1 The founder of phenomenology is…
A) E.Husserl
B) I.Kant
C) G.Hegel
D) B.Russel
E) A.Komte
answer = A
2 Philosophy is…
A) One of the types of outlooks about world, human being and the place of human in world
B) Form of religious activity
C) Doctrine of beauty
D) Doctrine of Being.
E) Doctrine about right behavior, morality, justice
answer = A
3. Outlook is...:
A) Doctrine of beauty.
B) System of norms, values and stereotypes in a cultural-historical epoch.
C) Gilosoism system.
D) Doctrine of materialism.
E) Idealistic form of cognition.
answer = B
4 The founder of deconstructivism:
А) B.Russel.
В) I.Kant.
С) M. Heidegger.
D) J.-P. Sartre.
Е) J. Derrida.
answer = E
5 Phenomenological reduction is a continuation of the determination of consciousness as a transcendental subject, which begins in philosophy of...:
A) B.Russel.
B) J. Derrida.
C) R.Descartes.
D) G.Hegel.
E) X. Ortega-i-Gasset.
answer = C
6 Which direction is the 20th century was engaged in philosophy of language?
A) Phenomenology.
B) Pragmatism
C) Hermeneutics
D) Analitical philosophy.
E) Ontology.
answer = D
7 What book did Descartes count as a main instruction for development human mind?
A) “Critique of pure reason”.
B) “Either-or”.
C) “Discourse on the Method”.
D) “Critique of Practical Reason”.
E) “Critique of Judgment”.
answer = C
8 Lack of Judgement is the stupidity of the mind. This is the words of...
А) B.Russel.
В) J. Derrida.
С) M. Heidegger.
D) J.-P. Sartre.
Е) I.Kant.
answer = E
9 The founder of pragmatism is...
A) Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein.
B) Franz Brentano.
C) St. Albert.
D) St.Aquinas.
E) Charles Sanders Peirce.
answer = E
10 The author of “The Phenomenology of Spirit”:
A) St. Albert.
B) J. Dewey
C) G.Hegel
D) Socrates
E) Protagoras
answer = C
11 The translation of the word “axiology”:
A) Pantheism.
B) Doctrine of significance and values.
C) Cosmo centrism.
D) Love Theo.
E) Love Humanity.
answer = B
12 The word “Epochè” in the philosophy of Husserl is translated from Greek as:
A) Suspension, abstinence
B) Warrior
C) Judgement.
D) Humanity.
E) Love.
answer = A
13 “Transcendental unity of apperception” is one of the important categories in philosophy of…?
A) I.Kant
B) E.Husserl
C) M.Heidegger
D) B.Spinoza D.Hume
E) D.Hume
answer = A
14 Who was teacher of E.Husserl who used the term of intentionality?
A) D.Hume.
B) D.Hume.
C) F.Brentano.
D) J.-P.Sartre
E) Protagoras.
answer = C
15 How do we come to infer a connection between cause and effect in Hume’s mind?
A) Demonstrative reasoning.
B) Moral reasoning.
C) Habit.
D) A gift from the gods.
E) Common sense.
answer = C
16 Who is the ultimate judge of what is right and what is wrong in human moral practice, according to Hume?
A) Society as a whole.
B) Each individual on his or her own.
C) God.
D) There is no rational ground for moral judgment.
E) State.
answer = A
17 How do humans differ from animals in Hume’s view?
A) Humans do not rely on instinct.
B) Humans can infer necessary connections between events by means of reason.
C) Humans learn from experience.
D) Humans are very good at drawing general inferences from experience.
E) Humans are cleverer.
answer = D
18 The meaning of the notion of ALETEIA in Greek philosophy:
A) Cognition.
B) Feeling.
C) Human.
D) Truth, unconcealment.
E) Cleverer.
answer = D
19 The object of philosophy is:
A) Cognition process.
B) World in whole and the place of man in this world.
C) Human being.
D) Truth, unconcealment.
E) Mind.
answer = B
20 The main parts of philosophy:
A) Ontology, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics.
B) This world.
C) History, methodology.
D) Geometry, algebra, analytics.
