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1 the theoretical aspects of using lexical models as a means of intensification of training monologue speech at the upper-intermediate level 5 страница

At the end of the lesson the teacher gives scores for the written work and the lesson.

Fragment № 2 - the second lesson on “Food and drinks” was conducted with the use of game ways of teaching, songs consolidating the studied topics (Appendix B).

At the beginning of the lesson the children were asked about the past topic of the last lesson. Children had to recollect grammar on countable and uncountable nouns.

Teacher: In previous lesson we talked about countable and uncountable nouns. Who can tell me some examples for countable and uncountable nouns? What is difference between them? Children tell their examples and explain the differences.

Further, the game is “I drink tea with/ I donʼt drink tea without”. This game is aimed at creating a natural situation for the use of this speech pattern. At the beginning of the game teacher gives an example that children understand the meaning of the game, and then they may ask each other.

Teacher: Do you like drink tea? What do you like to drink tea with?

Children: With a biscuit, with a cake.

Teacher: So tell me about it using a/an and some/any. I donʼt drink tea without any sugar and I like to drink tea with some milk. And you?

Children tell their sentences one by one.

Next the text comes. This kind of job is transformational, as the text is not complete and the childrenʼs main task is to tell their predictions what will happen next. This exercise develops the childrenʼs imagination and develops their speech activity and independence to express their thoughts. Children can consult with each other and offer the general idea.

Teacher: I am going to read story about…. This is unfinished story. You should say your suggestion about what will happen then.

The next exercise was done in writing. Children need to fill in the gaps using some/any. Each student makes the task individually. At the end the answers are verified and right wrong use of some/any are discussed.

Put down Some or Any:

Teacher Fill in the gaps with some or any.

1. I would like... tea, but would not like … biscuits.

2. Is there … sugar? I can`t see...

3. I usually buy … cheese.

4. I don`t buy … coffee.

5. We need to buy … bread because we havenʼt any.

6. There are … books on the table near the TV set.

7. There is not … bread on the table.

8. Are there … tables in the classroom?

9. There are … pupils in the school.

10. There isn`t … water in the cup.

Simulation-game “Arranging to meet”. It is necessary to develop the skills of spontaneous communication in accordance with the needs of the situation, and this requires a system of communicative-oriented exercises. This game develops speaking skill and thoughts. Children are given cards with written situations on them, which are should be acted out by students spontaneously. Teacher explains the rules of game and its point then just observe the studentsʼ speaking skills.

Teacher: Now we are going to arrange a reunion to celebrate one of our classmateʼs birthday. You have to agree when and where the reunion will take place. Letʼs divide into groups of five. Each group must decide where they should meet and when, based on the information Iʼll give you.

Pupils are given out cards with following tasks:

Group 1: You want to have lunch in a restaurant. You should think of reason why this is the best choice.

Group 2: You want to have dinner at home. You should think of reason why this is the best choice

Group 3: You want to have lunch at home. You should think of reason why this is the best choice

Group 4: You want to have dinner in a restaurant. You should think of reason why this is the best choice

Group5: You are undecided. You should listen to the othersʼ ideas and then agree with the suggestion you like best.

Fragment № 3- the third lesson we had to fix the material by past topic, using role-play for activating the vocabulary, and using didactic cards, the task of problem character.

At the beginning of the lesson there was an exercise to fill the table, using these words. Childrenʼs main task is correctly to distribute given nouns on columns with countable and uncountable nouns.

The following task “check yourself!” is assigned that each student to carry out the task individually, to find how he had learned grammar and a past theme. Sheets with the tasks are hands out to each student. Studentsʼ task is to fill in the gaps using some/any.

Teacher: Write the correct determiner (some or any) into the sentences.

After completing the exercises the teacher collects sheets for checking and estimation of studentsʼ knowledge.

Teacher: Well done! Now you see that the topic of our lesson is “Travelling”.

Now look at the board and read the grammar pattern. We use the present perfect when we talk about period of time that continues up to the present. We talk about period between short time ago and now. For example: Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He has lost his key. It means that he lost it a short time ago and he still doesn’t have it. This is the present perfect tense. So pay attention on the construction:

I /we/ they/ you have (havenʼt) lost,

He/ she has (hasnʼt) lost.

Have I/we/they/ you lost?

Has she/ she lost?

Children write down all grammar patterns in their notebooks.

