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Pupils, greet their teachers by standing up. You must greet your elders by standing up. Stand still! 2 страница

16. Say this in another way!

Can you express the meaning of the sentence in other words?

The contents must be the same!

What word would you use in place of...?


1. I am going to check / test your knowledge. I'll give you a dictation.

You'll write a dictation with new words. I'll dictate a text to the class. You will write to my dictation. At first entitle your dictation. I'll dictate sentence by sentence.

2. At first I'll read the whole dictation. Stop writing! Listen!

Now I'll start to dictate. Write from my dictation.

3. Wait a moment / minute! The sentence is not ended. I am repeating.

Nell, look into your exercise-book / copy-book /note­book.

Now I am going to read the dictation all over again. Look through / over your dictations! * Check your dictations for mistakes.* Time is up! Pens down!

Close / shut your exercise-books / copy-books / note­books.

і Your work is bad (fair, fairly good, excellent). Most pupils have written fairly well. Some pupils were badly prepared for the dictation and made a lot of mistakes. I am not satisfied with your work. There are only four "fives". Only four of you have excellent marks.

Pete has written his work without mistakes.

5. You've made bad mistakes. We shall analyze your work.

Those who have got a "two" must rewrite the whole dictation.

6. Explain your mistakes once again, please. Tell me what is not correct in the sentence. Tell me how that mistake can be corrected.

7. I'll give you a written work / test next lesson'. You will have a test on articles in a week.

8. We shall write a short classwork today. I give you ten minutes to do it.

Write a composition on your work about the house. Write the contents of the text.

Write a letter to a person of your imagination / an imaginated person.*

9. Don't forget to write the date and the title. Write not less than half a page.*

I'll give you half an hour to do it.

It will take you the whole lesson to write it.

10. Write your composition in the copy-books / notebooks for control papers.

Write on a sheet of paper!

First write / make a rough copy.*

Write / make clean at once! / Write a clean copy at


Make a-clean copy of your composition!*

11. Enclose the title (the direct speech) in quotation-mark

Enclose / set off a quotation by inverted commas! * Enclose the word in brackets! *

12. Is everything clear?

We are ready, so go ahead!

Now start working / to work. / Now to work.

What are you waiting for?

You have many things to do.*

Begin to write at once!

You are looking around doing nothing.

You had better start your work immediately.

13. Ask if you aren't sure of something.*

Who doesn't know how to do something, raise / up your hand up and I'll help you. Think carefully what to do next.

14. Don't peep into your neighbor’s / class-mate's exercise-book / copy-book / notebook.

All of you must work on your own / without help.

15. Stop cribbing! Hand over your crib!

I'll not allow you to crib the control paper. I advise you to give up that bad habit.* Don't tell Ann how to do it.

You have plenty of time at your disposal / command.

16. There is no ending in your composition.*

17. Look through your composition carefully! Read again what you have written. Check your composition for mistakes.

18. Have you finished writing? Are you through with your test?

It's taking you so long to write the test.* I'll give you five minutes to finish.

19. Those who are through may leave the classroom.

20. Now be through with your work!

I'll correct your compositions by tomorrow.

21. I have corrected your compositions.

I have already looked through your works.*

You'll get them back tomorrow.

22. You have done your work well this time. Read your composition to the class.

I couldn't find mistakes in your work.

23. We shall analyse your mistakes at the next lesson. Some grammar and spelling mistakes are common to a group of pupils.

Please refresh / review / brush up the grammar ma­terial on articles.

24. Pay attention to the words underlined with a straight (wavy) line.

Wind the correction marks / symbols in the margin! Mr re is the code of correction marks / symbols:

Sp. spelling mistake / error

C. capital's required.

Gr. grammar mistake / error

P. punctuation mistake

W. W. wrong word is used

W. O. word order is wrong

/\ word missed out

N. W. word not wanted

Pr. preposition

A. article

О round letter (letters are badly formed) You'll work on your mistakes.

You must correct all your mistakes by the next lesson. Mark the marginal notes!

'I'm (not) pleased with your work.

I think you've cribbed from Rose. Why is your com­position quite the same as Rose's?

27. Your composition is full of mistakes.

There isn't a word without a mistake. / Every word is mis-spelt.

There is one mistake after another! *

What mistakes have you not made! / You have made every possible kind of mistake.*

I want you to do it all over again.*

You will rewrite your composition.

Write out each corrected word five times.


1. Retell from key-words! Retell this text to yourself.

2. I'm going to demonstrate situations in pictures. You will make (up) sentences.

Answer my questions looking at the situation in pic­tures.

Try to understand what I am saying. Now come tothe point! *

З I am going to give you some situations.