E) Economy, ecology.
answer = A
21 The meaning of the notion of EPISTEME in Greek philosophy:
A) Process.
B) Place.
C) Being.
D) Truth.
E) Knowledge.
answer = E
22 The meaning of the notion of DOXA in Greek philosophy:
A) Conflict.
B) War.
C) History.
D) Struggle.
E) Teaching, opinion.
answer = E
23 The meaning of the notion of ARCHE in Greek philosophy:
A) Love wisdom.
B) Peace.
C) Progress.
D) The principle united all existing things.
E) Philosophical problem.
answer = D
24 Epistemology is:
A) A study of nature, origin and limits of human knowledge.
B) Love wisdom.
C) Religion.
D) Branch of art.
E) Mathematical discipline.
answer = A
25 Ethic is:
A) A study of nature, origin and limits of human cognition.
B) Love wisdom.
C) A philosophical study of principles, moral and human behavior.
D) Branch of physics.
E) World religion.
answer = C
26 Aesthetics is:
A) A study of nature, origin and limits of human cognition.
B) Philosophy as a system.
C) A philosophical study of principles, moral and human behavior.
D) A philosophical study that researches the sphere of artistic activity and its principles.
E) One of the directions of Buddhism.
answer = D
27 Who first introduce the word “philosophy”?
A) Parmenides.
B) Zeno Eley.
C) Socrates.
D) Pythagoras.
E) Democritus.
answer = D
28 Thales postulated that the primary substance is:
A) Moisture, water.
B) Air.
C) Ground.
D) The heaven.
E) Fire.
answer = A
29 Anaximander defined the primary substance as:
A) Wind
B) Air.
C) Ground.
D) Apeiron.
E) Fire.
answer = D
30 Anaximenes found the primary substance in:
A) Number
B) Air.
C) Ground.
D) Apeiron.
E) Fire
answer = B
31 Who defined ARCHE as fire:
A) Parmenides.
B) Heraclitus of Ephesus.
C) Xenon Eley.
D) Pythagoras.
E) Democritus.
answer = B
32 Who is the author of this statement: “It’s impossible to enter the same river twice”?
A) Parmenides.
B) Democritus.
C) Xenon Eley.
D) Pythagoras
E) Heraclitus of Ephesus.
answer = E
33 Who said that: “Good and evil are the same”?
A) Heraclitus of Ephesus.
B) Plato.
C) Xenon Eley.
D) Pythagoras.
E) Socrates.
answer = A
34 Who is the author of this statement: “Nature loves to conceal herself”?
A) Heraclitus of Ephesus.
B) Plato.
C) Aristotle.
D) Pythagoras.
E) Socrates.
answer = A
35 What Greek school saw ARCHE in number and numerical relations?
A) Lyceum.
B) Academy.
C) Pythagorean.
D) Eley.
E) Millet.
answer = C
36 Who is the founder of Eleatic school?
A) Parmenides.
B) Cicero.
C) Thales.
D) Pythagoras.
E) Socrates.
answer = A
37 The author of famous paradoxes (apories) is…
A) Parmenides.
B) Cicero.
C) Thales.
D) Pythagoras.
E) Zeno of Elea.
answer = E
38 Zeno of Elea developed paradoxes (apories) against
A) Love.
B) Motion and plurality.
C) Kindness.
D) Evil.
E) God wisdom.
answer = B
39 Who introduce a separate, immaterial, creating principle in Greek philosophy?
A) Parmenides.
B) Cicero.
C) Thales
D) Anaxagoras.
E) Zeno of Elea.
answer = D
40 What did Sophists teach?
A) How to love each other?
B) How to recognize each other?
C) How to get ahead in the world?.
D) Evil.
E) God wisdom.
answer = C
41 Who said that: “ Man is a measure of all things”?
A) Parmenides.
B) Protagoras.
C) Thales.
D) Anaxagoras.
E) Zeno of Elea.
answer = B
42 Socrates’s main interest in philosophy was
A) Ethics.
B) Ontology.
C) Physics.
D) Epistemology.
E) Rationalism.
answer = A
43 The Socratic main value was formulated as
A) Virtue is religion.
B) Virtue is arts.
C) Virtue is knowledge.
