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The helicopter instruments consist of: Flight-navigational instruments:

The helicopter instruments consist of: Flight-navigational instruments:

1. Aneroid-barometric instruments.

2. Turn indicator ЭУП-53

3. Gyro-horizon AГБ-3K.

4. Magnetic compass KИ-13K.

5. Gyro-magnetic compass ГMK-1A.

6. Clock AЧС-1.

7. Thermometer TB-45.

8. Autopilot AП-34Б

Power plant and transmission instruments::

1. Tachometer ИТЭ-2.

2. Rating indicator ИP-117.

3. 3-pointer indicator ЭМИ-3PИ.

4. Gas temperature indicator 2ИA-6

5. Gas temperature regulator PT-12-6.

6. Engine electronic regulator ЭPД-3BM.

7. Vibration indicator ИB-500E.

8. Tachometer ИTЭ-1T.

9. 3-pointer indicator 3MИ-3PBИ.


10. Tachometer TYЭ-48.

11. Pitch indicator УП-21-15.

12. Movable stopper system CПУУ-52-1

Helicopter systems instruments;

1. Pressure gauges ДИM-100K, MBУ-IOOK, MВ-60.

2. Fuel quantity gauge CKЭC-2027B.

3. Thermometer TB-19.

4. Flight recorder CAPПП-12ДM.

5. Turbo-generator AИ-9 instruments.



Aneroid-barometric instruments.

They consist of:

Barometric altimeter BД-10K (3pcs)

Air speed indicator УC- 450K (2pcs)

Rate-of-climb indicator BP-10MK (2pcs)

They are located on the left and right instrument boards, only 3-rd altimeter is located in the cargo cabin (above the crew door).

Altimeter ВД-10К

It measures the relative flight altitude of the helicopter.

mane data: -range 0-l0,000m

-errors ±15-±60m

> before tape-off: -set pressure to 760mm Hg - the error from the

zero altitude should not be over ±1 Om - set the altitude to Om - difference between the barometric scale indication and pressure on the ground should not be over 1,5mm Hg

Air speed indicator УC- 450K

It is designed to measure the forward air speed of the helicopter:

> mane data: -range 0-450 km/h

> error: max ±6 km/h

> pointer zero drift: max ±2mm along arc

Rate-of-climb indicator BP-10MK

It indicates the value of the vertical air speed component:

- mane data: -range O-10 m/s

-error ± 1m/s


-pointer zero drift ± 0,3 m/s

ATTENTION: It is prohibited to use the adjusting screws of altimeter and rate-of-climb indicator in the helicopter. We can use by them only in the laboratory.

Pilot - static tube ПВД-6M

Pilot - static tubes (2pcs) are used to supply aneroid-barometric instruments and some detectors (look Fig.).

The static system is connected to the valve (near the left instrument board) and may be connected through this valve all together to the left or right pilot - static tube or to both simultaneously. It must be at "Common" position during the flight. "Left" and "Right" positions are used for checking on the ground by technicians.

Heating elements are switched on by 2 CBs ПВД heating" (right electrical panel). For checking to press buttons "ПВД heating checking" (left and right electrical panels) - the corresponding lights should be on.

The heater should not switched on earlier then one minute before the take-off. When the helicopter is parked on the ground, the heater may be on for not longer than one minute.

Turn indicator ЭУП-53K.

The electrical turn indicator (left instrument board) is designed to indicate the value and direction of the helicopter angular rate about the vertical axis and the helicopter side slipping.

Main data:

DC power supply, V 27v± 10%

Current drain, A 0,13

Error l,5°max


The helicopter turning about the vertical axis is indicated by the pointer, which is connected to the. rate gyro. The pointer and the scale indicate the helicopter bank exactly only, if the helicopter has speed 200 km/h and the side slipping is absent.

Usually this instrument is used in case of the gyro horizon is failed.

It is on by CB " turn indicator" (CBs panel).

Gyro horizon AГБ-3K.

It indicates the helicopter attitude in space relative to the plane of the true horizon. Besides, left AГБ-3K sends signals to the flight recorder and Doppler system, but right AГБ-3K - to the autopilot, which are proportional to the roll and pitch angles.

