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It’s in Herod’s jurisdiction.


Tetrach of Galilea

Law of Moses.

Spirit of the Covenant.

A sanctuary

Let Rome handle it!

It’s in Herod’s jurisdiction.

Jordan river

Look at us today!

Did you dream?

Your mother’s bread

I am getting too old

Let me be the first to welcome you.

Governor of Judea.

The most troubled province.

Roman citizen

Caesar’s spy

Caesar’s historian

Kind men would say.

We are not beggars.

I paid my tax to Rome.

God bless you!


We’ve met.

City surprises me.

Vicious man.

Jews don’t eat pork.

The Temple

Emperor Tiberius

High priest.

Very narrow path.

Governor of Judea

Maintain peace.

Corrupt religion.

Soldiers will be posted here.

Shields are symbols of dominion.

We submit to your swords.

Here is my bare neck.

To defile осквернить.

To murder every priest.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.

Stop staring at...

A door that squeaks.

It’s beyond repair.

A broken heart.

You embarrassed M.

Stop talking like this!

Are you all right?

I loved you as my own.

Without me.

Toward freedom.

Look at us today!

Make yourselves clean!

Learn to do good!

To hate injustice.

He is cleansed.

Which broke his heart

He was not about to marry me.

As you were his own.

What’s the matter?

You’re properly dressed.

J. has recently died.

He taught us both a lot.

He’d probably gone with John.

Why have you treated us like this?

A terrible memory.

Just for entertainment.

If you confess your sins.

To dedicate

In whom I am well pleased

Are ready to feel...?

I am willing.

You don’t look so good

Are you hungry?

But you have the power.

I am just asking for bread.

Feed these people!

Man is fed not with bread alone but

You can change all that.

What is the truth?

I am going to help you.

Nature’s laws.

Get away!

Don’t test God for your own purposes.


Let me show you.

You can be number one.

There is nothing more precious.

By becoming the most powerful.

Lamb of God.

Are you sure?

We are going to the wedding

There is no wine left.

A jar

What are you talking about?

Tax collector

To insult

Come out!

A liar.

Rise up and walk!

A zealot

To believe.

They are right.


I steal from them.

Give up everything and come with me.

Keep trying!

I’m trying to love him.


A preacher

A whore.


He claims to be Messia.

The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field.

She is caught in very act of committing an adultery.

To stone.

To betray.

Let anyone who is without sin be the first to cast the stone.

Change your coins!

A house of prayer

A house of trade.

We should not pay taxes to Rome.

Whose image is on this coin?

What does this word mean?

Blessed are the poor!

I’d like to inherit something right now.

Wealth does not buy a good heart.


What comes out from your mouth is more important.

Authority to bring my message.

Cure the sick!

Cast out demons.

Take nothing with as you meet people.

Your mission begins in this world.

A gift.

A ghost.

I am sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.

Thirty pieces of silver.

Their king cares about them.

God forgives you.


Take the stone away!


If you have been here L. would not have died.

I’m the resurrection and the life

Where have you buried him?

A tomb.

A high priest.


He keeps our traditions.



We are peace-keepers.



Tyranny of sin.

God’s will.

You must prevent this.

Sacrifices are required.

Kicking over the tables.

I want you gone from this Council.

To die.

I have no choice.

To endanger Israel.

This is too dangerous.

Take! Eat! This is my body!

This is my blood of the covenant

which is poured out for many

for the forgiveness of sins.

Do it in remembrance of me!

To humiliate.

To convict.

Pain / painful.

Hours in agony.

You were with him.

You are the fool!

I don’t know what you are talking about!

The son of God.

A trial – допрос.


You can’t deny!


Death sentence.

You have an interesting face.


Your Majesty.




To baptize

To crucify


To signify


A cross

A follower

To forgive








To conquer

A conqueror

I am sorry.


To serve




Вопрос 1

святилище; о нем? двор; Одежда у тебя подходящая.; Он многому нас обоих научил. Почему ты так с нами обращался? Осквернить. Оскорблять. Шпион. Они правы.


Вопрос 2

В котором мое благоволение; просто для развлечения; законы природы; ты уверен? Агнец Божий. Не искушай Господа Бога твоего. Позволь мне показать тебе. Ты голоден?


Вопрос 3

Ты готов почувствовать…? Я желаю. Очень узкая тропа. Нет ничего более ценного.он очищен. Встань и иди! Если ты исповедуешь свои грехи. Мы не нищие. Я сожалею.



Вопрос 4

О чем ты говоришь? Мы идем на свадьбу. Огонь. Проповедник. Вина не осталось.

Блаженны бедные! Привидение. Священник. Могила. Не хлебом единым жив человек

Вопрос 5

Царство небесное. Супружеская измена. Я пытаюсь полюбить его. Чье изображение на монете? Милость. Богатство. Я бы хотел унаследовать что-нибудь прямо сейчас.


Вопрос 6

Он не собирался на мне жениться. Отдавайте Богу Богово а кесарю кесарево. Я просто прошу хлеба. Мы встречались. Что означает это слово? Потерянные овцы. меч; Евреи.


Вопрос 7

Последователь; распять на кресте;; прощать; ты голоден? Ты плохо выглядишь. Нет ничего более ценного. Встань и ходи! Дом торговли. Ужасное воспоминание. Пасха.


Вопрос 8

Накорми этих людей! Научитесь делать добро! Евреи не едят свинину. Мы не должны платить налоги Риму. Перестань глазеть на… 30 сребренников. Исцеляйте больных!



Вопрос 9

Убирайся! Очень узкая тропа. Меняйте монеты. Дом молитвы. Бог прощает тебя. Нигде Воскрешение. Первосвященник. Болтовня. Миротворец. Восстание. Дар. Река. Истина


Вопрос 10

Ты должен предотвратить это. Тирания греха. Требуются жертвоприношения. Отвечай! Ты не можешь отрицать. Ты был с ним. Смертный приговор. Наказание. Неужели?


Вопрос 11

У тебя интересное лицо. Это кровь Завета проливаемая во оставление грехов. Пусть с этим Рим разбирается! Я не знаю о чем вы говорите! Ваше Величество! Номер один


Вопрос 12

Унижать. Делайте это в воспоминание обо мне! Боль, болезненный. Умереть. Уберите камень! Покаяние. Оставь все и иди со мной. Лжец. Я просто прошу хлеба.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 15 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Everybody of you has his own mas, his own birthday which is celebrated | Statesmen, scientists and commentators have talked doomsday for a long time now. We have heard of the frightful possibilities of fission and fusion, of the threatened end of civilization, of the

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