D) Virtue is war.
E) Virtue is interests.
answer = C
44 So, according to Heidegger, metaphysics is
A) Inquiry beyond or over beings.
B) The desire for evil.
C) Struggle of opposites.
D) War of the Worlds.
E) Almighty's will.
answer = A
45 Characteristics of das Man are, according to Heidegger
A) Inquiry beyond or over beings.
B) Curiosity and idle talk.
C) Struggle of opposites.
D) Availability problems.
E) Almighty's will.
answer = B
46 Heidegger considers man as
A) Inquiry beyond or over beings.
B) Curiosity and idle talk.
C) Da-Sein (being here).
D) Global problems.
E) Will of the world.
answer = C
47 The main work of Heidegger:
A) Phenomenology of Spirit.
B) Critique of practical reason.
C) Critique of pure reason.
D) Being and time.
E) World as perception.
answer = D
48 According to Existentialism, existence is always
A) Phenomenological being.
B) Rational being.
C) Critical being.
D) Primordial being.
E) Individual being.
answer = E
49 According to Kierkegaard, the third existential sphere is
A) Phenomenological sphere.
B) Rational sphere.
C) Critical sphere.
D) Religious sphere.
E) Individual sphere.
answer = D
50 According to Camus, what is the only truly serious philosophical problem?
A) What is being?
B) Is life worth or not worth living?
C) Who is man?
D) What is religion?
E) What is truth?
answer = B
51 The main topic of “The Myth of Sisyphus”:
A) What is being?
B) Sense of God
C) Who is subject?
D) What is religion?
E) Sense of absurdity, nonsense
answer = E
52 One of the famous Camus’s work:
A) Critique of practical reason
B) Critique of pure reason
C) Being and time
D) The myth of Sisyphus
E) Sense of absurdity, nonsense
answer = D
53 One of the principal French existentialist:
A) David Hume
B) Rene Descartes
C) Albert Camus
D) Francis Bacon
E) Martin Heidegger
answer = C
54 Why did Zarathustra leave the mountains?
A) To love himself
B) Because he is weary of his wisdom, like the bee that has gathered too much honey; he needs hands outstretched to take it
C) Because he has vicious nature
D) Because he knew the essence of nature
E) Because he knew the essence of religion
answer = B
55 The greatest and most famous Nietzsche’s work is
A) Thus Spoke Zarathustra
B) Critique of practical reason
C) Beyond Good and Evil
D) The myth of Sisyphus
E) Being and time
answer = A
56 Nietzsche often identified life itself with an instinct for growth and durability. Later this concept was called
A) Will to life
B) Will to power
C) Good and Evil
D) The myth on religion
E) Being of human
answer = B
57 The famous Nietzsche’s phrase “God is dead” means the triumph of
A) Will to life
B) Power of religion
C) Nihilism/meaningless
D) Conservatism
E) Being of nature
answer = C
58 Hegel’s greatest works are
A) “Will to power”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “Nihilism”
D) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
E) “Being and time”
answer = D
59 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel belongs to
A) Philosophy of the Middle times
B) Philosophy of the New time
C) Nihilism of XVIII century
D) Conservatism of XVII century
E) German classical philosophy
answer = E
60 In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant formulated the Categorical imperative:
A) Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that become a universal law
B) Operates only according to falsehood
C) Operates only according to feeling
D) Operates only according to perception
E) Operates only according to contemplation
answer = A
61 In his “Critique of Practical Reason Kant considered the ideas of
A) Mind and cognition
B) God, freedom and immortality
C) Aesthetics and Beauty
D) Power and authority
E) Perception and contemplation
answer = B
62 In metaphysics, Kant claimed, the situation is reverse. Reason, in its attempt to reach absolute truth, comes to
A) Aesthetics and Beauty
B) God, freedom and immortality
C) Antinomies
D) Power and authority
E) Perception and contemplation
answer = C
63 The basic problem arises, according to Kant, in three fields:
A) Aesthetics
B) Theology
C) Religion, belief
D) Math, physics, metaphysics
E) Geography
answer = D
64 The basic problem, as Kant formulated it in his “Critique of Pure Reason”, is to determine:
A) How is Aesthetics possible?
