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Рекомендовано Мшютерством освгги i науки Укра'ши якпщручник (лист№ 14/18.2-1716 вщ 16.07.04) 30 страница

25. Translate into English keeping in mind the rules of sequence of tenses.

А. 1. Нова секретарка сказала, що рашше вона жила у Бостош.

2. Джек запитав мене, чи вмпо я плавати. 3. Директор пщтвердив, що вони обговорять це питания наступного тижня. 4. Мати сказала, що хлопщ грають у футбол з ранку. 5. BiH зателефонував i повщомив, що переклад треба закшчити до друго'1 години. 6. Вона сказала, що наша дочка добре грае на riTapi. 7. Джим запитав п, хто телефонував ш годину тому. 8. Я запитав вчитсля, що означае цей висл1в. 9. Вона нагадала меш, що ввечер1 нас запросили в rocTi. 10. Старенька сказала, що См1ти переУхали до Канади. 11. Bci щкавилися, скшьки роюв я не був у рщному MicTi.

12. Вона вигукнула у вщчаУ, що школи бшьше не буде щасливою.

13. Репортер повщомив, що гри не буде, якщо пще дощ. 14. Штер запитав мене, куди я йду. 15. Джейн запитала мене, чи вщюлав я п листа.

В. 1. Вчителька попередила, що рашше вони школи не виконували таких складних завдань. 2. Тош запитав, чи будуть документи готов1 до третьоУ години у четвер. 3. Мати пояснила, що п син живе в окремш квартир! вже два роки, а до того вони жили разом. 4. Хазяйка будинку наполягала на тому, що вчора о дванадцятш годиш п сусщ був удома, вона чула, як вш грав на скрипщ. 5. Напередодш я зустр1в свого приятеля i запитав, як вш склав затк. BiH вщшшв, що письмовий тест вш склав, а от усна вщиовщь, на жаль, була незадовшьною, i йому треба прийти ще раз. 6. Няня не дозволяла хлопцев1 брати цукерки, вона сказала, що мати заборонила Тети синов1 солодке перед общом. 7. Перехожий звернув мою увагу на мою кишеню, вш зауважив, що вона розепбнута i мш гаманець може випасти. 8. Пщ час штерв'ю мене запитали, скшьки роюв я вже вивчаю японську мову i чи був я колись у Япони. 9. Нам повщомили, що настугший Л1так буде тшьки у понедшок, i що ми можемо замовити квитки заздалегщь. 10. Штня ж1нка порадила нам не залишатися на н1ч у лю1, тому що за прогнозом можливий дощ. 11. Професор додав, що результати експерименту будуть залежати вщ певних умов.

26. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English paying attention to the sequence of tenses.

Останшм часом BiH все бшьше думав про той випадок у горах, згадував Bci подробищ. У пам'ят1 поставали образи: вершини rip, лю у пщшжжя, багаття та обличчя друз1в. BiH був абсолютно впевнений, що того туманного ранку Irop марно наполягав на тому, щоб вони вщклали сходження. BiH радив дочекатися, коли змпшться погода i вийде сонце. Тод1 вони просто не розум1ли, чого цей бородатий "старий", який вже тршп сходив на OiuiT, попереджав про небезпечн1 "сюрпризи" цього маршруту. BiH запам'ятав назавжди останн1 слова Ольги, що вони мали довести, хто тут боягуз. Як Bin Mir не дозволити 'ш, першш красуш курсу, переконати себе? Загибель д1вчини була лише його помилкою, його провиною, його болем...

Exercise 2/17

1. Is this the greatest film ever made? 2. You tidied your room? This has got to be a first for you. 3. Set the controls for the heart of the sun. 4. The sun rises in the east. 5. A winner was chosen. 6. This is a small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. (Neil Armstrong). 7. Who won the Oscar for best director? 8. Where is the statue of Buddha? 9. Snow fell on a forbidding landscape. 10. All roads lead to Rome. 11. See that tall, ginger-haired Scotsman over there? He's the McLeod, Head of the Clan.

