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Individual Contribution Report – Leo Rautonen

Individual Contribution Report – Leo Rautonen


For my part of this project, I created the spreadsheet for Question 2 parts a, b, and c, as well as developed a variable multiplier table for it to allow easy sensitivity analysis to be done with it. I also produced some sample results and ideas for sensitivity analysis for Ivan who took it to another level then. I also solved question three in its entirety for our group as well as wrote it up on word. For writing the managerial report, I wrote the sections for Executive Summary, Statement of Problem, Statement of overall Solution Approach, and Extensions. I participated actively in group-organization with communicating with Ilya (who was available most often) several times during last week, as well as trying to help our other two members to get their work started via email, forum group and text messages as well as Skype. To ensure that everything would be completed on time, I took up some extra duties in the form of writing the parts of Managerial Report. I also helped editing some parts of the managerial report.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 22 | Нарушение авторских прав

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