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The American dream. View from the top.

The American dream. View from the top.

To focus one’s hopes and dreams on that land

Сконцентрировать надежды и мечты на этом месте

Vikings focused their hopes and dreams on that land.

A vision of Eldorado

Представление об Эльдорадо (стране сказочных богатств)

Some investors consider Russian natural resources a vision of new Eldorado.

To practice ones’ religious faith freely and unhindered

Проповедовать свои религиозные убеждения открыто и беспрепятственно

In our country it is not safe to practice one’s religious faith freely and unhindered.

To live according to one ‘s own conscience

Жить по совести, так как считаешь нужным сам

If everyone lived according to one’s own conscience, we would live in anarchy.

To be a heaven away from political oppression

Быть за тридевять земель от политического гнета

The two of them were happy to be a heaven away from their patron.

To be away from famine and constraints of class

Быть далеко от голода и классовых ограничений

At long cold winter nights he used to dream of being away from famine, living in a society, free from the constraints of class.

The underprivileged masses

Неимущие слои населения

The underprivileged masses is the power in hands of able politics.

To improve one’s social conditions

Улучшить свое социальное положение

She was going to improve her social conditions by all means.

To pursue one’ happiness

Искать счастье

Pursuing your happiness, never forget about people around you, it does not always pay to go to every expedient.

Provided one is willing to work hard

В случае, если у вас есть желание усердно трудиться

The owner of the ranch promised to give them job provided they both were willing to work hard.

The experience of the frontier

Опыт открытия Фронтир(новые земли на западе США), освоение новых рубежей

Please, comment on the experience of the frontier in the American history.

The firm belief

Твердое убеждение

I have a firm belief that her decision is wrong.



A wise woman should use ingenuity in her relationship with her husband.

Communal help


Communal help is one of the essentials of a healthy family.

To become synonymous with being on the move

Стать синонимичным с постоянным прогрессом

The name of A. Carnegie became synonymous with opportunity in the USA.

Father into the wildness

Дальше в неизведанные (земли)

His story drove me father into the wildness of pagan’s world.

To be safeguarded by law

Быть гарантированным законом

Freedom of religion should be safeguarded by law.

Should be fostered

Должны воспитываться

What positive characteristics can she foster in her children? She’s a child herself.

Times of hardship and political unrest

Времена лишений и политических волнений

Stalin is associated with times of hardship and political unrest in the USSR.

To rally behind essential aspects

Объединять под эгидой основополагающими аспектами

He tried to rally the team behind the essential aspects of the competition.

Sovereignty of self-governing people

Независимость автономного народа

Our campaign is based on the call to preserve sovereignty of self-governing people.

To face a new challenge

Принять новый вызов

I am not ready to face a new challenge now.

Opportunity and perils

Возможности и опасности

You should be aware of all the opportunity and perils of this quest.

To owe everyone an avenue to possess a portion of that plenty

Быть обязанным предоставить каждому возможность владеть частью целого

The government owes citizens an avenue to possess a portion of that plenty of national wealth the country has.

Through one’s own work

Своим трудом

Through his own work he managed to become well-off.

No way around an allusion

Не обходясь без упоминания

She made practically no way around an allusion to the aftermath of the War.

However vague it may sound

Как бы неуловимо это не звучало

However vague it may sound, the glory is on its way!

A lasting peace

Продолжительный мир

I doubt that it will be a lasting peace.

Continuing moral strength

Неиссякаемая внутренняя сила

She shows wonders of continuing moral strength!

The affirmation of smth

Подтверждение чему-то

Do you have any affirmation of her infidelity?

An undiminished, ever-expanding American dream

Непоколебимая, все расширяющаяся Американская мечта

An undiminished, ever-expanding American dream today seems to be crumbling.

To take over the presidential office

Вступить на пост президента

Who is going to take over the presidential office this time is the main issue to which newspapers devote place on its pages.

Let us renew

Позвольте напомнить

Let us renew the schedule of the meeting.

The wheel has come the full circle

Круг замнулся

The wheel has come the full circle, when she found the knife inn the wardrobe.

To assume the presidency

Вступать в должность президента

Inauguration speech must be delivered when the president elect assumed the presidency.

Ready to push on

Готовы сделать шаг(рывок) вперед

Now they are almost ready to push on, they’ve worked really hard to achieve it.

America is never wholly herself

Америка никогда не принадлежит только себе

She has never been wholly herself, she has always been taken care of her children, husband, friends and all the others.