B) How is Theology possible?
C) How is Religion possible?
D) How is Math possible?
E) How is a priory synthetic judgment possible?
answer = E
65 A posteriori means
A) After experience
B) Before experience
C) Before Antinomies
D) Before authority
E) After contemplation
answer = A
66 A priori means
A) After experience
B) Before experience
C) Before Antinomies
D) Before authority
E) After contemplation
answer = B
67. Immanuel Kant was born in
A) 1834
B) 1804
C) 1724
D) 1859
E) 1700
answer = C
68 The first Kant’s greatest work is
A) “Will to power”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
D) “The Critique of Pure Reason”
E) “Being and time”
answer = D
69 The second Kant’s greatest work is
A) “Will to power”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
D) “The Critique of Pure Reason”
E) “Being and time”
answer = B
70 The third Kant’s greatest work is
A) “Will to power”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
D) “The Critique of Pure Reason”
E) “The Critique of Judgment”
answer = E
71 Immanuel Kant belongs to the
A) Philosophy of the Middle times
B) Philosophy of the New time
C) Nihilism of XVIII century
D) Conservatism of XVII century
E) German classical philosophy
answer = E
72 Leibniz’s main philosophical work.
A) Monadology
B) Experience
C) Antinomies
D) Authority
E) Contemplation
answer = A
73 Descartes divides the world into a metaphysical dualism of two finite substances:
A) Longness and thinking
B) Experience
C) Antinomies
D) Authority
E) Contemplation
answer = A
74 The famous Descartes’s formula “Cogito, ergo sum” is translated from Latin as
A) I think, therefore, I have truth
B) I think, therefore, I have power
C) I think, therefore, I have faith
D) I think, therefore, I am
E) I think, therefore, I have values
answer = D
75 Which method Descartes used to start his philosophy?
A) Thinking
B) Experience
C) Analysis
D) Induction
E) Deduction
answer = E
76 Who is the author of “Discourse on Method”?
A) Parmenides.
B) Descartes.
C) Bacon.
D) Anaxagoras.
E) Zeno of Elea.
answer = B
77 According to Spinoza, the best kind of knowledge generates the intellectual love for eternal, immutable good, or God, which lead us to
A) Blessedness
B) Experience
C) Analysis
D) Induction
E) Evil
answer = A
78. The first stage of cognition, according to Spinoza, is
A) Blessedness
B) Knowledge of random experience
C) Analysis
D) Induction
E) Kindness
answer = B
79 The second stage of cognition, according to Spinoza, is
A) Blessedness
B) Knowledge of random experience
C) Reason
D) Logic
E) Kindness
answer = C
80 The third stage of cognition, according to Spinoza, is
A) Struggle
B) Knowledge of random experience
C) Reason
D) Logic
E) Intuition
answer = E
81 “Natura naturata”, by Spinoza, means
A) Struggle
B) Will to power
C) Duration
D) Created nature
E) Intuition
answer = D
82 Natura naturans, by Spinoza, means
A) Struggle and war
B) Creating nature
C) Duration
D) Created nature
E) Intuition
answer = B
83 Spinoza divided substance into two aspects:
A) Natura naturans and natura naturata
B) Struggle and war
C) Duration and time
D) Being and time
E) Intuition and mind
answer = A
84 One of the main philosophic works of Baruch Spinoza:
A) “Will to power”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
D) “The Critique of Pure Reason”
E) “Ethics”
answer = E
85 The title of the Great Baconian utopia is
A) “Will to power”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
D) “New Atlantis”
E) “Ethics”
answer = D
86 The first Baconian idol of mind is
A) Cave
B) Marketplace
C) Tribe
D) Theatre
E) Mind
answer = C
87 The second Baconian idol of mind is
A) Cave
B) Marketplace
C) Tribe
D) Theatre
E) Mind
answer = A
88 The third Baconian idol of mind is
A) Cave
B) Marketplace
C) Tribe
D) Theatre
E) Mind
answer = B
89 The fourth Baconian idol of mind is
A) Cave
B) Marketplace
C) Tribe
D) Theatre
E) Mind
answer = D
90 The principal Baconian work is
A) ““Either-or”
B) “Critique of practical reason”
C) “The Phenomenology of Spirit”
D) “New Atlantis”
E) “Novum Organum, New Instrument”
answer = E
91 What European notion corresponds to the concept of Tao?
A) God
B) Word
C) Happiness
D) War
E) Desire
answer = A
92 The most famous of the cynics is:
A) Thales
B) Pythagoras
C) Diogenus
D) Plato.