Main elements

free gyro, provided with a 3-phase AC motor 2 scales (roll & pitch), miniature aircraft Caging Knob to reduce the readiness time setting Knob (left side) - moves the pitch scale red flag - appears in case of absence of power supply or break in the circuit slip indicator

Main data:


Supply voltage- -3-phAC 36v 400Hz

-DC 27v±10%

Readiness time: l,5min max

Limit angles of operation: -roll ±360°

- pitch ± 80°

Error: ± 1 ° - range from 01° 30°

± 2° - more than 3D0


Flight maintenance:

1. Depress the caging knob to the complete caging.

2. Switch on the corresponding CB (left and right electrical board) - red

flag must disappear.

3. After 1,5min the pitch scale should indicate the stationary angle of


4. Check lie setting knob by rotating it:


- clockwise - the scale should go downward

- counterclockwise - upward

5. After taking-off make sure that the gyro horizons operate normally by

railing of the helicopter up to ± 5°.

6. Failures:

- flag appears - power supply circuit faulty

- fixing the indications, slow moving or fast moving of the scale or the

miniature aircraft - many causes.

The failed gyro horizon should be off, and we use duplication instruments.

Compass KИ-13K.

The KИ-13K magnetic liquid compass is used in the helicopter as a repeater. The compass is provided with a correction card.

Main data

instrument - scale error ± 1 °

compass operates normally at helicopter banks up to 17°


Directional system ГMK-1AЭ


The ГMK-1AЭ directional system is intended for determining and

indicating the magnetic heading and helicopter turn angles. Besides, it transmits the helicopter heading signals to the autopilot and Doppler system.

Set transmitter ИД-3 (tail boom)

compensating mechanism KM-8 (pilot's cabin, left rack)

gyro unit ГA-6 (pilot's cabin, left rack)

automatic slaving unit AC-1 (pilot's cabin, left rack)

control panel ПУ-26Э (right side panel)

indicators УГP- 4УK (left & right pilot's instrument boards)

- supply voltage: -DC 27v±10%

-AC,3ph 36v,400Hz

accuracy in determining magnetic heading ±1,5°

error during 1 hour ±3,5°

readiness time 5 min max

slaving rates: normal l,5-5-7°/min

fast 6°/sec, min


The system operates in one of the two main models:

ГПK - directional gyro operation (main mode)

MK - magnetic slaved operation


Directional gyro operation

In this mode of operation the gyro unit serves as the source of helicopter heading signals. To compensate for the gyro unit gyroscope drift due to the Earth's rotation, the appropriate signals are fed to the gyro unit from the potentiometer «Latitude» (control panel).


But the magnetic compensating system is cut out.

So, due to azimuth correction system, the error is not more 3,5° during 1 hour.

After 30min of flight we should to switch on the mode "magnetic slaved operation".

Magnetic slaved operation.

In this mode of operation the magnetic heading signals, generated by the ИД-3 transmitter, are fed to the KM-8 compensating mechanism to be corrected for magnetic variation, deviation and instrument errors of the servo system.

The corrected magnetic signal is sent to the gyro unit ГA-6 to be averaged and memorized.



The helicopter heading signals are fed to consumers from the transmitting synchro by the ГA-6 gyro unit.

With the helicopter turning at a rate of 0,1 - 0,3 "/see and higher, the magnetic compensating system is cut out by the signals from the «cut out switch type BK-53PШ» to the AC-1 and ГA-6.

If we introduce the magnetic variation ±AM by the knob and pointer (KM-8), the indicators will indicate the true course.

After slaving we again switch on the "Directorial Gyro Operation" mode.