Exercise 2/19

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2. Make hay while the sun shines. 3. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 4. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. 5. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. (Lord Acton) 6. A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism. (Karl Marx) 7. All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. (Shakespeare) 8. Every cloud has a silver lining. 9. There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 10. The grass is always greener on the other side. 11. Man is by nature a political animal (Aristotle). 12. Hell is other people (Sartre). 13. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 14. A stitch in time saves nine. 15. Less haste, more speed. 16. Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. (Kipling) 17. What student is the better for mastering these futile distinctions? 18. There can be no question that the burning of Joan of Arc must have been a most instructive and interesting experiment. (GB Shaw) 19. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever. (Orwell) 20. I find television very educational. Every time someone switches it on I go into another room and read a good book. (Groucho Marx) 21. Nihilism is best left to professionals. (Iggy Pop)

Exercise 2/24

Harry heads Down Under for gap year - Prince Harry arrives in Australia this week, at the start of his gap year before joining the military. The 19-year-old is scheduled to stay Down Under for three months. After his year off, he plans to enrol for officer training at the military academy at Sandhurst in Surrey, and then follow an army career.

He is expected to devote a lot of his time in Australia to sports - watching the Rugby World Cup and playing polo, probably for Australian tycoon Kerry Packer's team. Harry has already captained a Young England team and could do so again at Millamolong, New South Wales, in a special Ambassador's Cup match.

Armed officers from Scotland Yard's royalty protection branch are travelling with the prince. The estimated £600,000 cost for the 12-strong squad has already caused some controversy in the press.

Australia is the number one destination for British gap year students and the prince, who has a reputation for partying, drinking and smoking, is expected to have a good time.

Harry, the third in line to the throne, gained two A-levels before leaving Eton - а В in art and a D in geography. St James' Palace officials have confirmed Harry has applied to Sandhurst and wants to be a career soldier. However, it has not been made public what regiment he would prefer or how long he would like his commission to be. Nor is it known how he will be spending the remaining months of his gap year.

Exercise 4/8

1. since

2. use

3. involved

4. more

5. improving

6. human

7. are

8. accuracy



10. part

11. make

12. mistakes

13. back

14. ever

15. replaced



Pre-text Exexercise 2:

1-a; 2 - c; 3 - d; 4 - c; 5 - d; 6 - c; 7 - b; 8 - b; 9 - c; 10 - c.

Exercise 5/3

Taras Shevchenko was born 9 March 1814 in Moryntsi, Kyiv County. Born a serf, Shevchenko was orphaned in his early teens and grew up in poverty and misery. He was taught to read by the village precentor and was often beaten for "wasting time" by drawing, for which he had an innate talent. At the age of 14 he was taken by his owner P. Engelhardt to serve as a
houseboy, and travelled with him, first to Vilno and then to St.Peterburg. Of his compatriots, Shevchenko met the Russian painter K. Briullov, whose portrait of the Russian poet V. Zhukovsky was sold in a lottery, the money from which was to buy Shevchenko's freedom from Engelhardt in 1838. Shevchenko enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts at St.Peterburg. In the 1840s, Shevchenko visited Ukraine three times. Those visits made a profound impact upon him. He was struck by the great devastation in Ukraine. Two months after Shevchenko's death (1861) his remains were transferred to Chernecha Hill, Kaniv, Ukraine.

Exercise 5/18

1. He had spent his childhood - He spent...

2. He had been working as a teacher - He worked as a teacher...

3.... he publicly had protested against the repression... - he publicly protested against the repression...

4.... he had expelled from his post-graduate programme - he was expelled from his post-graduate programme

5. In 1972 he had been arrested... - In 1972 he was arrested...

6. In 1979 he was staying in Kyiv for almost eight months... - In 1979 he had been staying in Kyiv for almost eight months...

7. This time he had been sentencing to ten years... - This time he was sentenced to ten years...

8. Vasyl Stus had died on September 4... - Vasyl Stus died on September 4...

9. He had been 47 years old. - He was 47 years old.

Exercise 7/9.

The Smiths stayed at a campsite last summer because all the other kinds of holiday accommodation were too expensive for them. Every day Mrs. Smith sunbathed, Mr. Smith went sightseeing and the children travelled around the island. On one of the days, they took an excursion to a local castle.

Exercise 7/25.

1. Must we translate the whole article into Ukrainian?

- Yes, you need to.

- No you needn't.