E) Protagoras
answer = C
93 An important tradition borrowed by Al-Farabi from ancient philosophy is called:
A) Mysticism.
B) Peripateticism.
C) Gilosoism.
D) Materialism.
E) Idealism.
answer = B
94 The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy:
А) Ibn Rushd.
В) Al-Biruni.
С) Ibn Sina.
D) Al-Farabi.
Е) Al-Kindi.
answer = E
95 According to Locke, a substance is determined by its level of:
A) Ontological independence.
B) Simplicity.
C) Secondary qualities.
D) Abstract general ideas.
E) Complexity.
answer = A
96 What was the central problem of the Greek school of Philosophy of the early period:
A) The origin of man.
B) Problem of life and death
C) Acquisition of happiness and serenity
D) Cosmos and its origin.
E) Soul of the things.
answer = D
97 What did Descartes learn in his travels abroad?
A) There’s no place like home.
B) The world is round.
C) Different people have different customs.
D) Everybody everywhere is pretty much the same.
E) East or West home is best.
answer = C
98 What of the schools in ancient India developed logic explanation of the world?
A) Mimamsa
B) Yoga
C) Sankhya
D) Buddhism
E) Vaiseshika
answer = B
99 The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books “The City of God”, “Confessions”:
A) Thomas.
B) Origen.
C) St. Albert.
D) St.Aquinas.
E) St. Augustine.
answer = E
100 Statement «Man is the measure of all things» belongs to:
A) Thales.
B) Pythagoras
C) Democritus
D) Socrates
E) Protagoras
answer = E
111 The translation of the word “philosophy”:
A) Pantheism.
B) Love wisdom.
C) Cosmo centrism.
D) Love Theo.
E) Love Human.
answer = B
112 The word “Sophist” is translated from Greek as:
A) Wise man
B) Warrior
C) Judge.
D) Man.
E) Thinker.
answer = A
113 Why do people behave badly according to Socrates?
A) They are ignorant
B) They are evil
C) There is no objective measure of good and bad to regulate their behavior
D) They have been influenced by the Sophists
E) They are lazy
answer = A
114 The most prominent student of Plato’s Academy:
A) Euclid.
B) Pythagoras.
C) Aristotle.
D) Democritus
E) Protagoras.
answer = C
115 Plato founded the school of Philosophy called:
A) Lyceum.
B) Gymnasium.
C) Academy
D) Agora.
E) Dialectics of Athens.
answer = C
116 What kind of philosophy, according to Aristotle, studied the activity of the man, organization of the state:
A) Poetic.
B) Practical.
C) Theoretical.
D) Entelechy.
answer = B
117 He was called «the first teacher»:
A) Socrates
B) Aristotle.
C) Plato.
D) Diogenus.
E) Heraclitus.
answer = B
118 The teacher of Alexander the Great was:
A) Aristotle.
B) Socrates.
C) Plato.
D) Heraclitus.
E) Pythagoras.
answer = A
119 According to Aristotle, the best form of state is:
A) Tyranny.
B) Junta.
C) Oligarchy.
D) Democracy.
E) Aristocracy.
answer = E
120 Which of the following is always an end in itself, according to Aristotle?
A) Happiness.
B) Virtue.
C) Intelligence.
D) Honor.
E) Pleasure.
answer = A
121 How do we learn virtue in Aristotle’s view?
A) By habit.
B) By dialectical argument.
C) By rational instruction.
D) By learning from our mistakes.
E) By breathing.
answer = A
122 Miletus school was named after:
A) Name of the city.
B) Name of philosopher.
C) Name of founder.
D) Name of the river.