Imagine that you are in Moscow (Kiev) now. That you afe hungry. What would you do?

You need a drawing album. What must you do?

Imagine that you want to send a letter. What mus you do?

4. Talk on the topic "Winter"!

Plant these phrases and words into this story.*

5. Make up a dialogue by analogy!

Lena and Jane, retell the text in dialogue!

Let's act the dialogue "At the Grocer's Shop".

Act the dialogue between the customer and the shop


The partners in dialogue are Pete and Kate.

A stranger has come to our town / village. He want;

somebody to show him the way to the station. Г1!

play the part of the stranger and you, Nick, are a


6. Retell the text in the first person! *

Shut the text with your exercise-book and retell, it from memory!

7. Don't skip from one topic to another.* You can't say that in English.*

It is an unsatisfactory English.

What do you want to say? Start again!,*

8. Express your attitude towards it!

9. Let's talk on the text! Who's the author of the story? By whom is that story?

What works by... do you know?

When and where did the action of the story take


Name the characters of the story!

What was В.?

Describe his appearance!

What did you learn about him? *

What did you get to know about him?

What way of life did he lead?

What happened to B. one day?

Why did he act like that?

What plans did he make?

What do you think of his character?

Describe the changes in his character!

What happened later on?

In what way were the differences settled?

What do you think of the story?

Express your opinion on / of...

Use the following expressions:

To my mind... I think that...

It is clear (that)... 0 Hxplain the following proverbs: "Lost time is never found again". "It is better to do well than to say well".


1. Now we shall work in pairs.

Everybody choose a partner and make each other's acquaintance.

Have a friendly talk with your partner. Questions on the blackboard will help you..

2. Work in pairs!

Speak desk-mate to desk-mate! Invite your desk-mate to talk to you. Ask each other words on Lesson 5.

3. Give each other commands!

Ask each other (your desk-mate / desk-partner / neighbour, the girl next to you, him, etc.) questions. Ask questions on / about the story you've just read. Make up questions on / about the story. Ask him for his book! * I. Now let's go to question-and-answer work! Let's ask and answer in turn.

Those who will answer correctly may ask the next question!

Call out another pupil!

Who can answer this question? You, Nell?

It's not your turn.

Don't answer out of turn!

Wait till it's your turn!

Who's next? You are next!

Rose must answer it!

Mary may speak about it!


1. I'll read you a poem. The title of the poem is... That wonderful poem was written by...

The poem was turned into a folk song.

2. Now listen to its Ukrainian translation.

At first I'll explain some unfamiliar words in the poerr Then I'll explain to you the difficult passages in t™ poem.

Now let's intone each line in the poem.*

3. Here is the tape-recording of the poem. Try to immitate the speaker's recitation. You'll recite the poem at the next lesson.

4. Here is a tape-recording with a song. Let's listen to the song.

5. The title of the song is... It's a folk song.

The melody is by... The song tells about...

6. I'll write the first four lines on the blackboard. Intone them after me like this.

I'll read by lines and you'll repeat in chorus.

7. Now we shall play the tape again and sing the son in a low voice.

Let's sing by ear.*

Now let's play the tape once again and sing from the text on the blackboard.

8. This is a song in two parts.* You'll sing the first (second) voice.* Now let's sing from music*

Now let's sing to the music* Sing from memory! * You sing out of tune. Start again! * That's better. Now you sing in tune.*

9. We'll set up a chorus at our school.*

We'll learn some more English songs at the chorus. Those who want to join the chorus club must stay after classes on Friday.


1. I've got a question.

Please may I ask a question? (Yes, what is it? Do, please!)

2. What does the word "..." mean?

What is the Ukrainian (word) for "..."?

3. Is it correct to say so?

Is it good English to say so? I don't know how to say it.

і Please speak a bit slower.

Von speak so fast that it is difficult to follow you. Vou speak too fast. Please write it on the blackboard.

I Shall I? Shall I do it? Can I do it?

Shall I answer, read, say, write, etc.? Yes, please!

Shall I switch I turn on / the light? Do, please!

II is dark where I sit. No, you can't. •

Shall I do the translation orally or in

writing / in written form? / li May I write (it) in pencil?

May I use the dictionary / vocabulary?

May I go and sit with Mary?

May I take back my day-book / diary? -' The sun is shining on the blackboard and it is daz­zling me.

I can hardly see what is written on the blackboard.

May I change my seat? В, Please may I leave the room? -

May I be excused (from lessons)? (No, you can't. It's

school time now). 9 Please excuse me for not doing my exercise.

I felt unwell yesterday.