2. Need we have the window open in this cold weather?

- Yes, we should.

- No, we don't need to.

3. Need we come early?

- Yes, you should.

- No, you don't need to.

4. Must we book the tickets beforehand?

- Yes, you should.

- No, you needn't

5. Need I comment on this article at all?

- Yes, you must.

- No, you don't.

6. Must they work so late every evening?

- Yes, they have to.

- No, they needn't.

7. Must we do all the exercises to this text?

- Yes, you must.

- No, you needn't

8. Need we have a telephone in the hall?

- Yes, we need to.

- No, we don't.

9. Need I act upon your advice?

- Yes, you must.

- No, you needn't

10. Must we send them an email?

- Yes, you should.

- No, you needn't

11. Need we worry about it now?

- Yes, you should or you must. (Context needed).

- No, you don't need to.

12. Must we give the answer at once?

- Yes, you should or you must. (Context needed).

- No you don't have to.

13. Need we ring him up?

- Yes, you should.

- No, you needn't.

14. Surely you must need to find that book?

- Yes, I do need to.

- No, I don't need to.

Exercise 9/7

1. He irritated his boss by acting the goat. 2. To hide his knowledge, he decided to play the fool. 3. The play was divided into four acts. 4.1 admire Stupka's acting. 5. The children went to play in the park. 6.The tourists were injured as the result of a terrorist act. 7. Many actors hope to play Macbeth. 8. The famous actress had always wanted to act in Macbeth. 9. He wasn't injured - he was play-acting. 10. The complex play resulted in a goal. 11. Do you play chess? 12. The screenplay was excellent, but the acting was dire.

Exercise 9/12

The Queen of England, Princess Diana, The Pope, Cardinal Richelieu, The McLeod (when head of the McLeod clan in Scotland), Ronald MacDonald, The Jesus and Mary Chain (musical performers), Marilyn Manson (musical performer), The Famous Grouse (whisky), Stolichnaya (vodka), the President, the car-park attendant.

The Netherlands, The Argentine, The District of Columbia, The Crimea, The Himalayas, The Danube, The Gambia, Ukraine, The Hague, The USA, The Hebrides, The Ivory Coast, The Bahamas, The Atlantic, The Lebanon, The Ruhr, The UK, The Congo.

Exercise 9/18

1. The nuclei of the atoms were stable. 2. The sportsmen won gold medals. 3. The trades union called for strikes. 4. The Germans chose tomatoes. 5. The Welshmen took photos. 6. The data was created using the wrong formulae. 7. Such a phenomena caused the apparatuses to function incorrectly. 8. My room-mates were using computer mice. 9. The cities gave the victorious heroes rousing cheers. 10. Choosing the right criteria for the multiple series of judgments was difficult. 11. The geese wandered into the pens holding the oxen. 12. The bases of the series of results were developed using the very latest Information Technology and state-of-the-art Physics and Chemistry. 13. The children sat on the roofs. 14. The women took off their clothes. 15. The Frenchmen took half of the cloths. 16. The vertebrae of the Romans were injured by the fall. 17. The courts-martial of the governors-general acquitted the defendants as there was no proof. 18. There were great stimuli to receive bonuses. 19. The addenda to the agendas were made. 20. The sports stadiums were also used as concert arenas. (Note that "stadia" is effectively archaic and that the preferred plural in the Shorter Oxford

Dictionary in the 2002 edition is now "stadiums") 21. They brushed their teeth with toothbrushes. 22. The deer grazed on the plateaux. 23. The appendices to the memoranda were extremely lengthy. 24. The memos issued by the bureaux caused a stir. 25. The unclothed cherubim caused crises when seen by the Victorian gentlemen. 26. There were squid and octopuses by the reefs. (Note that "octopi" is effectively archaic and that preferred plural in the Shorter Oxford Dictionary in the 2002 edition is now "octopuses")

Exercise 9/24

Tittle-tattle (gossip), tick-tock (the sound of clockwork), pitter-patter (the sound of quiet footsteps), mish-mash (jumbled mess), itsy-bitsy (small), shilly-shally (undecided), hoity-toity (snobbish), okey-dokey (agreed), lovey- dovey (loving), higgledy-piggledy (in a mess, in confusion), helter-skelter (in a rush), teenie-weenie (tiny), argy-bargy (a dispute), pell-mell (without taking care), nitty-gritty (the basic facts).