E) Name of book.
answer = A
123 Teachings of Aristotle called
A) Peripatetism
B) Academicism
C) Buddhism
D) Atheism
E) Pantheism
answer = A
124 «Emanation» means:
A) The process of formation of things through confluence of matter and form.
B) Universe comes from the beyond a single principle.
C) Process of cognition by recollecting the soul.
D) Process of developing of inference.
E) Process of development of the world of natural phenomena.
answer = B
125 Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as “school philosophy” was called:
A) Mysticism.
B) Pre-Socratic.
C) Scholastics
D) After-Socratic.
E) Nominalists.
answer = C
126 Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying:
A) Philosophy
B) Ontology
C) Epistemology
D) Ethics
E) Aesthetics
answer = A
127 The author of “The Tractates of the views of the citizens of a Virtuous City” is called “the second teacher”:
A) Al-Biruni.
B) Al-Khorezmi.
C) Al-Farabi.
D) Al-Gazali.
E) Ibn Sina.
answer = C
128 The author of the book «Kutadgu Bilik»:
A) Yassavi.
B) Balassaguni.
C) Al-Farabi.
D) Ulugbek.
E) Al-Gazali.
answer = B
129 Under the Renaissance man was considered to be as
A) Man - political creature.
B) Man - thinking being.
C) Man - political creature possessing the soul.
D) Man - creator, artist.
E) Man - microcosmos.
answer = D
130 He founded the Philosophy of policy in the epoch of formation of the early bourgeois relations…
А) Mirandola.
В) Machiavelli.
С) Campanella.
D) Cardinal Mazzarini.
Е) Cardinal Rischelier.
answer = B
131 Primordial substance of the nature according to Heraclitus is:
A) Water.
B) Air.
C) Fire.
D) Earth.
E) Wood.
answer = C
132 Expression «You can’t enter the same water twice» belongs to:
A) Heraclitus.
B) Protagoras.
C) Pythagoras.
D) Anaximander.
E) Plato.
answer = A
133 Outstanding philosopher and doctor of the Arab medieval world, author of «Canon of medical science»:
А) Ibn Rushd.
В) Ibn Badj.
С) Ibn Sina.
D) Al-Farabi.
Е) Ibn Tufeil.
answer = C
134 One of the representatives of the stoics was
A) Epicurus.
B) Seneca.
C) Aristotle.
D) Plato.
E) Socrates.
answer = B
135 Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece?
A) Socrates.
B) Aristotle.
C) Thales.
D) Cicero.
E) Epicurus.
answer= C
136 «Emanation» means:
A) The process of formation of things through confluence of matter and form.
B) Universe comes from the beyond a single principle.
C) Process of cognition by recollecting the soul.
D) Process of developing of inference.
E) Process of development of the world of natural phenomena.
answer = B
137 He was a student at the Sophists school first, and then became their opponent:
A) Protagoras
B) Pythagoras
C) Heraclitus
D) Socrates
E) Diogenus
answer = D
138 One of the prominent representatives of the older sophists was:
A) Thales.
B) Pythagorus.
C) Democritus.
D) Seneka.
E) Protagoras.
answer = E
139 One of the main philosophy books of St. Thomas Aquinas is:
A) Summa Theologica.
B) Summa of All Summas.
C) Summa in Defence of God.
D) Summa of Evidences.
E) Summa contra Devil.
answer = A
140 According to Aristotle, what is the best form of friendship based upon?
A) Utility.
B) Pleasure.
C) Goodness.
D) Law.
E) Equality.
answer = C
141 How is justice different from virtue, according to Aristotle?
A) Virtue is just one form of justice.
B) Justice deals with our relations to others, while virtue is a state of being.
C) Justice can be a vice in the wrong hands.
D) Justice is a human invention while virtue exists objectively.
E) Justice is a form of human virtue.
answer = B
142 What kind of idea does Locke consider our idea of the infinite?
A) Complex.
B) Abstract general.
C) Simple.
D) Confused.
E) Infinity.
answer = C
143 Which of the following subjects did Descartes most admire as a student?
A) Mathematics
B) Philosophy
C) Poetry
D) Science
E) Chemistry
answer = A
144 A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God:
A) Augustine.
B) Erasmus of Rotterdam.