Control panel ПУ-26


MSL - magnetic slaved operation

DG - directional gyro operation

CS - course setter

TA - GU-gyro unit

1. Switch on CB «ГMK-1» (right electrical panel)

2. Set the ± AM on die KM-8 compensating mechanism equal to 0


3. On the control panel ПУ-26:

- set the N-S selector switch to "N" position when flying in the northern hemisphere

set the knob of the "Latitude" potentiometer to the latitude of departure switch on "MSL" mode and set the "O-check-300" switch to "O", than

"300" positions - KM-8 and УГР- 4УK should indicate 0 ± 10° or 300 ± 10°

headings; at the same time the lamp «ГA T1LT» must light up (lamp check)

switch on "DG" mode and set "CS" selector switch to the left than to the

right positions - the indicators scales should rotate to the left or to the right.


switch on the "MSL" mode.

after the slaving the indicators must indicate the magnetic heading, difference between KИ-13 and ГMK-1 A3 must not be more, than 2:5°.

4. Every 30 min of flight we should slave the system by putting the

mode switch to the "MSL" position, periodically to check the difference between

KИ-13 and ГMK-1AЭ.

5. Main failures

a) The lamp TA TILT" conies on - the gyro unit failed. We can use me KM-8 and KИ-13.

b)There is difference between KM-8, УГ-4УК and KИ-13K, and it is more than 5°. We can use only "DG" mode of operation and KИ-13K.

Clock AЧC-1

It indicates: - the current time

- the flight time

- short periods of time (up to Ih)

The AЧC-1 clock is spring - wound, the full winding ensures movement operation for, 3 days.

It has 3 scales with the pointer and 2 knobs left knob winds the mechanism, sets time, controls the flight time clock.

Right knob switches on the clock mechanism, controls the stop-watch.

The heater is, on by CB "Clock heather on the right electrical panel.

Thermometer TB-45

It is used to measure the ambient air temperature (outside the pilot's, starboard side)

Range -50 to 70°c

Error ±3°


The thermometer operation is based on the variation spiral versus the temperature variation.

Autopilot AII-34Б


-It stabilizes direction, roll, pitch, barometric altitude and instrument air speed.

-It provides for performance of evolutions permitted by the helicopter piloting instructions with the autopilot engaged, by means of standard controls


1. Transmitters: - roll rate gyro (rack, behind)

- jaw rate gyro (the co-pilot's)

- pitch rate gyro

- compensating transducers (roll and pitch channels)

- altitude controller KB-11 (tail boom section)


2. Amplifier unit (right rack)

3. Control unit (right rack)

4. Control panel

5. Null indicator ИH-4 (central panel)

6. Disengagement buttons (cycle sticks)

Besides, the following units operate in conjunction with the autopilot:

1. Directional system ГMK-1, sends the signals to the "jaw" channel.

2. Right gyro horizon AГБ-3K, sends the signals to the "roll-pitch" channels.

3. Indicated air speed corrector K3CП and readiness signal unit БГC (under the

crew's floor), sends signals to the "pitch" channel, to stabilize the air speed. They

work from the right pilot-static tube ПДВ-6M.

4. Servo units KAУ-30B 3 pcs), servo unit PA-60B (jaw channel), located on the

hydraulic block (main gear box section)


5. Valves ГA-192/2 (3 pc, hydraulic block), give hydraulic liquid to the servo


6. "Friction" buttons (collective pitch levers) for disengagement of the "altitude"


7. Limit switches on pedals (4 pc) for disconnection of the "stabilizingw mode of

die "jaw" channel.

8. Microswitch AM-800K(CППУ-52-l mechanism).

9. Autopilot junction box (crew's cabin ceiling).

Main data

Power supply: - DC 27v±10%

- AC 3ph 36v, 400kz

- Readiness time -2 min, max

- Stabilization accuracy in still air:

-jaw ±l°

-roll, pitch ±0.5

-altitude ±6m

-speed ±10km/h

Autopilot operation

The autopilot operates in 3 modes: slaving stabilization controlling



When the power supply and CB "Autopilot" are switched on the autopilot is in slaved operation. The slaving is made by automatically. As results, every autopilot channel will ready for connection of the main autopilot mode -"stabilization" mode of operation. It means the sum signal at the input of every channel equals "O".


This mode of operation is switched on by 3 green light-buttons on the control panel. In this case lights become illuminated, slaving mode is cut off, electrical hydraulic valves ГA-192/2 are on. So, the autopilot starts to operate in "stabilization" mode of operation.