Exercise 11/9

1. On what television channel is the soap opera? 2. They went sailing on the canal. 3. You need to be a very strong swimmer to swim the English Channel. 4. The Panama Canal is essential to shipping. 5. We need to go through the Green Channel at Customs. 6. The dentist told me that I needed a root canal filling. 7. The Channel Islands have been British Dependencies since 1066. 8. There are even more canals in Brugge than there are in Venice.

Exercise 11/11

1.1 was delighted that she agreed with me. 2. They found it difficult to agree on a plan. 3. If you agree to this final change, the negotiation will be over. 4. She agreed with the changes that had been made. 5. They were all hoping that the singer would agree to appear at the charity concert. 6. Once you tell me that you agree, we can proceed. 7. Please tell me that you'll agree to help. 8. Since they all agreed with the speaker, there was nothing but polite applause. 9. They quickly agreed on a course of action. 10. They expected Parliament to agree the Bill.

Exercise 11/24.

1. She is a good driver, she always drives very carefully. 2. The students with whom we study are mostly from Kyiv County. 3. What's the matter? Why are you walking so slowly? 4. I'm very keen to leave as early as possible. 5. If he can jump that high he'll win the competition. 6. The graduate's first job was quite a lowly position at the bank. 7. He proved his intelligence with such a fine answer to the problem. 8. He studied hard for his entrance exams. 9. Few people are highly paid in this business. 10. They treated the puppy badly.

11. When she began her journey, it was still so dark she could hardly see.

12. The swallows flew low, almost touching the water with their wings. 13. The food tasted good. 14. Our lawn looks nice, doesn't it? 15. She speaks English well. 16. After this little adventure you look awful. 17. This coat feels warm. 18. The ship arrived safely. 19. Cut the cheese thinly. 20. Hold me tight.

Exercise 11/25.

1. He wrote especially quickly. 2. He learnt to speak Japanese quite fluently. 3. They were careful to judge the competition fairly. 4. The orang­utans were allowed to wander freely around their enclosure. 5. He didn't like to give the impression that he was highly intelligent. 6. She only vaguely remembered the way to her Aunt's flat. 7. The revelations opened her eyes wide to the ways of the world. 8.1 could hardly hear a word with such a noise going on. 9. After running for the bus, he was breathing heavily. 10. The student's archaeology group was deeply interested in Minoan sites. 11. She wound lots of string tightly around the parcel. 12. Herbert Marcuse was severely critical of consumerist society. 13. Soon after finishing university, he found an excellent job in Donetsk. 14. Easier said than done! 15. The Easter Island inscriptions have never been interpreted. 16. Serhiy Bubka will surely never be forgotten as one of the finest athletes ever.

Exercise 12/10

1. The lecturer had to set the theme for the next lesson. 2. A guest lecturer was brought in to present a different approach. 3. They set the table. 4. Emma was asked to decorate the Christmas cake. 5. They set out at dawn. 6. The Emperor decided to further decorate the war hero. 7. He was given the set as a present. 8. The group was present and correct. 9. The set was incomplete. 10. The piper was presented with a new set of bagpipes. 11. The new rector was set in place. 12. The chess set that was his Xmas present was decorated with diamonds. 13. The film set was empty. 14. He was dead set on presenting the lecture himself. 15. The Xmas tree had so far only been decorated with a set of lights.

Exercise 12/25

1. A number of students have fallen ill. 2. Ho has a 7-year-old daughter.

3. The number of people looking for work has increased. 4. Sixty percent of the population live in towns. 5. These are hundred-Euro shoes. 6. I am tired after a two day journey. 7. 2000 Euros is a large sum. 8. 20 years is a very long time. 9. I want to stay here for another two days. 10. I need an extra 200 hriven. 11. The greatest part of the Mongols and Tartars were as illiterate as their sovereigns. 12. The number of students is up this year.

Exercise 13/9

1.1 think that historical novels are my favourite literary genre. 2. She read history at University. 3. Have you seen my history textbook?

