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Shops and Shopping. Buying Food

Shops and Shopping. Buying Food

Shops and shopping are very important in our life. There we buy our food, clothes and other things.

When we want to buy something we take our shopping bag and go to a shop. There we can see shop-assistants who sell things. When we want to buy tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, tinned fish or meat, rice, flour, yeast, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, noodle, oil, vinegar, various sauces and marmalade we go to the grocer's shop.

If we run out of bread, we have to visit the baker's (the bakery). One can buy white and brown bread there. In the counter of a baker's shop you see loaves of white bread, different sorts of buns and rolls and various kinds of pastry.

At the confectioner’s we can buy all kinds of sweets. The confectioner also sells sugar, cocoa, jellies, etc.

The shop where we buy meat is called the butcher's shop. We go there if we need beef, pork, veal, mutton, poultry or game.

When we want to buy fish, we go to the fishmonger's. There we can buy cod, salmon, herring, plaice, trout, pike, carp, and oysters, caviar, etc.

The shop where we can buy fruit and vegetables is called the greengrocer’s shop. We visit it when we run out of potato, carrot, cabbage, onion, garlic, cucumber, tomato, beet or fruit, such as apples, pears, oranges, bananas, peaches and so on.


tinned [tınd] консервований

flour [flaʋǝ] борошно

yeast [ji:st] дріжджі

buckwheat ['bʌkwi:t] гречка

oatmeal ['əʋtmi:l] вівсяні крупи

semolina [,semə'lınə] манна крупа

noodle [‘nu:dl] лапша

vinegar [‘vinigǝ] оцет

sauce [sɔ:s] соус

marmalade ['mɑ:mə,leıd] варення, повидло

grocer’s shop ['grəʋsəz] бакалійна крамниця

baker’s ['beıkəz] пекарня

counter ['kaʋntər] прилавок

loaf [ləʋf] паляниця, буханка

bun [bʌn] булочка

pastry ['peıstrı] мучні кондитерські вироби

confectioner’s [kən'fekʃənəz] кондитерський магазин

cocoa ['kəʋkəʋ] какао

butcher’s ['bʋtʃəz] м’ясна лавка

beef [bi:f] яловичина

pork [pɔ:k] свинина

veal [vi:l] телятина

mutton ['mʌtən] баранина

poultry ['pəʋltrı] свійська птиця

game [geım] дичина

fishmonger’s ['fıʃ,mʌŋgəz] рибний магазин

cod [kɒd] тріска

salmon ['sæmən] лосось

herring ['herıŋ] оселедець

plaice [pleıs] камбала

trout [traʋt] форель

pike [paık] щука

carp [kɑ: p] короп

oyster ['ɔıstə] устриця

caviar ['kævıɑ:] ікра

greengrocer’s ['gri:n,grəʋsəz] овочевий магазин

garlic ['gɑ:lık] часник

cucumber ['kju:kəmbə] огірок

beet [bi:t] буряк

pear [peə] груша

peach [pi:tʃ] персик

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