I couldn't do my homework. I was ill.

I was absent yesterday and didn't know the task.

I was absent because of illness.

I've left my copy-book / exercise-book, notebook at home.

10. Some expressions (words, passages) are not clear for me.

I didn't understand a question on the text. The homework was difficult. I did it in a different way.

II I haven't refreshed / reviewed it. We haven't taken up / covered that material. I haven't understood it. Please explain it again.

18 My copy-book / exercise-book, notebook is used out.* May I write on a sheet of paper? My pen doesn't write. May I write with a pencil? My pen has run dry.

I've run out of ink. May I go and (re)fill it? I I I;un sorry I don't know.

I don't remember this word.

14. I am sorry I've made (such) a (bad) mistake. I've done it by mistake.*

I left out a sentence. It's a slip of the tongue.* It's a slip of the pen.* I am not ready yet.

15. What did you say?

Please repeat what you said. / Would you mind rJ peating that.

I can't think of the word.*

It's such a difficult word that I can't remember it. I don't know what it means. May I think a while?

16. Am I right?

Am I doing it correctly?

Am I to write it on the blackboard?

17. I want a piece of advice. / I need your (some) advice. Thank you (very much) for your help.

18. What's my mark in control paper? What mark have I got for reading?

19. I've got a four (a five, a three, a two).

20. I wasn't helping. I wasn't cribbing.

21. It wasn't Ann's fault. It was my fault. I was afraid to tell the truth.

I didn't mean to hurt her (your, etc.) feelings. I feel very sorry about it. I shall never do that again.

22. I like this story (very much).

I am fond of this place (in the book).


1. Do you see any mistakes on the blackboard? Did you notice any mistakes in what she said?

Did she make any mistakes in reading (spelling)? What mistakes were made? What mistakes have you noticed?

2. Is that correct / right?

Would it be right (wrong) to say...?

3. You left out the article.*

You put in an article where it didn't belong.

Voti mis-spelled the word.

You mispronounced the word.

I here are some bad mistakes in your reading. I It doesn't sound correct. You must say...

It doesn't sound English. •Don't use doubtful English. 6, To my mind you don't know the rule.

You seem not to know the reading rules.

You should know (this).

I doubt if you know it.

What rule doesn't he know? i> It's high time you know this.

Not quite so. You left out the sound [t].

That's too bad. Try again.

No, that's not correct. You must try harder!

It's not so easy as you think.

Don't you see the difference? *

No, that's still not right.

You, Ann, correct the mistake (s)!

Please take care to correct all mistakes.

You overlooked a mistake in that word.*

Don't skip / overlook mistakes.*

Who can correct that mistake?

There is something wrong here.*

Is that a right,/ correct answer? No, it's not.

How do you know? * 8. Come up to the blackboard and correct the mistakes.

Write that sentence again without mistakes.


I. Get out your diaries / day-books!

Open your diaries and write down / take down / put down your homework for next time. I shall set your homework now. '.' Your homework for the next lesson is:

Read and translate the text on page 20, Lesson 12, from the beginning up to the words... (the tenth line from the bottom). Write out all the unfamiliar / new words and look them up in the dictionary.

Prepare to retell the contents of the text in short (in details).

Do the translation on page...

3. Do exercise 7, page 15 in written form. Do exercise 1 and 3 on page 83 orally. You will do the exercise at home. Turn into questions ten sentences. Learn the dialogue by heart for next time.

4. Next time I want you to retell the text.

You must write answers to the following questions. First answer questions orally and finally write down the answers.

You have to make (up) questions on the following sentences:...

Mark off / tick off the following sentences:...*

5. Why are you doing nothing?

Your day-book is carelessly done.

Why don't you take down your homework for all then subjects?

You are wasting your time and that's why you come unprepared to your lessons.

6. Are you through with taking down your homework? What lesson did I set you for tomorrow, Kate?

Is anything not clear? / Is everything clear?

7. You must do your homework yourself. Do your homework on your own.*


1. You are well-prepared today.

You read well. I'll give you "a five".

Pete, you took an active part during the lesson. / You

were active during the lesson.

Each of you gets "a five" for that work.

Wait a bit, I'll sign my name in your day-book.*

2. In what subject have you "excellent"?

You are good at / strong in spoken English. What was your mark in English?

3. You have made a few mistakes in your reading, etc. For those rough mistakes I'll reduce the mark.* Your English has improved.

You make good progress.

4. You are poor / weak in English spelling.

Learning words is your weak point.

Unfortunately it is only "three".

I give you (a) "three". / Your mark is "three".

You mark is between "three" and "two".

I wouldn't say I like this.

