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Test tasks faculty Public Health 2 страница

| D, e, f

| A, d

| B,

| E

| D, in

~ The liberal position is based on biomedical ethics:

a) The Old Testament morality, b) the doctrine of Nietzsche in) pragmatism, g) stoicism, d) Platonism.

| B, d

| G

| And

| A, d

| D

~ Fascist medicine means:

| Back to the historical and logical model of medical ethics can not be considered forms of professional ethical consciousness

| Liberal position in biomedical ethics rests

| In the Hippocratic model of biomedical ethics basic principle

| For deontological model of the doctor-patient relationship basic principle

| For the modern model of professional ethics - bioethics, the main


~ In the Hippocratic model of biomedical ethics basic principle is:

| Do No Harm

| Do not kill

| Priority to the interests of science

| Principle of individual autonomy

| Do not lie

~ For medical ethics Paracelsus basic principle is:

| Do good

| Not bear false witness

| Do not steal

| "Knowledge - force"

| Principle of individual autonomy

~ For deontological model doctor-patient relationship basic principle is:

| Full proof of debt

| Do not commit adultery

| Save the medical secret

| Help colleague

| Principle of non-interference

~ For the modern model of professional ethics - bioethics, the basic principle is:

| Priority of the rights and dignity of the patient

| "Compliance with debt"

| "Do no harm"

| Priority science

| Noninterference

~ Features "American bioethics" does not include...

| Disregard for the value of religious culture

| Advanced scientific and institutional framework

| Availability of research centers on bioethics

| Formation of the movement for the rights of patients and the creation of a "Bill of Rights of the Patient"

| Dissemination of moral pluralism, relativism and nihilism

~ For general civilizational grounds of ethical knowledge does not include...

| Experimental nature of modern medical knowledge

| Emergence and application in public health practice of new biomedical technologies

| Democratization of social relations

| Value-ideological pluralism

| International activities of the Council of Europe

~ The special features of the "Christian Bioethics" Catholicism does not include...

| Bioethics issues from the perspective of calculating "benefits and uses"

| Comprehensive review of bioethical issues

| Priority social religions in theological constructs and recommendations

| Reasoned criticism "'evolutionary anthropology"

| Choice as a basis of "Christian bioethics" principles of understanding of "man as subject and object at the same time," the salutary role of suffering and death as a stage of life.

~ The special features of ethics in countries with a Protestant culture do not belong...

| Value "of the nation's health"

| Principle of moral autonomy of the individual

| Statement of law and values ​​of spiritual freedom of man

| Idea of ​​responsibility

| Idea of ​​honor

~ The special features related to ethics in the Orthodox moral anthropology does not include...

| Commercial interests of scientific and intellectual elite

| Understanding of God as the source of human striving for perfection

| Principle of synergy

| Principle of "sanctity of life"

| Principle of respect for duty

~ For the Islamic moral and religious tradition harakterno- this:

| Focus on the Koran and the set of canonical laws of Islam

| Priority of human free will

| Dominant socio-political interests of the state

| Priority social religions

| Disregard for the value of religious culture

~ The basis of Islamic laws governing health is:

| Code of canon law of Islam

| Overall national interests

| Reasoning by analogy

| Ability and the right interpretation of the expert

| The interests of science

~ The concept of the human person is defined in Islam....

| On the hundredth day of pregnancy

| Righteous parents

| Vital human activity

| Own professional opinion

| Public opinion

~ For the Buddhist ethical consciousness are not...

| Enlightenment and personal responsibility

| God's will

| Inner freedom

| Desire for liberation from suffering

| Overcoming ignorance and knowledge of nature spirits

~ The intervention in the sphere of human health carried out...

| On the basis of free, informed and informed consent of the patient

| On the basis of medical evidence

| On the basis of the rarity of the disease and its pattern of cognitive values

| At the request of relatives

| On the basis of financial gain

~ The concept of "informed consent" does not include...

| Information about the top priorities for intervention compared with the possible risk

| Information about the objectives of the proposed intervention

| Information on the nature of the alleged interference

| Information about the possible negative consequences

| Information associated with the risk of interference

~ The criteria for determining the beginning of human life are: a) the formation of the nervous tissue of the fetus, and b) the formation of the respiratory system of the fetus, in) the first heartbeat, g) the moral status of the human embryo, included in the system of moral relations between people, d) the merger of female and male sex cells.

