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Your travel wardrobe and your luggage


Where and when you are going, whether or not you are camping and the activities you enjoy all affect your travel wardrobe. While the amount of clothes taken depends somewhat on the length of your trip, don’t carry more than you need; plan with this maxim in mind: If in doubt, leave rt out The temperature tables in the Tourbooks and Campbooks will help you adjust your clothing to the local weather. It shouldn’t be a problem to put together a wardrobe that is complete and compact Wrinkle-resistant, light-weight wools, drip-dry cottons or their synthetic counterparts travel well and need almost no care.

Concentrate on casual and informal clothes that can be dressed either up or down. Sticking to one or two colors with blending tones keeps accessories to a minimum. Interchangeable separates with one or two casual dresses for women and. slacks, casual shirts and a sports jacket for men will constitute a good basic wardrobe. A wrinkle-proof suit and a simple dress or pants outfit appropri­ately accessorized will easily allow an evening out in the city or dinner at a first-rate formal restau­rant without adding unwarranted bulk to your baggage.

A lightweight raincoat, an extra sweater, other outerwear appropriate for the weather and prob­ably the most important item of all.—comfortable walking shoes — will complete an adult’s wardrobe For children, jeans and T-shirts will suffice, with perhaps one outfit for special occasions only.

You will probably find self-service laundry facilities in or convenient to almost every overnight stop.

Now that you have planned your wardrobe and have assembled all the personal articles yos will need, it’s time you put everything into a suitcase. One suitcase is preferable; if you need tm put less frequently used items in the larger one and overnight necessities in a smaller one. This will ensure that the larger bag need not always be taken from the car.

In packing, a cardinal rule is to fill all the space. Stuff your extra shoes with socks and under­wear; rolled T-shirts make excellent crush-proofing for jacket shoulders. When you can, roll rarifcf than fold your garments, particularly sweaters, jeans and T-shirts. Clothing that does not fold wefi can be hung in a garment bag.

Place odd-shaped things such as shoes, cosmetic cases and shaving kits in the bottom of suitcase and fill in around them with small rolled articles. Put liquids and lotions in plastic bottled leaving some air space for expansion caused bv hnt nr ^ wite


in a plastic bag so any leakage won’t soil everything else. Carry extra plastic bags for wet bathing suits, dirty shoes and laundry.

Pack shoes and heavy items at the bottom, opposite the handle. Distributing the weight even­ly from side to side will make the bag much easier to handle and will help prevent shifting of the

contents. (Source: American AutomobilAssociation)


by E. Gleick

V Of the 360 million people in the European Union alone, nearly a quarter are between 15 and 29 years old. Despite popular notions of “union”, they have little sense of shared identity. Europe’s young do not consider themselves European. They are Danish, Italian, Polish or Welsh. For work and travel, they enthusiastically take advantage of the porous borders afforded them by the expand­ing E.U., but feel little sense of community otherwise.

The momentous changes that have transformed the continent in the past three decades have, nevertheless, created some common themes. Especially in Western Europe, which is struggling with high unemployment, young people would call this the age of anxiety. Not only can they any longer count.on a job for life; many of them do not have jobs at all.

Everywhere, but particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, where walls - symbolic and real - have fallen, American-style capitalism has taken hold. If you go to any big city, you will find the same kinds of clothes, music and shops. Materially, most members of this generation are better off than their forebears. Their lives are cluttered with beepers and cell phones and laptops, mountain bikes and Calvin Klein underwear. But psychically - or spiritually - many young people claim there is a void.

According to the study, even though more than half of those surveyed had no confidence in their nation’s institutions, 68% trusted in environmental groups and 51% in human rights groups.

(From lime. Winter 1998-99)


by R. Scruton

In her 11 years as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher swept away the cobwebs of trade-union power, attacked the dependency culture. But her aim was not to join the modem world, it was to restore the pre-modern Britain, in which individual responsibility and national independence were the ruling ideas. She accepted the hereditary House of Lords. She stood against the European Union and its modernizing bureaucracies. Her finest hour was the Falklands war, in which the myths of colonial Britain lived again in the popular imagination.

Thatcher’s social vision was centered on the family. She boldly defended “Victorian family values”’ and saw the free market as a means to restore the enterprise.

But a new Britain was forming behind the facade. To succeed in pre-modem Britain you need­ed a special education: an education in manners, deference, courtesy and protocol, not to speak of history, grammar and articulate speech. That education has disappeared. Hierarchies, dignities and judgements have lost their appeal, and a new post-modern society has emerged in which niceness stands higher than goodness in the scale of accepted ideals.

The last vestiges of aristocracy and formality are being swept from the political process. No more hereditary privileges, no more stuffy forms and ceremonies.

In pre-modern Britain, people were taught to be vaguely ashamed of their tastes, their speech and their lifestyle. They were conscious of the vast chasm that separated the semi-detached house with its TV and pop music from the grand mansion, where string quartets performed to parchment feces framed in evening dress. Even in the days of Margaret Thatcher, titles were bestowed on con­ductors of orchestras, famous writers and scientists, and others who represented the high culture and intellectual achievements of a society organized by social class. In post-modern Britain it is the pop stars and footballers who receive the honors.

And how long will this new Britain last? Well, for the time being.

(From Time, October 27,1997)

3. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English. Use the essential vocabulary included in Unit 6. Great Britain. (Main Course).

Велика Британія - це держава у північно-західній Європі. Розміщена вона на Бри­танських островах. Країну населяють англійці, шотландці, уельсці, ірландці. Столиця країни - Лондон. Британія - конституційна монархія. Законодавчий орган - двопалат­ний парламент.

Британія омивається Атлантичним океаном і його морями. На півночі і заході переважає гірський рельєф, на півдні і на південному сході рельєф є більш рівнинним. Клімат країни помірний, океанічний, вологий.

На півночі є багато озер. У горах знаходяться вересові поля. Ліси займають 9% те­риторії. В країні є багато національних парків.

Велика Британія - економічно могутня індустріальна країна. Провідна галузь про­мисловості - машинобудування. У країні добре розвинена нафтопереробна, хімічна, харчова промисловість. Сільське господарство забезпечує потреби країни в продуктах харчування. Країна експортує машини та обладнання, нафту, вироби хімічної промисловості.

Кожен рік до Британії приїжджає багато туристів із різних країн світу. Всім їм подобаються гарні пейзажі, чудові історичні будови, динамічний стиль життя британців.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 26 | Нарушение авторских прав

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