To be engaged in high moral principle

Быть во власти высоких моральных принципов

He cannot let you down, he is a man engaged in high morel principle.

Opportunity in America

To assure individuals

Гарантировать индивидам

I assure my children prosperous future.

Not by design but by situation

Не по умыслу, а по стечению обстоятельств

I called at your place not by design but by situation.

To be perennially in need of labour

Неизменно нуждаться в рабочей силе

Our company this decade is perennially in need of labour.

To take for granted

Принимать как данное

Kitty and Dorothy used to take for granted that their poor father should love them.

To be less likely to reflect upon

Менее вероятно будут размышлять о

She’ s less likely to reflect upon the true sense of things.

To be able to contrast smth with smth

Иметь возможность противопоставить

Now you can contrast your 1st marriage and the 2nd one.

To be but a distant goal

Быть ничем иным как далекой мечтой

If I were not a poet, I would have become an astrologer, but It’s but a distant goal.

Institutions had hardened into an establishment

Общественные институты обрели жесткие рамки, в пределах которых функционировали

It is a debatable question whether our social institutions had hardened into an establishment.

Numerous linkages firmly support the whole order

Многочисленные звенья надежно поддерживали всю систему в порядке

Numerous linkages firmly support the production process at Ford Motors.

It is unlikely

Маловероятно, что

It’s unlikely that we will get on well.

An intruder

Незваный гость, чужак

Please, don’t bring intruders to the meeting.

All these forms of establishment withered

Все эти влиятельные круги исчезли

All these forms of establishment withered in the new conditions, of free opportunity and healthy competition.

Stable social orders

Незыблемые социальные устои

Europe has always rested on the stable social orders.

In the eye of the law

Перед буквой закона

All suspects are considered innocent in the eye of the law until they plead guilty, for example.

The artisans


The artisans suffered greatly when assembly line was introduced.

Tо vanish in somewhere

Исчезнуть где-то

Warlike character of Vikings vanished as they settled in England.

The equality of every person before the law

Равенство всех людей перед законом

The equality of every person before the law was safeguarded by law.

Without the distinctions of birth

Без учета привилегий, полученных при рождении/статуса полученного при рождении

Marriages without distinctions of birth were prohibited.

Social affiliation

Социальная принадлежность

Her social and political affiliation is hidden.

By merit

По заслугам, заслуженно

You’ll get by merit one day!

In practical terms

НА практике/На деле

In practical terms the situation turned out to be quite different.

To rise uninhibited by the shackles of status

Подняться по социальной лестнице, сбросив оковы статуса

To rise uninhibited by the shackles of status was impossible for peasants at that time.

To widen smth

Расширить что-то

Never develop a tunnel vision, use every opportunity to widen your horizons.

The availability of schooling

Доступность образования

The are several threats to the availability of schooling in our country.

To pale in significance against

Терять значимость в сравнении с

Her accomplishments paled in significance against her rival’s beauty.

Able person

Способный человек

It’s good lucky to be born an able person.

Rise from bobbin boy to multimillionaire

Подняться от мальчика посыльного до мультимиллионера

Do you know anyone else who managed rise from bobbin boy to multimillionaire?

Far more important

Гораздо более важно

Far more important is the state’s future, not your personal interest.

Clerical occupations

Офисная работа

White collars are those people who got clerical occupations.

A reasonable hope

Обоснованная надежда

I would say your hope for quick recovering is reasonable.

To set themselves up in business

Устроиться в бизнесе/начать бизнес

When he finally managed to set himself up in business they got married.

To put the best foot forward

Проявить себя наилучшим образом

He really put the best foot forward at the competition.

The full enjoyment off

Полное удовольствие от

I’ve never got the full enjoyment of my work.

The effects of prejudice and discrimination

Результат предрассудков и дискриминации

This strike is the result of prejudice and discrimination at your factory.

The quest for equality

Борьба за равенство

M.L.King contributed greatly into the Afro-American quest for equality.

Proportionate to their number

Пропорционально числу

The number of plates is proportionate to the number of guests.

A deterioration of competence

Снижение уровня знаний

There is a tendency to a deterioration of competency.

May follow from smth

Может вытечь/последовать из чего-то

Divorce rate growth may follow from your propaganda.

By criteria other than those of merit

Не по заслугам, а по другим критериям

The applicants were shortlisted by criteria ither than those of merit.

And whatever diminishes one, threatens the other

Что одного, пугает другого



Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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