| None of the above

| And

| B

| In

| D, e

~ The value of human life in the traditional Christian moral anthropology is determined by:

| A unique and inimitable personality

| Age (ages)

| Social status

| Mental and physical usefulness

| Financial solvency

~ The basis of admissibility of abortion liberal ideology is:

| Denial of personal status of the fetus

| Rights of the child

| Privacy

| Existence of medical operations abortion

| None of the above

~ Assisted reproductive technologies may not be used:

a) in order to select the sex of the child; b) to prevent serious illness inheritance, sex-linked; c) for the purpose of procreation people with different sexual orientations.

| A, b

| B

| In

| And

| A, b

~ Ethically unacceptable "abnormal births technology" is not connected:

| With the moral and philosophical processes

| In violation of the rights of the child to be born in a traditional marriage in a natural way

| The legalization of partial and non-traditional families

| With the destruction of "excess" human embryos

| To depreciate the value and importance of motherhood and maternal love in the case of the legalization of "surrogate motherhood"

~ The emergence of modern medical sexology is not related...

| Assertiveness

| With the moral and philosophical processes

| With the development of the pharmaceutical industry

| With the scientific and technological revolution

| Developmental porn and seksbizneza

~ Medicine - is... types of knowledge:

| Interdisciplinary

| Natural science

| Humanities

| Philosophical

| Religious

~ The fundamental base, forming the medical profession, is:

| Moral

| Economic

| Cognitive (epistemological)

| Cultural

| Sacral

~ The main purpose of reporting doctor is:

| Salvation and preservation of human life

| Social trust in the medical profession

| Respect of colleagues

| Lucre

| Assertiveness

~ The main feature of the professional ethics of the doctor is:

| Conscious choice of moral principles and rules of conduct

| Right to deviant behavior

| Criminal liability for failure to comply with professional ethics

| Absolute necessity to subordinate personal interests of corporate

| Priority to the interests of medical science over the interests of a particular patient

~ The correct definition of ethics as a science is:

| Ethics - the science of nature and sense of moral relations and moral principles

| Ethics - the science of living beings against each other

| Ethics - the science of minimizing harm to human relations

| Ethics - the science about the ability to behave in society

| Ethics - the science of self-sacrifice

~ The ratio of general ethical teachings and professional nature of biomedical ethics is..

| Regulatory

| Defining

| Informative

| No connection between them

| Intuitive

~ By the form of social regulation of medical practice does not apply:

| Art

| Ethics

| Morality

| Etiquette

| Right

~ Etiquette - a form of...

| Recognition of the importance of special rules of behavior in social and professional relationships

| Custom

| Special conditional courtesy

| Science of nature and sense of moral relations and moral principles

| Human capacity for social adaptation

~ Moralnvy nravstvennost- this:

| Classified by culture on the criterion of "good-evil" attitude and morals of the people

| Collection of scientific facts

| Philosophical doctrine

| Strict observance of the laws and the Constitution

| A form of "collective unconscious", which indicates a tribute

~ The term "right" includes all the above meanings except that it:

| Individual will punish and penalize people

| Element of the system of state power

| Form of coercion and punishment of man by man

| Set of state laws relating to any form of activity (for example, medical law)

| Science of jurisprudence

~ The moral regulation of medical activity from legal distinguished:

| Freedom of choice of action

| Arbitrariness motive activity

| Criminal impunity

| Social approval

| A money interest

~ Morality and law according to Kant are in the ratio...

