education mean to you?

3. Ask the members of your group to write answers to the following questions and nominate three of the group to present the results to the whole group.

- who persuaded them to enter Shevchenko National University.

- what they knew about the University while at school.

- whether anyone felt disappointed after they entered the University.

- how they see themselves in six years' time.

- what they consider the most important factors that make a good University.

4. Practise the sounds in the following words.

/ае/ - black, as, back, standing, classicist, massive, graduate, example, faculty, began, mathematics, academy, national, establishment

/е/ - development, arrest, death, essay, read, ten, test;

/з:/ — person, were, university, work, Birmingham;

/а/ - massive, classicist, archeology, construction, comprise;

/a: / - half, arguable, department, archaeology, arts, guard;

/tj/- century, lecture, which, researching, crunch, literature, choose.

5. Pronounce the following word combinations. Concentrate your attention on:

1) the absence of the glottal stop: higher_education, Kyiv Mohyla Academy, a new entity. Taras Shevchenko NationafUniversity, theJJniversity, known by everybody, many others, to honour, many academic fields, alLareas of the national economy.

2) loss of plosion: good question, decided to paint, was formed to become, architect_Beretti, was forced to leave, bestjraditions, his project completed, a significantcontribution, and progressive, most prominent, dates back to. at Kviv University, which had ties.

6. Transcribe the following sentences, mark the stresses and tunes and draw them onto staves.

1. Why is the Red Building red, and not blue or green? 2. Ten out of ten. 3. So it was decided to paint the main building red and black. 4. So why did his son choose red? 5. You've hit upon the right person! 6. That's the stage adaptation of White Guard, right?

Text: Kyiv University

Higher education in Kyiv dates back to the first half of the 17lh century when the Kyiv Mohyla Academy was founded. Following its best traditions some two hundred years later, a new entity was formed to become one of the foremost centres of learning in the world, today's Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv.

On the 29th of August 1834, the first lectures were given at Kyiv University. Originally located in a borrowed building, the University was named after Saint Volodymyr, and had only 62 students and two departments, the Department of History and Philology and the Department of Physics and Mathematics. Its first rector was a young Professor of Botany and a person of encyclopaedic knowledge M. Maxymovych, whose contribution to the development of history, archaeology and literary studies was massive. Among the lecturers of the University was an outstanding architect Vikentiy Beretti, who had come to Kyiv after winning a major tender for the design of a new central building for the new University. In 1837 construction of the new building in Volodymyrska began. Beretti did not live to see his project completed, which after his death was taken over by his son Alexander Beretti. This University building in Volodymyrska is known by everybody as the red building of the University and is an outstanding example of classicist architecture of the first half of the XIX century. Meanwhile the University was growing: the Faculty of Law was formed in 1835 and the Faculty of Medicine in 1837. Others followed, until today the University comprises 16 Faculties and four Institutes, with some 20 000 students.

Among the brightest highlights of Ukrainian history are the names of the University professors and graduates who made a significant contribution to the development of Science, the Arts and Progressive thought in Ukraine. Amongst the most prominent are the historians and linguists M. Maxymovych, M. Drahomanov and M. Kostomarov, lawyers K. Nevolin, O. Kistiakivskyi, mathematicians D. Grave, M. Boholyubov, chemists A. Babko, S. Reformat- skyi, biochemist O. Palladin, playwright M. Starytskyi, poet M. Rylskyi, composer M. Lysenko and so many others.

The poet and democrat Taras Shevchenko worked at the University from 1845 to 1847, as a member of the commission dealing with history and archaeology. When in 1847 the Brotherhood of Cyril and Methodius was broken up and Shevchenko was arrested, he was forced to leave, but his ties with the University continued. In 1939, to honour the name of the great son of the Ukrainian people the University was renamed after Taras Shevchenko.

Today the University educates the best minds undertaking research in many academic fields. Its graduates work in all areas of the national economy. It is the number one University and a major centre of academic learning, which has ties with many academic and learning establishments throughout the world.

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