The automatic stabilization of the helicopter in flight is effected by actuating the controls through the combination hydraulic boosters. For safety, the actuating rods of the boosters KAУ-ЗOB can move within 20% of their full stroke. But the PA-60Б booster (jaw channel) has special slaving mode during which the actuating rod can move within the full range of its stroke.

With the rod moving for more than 20% of its stroke, the control pedals are automatically moved to a new position.

A pilot can return the pedals to the neutral position by feet. The null indicator ИH-4 indicates the position of the minor cylinder rod of the servo with unit. It is oscillating, if the channel operates normally.

Autopilot operation

The autopilot operates in 3 modes:






When the power supply and CB "Autopilot" are switched on the autopilot is in slaved operation. The slaving is made by automatically. Are results, every autopilot channel will ready for connection of the main autopilot mode -"stabilization" mode of operation. It means the sum signal at the input of every channel equals "O".


This modе of operation is switched on by 3 green light-buttons on the control panel. In this case lights become illuminated, slaving mode is cut off, electrical hydraulic valves ГA-192/2 are on. So, the autopilot starts to operate in "stabilization" mode of operation.

The automatic stabilization of the helicopter in flight is effected by actuating the controls through the combination hydraulic boosters. For safety, the actuating rods of the boosters KAУ-ЗOB can move within 20% of their full stroke. But the PA-60Б booster (jaw channel) has special slaving mode during which the actuating rod can move within the full range of its stroke.

With the rod moving for more than 20% of its stroke, the control pedals are automatically moved to a new position.

A pilot can return the pedals to the neutral position by feet. The null indicator ИH-4 indicates the position of the minor cylinder rod of the servo with unit. It is oscillating, it the channel operates normally.



The air speed stabilization is performed through the "pitch" channel, but it is switched on by "altitude" green light-button.


a) when we want to change the direction, roll and pitch of the helicopter within

of 5-8%, we press and turn the balancing knobs "Press to turn" to the necessary

side (control panel)

b) when we want to change the helicopter heading, the pilots put the feet on

(he limit switches (pedals) -the "jaw" channel is changed over from the

"stabilization" mode to the "slaving" mode of operation, but green lamp-button of

this channel continue on. At new heading the pilot leave the pedals, and the

"stabilization" mode again is switched on

c) when we want to change the helicopter roll or pitch, the pilots at any time

use the cycling sticks, but the effect of the signals from the gyro horizon and

angular rate gyros is excluded by the compensating detectors which are linked

cinematically with the longitudinal and transverse control system. They feed

signals, which are equal in value and opposite in sign to the signals sent by the

gyro horizon ATБ-3K

d) when we want to change the helicopter altitude or air speed, the pilots

should press the "Friction clutch button" (collective pitch control levers). The

"altitude" channel is changed to the slaved operation, and the friction clutch is

released. After the collective pitch control lever is set to a new position, engage

the "altitude" channel again by the green lamp-button on the control panel.



1. Switch on power supply and CBS "Autopilot", "Friction"

2. Check the main hydraulic system pressure, it must be 42-73 kgt/cm2.

3. Co-pilot checks the "jaw" channel: slaving mode: press the switch "CS"

(control panel of the directional system ГMK-1AЭ) to the left (right) - the

"direction" scale (autopilot control panel) must rotate right (left).

4. Move the control stick to the left (right) - the "roll" scale (control panel)

should rotate right (left).

5. Push the control stick forward and then pull it backward - the "pitch" scale

(control panel) should rotate left (right).

6. Check all autopilot buttons by pressing them:

3 green lamp-button autopilot

2 red buttons control panel

2 red buttons "AP DISANG" (control sticks) 2 button "Friction" (collective pitch levers)

7. Press the "roll-pitch" button-pointers "K"(Roll) and "T"(Pitch) of the null

indicator must be in the middle position ±the pointer thickness move the control



8 Press the "jaw" button, turn the "jaw" scale to the left by "balancing" knob - the pointer "H" (jaw) must deflect to the left. Turn the knob till the pedals start moving in the "left pedal forward" direction. Put the feet on the pedals - pointer "H" (jaw) must settle in the middle position. Check the same to the right. 9. Press the "altitude" button press the "CHEK" toggle switch (autopilot control panel) to the upper - pointer "B" (altitude) must deflect upward. Set the "collective pitch lever" to the 1° upward and press the toggle "CHEK" switch to the lower position - pointer "B" altitude must deflect downward.