| Right is subject to ethics

| Moral subject to the law

| Morality and law do not contradict each other, because it is - related sphere of the spirit

| Morality opposes law

| Subject to the law morality and ethics

~ German psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers under the phenomenon of "criminal state" understands:

| State of the adoption of the law contrary to good morals

| Expressed in the law right of the people

| Legitimized freedom of human actions

| Unit, force him to comply with the law

| Phenomenon of social solidarity and cohesion between man and man

~ The value of human life in biomedical ethics is determined by:

| A unique and inimitable personality

| Age (ages)

| Mental and physical usefulness

| Race and ethnicity

| Financial solvency

~ The concept of "honor" of the person does not include:

| Physiological and psychological characteristics of a person

| A sense of responsibility for the commission of an act

| Social origin (aristocratic, noble)

| Inner nobility

| Faithful to the principles favorites

~ The concept of "dignity" of the person does not include is:

| Health, physiological characteristics of the human body, the economic and financial success

| Purity of thoughts and intentions, motives act

| Image and likeness of God

| Public recognition, popularity

| Critical self-esteem, self-confidence

~ To the correct definition of justice include:

| Justice - a principle governing relations between people

| Justice - it is mainly the principle of distribution of wealth and funds

| Justice - equality

| Justice - is righteousness, law enforcement and response good for evil

| Justice - is the reward "the best" - "the best"

~ On the concept of good not apply:

| Unattainable ideal

| Ability and willingness to help your neighbor

| Good that is valuable and significant in itself

| Individual health

| What is the opposite of evil

~ On the concept of evil does not include:

| Intellectual fiction

| That separates from the ideal of moral perfection, biblical commandments of God

| Contact vice and moral corruption

| What leads to misery and disaster

| That can make a profit and benefit

~ The ratio of good and evil is that:

| Good self-sufficiency and samoznachimo

| Welcome exists independently and separately from evil

| Evil self-sufficient

| Evil is the absence of good

| Good and evil at the same

~ Debt - turns into force...

| Requirements of conscience and moral consequences of the ideal

| Professional duties

| Dictates of time

| Ideological justification of social progress

| Superior orders

~ By the conscience does not include:

| Symptom of mental disorder

| Ability to experience failure to perform duty

| Inside knowledge of good and evil

| Ability to recognize the quality of the act

| Vector moral life, aimed at tribute

~ Freedom is different from arbitrariness, is...

| Sense of responsibility for the commission of an act

| Excuse the sinfulness of man

| Recognition abilities of a person to do whatever he wants

| The inability of a man to subdue the will demand moral law

| Indifference to the human capacity for moral perfection

~ Freedom is:

| To realize the potential and the capacity for moral perfection

| A person's ability to do whatever you want

| Possibility of creativity

| Law of nature

| Law of social life

~ The definition of "fun" is not associated with:

| Disease

| Meeting the needs of

| Biological adaptation function

| Triumph of reason

| Expression of interest in a social group

~ The correct definition of justice is:

| Distribution and pays

| Sensual and intelligent

| Social and asocial

| Good and Bad

| False and true

~ The moral perfection of man presupposes:

| Human abilities, knowledge about the purpose and meaning of human existence

| Utopian faith

| Possession of the supreme authority

| Wealth

| Intellectual reflection

~ The moral ideal - is:

| Way of the highest perfection and the highest good

| Sample of Excellence

| Wise man

| Hero, sacrificed himself to save the life of another person

| President of a great country

~ Charity - is:

| Unselfish activity by which private resources freely distributed by their owners in order to facilitate the needy

| Platonic idea

| Result equality

| Pagan virtue

| Selfish feelings of satisfaction

~ The concept of "mercy" does not include...

| Willingness to comply with any request by the person

| Feelings of compassion and the ability to

| Readiness to provide assistance to those who need it

| Indulgence

| Ability to suffering

~ Professional Ethics doctor refers to one of the following types of ethical theories:

| Ontotsentristskomu (idealistically deontological)

| Anthropocentric (naturalistic-pragmatic)

| Occupies an intermediate position

| Pragmatic

| Deontological

~ According to the ethical anthropocentrism human behavior and actions are defined:

| Innate biological and material needs of man

| Interests of social groups

| Moral duty

| Professional obligations

| National interests

~ According ontotsentrizmu ethical behavior and human behavior are determined by:

| Moral duty, professional obligations

| Interests of social groups

| Material needs of man

| Innate biological needs

| National interests

~ Conservative ethical tradition in biomedical ethics form the teachings...

| Hedonism

| Traditional Christian worldview

| Pragmatism

| Kantian ethics

| Freudianism

~ The liberal position is based on biomedical ethics:

| F.Nitssche doctrine, pragmatism

| Old Testament morality

| Stoicism

| Platonism

| Freudianism

~ To the historical and logical models of biomedical ethics do not apply...

