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Дать информацию об аудитории

Дать информацию об аудитории

To give information about the audience


Ограничение во времени

Time limit


Сделать короткое представление оратора

To make a shot representation of the speaker


Перед его отходом

Before his departure


Главное обязательство

The main obligation


Скрипеть стульями

To scrap chairs


Сделать соотв приготовления

To make proper arrangements


Сказать чтото напрямую

To say smth straightforwardly/directly/out right


Виды деятельности и мнения

Types of activities and opinions


Встречать по одежке

Clothes make a man


Посмотреться в зеркало

To look at the mirror


Воротник пиджака

The collar of the jacket


Пол дюйма

Half of inch


Деловой прием

Business banquet/reception


Носки сочетаются с брюками

Socks fit the trousers


Галстук бабочка

Bow-Butterfly tie


Носовой платок в левом кармане

Handkerchief in the left breast pocket


Вечернюю одежду не одевают до шести вечера

Evening clothes never worn before six p.m.


Офиц церемония

Official ceremony





Соотв обрамление

Full treatment


Безукоризненно чистый

Spotlessly Clean



A ring is just about the only jewelry that a man can wear. But even aring ought to meansmth, like wedding ring. Th wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger of left hand in the usa. Allmensrings should be worn on the little finger left hand. Of you want to make hand shaking less painful. A man can also wear a gold safety pin at the collar. A gold clip on the tie, cold cuffs or a gold watch chain.


Everyday social manners

Here are the essentials of the everyday etiquette in everyday social life:

Stand up whenever a woman enters a room

Stand up for men for introductions, greetings and leave takings

Stand up when someone is trying to pass in front of you in the theatre

Step out of the lift when someone wants to get out and you are blocking the door

Walk on the street side of the sidewalk to protect your woman.

Keep her on the inside or on your right


Your hat

Take off your hat whenever you are indoors, except in lobbys, coridors, dept stores, office buildings and synagogues

Takd off you hat outdoors whenever you stop to talk to a woman

Take off your hat whenever the nation flag goes by

Take off the hat whenever you witness a religious ceremony, a burial, wedding, etc.

Lift your hat when you say how do you do,excuse me, you're welcome, bye. Ordinary you do not lift your hat to and among men, when no women are present, it would be awkward to lift your hat and shake hands and men usually shake hands in greetings and goodbyes. A polite young man lifts his hat to an older man, however this is always a friendly gesture from one man to an other.

Tip your hat whenever you perform a service for a woman,for example you pick up smth she has dropped on the sidewalk

Tip your hat whenever you greet in passing or fall into step with a woman you know


Your hands

Shake hands for all introductions and all goodbyes to men, but dont offer you hand to a woman unless she extends hers first. Dont kiss a womans hand unless you are a european. Foreign american hand kissing is an affectation.

Remove your right glove before shaking hands

Give your hand to a woman when you help her down from buses, down into boats an so on.

In these situation you preseat her, so that you can be in a position to help and naturally you offer your hand first, but as soon as she has regakn her balance, let it go.

If you put your hand under a womans elbow, you do it only at formal dinners. At such times, you offer your right arm bent at the elbow. She links her arm loosely through yours and away you go.

The helping hand in most etiquette situations between men and women is not so simple as it once was, perhaps because women are not so simple as they once were.

The modern woman forgets to give you time for the correct or polite gesture, she opens the door first, she hops out of the car before you walk around and help her out, she slides into the coat before you help her with it. At such times you insistence on the letter of etiquette can make her feel awkward and embarrassed.


Here are some rules to remember on such occasions:

Ladies first except when you are going first is in form of service to her.

When there is a waiter to lead you to a table, you let her proceed you, but when there is no one else to perform this service, you go first to find the table or the seats.

You get off the bus first, so you can help her down

You go first down the steps, so you can hand her down as you go.

Hold all doors for her, you should never let her stand holding the door as you pass through. When the door pushes in, rather than opening out, you should proceed her through the door in order to hold it for her

Car doors produce special problems. When you are in the drivers seat an she is beside you, you are supposed to get out on your side, walk around the car, opener door for her and then offer your hand to help her out. If she opens it herself without a ceremony, relax.

When you are both passengers, you should get out first, so you can hold the door and help her out.

Hold all chairs for her, when she seats and when she rises. Just pull the chair back, then push it under her as she bends her knees to seat.

Help her in and out her coat

Relief her of her heavy things, suitcases, briefcases, books etc.


At a restaurant with a business woman.

You check you hat and coat first, then you offer to check her things. She goes ahead of you to the dining room. After you are seated, you ask her what kind of cocktail she would like, the you repeat her order along with your own to the waiter. When she has had chance to study the menu, you ask her what she would like. When speaking to the waiter, you must refer to her the lady. Salad for the lady, not she will have salad. When it is time to go, you ask the waiter to bring a check or bill. Once payment is made, you stand, walk around to help her, then allow her to proceed you to the check room. You claim you hat and coat, ask the doorman to get you a car or a taxi, and you are off.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 19 | Нарушение авторских прав

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The question touched upon in the texts concerns people's attitudes to crime. | Современная музыка хит-парадов мира (России, Европы, Америки). Последние новости из мира шоу-бизнеса, музыкальные новинки, актуальные события из жизни звёзд, гастроли, рейтинги, слухи и интересные

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