1. To engage the channels:

a) "jaw" - before take-off or at necessary altitude

b) "roll-pitch" - before take off

c) "altitude" - not less than 50 m

d) "air speed" - not less than 150 km/h, up to 150 km/h the pilot

stabilise the speed by manually (control sticks)


2. If the pointer "K" (Roll) and "T"(Pitch) in hovering are deflected

more than their width we must balance them by the "press to turn" knobs.

3. Don't release the pedal during the helicopter turning - may be strong


4. Main failures:


a) strong helicopter oscillation

b) the pointer of the null indicator reached to the extreme position.

In these cases we should disengage the failed channel.


5. When the right pedal starts moving automatically and it reaches the

limitter mechanism of the stopper system dmy-52-1, the microswitch AM-

800K operate4s and changes over the "stabilization" mode of the autopilot to the

"slaving" mode of operation. The pilots put feet on the pedals.

6. Don't use the "stabilization" mode, when:


- taxiing

- taking-off and landing as airplane

- autorotate landing

- strong turbulence




It is designed for continuous remote measurement of the engine rpm expressed in per cent of its maximum rpm.


- two tachometer generators q-2 (engines)

- two indicators (instrument boards)

Main data

- Range - 0-110%

- Error - ±1%



It is designed for checking of the engines ratings: nominal and cruise.


- turbine air pressure sensors IIM-10MP (cargo cabin, 5fr)

- altitude sensor ДВК (located under the pilot's floor, connected to the

right pitot static tube)

- ambient air temperature bulb II-1 (in front of the helicopter fan)

- indicator УP-117M (left instruments board)

Main data

- supply voltage - 27 v ± 10%

- P turbo-compressor - 5-10 kgf/cm2

-error- ±1,5%

- difference between left and right engines AP < 0,5 kgf/cm2



There are 3 electrical diagrams:

1st - receives the signals from II-l sensors and ABK and set 3 indexes to the corresponding positions:

- O - take limited (not used)

- H - nominal

- K - cruise

2nd, 3rd - receive the signals from IIM-10 sensors and move the side indexes to the corresponding positions

So, we can determine engines ratings:

T°C - ambient air temperature

Pst- air static pressure

n1 - p. eng. rmp

n2 - st. eng.rmp


1. Connect the supply voltage 27v to the helicopter mains - 3 movable

indexes will move and stop at the position, which is corresponding to the air

temperature and static pressure.

2. After starting-up the side indexes move upward.

3. Set the engines RPM: Nnom ±0,5%, where we take the Nnom from

the diagram "C" (engines log-books). In this case the side indexes must be



opposite the upper part of the "HP index:



4. If it is necessary we should tune the side indexes by the screws,

located on the back side of the indicator when the engines are operating.

5. During the flight we can read the rating:


6. In case of failure, the flight - engineer should check the ПM - fuse (fuses box) and use the tachometers.



It is a combination instrument measuring, oil pressure and temperature of the engines. The fuel pressure is not measured.


a) transmitter: ИД-8-oil pressure

b) thermometer bulb П-2 TP-oil temperature

c) indicator УИ3-3 (central control panel)



Main data

- supply voltage: dc - 27v ±10%

ac - Iph 36v, 400hz

- Range: oil pressure 0-8 kgf/cm2

oil temperature -50 - +150 °C

- Errors: oil pressure ± 2%

oil temperature ± 4 °C


1. Switch on power supplies 27v and *36v

2. Put the switch "Transformer ДИM" to the "main" position (centar

control panel) - the transformer 115/36 reduces 115v to 36v to feed the oil

pressure gages. It this case the oil temperature scale will indicate the air

temperature, but the oil pressure scale 0 kgf/cm2.