On the second slide we see dialogue between Jane and Dave. They are talking about places Jane has visited in her life and it continues up to the present.

So letʼs speak about travelling. We know that many people are fond of travelling.

1. Why do people like to travel?

P1: They want to learn about different countries, cultures and sightseeing.

P2: Travelling is good because you meet new friends.

P3. You can visit famous museums, galleries, buy souvenirs.

P4: You can learn about national traditions of many countries.

2. How can people travel?

P1: They can travel by car, by ship, by plane, by bus, on foot.

3. What kind of transport do you prefer to travel? Why?

P1: I prefer to travel by car because I can stop when and where I want and enjoy nature.

P2: I prefer to travel by sea because I enjoy the wind and the sea.

P3: I prefer to travel by plane because itʼs the quickest means of transport and very comfortable.

P4: I prefer to travel by train because itʼs the most convenient and not expensive.

4. What do people do on the board the plane?

Ps: Read books, newspapers, magazines, listen to music, watch films, sleep.

Teacher: there are a lot of countries in the world. What countries do you know?

Ps: America, England, Russia, China, Germany, France, Australia, India, Korea.

Teacher: What are associations with?

China (the White wall)

Egypt (pyramids, sphinx)

USA (the statue of Liberty)

England (Trafalgar Square, Double-deckers, the Big Ben)

India (TajMakhal)

Thus children express their opinions about the traveling. Teacher monitors studentsʼ speech and, corrects their mistakes if necessary.

T: Look at the board again and say which of these items do you need when you travel to other countries? Now rub the wrong words. (There are written following words on the board):

Air hostess, suitcase, visa, mountain, skyscrapers, bicycle, passport, ticket, information desk, check-in desk, trolley.

P1: If I go to travel I need….

One by one every pupil says what item he or she need for travelling.

In the next exercise pupils must take interviews from tourists come from other countries. We divided class into groups of two. The first group is tourists and other is inlanders.

Teacher: Pupils today 6 guests have come from USA, England, India, China, Egypt and Germany to our country. They are tourists. You should greet them and ask the questions about their travelling.

P1: What is your name?

P2: My name is Mike. I have come from England.

P1: Do you like to travel?

P2: Yes, I do…..

Pupils work in pairs.

Fragment №3. Continue of studying the material on the topic “Travelling” (present perfect) (Appendix E). The second lesson on “Travelling” was conducted using the game form as board game “Tell me”. At the beginning of the lesson there were asked questions:

Teacher: Now tell me about where have you been already?

P1: I have been to Almaty, Astana.

Teacher: Have you been to other countries.

P1: I have been only to Russia.

Teacher: What city is you have been to?

P1: to Moscow.

Teacher: Where have you been?

P2: I have been to London…

Children tell where they have already been. what country or city they have visited.

Next, the teacher asks what interesting and incredible happened during their trips. Thus, children tell interesting adventure one by one. And thus they develop spontaneous speech.

Teacher: Thatʼs good! Now could you tell me about your interesting, and unbelievable or funny moments during your travelling?

P1: When I was in….

The following exercise is for matching sentences within their results of the action.

T: Match the sentences with the results of the action.

1. I have just had lunch.

2. She has already left the house.

3. Somebody has broken the window in our classroom.

4. I have known her since our childhood.

5. We have left all the money at home.

6. Your mistakes have taught you nothing.

7. She has cut her finger.

8. He hasnʼt come yet.

9. David has been to the USA more than once.

10. Some fool has left the door unlocked.

11. Grandmother has written a letter.

a) He is not here.

b) I am not hungry.

c) Itʼs too cold in here.

d) He knows this country very well.

e) She cannot write now.

f) She must be on her way to college.

g) She is my best friend.

h) We canʼt buy anything.

i) It is open now.

j) You are doing the same silly thing again.

k) She is going to the post-office now.

There is time given to match the sentences.

During the practice at school, we carried out an experiment and thus used the lexical models to intensify the training of a monologue speech. And we taught the students each part of “The Global Lexica-Semantic Model of a Monologue Speech” lesson by lesson while we had a home reading and had free time left at the end of the lesson. So the students had to speak on different topics.

As a result at the end of our experimental work the students were use their vocabulary base more flexibly and all the students from my group understood the value and importance of each part of a monologue speech. The Introduction, The Body, Conclusion; the students got to know the roles they play in a speech and how to use them in a more effective way and to become a good speaker to your interlocutors. So as you may have been thinking the results were very good, even if not stunning, but though, the progress could be seen with the naked eye, to be exact, they could be heard with the naked ears.