C) Thomas Aquinas.
D) Makiavelli.
E) Abelyar.
answer = C
145 In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages:
A) Faith and reason.
B) God and world.
C) Universals.
D) Learning of God.
E) Learning of man.
answer = C
146 Which form of organization of people Confucius compared the state
A) War
B) community
C) struggle
D) conflict
E) family
answer = D
147 Augustine holds that God’s creation of the universe takes place:
A) in a day
B) before time began
C) After time began
D) Eternally
E) occasionally
answer = D
148 Philosophic trend of the medieval Islamic philosophy:
A) Nominalism.
B) Realism.
C) Science centrism.
D) Good brothers.
E) Atheism.
answer = C
149 Which schools are unorthodox schools of ancient India
A) Mimamsa
B) Yoga
C) Sankhya
D) Buddhism
E) Vaiseshika
answer = D
150 School of Aristotle called
A) Lyceum
B) Academicism
C) Buddhism
D) Atheism
E) Pantheism
answer = A
151 A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries:
A) Kalam.
B) Something mystical.
C) Poetics.
D) Sufism.
E) Hegelianism.
answer = A
152 What is the logic of the schools developed in ancient India
A) Mimamsa
B) Yoga
C) Sankhya
D) Buddhism
E) Vaiseshika
answer = B
153 Defining characteristic of the religious outlook is:
A) Belief in one God, the Creator
B) Belief in the supernatural, otherworldly forces, having the opportunity to influence the course of world events
C) Denial of human freedom, the belief that all actions originally defined by God
D) Contemptuous attitude to science, the denial of their validity
E) Love wisdom
answer = B
154 One of the characteristics of the Renaissance is:
A) Atheism.
B) Theologism.
C) Sociocentrism.
D) Cosmocentrism.
E) Antropocentrism.
answer = E
155 Searching individuality is the peculiar feature of Philosophy...
A) Conventialism.
B) Life.
C) Renaissance.
D) Rationalism.
E) Conformism.
answer = C
15 6 Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by Inquisition
A) Leonardo da Vinci.
B) Kusansky.
C) L. Valla.
D) Campanella.
E) Jordano Bruno.
answer = E
157 Outlook is:
A) set of views, evaluations, and emotions that characterize the relationship of man to the world and to himself
B) body of knowledge possessed by people
C) reflection of human consciousness of the social relations that objectively exist in society
D) adequate system of preferences of adult personality
E) form of history
answer = A
158 A characteristic feature of the Philosophy of the Renaissance is:
А) Atheism.
В) Theologism.
С) Sociocentrism.
D) Cosmocentrism.
Е) Antropocentrism.
answer = E
159 Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance:
А) Dante
В) Thomas Moor.
С) Erasmus of Rotterdam.
D) Lorenzo Valla.
Е) Petrarka.
answer = B
160 Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying:
A) Philosophy
B) Ontology
C) Epistemology
D) Ethics
E) Aesthetics
answer = A
161 The main principle of Taoism
A) Freedom
B) Desire
C) Way
D) Emotions
E) Canon
answer = C
162 One of the representatives of the stoics was
A) Epicurus.
B) Seneca.
C) Aristotle.
D) Plato.
E) Socrates.
answer = B
163 Primordial Being in Hinduism is termed:
A) Atma
B) Brahma
C) Caste
D) Karma
E) Samsara
answer = B
164 The lowest caste in India
A) Untouchable
B) Brahmans
C) Kshatriyas
D) Vaisya
E) Sudra
answer = A
165 Expression «You can't enter the same water twice» belongs to:
A) Heraclitus.
B) Protagoras.
C) Pythagoras.
D) Anaximander.
E) Plato.
answer = A
166 Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece?
A) Socrates.
B) Aristotle.
C) Thales.
D) Cicero.
