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З.аn ad 3.summary of one's employment

З.аn ad 3.summary of one's employment


4.make an appointment 4.be independent

5.application form 5.a newspaper announcement

6.councellor 6.to take money for some


7.recommendation 7.to determine the time of a


8.to stand on one's own feet 8.a letter from your previous


9.personnel 9.to give somebody a

good opinion of you

l0.receive fees l0.an adviser

Ex.7 Replace the words by the words from the text.

1.You come to the appointment on time to show your best side. 2.He went to the employment agency to meet a person who gives ad­vice. З.Не went to the manager to ask for a job. 4.He isn't working at the moment, he is out of work. 5.The company gives provisions against sickness, death, damage and loss. 6.The agencies deal with people having no trade. 7.She got the job, but didn't know how to achieve high results in it. 8.He is a workaholic, his work occupies most of his time.

Ex.8 Choose the right word:

Job - anything that one has to do, task or duty.

Position - a person's relative place, as in society: rank, status.

Occupation - that which chiefly engages our time: one's trade.

1.He was unemployed doing only odd... 2.Knitting is a useful... for long winter evenings. 3.This aid is for those who have a very low... in society. 4.My sister occupies an important... in the Department of Health. 5.The police called the company to find out his... at the moment. 6.He had a hard... painting the car.

Ex.9 Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

1.After leaving school a young person faces... a very difficult problem - choosing an occupation. 2.Boys and girls seldom talk... this problem... the family. З.Оnе has to take special courses to qual­ify... the job. 4.There is a special advisory service which counsels... people who are looking... work. 5.There are agencies that deal... unemployment. 6.This agency specializes... placing people... their

qualification. 7.The agency helped me to find... the information I needed. 8.You can turn... your teacher... advice and help. 9.Counsellors give practical advice... interview techniques, applica­tion forms, etc. 10.He made an appointment with the career officer... 5 p.m. 11.A counselor can see only a few applicants... a day. 12.He was... 20 minutes late and created a negative impression... his em­ployer. 13.He didn't know how to fill... an application form. 14.It turned out he traveled... the agency... nothing because he didn't make an appointment... advance. Ex.10 Translate:

1.Когда я вошла в агентство, секретарь, встречавший посети­телей, спросил меня, назначена ли у меня встреча. 2.У меня на­значена встреча с Мисс Харрис на 10.15. З.Я проходил мимо ва­шего агентства и решил зайти и поговорить с одним из ваших советников. 4.0н не пришел в назначенное время на встречу с Мистером Брауном, что произвело крайне неприятное впечатле­ние. 5.Вам необходимо заполнить анкету для поступления на работу. б.Агентство поможет вам подобрать работу согласно вашей квалификации.

Ex. 11 Fill in the words below.




A. In Britain a lot of people are... Tracey Chapman is 18 and she...a year ago. She lives in the North East, an area of high... She hasn't been able... yet. "My dad just doesn't understand. He started working in a steel mill when he was 15. Things are different now, but he thinks I should start bringing home some money. Oh, I get my... but that isn't much and 1 am fed up with... for it every Thursday. I hate asking my dad and mum for money. Oh, they give me some but they can't stand seeing me at home all day. I've almost... looking for a job. I buy the... every day but I'm really tired of... the "Situations Vacant" column. There are 50... for every job. I was in­terested in being a dentist's... because I

like meeting people, but


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