So here is the result chart and of course, the fact, that the studentsʼ result of the correctness of the pre-test results with the post-test resultsʼ obtained in the research course, it should be noted that the level of knowledge of students increased. The students got to know what is a monologue speech and how to begin speech, how to interconnect ideas, how to justify their statements, how to give reasons or show results and etc: so, in total, the students acquired a lot of knowledge and learned how to speak correctly in a short time. The progress they have made is really huge if to consider the amount of time they had to learn it all. That may just be the help of our imaginative approach to the topic and the efficiency of the research was proved, all in all. In the end of the research, the students were able to interconnect their ideas, in a correct order, using appropriate lexical models in the parts of the speech where they are supposed to be used. For this I would like to thank the teacher of the class I had practical work with, Raziya Eskendirovna, for raising such smart students, because it was really easy to work with them, and it was really fun. Even though, they are at the 9th grade, some of them already have an upper-intermediate level of English which is more than I could expect them to be. So the next charts show the overall progress of the students in mastering the art of monologue speech:


Figure 3 –The results of the studentsʼ ability to make a monologue speech


According to the results the research work it is clear that studentsʼ interest in this class improved through a variety of methods and ways of working with grammar, namely games, exercises of various kinds, supports, visual-aids, songs, poems, communicative methods.

Thus, we can conclude that at the English lessons the training of a monologue speech using lexical models and a variety ways of working, speaking material is absorbed better. We can compare the first and second control and see the difference. Hypothesis, which we defined in the introduction of our thesis, is proved.

Using different models and activities in the formation of speaking skills:

1. simplifies the process of possessing a foreign language;

2. increases the quality of mastering of the studied material;

3. reduces various kinds of difficulties;

4. brings recovery into the learning process;

5. enhances positive motivation.

Usage of lexical models has a positive influence on the development of studentsʼ monologue speaking skills, learning foreign language communication in the unity of all its functions: informational, regulatory, value - orientation and etiquette. Students develop compensatory skills, the ability to get out of the situation with lack for foreign language means. Children learn to act in a collective, and to find approach to other people. Besides, the game creates favorable emotional background that leads to the removal of language barriers and promotes development of motivation, increases pupilsʼ interest in the subject.


Summary of Part 2


From our experiment, we see that teaching monologue speech using lexical models has the ability to help learners study and practice not only monologue skills but also grammar patterns and develop their vocabulary.

Our experiment work has shown that using lexical models on the English lessons are more effective than traditional lessons in helping learners raise their ability to produce a speech correctly and appropriately. Learners were more motivated when they experienced more interesting and vivid topics to talk about than their friends did in the control class.

The learners did better in the experimental class, with communicative grammar lessons, than in the control class, with traditional lessons. Communicative activities such as language games, role-plays, pair work, and group work helped to improve learnersʼ training of the monologue speech and accuracy skills better than the other activities. Pupilsʼ level of knowledge and enhance interest to the subject was qualitatively changed by usage of the most effective methods of teaching monologue speech.





In this research work we tried to demonstrate the importance of applying lexical models in the process of FL teaching, by examining functions and the role of lexical models in the process of training monologue speech.

The monologue being a complicated process which needs to be built up coherently, logically correct, so that the words and ideas are interconnected with each other and requires a merely deep knowledge of the grammar rules and vocabulary base as well. So, the upper-intermediate level proves to be very convenient to training monologue speech as the students of the 9-11 grades are at the age of psychological pre-maturity and are eager to give their opinions on different subjects, concerning even global issues and comprehensive topics.

In the study, we proved the effectiveness of our system of lexical models for the monologue speaking skills formation. This lexical model system was developed taking into account the age of the students, individual qualities of their character. We showed that the skill is formed through knowledge and abilities and is based on the principle of the algorithm.

We have identified pedagogical principles, its guidelines and conditions for learning technology because learning carries upbringing. In the research process, we introduced our lexica-semantic model of a monologue speech. In the course of solving our problem, we came to the following conclusions:

1. the process of speaking skills formation shall be based on semantic and lexical models of learning that contributes to the accelerated development of practical skills, as well as the formation of learning groups and individuals, separately;

2. exercises should represent a complex of lexical models which serve as the skeleton of a monologue speech;

3. exercise should be affordable, fun, not too easy and not too difficult, causing the interest and motivation of students;

4. teacher should consider a combination of frontal, individual and paired forms of work, in which every student all the time involved in the lesson.