E) Epicurus.
answer= C
167 Teachings of Aristotle called
A) Peripatetizm
B) Academicism
C) Buddhism
D) Atheism
E) Pantheism
answer = A
168 The founder of monadology theory is…
A) T. Hobbes
B) J. Locke
C) R. Descartes
D) G. Leibniz
E) F. Bacon
answer = D
169 Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying:
A) Philosophy
B) Ontology
C) Epistemology
D) Ethics
E) Aesthetics
answer = A
170 The founder of social agreement theory is…
A) T. Hobbes
B) J. Locke
C) R. Descartes
D) D. Hume
E) F. Bacon
answer = A
171 Outlook is:
A) set of views, evaluations, and emotions that characterize the relationship of man to the world and to himself
B)body of knowledge possessed by people
C)reflection of human consciousness of the social relations that objectively exist in society
D) adequate system of preferences of adult personality
E) form of history
answer = A
172 A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God:
A) Augustine.
B) Erasmus of Rotterdam.
C) Thomas Aquinas.
D) Makiavelli.
E) Abelyar.
answer = C
173 Defining characteristic of the religious worldview is:
A) Belief in one God, the Creator
B) Belief in the supernatural, otherworldly forces, having the opportunity to influence the course of world events
C) Denial of human freedom, the belief that all actions originally defined by God
D) Contemptuous attitude to science, the denial of their validity
E) Love wisdom
answer = B
174 The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy:
А) Ibn Rushd.
В) Al-Biruni.
С) Ibn Sina.
D) Al-Farabi.
Е) Al-Kindi.
answer = E
175 What was Antique philosophy almost?
A) entirely Roman
B) entirely Russian
C) entirely Greek
D) entirely Kazak
E) entirely American
answer = C
176 Who were the greatest philosophers of the ancient world?
A) Machiavelli, Socrates, Plato.
B) Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
C) Abay, Pushkin, Machiavelli
D) Aristotle, Machiavelli, Plato
E) Napoleon, Chingizkhan, Marx
answer = B
177 Where did Socrates teach?
A) In the cloister, church and grave
B) In the streets, market place, and gymnasiums
C) In the house, forest, and sky
D) In the grave, university, and school
E) In the church, mosque, and synagogue
answer = B
178 Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance:
А) Dante
В) Thomas Moor.
С) Erasmus of Rotterdam.
D) Lorenzo Valla.
Е) Petrarka.
answer = B
179 Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by Inquisition
A) Leonardo da Vinci.
B) Kusansky.
C) L. Valla.
D) Campanella.
E) Jordano Bruno.
answer = E
180 The main postulate of empirism
A) Knowing the world causes doubts.
B) Reason - is the main source to know the world.
C) Intuition is the highest form of knowledge.
D) All knowledge is based on experience.
E) The source of knowledge is God's revelation.
answer = D
181 In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages:
A) Faith and reason.
B) God and world.
C) Universals.
D) Learning of God.
E) Learning of man.
answer = C
182 Under the Renaissance man was considered as:
А) political being.
В) reasonable being.
С) product of the society possessing the soul.
D) creator, artist.
Е) microcosmos.
answer = D
183 Philosophic trend of the medieval Islamic philosophy:
A) Nominalism.
B) Realism.
C) Science centrism.
D) Good brothers.
E) Atheism.
answer = C
184 Where did Descartes eventually settle?
A) The Netherlands.
B) France.
C) Germany.
D) Spain.
A) Poland.
answer = A
185 Which of the following is fundamental according to Hume?
A) Simple impressions.
B) Complex impressions.
C) Simply ideas.
D) Complex ideas.
E) Sensitivity.
answer = A
186 Representative of the New Time Philosophy who said "I think, therefore I am"
A) Descartes.
B) Locke.
C) Bacon.
D) Hume.
E) Spinoza.
answer = A
187 Searching individuality is the peculiar feature of Philosophy...
A) Conventialism.
B) Life.
C) Renaissance.
D) Rationalism.
E) Conformism.
answer = C
188 The translation of the word “philosophy”:
A) Pantheism.
B) Love wisdom.
C) Cosmo centrism.
D) Love Theo.
E) Love Human.
answer = B
189 The most characteristic feature of the New Time Philosophy:
A) Pantheism.
B) Knowledge centrism.
C) Cosmo centrism.
D) Theo centrism.
E) Humanism.
answer = B
190 A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries:
A) Kalam.
B) Something mystical.
C) Poetics.
D) Sufism.
E) Hegelianism.
answer = A
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