4. Mikhailovskiy Cathedral is an impressive historic monument. 5. Man walking on the moon was a historic event. 6. Where's the History Museum? 7. The fall of the Roman Empire was a major historical change. 8. Romeo and Juliet is an important historical play by Shakespeare. 9. The Ukrainian composer, Prokofiev, wrote some truly historic pieces. 10.1 think I'll join the University's history society.


1. Polly forgot to do her homework.

2. The boys went on with the game even though they had been playing cards for hours.

3. The driver stopped to buy the cigarettes he wanted.

4. Laura didn't even try to move the piano as she didn't think she could.

5. I'll always remember meeting Mrs. Thatcher.

6. The shelves need painting, so why don't you.

7. Graham didn't mean to be rude to Louise.

8. Kevin regrets that he missed his chance of a prize.

Exercise 16/2

The English like growing flowers. It's a popular focus for gardening because it brings pleasure both to the gardener and the people who see the garden. In winter a great source of pleasure for some people is to pick up a seed catalogue and look at the brightly coloured pictures of summer flowers. Even people with a very small piece of land in towns like growing flowers, as do so many people with only a balcony. People who have never seriously tried to speak a foreign language carefully learn the Latin names of the flowers they plant. If you want to please an English person, be very polite about his garden. The English gardens belonging to Stately Homes are often internationally famous. Some of them are very beautiful, especially the big ones that are open to the public.

Фонетичш вправи

на закртлення початкових практичных навичок та на розвиток артикуляцшноИ техшки


Довп голосш фонеми

1. Вивчггь ряд довгих голосних фонем у зазначешй послщовность

№2 №7 №10 №12 №8

[i:] [а:] [о:] [и:] [з:]

Ее ah or Оо err


назвабукви ох!, а! або, чи звук, помилятися

що нагадуе укра'Унську [у]

2. Вправи для язика: а) Прочитайте 5-6 раз1в наступш пари СЛ1В, не змипоючи положения губ, що напружен! i розтягнут1, тр1шки вщкриваючи зуби. При вимов1 фонеми [i:] середня спинка язика досить високо пщнята до верхнього пщнебшня; при вимов1 фонеми [з:] вся сгшнка язика лежить максимально пласко.

i: — 3: i: — 3:

3: - i: 3: — i:

б) Прочитайте 5-6 раз^в наступш ланки ошв, поступово вщсовуючи язик назад i донизу, одночасно вщтягуючи к1нчик язика вщ нижн1х зуб1в.

i: — з: — и: — о: — a: i: — з: — и: — о: — а:

3. Вправи для губ

Прочитайте наступи! пари ошв, розтягуючи губи для вимови фонеми [i:] та [з:] i округлюючи Ух для вимови фонем (о:J та [и:]. Пщ час вимовляння фонеми [а:] губи нейтральш.

i: — з: 3:-i: a:-i: о: — i: u:-i:

i: — a: з: —a: a:-3: o:-i: u:-3:

i: — о: з:-о: a:-o: o:-a: u:-a:

i:-u: 3:-u: a:-u: 0:-u: u:-o:

4. Вправи для нижньо1 щелепи


№9 [d]

№6 [л]

№5 [э]

Прочитайте наступи! пари СЛ1В, досить широко вщкриваючи рот для вимовляння фонем [а:] та [о:] та роблячи досить вузьке розкриття рота при вимовлянш фонем [i:], [з:] та [и:].

i: — а:














и: - а:






- и:


KopoTKi голосш фонеми

1. Вивчггь напам'ять ряд коротких голосних фонем у зазначенш ПОСЛ1ДОВНОСТ1.

№ 1 № 3 [I] [е]

№ 11 [о]

2. Вправа для язика

Прочитайте наступш пари слш та склад1в, як1 е частинами англшських сл1в. При вимовлянш фонеми [d] вщсувайте язик назад донизу, одночасно вщтягуючи кшчик язика вщ нижшх зуб1в.

im - Dm em - Dm u:m-Dm Am - Dm am-Dm Dm-im Dm - em Dm-sem Dm-u:m Dm-am

3. Вправа для губ

Прочитайте настугпп пари CJiie та скла,щв, пом1тно округлюючи губи для вимовляння фонеми [и] та трнпки округлюючи Тх для вимовляння фонеми [d]. Округления iy6 не повинно супроводжуватися ix випинанням.