The use of lexical models is associated with a broad range of issues that require serious scientific approach and justifications. The need to use lexical in order to accelerate the process of training of a monologue speech is undeniable. Initially lexical models as an assessment of specific knowledge and skills discusses various schools and trends. This concept is relatively new, but already quite well established as a form of pedagogical method of teaching foreign languages. Some results of theoretical research in the field of applying lexical models are reflected in the learning – methodical complex in English. The individual component of lexical models provides teachers with adequate coverage of training monologue speech at the upper-intermediate students.

The aim of our work was to show the importance of using lexical models as a base for training and developing a monologue speech of students at the upper-intermediate level. To achieve this, we have done a series of lessons.


The objectives are:

1. to study the theoretical aspects of using lexical models as means of intensification of training monologue speech at the upper-intermediate level of teaching foreign languages;

2. the actualization of the material studied;

3. consolidation of acquired knowledge;

4. control of knowledge with the use of speaking tasks.

At the first stage we repeated the knowledge existing of material. Then we did a series of exercises that help to repeat the understanding of a monologue speech.

It should be noted that during all the lessons we have aspired to form speaking skills of students, and then to check them out. Speaking, in particular, the theoretical material serves as a support for exercises. Lexical models have contributed to the development of a responsible approach to preparing students for the lesson, written lexical models give more confidence to those who, for one reason or another could not respond verbally.

After analyzing these phenomena, we came to the conclusion that the test is an effective form of control that the test is adapted to the specifics of this grade, and students are preparing to write than the traditional control work and test.

In the course of this work the conditions are identified which conducive target to the effective use of the test as an assessment of grammar skills formation in the senior stage of learning English. In the process of theoretical analysis of the literature we found that the test is the most effective form of control of knowledge of students. With lexical models we can quickly and quite easily obtain the objective based on the degree of mastery of the student or other grammatical material for a certain period of learning.

In the experimental work our theoretical positions have been confirmed. We also found that using lexical models we can make a diagnosis, i.e. not only to learn grammar, but what the gaps in learning are. Also, we can predict the success of learning a foreign language. Owning to lexical models an effective feedback is carried out between teacher and students, which provides control of the learning process and promotes effective learning. According to the results of theoretical analysis and experimental work a special role of testing studentsʼ motivation has been defined, because when using this form of control of grammar skills formation, we give students the opportunity to determine their own progress in learning the language. In this case, the lexical models may encourage students to overcome various types of difficulties and problems. We have studied the requirements for preparation of lexical models, the procedure of preparation and use of lexical models. On the basis of the material we have developed lexical models to check the level of grammar skills formation. These lexical models are fully able to show us a picture of student achievement in the learning of grammatical phenomena at the initial and final stage of our experiment. Summing up, we note that the test technology is becoming the most promising form of knowledge control. According to the experience of many teachers, testing allows you to quickly and objectively verify the level of knowledge of students in a time manner to eliminate gaps in learning.. Using lexical models to make a monologue speech increases studentsʼ interest in the subject.

I would also like to emphasize the need for a comprehensive way to control the level of foreign language learning. During testing students must demonstrate the knowledge, i.e. the ability to use their grammatical, lexical, phonological, linguistic and cultural knowledge in the following types of speech activity:

1. speaking by participating in oral interviews, role plays, problem solving tasks in pairs or in a group, building the statements in the form of an image or description of the story in the series of images.

The course of each lesson includes some test items to help students get used to the constant test control the level of the grammar skills formation that make the procedure of the test control habitual and does not cause difficulties for students. Both lexical models were in the course of practice, for we created all the conditions necessary for their implementation. Thus, we were able to prove the need for compliance with the conditions conducive to the effective use of the test as a form of control of grammar skills formation in English.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is necessary to expand the scope of the test as an effective form of control of grammatical skills at the senior stage of learning English.

The results indicate confirmation of the hypothesis of the research, that if lexical models are used in the process of teaching, the studentsʼ skills in organizing and preparing a monologue speech will improve:

1. if you take into account the psychological and pedagogical features of the students;

2. if lexical models are systematically used in the lessons;

3. if the process of training monologue speech is systematized.

Thus, the purpose of the work achieved, tasks are implemented, and the hypothesis is proved.




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