| Nazi medicine

| Model Hippocrates

| Model Paracelsus

| Deontological model

| Bioethics

~ In the Hippocratic model of biomedical ethics basic principle is:

| Do No Harm

| Thou shalt not kill

| Priority to the interests of science

| Principle of individual autonomy

| Principle of non-interference

~ For medical ethics Paracelsus basic principle is:

| Do good

| Not bear false witness

| Do not steal

| "Knowledge - force"

| Principle of individual autonomy

~ For deontological model doctor-patient relationship basic principle is:

| Full proof of debt

| Do not commit adultery

| Save the medical secret

| Help colleague

| Principle of non-interference

~ For the modern model of professional ethics - bioethics, the basic principle is:

| Principle of priority of the rights and dignity of the patient

| Principle of "respect for the debt"

| Principle of "do no harm"

| Principle of priority of science

| Principle of non-interference

~ Features "American bioethics" does not include...

| System of economic relations "free market" with a focus on making a profit from medical activities

| Advanced scientific and institutional framework

| Availability of research centers on bioethics

| Socio-political events of 60-70 years of the twentieth century in the United States

| Formation of the movement for the rights of patients and the creation of a "Bill of Rights of the Patient"

~ By civilizational grounds bioethical knowledge does not include:

| Experimental nature of modern medical knowledge

| Emergence and application in public health practice of new biomedical technologies

| Democratization of social relations

| Value-ideological pluralism

| International activities of the Council of Europe

~ The special features of the "Christian Bioethics" Catholicism does not include:

| Bioethics issues from the perspective of calculating "benefits and uses"

| Choice as a basis of "Christian bioethics" principles of understanding of "man as subject and object at the same time," "likeness" of the person, the body as the temple of God, the saving role of suffering and death as a stage of life

| Comprehensive review of bioethical issues

| Priority social realities in theological constructs and recommendations

| Reasoned criticism "'evolutionary anthropology"

~ The special features of bioethics in the countries with the Protestant culture does not include:

| Value "of the nation's health"

| Principle of moral autonomy of the individual

| Statement of law and values ​​of spiritual freedom of man

| Idea of ​​responsibility

| Value-ideological pluralism

~ The special features related to bioethics in the Orthodox moral anthropology does not include:

| Commercial interests of scientific and intellectual elite

| Understanding of God as the source of human striving for perfection

| Principle of synergy (the ability to co-work of man and God in the transformation of life)

| Principle of "sanctity of life"

| Understanding of vocation as "partakers of the divine nature"

~ For the Islamic moral and religious tradition is characterized by:

| Focus on the Koran and the set of canonical laws of Islam

| Priority of human free will

| Dominant socio-political interests of the state

| Value "of the nation's health"

| Idea of ​​responsibility

~ The basis of Islamic laws governing health is:

| Code of canon law of Islam

| Overall national interests

| Reasoning by analogy

| Ability and the right interpretation of the expert

| The interests of science

~ The concept of the human being in Islam is defined by:

| On the basis of the provisions of the Koran on the entry of the soul in the embryo of three months and one week, those on the hundredth day of pregnancy

| Righteous parents

| Vital human activity

| Own professional opinion

| Ability and the right interpretation of the expert

~ For the Buddhist ethical consciousness of fundamental importance not have:

| God's will

| Enlightenment and personal responsibility

| Inner freedom

| Desire for liberation from suffering

| Overcoming ignorance and knowledge of nature spirits

~ Buddyskakya ethics based on the understanding of man as:

| People - the result of a merger of parental germ cells and "continuum of consciousness" ("There is a new birth")

| Natural being

| Beings, created by God

| Principle of "sanctity of life"

| Understanding of vocation as "partakers of the divine nature"

~ "Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine" (1997) by using advances in biology and medicine is not obliged to protect and guarantee:

| Provide economic benefits and material interest

| Human dignity

| Protect the individuality of each human being

| Respect the integrity and inviolability of the person

| Observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms

~ "Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine" (1997) by using of Biology and Medicine announces priority...

| The interests and welfare of the human being

| Public interest

| The interests of science and scientific progress

| The interests of the working age population

| Other interests

~ When carrying out any intervention in the health field, including intervention for research purposes is not respected...