im-u:m im - Dm u:m - im Dm-im em - u:m em - Dm u:m-em от-em asm - u:m asm - Dm u:m -;cm Dm-asm

Am-u:m Am - Dm и:т-лт bm - лш em-u:m em - Dm u:m-em Dm-em



4. Вправа для нижньоУ щелепи

Прочитайте наступи! пари сл1в та склад1в, досить широко вщкриваючи рота при вимовлянш фонем [о], [ае] та [л] i роблячи досить вузьке розкриття рота при вимовлянш фонем [w], [е], [и].

im - Dm im - aem im - лш

em - Dm em - aem em - лш

u:m - Dm u:m-aem и:т-лш

em - Dm em - aem em - лш



Dm - im aem - im лт - im

Dm - em aem - em лт - em

Dm - em aem - em лт-ет

Dm - u:m aem - u:m лт - u:m




1. Вивчпь напам'ять англшсыа дифтонги у зазначенш послщовносп.

№ 13

№ 14

№ 15

№. 16

№ 17











вигук Ей?





Що ви сказали?





Чи не правда?






№.18 №19 №20

[19] [ее] [ие]

ear air Ur

вухо повипря геогр. назва

2. Вправа для язика

Прочитайте наступи! пари апв, вщсувайте язик назад донизу при вимовлянш першого елемента фонеми [ох].

ei - oi

oi - ei

ai - oi

oi - ai

ао - oi

oi - ао

ЭО - 01

01 - эо

1Э - 01

01 - 19

еэ - oi

oi - еэ

оэ - 01

01 - иэ


3. Вправа для губ

Прочитайте наступи! пари ошв, округлюючи губи при вимовлянш другого елемента фонеми [эо] та першого елемента фонеми [иэ].При вимов! ycix шших дифтонпв губи розтягнуп або нейтральш.

ei - аи

ei -



- ei


- ei

ai - ао

ai -



- ai


- ai

oi - ао

01 -



- эо


- эо

1Э - аи

1Э -



- 1Э


- 1Э

еэ - ао

еэ -



- еэ


- еэ

оэ - ао

ао -



- 09


- эо


4. Вправа для нижньоТ щелепи

Прочитайте наступи! пари cnie, досить широко вщкриваючи рота на вимовлянш перших елеменпв фонем [ох], [ai] та [аи] i роблячи досить вузьке розкриття рота на вимовлянш перших елемештв фонем [ei], [оэ] та [эо].

ei ■

- 01

ei - ai

ei - ao

01 -



- 01

оэ - ai

оэ - au

01 -



- 01

эи - ai

oi - ao

01 -




ai - ei

ao - ei





ai - оэ

ao - оэ





ai - эо

ao - эи




Сполучення дифтонпв з нейтральною голосною фонемою [э]

1. Вивчггь напам'ять наступш сполучення дифтонпв з нейтральною голосною [э] у зазначенш послщовносп.

fei a] [aia] [oia] [аоэ] [эоэ]

ayer ire oyer our ower

частина поет. юр. наш боржник

слова гшв, вручения

player яр1сть копи




2. Прочитайте ряд нових дифтонпв, як! утворюються при бшьш швидкому вимовлянш сполучень голосних фонем з вправи 1.

[е:э] [а:э] [э:э] [а:э] [з:э]

3. Вправа для язика та губ

Прочитайте наступи! пари сл!в, вщсовуючи язик назад i донизу, а також округлюючи губи при вимовлянш першого елемента звукосполу­чення [Э1Э]. При вимовлянш шших звуюв губи нейтральш. ею - oia oia - eia

aia - oia oia - aia

aua - oia oia - aoa

aoa - oia oia - aoa

4. Вправа для нижньоТ щелепи

Прочитайте наступи! пари сл!в, досить широко вщкриваючи рота при вимовлянш перших елемештв звукосполучень [aia], [аоэ], [oia] i роблячи досить вузьке розкриття рота при вимовлянш звукосполучень [eai] га [эоэ].

ei9 - aia эиэ - ai9 ai9 - ei9 aia - эиэ

Дата добавления: 2015-08-28; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.078 сек.)

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