You can get much more.

5. Do you want to be kept another year? *

I line are awful gaps in your knowledge.

I am afraid you won't be promoted (to the next form) Unless you do away with the gaps in your knowledge.

You’ll be left behind to repeat the year.


1. We have five minutes left.

We have ten minutes to go.

2. 2. I want to say something to you.

Next week we shall have a new time-table / some

changes in the time-table.

3. A week from today you have home reading.

Don't forget that! Keep that in mind!

4. 4. Russian is transfered from the second lesson to the

lourth. No English today.

You'll have English on Friday.

5. Beginning from tomorrow school starts an hour ear­lier.

Tomorrow lessons begin at one p.m.* You must come in time.

6. Today you will go home an hour earlier.

Remember (that) we have fixed the pioneer meeting /.issembly for Friday.

7. Beginning with tomorrow I'll work with lagging pu­pils. Here is a list of those who are to stay on after lessons.

It's a good opportunity for you to catch up with your cl.iss-mates. В It's nearly time for the bell.

We still have several minutes before the end of the lesson.

There is some time left. Let's summarize the lesson.

Let's refresh / review / brush up the new words to the text.

Our time is not yet up.

9. At what time does your lesson end? The lesson comes to an end at....

10. Put your books away / aside.

Put your things away and then you may go. Put your things into the satchel (desk).

11. Nell, take the copy-books (tables, pictures) to tl, teachers' room / staff room.

12. That's all for today. That will do for today.

13. Don't jump from your seats! *

14. Time is up!

It's the break now!

Line up in pairs at the door.

Leave the classroom without noise.

15. There is the bell for the break! The bell has gone!

Your lesson is over / finished! Get ready for your next lesson! Now I dismiss you for the break.

16. No classes today! You may go home. Go out!

Don't leave your things behind! * The last pupil will shut the door! Shut the door after / behind you! Shut / close the door when you go out.


1. You'll take an examination in English this year.

I'll be your examining teacher / examiner.

English is an exam-subject at the end of the 9th year.

2. You must begin to study for the exams / examinations and come to consultations.

I'll give you consultations each Monday.

Do you think you'll pass if you don't prepare yourself

before the examinations?

3. Come and try your luck!

Please draw an examination card / examination pa­per!

What's the number of your card? You are lucky this time!

Win I examination card did you draw? Yon drew a difficult question. Is It an easy task for you?

You have 20 minutes to prepare yourself / your ans­wer.

I here is a sheet of paper and a pencil for you.

4. Now get down to work.*

You are not sure of yourself.*

Don't lose your presence of mind.

5. Are you through with your examination card?

il Is taking you so long to prepare / answer.

Your time is running out.

Who wants to answer out of turn?

Your time is up. It is your turn, Mary.

6. What questions were there in your examination card?

Don't answer at random, think first.*

You have a ready answer to any question.

Go on to the next question!

7. Have you any questions to ask pupil В.?

Will you ask her additional / extra questions?

8. Your answer is wrong.

You are not answering your question.

You failed in English.

You'll have to take a second examination!

You'll have re-examination next autumn!






1. Get / take your exercise-books, copy-books, notebooks out (of your satchels / bags)!

Make ready / prepare your exercise-books for control papers.

Why have you taken a ruled-square exercise-book? *

Why is it that you have no exercise-book again?

Who has a spare exercise-book?

2. Put your exercise-books for classwork before you.

3. You've used up / filled up your exercise-book.*

Mart a new exercise-book! *

4. Take a sheet of squared (ruled) paper.*

Don't forget to write your name on your sheet of pa­per!

Put your name on the left

5. Write your name and your form on the cover of the exercise-book.

Write on the cover of your exercise-book like this:

1) English 2) English

Exercise-book Shevchenko V. for control papers

Form 5-B Shevchenko V.

School No 103 Form 5-B

School No 103

3) Vocabulary Shevchenko V.

Form 5-B School No 103

6. Number the pages of your exercise-book.

7. Jane, go to the teachers' room and bring / fetch your form's exercise-books. You'll find them on the table near the window.

Please give out the exercise-books as quickly as you can!

8. Whose exercise book is it?

Who(m) does this exercise-book belong to?

9. Don't forget the date! Date your work!

Put the date on the top right-hand corner of the page!

10. Make / leave / draw a margin on the left (right) of the page!

Leave margins of two-and-a half centimetres!

Rule a margin on left- (right-) hand side!

Don't fold the page over to make a margin!

The margin is not wide enough.

You must leave a wider margin!

Don't write in the margin!

Don't write words over the margin!

11. Why don't you leave a line before the date? Leave a line before writing the date!

You should have left spaces between the lines!