| Economic interests of the researcher

| Law of RK

| International law

| Biomedical professional ethical standards

| Corporate professional interests

~ The intervention in the sphere of human health can be...

| On the basis of free, informed and informed consent of the patient

| On the basis of medical evidence

| On the basis of the rarity of the disease and its pattern of cognitive values

| At the request of relatives

| On the basis of financial gain

~ The concept of "informed consent" does not apply...

| Information about the top priorities for intervention compared with the possible risk

| Information about the objectives of the proposed intervention

| Information on the nature of the alleged interference

| Information about the possible negative consequences as compared to the potential benefits

| Information associated with the risk of interference

~ For those who are not able to give informed consent does not include:

| Females, people with foreign citizenship

| Minors

| Persons with mental disabilities

| People with severe diseases, blocking consciousness

| Adult persons with mental disabilities

~ The criteria for determining the beginning of human life are:

| Moral status of the human embryo, included in the system of moral relations between people, the fusion of female and male germ cells

| Fetal neural tissue formation

| Formation of the respiratory system of the fetus

| First heartbeat

| Status of the human embryo, not included in the system of moral relations between people, nesliyanie female and male germ cells

~ The value of human life in the traditional Christian moral anthropology is determined by:

| A unique and inimitable personality

| Age (ages)

| Social status

| Mental and physical usefulness

| Financial solvency

~ Negative attitudes to abortion in the traditional Christian moral anthropology is not defined:

| Doctrine of the transmigration of souls (metempsychosis)

| Violation of the commandment "Thou shalt not kill"

| Default by the commandment of love

| Irreducibility of the individual properties of the psychophysical nature of man

| Race and ethnicity

~ The basis of admissibility of abortion liberal ideology is:

| Denial of personal status of the fetus

| Rights of the child

| Privacy

| Existence of medical operations abortion

| None of the above

~ In recognition of the ethical acceptability of surrogate motherhood in artificial fertilization in vitro in Islam influences...

| Assumption that nurtured the mother may be the second wife of her husband

| Prohibition of egg donation

| Evaluation of surrogate motherhood as morally unacceptable phenomena

| Abandoned children sometimes become criminals

| New Testament glorifies Herod for the humane treatment of infants

~ The use of prenatal diagnosis in eugenic purposes Islamic ethics...

| Condemns

| Recognizes

| Is neutral, relying on his own opinion of the person

| Forces

| Does not consider

~ Assisted reproductive technologies may not be used...

| In order to choose the sex of the child, for the purpose of procreation people with different sexual orientations

| Inheritance to prevent serious illness, sex-linked

| In order to continue the kind of people with different sexual orientations

| In order to choose the color of the future child, in order to continue the kind of people with different races

| In order to choose the mental status of the unborn child, in order to continue the kind of people with unstable mentality

~ In order to mass introduction of contraception does not apply....

| Approval of the Biblical commandment "Be fruitful and multiply" and preservation of traditional views on marriage and family

| Promoting human rights plan their family size

| Opposition to religious moral values

| Performance of various government orders and international projects to maintain a certain number of population in various regions of the world

| Assertion biblical commandment "is not fruitful, and multiply" and the preservation of non-traditional views on marriage and family

~ Conservative negative attitude to contraception is not determined...

| Attractive image of Don Juan in the world literature

| Destruction of traditional ideas about the purpose of the family

| Associated cultivation "liberation of sexuality"

| Focus on small and childless families

| Rights of States or international organizations on social and political control over the birth rate in the country

~ Ethically unacceptable "abnormal births technology" is not related...

| Technical complexity of the process

| In violation of the rights of the child to be born in a traditional marriage in a natural way

| With the recognition and condemnation of inferiority spouse (wife) and attempt to find him (her) replacement (in the case of donor germ cells)

| With the destruction of "excess" human embryos

| To depreciate the value and importance of motherhood and maternal love in the case of the legalization of "surrogate motherhood"

~ The emergence of modern medical sexology is not related...

| Economic problems in our country

| With the moral and philosophical processes - proliferation of ethical nihilism, vulgar Freudianism, with the introduction of the ideology of human rights

| With the development of the pharmaceutical industry (the era of contraceptives and antibiotics)

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