12. Your handwriting / penmanship is not legible.

In some places it was so illegible that I could hardly read what was written!

Don't write words so close together!

Leave more space between the words!

There is enough space for the whole word on the line.

Ann, you must (do your best to) improve your pen­manship!

13. You keep your exercise-book badly! Why is your exercise-book so dirty?

Do keep your exercise-book neat / clean! Wrap up your exercise-book in a clean sheet of pa­per!

14. Don't rub out words with an india-rubber / eraser! It's better to cross out the wrong word!

Don't rub the word off, cross it out!

Cross the letter e out!

You must cross the t's and dot the i's.

15. There are pages that have blots in your exercise-book.

Who splashed the page with ink?

Your exercise-book is full of blots!

Blots give such an unpleasant look to your work!

Have blotting paper at hand when you write!

When you come to the bottom of a page you must blot it!

For that blot in your exercise-book I'll reduce the mark.

16. There are two pages missing in this exercise-book. Don't tear pages out of your copy-book.

17. Your spelling is very bad.

How many words are there in the word "cannot"?

You didn't spell it right!

Divide the words into syllables!

You must learn to spell properly / correctly.

18. Where is your fair copy-book?*

Get out your exercise-book for fair copies. Write this sentence down into your rough notebook.

19. We may be in need of exercise-books ruled square at the next lesson.

I want you to buy a thick notebook for vocabulary.

Use ruled / lined paper for writing! *

You may use unruled paper for rough copies.


1. Take your (fountain-) pens!

2. You are allowed to write with a ball (-point) pen. Please write in ink (in pencil)!

Hold your pen in the correct / proper manner! The ink is colourless. Refill your pen!

3. Mind, your fountain-pen leaks! * You might make a blot!

Shake the ink off your pen after dipping it into the inkpot.

4. Something is wrong with your pen! Your pen needs refilling.

5. This paper absorbs ink badly.*

You may write in pencil. But don't forget to rewrite it in ink at home.

6. Don't you know how to make a margin?

You must draw a line down the length of the paper in ink or in pencil.

7. Underline the subjects with pen (with pencil). Underline it in red (pencil).

8. Who has a spare pencil (pen)?* Have a sharp pencil near at hand! * Take your pencils and sharpen them.

9. Let's do drawings to the new words! Draw with a pencil.

Draw in pencil.


1. The duster is too dry. The duster is dirty.

Pupil on duty, go and wet it.

I'll call each pupil to the blackboard in turn.

2. Take the chalk and write the date.

The chalk doesn't write. Take another piece.

3. Begin to write at the very top, in the left-hand cor­ner.

Leave the left (right) side clean! Write only on the left (right) side!

4. Divide the blackboard into two parts, please. Draw a line down in the middle of the blackboard. Draw a straight (wavy) line!

5. Write the words in a column. Write in two columns 1

6. I want one of you to go to the blackboard.

And the rest of you write / put the sentence down into your exercise-books / notebooks!

7. Now everybody look at the blackboard, please! Watch the blackboard!

8. Write straight! Don't you see (that) the line went up (down)? Stand / step aside, please!

Please stand so that all pupils can see the black­board!

9. There is not enough space / room for writing. Wipe / rub out what you have written! Rewrite the whole sentence on the next line!

10. What is wrong in the sentence?

He wrote a small і in place / instead of the capital letter.

11. Wipe off the word can and write it clearly! Write the word legibly!

Rub out / cross out this letter, it is not correct.

12. Correct the mistake, please. Are you sure you can do it?

13. Make the blackboard clean. Wipe it off. Use the duster, but not your fingers.


1. Take your books out!

You have not taken your book out! I told you to take out your text-book!

2. Open your books at page 45!

Open your books and turn to page 47! Begin to read at the top of the page! Read on page 20!

Begin reading, page 50, paragraph 2!

Read that page aloud! You begin, Mary!

Read up to the word...!

Read the first (last) sentence!

Read any passage you like from the story.

3. Where did we leave off last time? * Where did we stop reading? What were we reading last time?

4. Did you practise in reading at home?

Did you practise the reading at home?

You should read more!

You should give more time to reading!

It is necessary that you read aloud at home each day.

Practise in reading aloud at home for ten minutes every day!

5. You read too quickly! Don't hurry, please!

Read again, a bit faster this time! Try to read a bit more quickly! Don't read so fast! You are reading a bit too fast! Read more slowly!

6. You read too quietly. You read a bit too soft. The pupils can't hear you. Read a bit louder, please!

7. Please read a bit softer!

You're disturbing your neighbours / class-mates!

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