3. Main failures:


a) oil temperature pointer moved to the left extreme position - we

should check the fuse (fuses box).

b) oil temperature pointer moved to the right extreme position - the

termomebulb circuit is cut off.

c) All pressure pointers indicate "O" - we should put the switch

"Transformed ДИM" to the "Reserve'* position.



It measures the temperature of the decelerated gas flow before the engine compressor turbine.



- T-102 thermocouples (14pcs per every engine)

- 2ЭУ-6Д amplifier (right rack)


- 2УT-6K indicator (left instrument board)

- "Ground", "Air", button (left side electrical panel)

Main data

- supply voltage: dc - 27v ±10%

ac- Iphll5v, 400hz

- Range: 0 - +1200 °C

- Errors: ± 6 °C

Principle of operation


The T-102 thermocouples produce the thermal EMF, whishes proportional to the gas temperature. It is given to the amplifier, where it is compared with the constant voltage value. The difference of then is given to the motor (indicator) alter the emplifing. The motor decreases this difference to "O", and at the same time it moves the indicator pointers to the measuring gas temperature position.


- Connect the supply voltage = 27v and ~115v.

- Press the "Ground" button - the indicator pointers must indicate



- After starting -up press the "AIR" button the indicator pointers must

indicate 04-150°.

Main failures:

a) the pointers to "O" or to 1200°C positions.

b) the pointers don't move from any scale position.

We should check the instrument by buttons and also check the fuses (fuses box).

Gas temperature regulation PT-12-6

It is adjusted for a temperature of 985±5°C before the engine compressor turbine.


- T-102 thermocouples (14pcs per engine)

- PT-12-6 temperature regulators (2pcs, cargo cabin, 3-4fr.).

- NM-47 solenoid fuel valve (pump-regulator)

- "CHECK FT" buttons (2pcs, left side panel)

- "Gas T° HIGH lights (2pcs, left side panel)

Main data

- Supply voltage =27v ±10%

- T° regulation range 90041000° C

- Gas T° regulation - 985±5°C

- Error - ±5°C



Principle of operation

The T-102 thermocouples generate the thermal EMF, which is proportional to the gas temperature. It is given to the comparator in the regulator PT-12-6. The comparator compares EMF and constant voltage, which is equivalent to the temperature 985°C when the gas temperature becomes more, than 985°C the TEMF will be more than the constant voltage. The difference of them is amplified by the amplifier, which gives pulsing signals to the NM-47 solenoid valve. It decreases the fuel supply to the combustion chambers, so-the gas temperature too The light "Gas T° HIGH" comes on.


- Connect supply voltage =27v.

- After starting up the engines, to set: ntc =87% and T°=880°C

- Press one by one the "CHECK PT" buttons: the signal lights become

illuminated, and ife i to 84 %, T° -I to 850°C.

- If during the flight, the signal lights "Gas T° HIGH" come on and T° >

985°C we should decrease the engines power.

- If T°C >985°C, but the regulator doesn't operate, we should decrease

the engines power, check the fuse (fuses box) and make m ore attention to the

engines operation.


Electronic engines regulator



-It limits lite in depending on "F* and "T°" of ambient air (it regulates the jfoel consumption).

- It converts nte to the "ER (qp)" (extra ordinary rating).

- It shuts down the engine in case of nte (free turbine) -> 118±2%.


a) Transmitters: - J^tB-2500 (2pcs per engine) -> ntc

- #TA-10 (2 main, 2reserv per engine) ->nft

-11-77 (pump regulator) -» T°C ambient air

- HK^-27 (2pcs, are connected to the right pitot static

table) P ambient air


b) 3P/J-3BM regulator (2pcs, cargo cabin, 3-4 fir)

c) HM-3A, HM-47, MKT-163 operated valves (pump-regulator)


d) control panel (central panel)

e) signal lights (left instrument board)

Main data

- Supply voltage d.c. 27v ±10%

-ntc error ±0,5%



1. 1st part is a constant program computer, which limits n^ in depending

on T° and P of ambient air (engine teacher explains it).

2. 2nd part is "FDAT" (A3CT) -- free turbine automatic defense. This

system has 2 transmitters,JQ(TA-10. If only 1 transmitter gives 118% signal, the

regulator switches on the light "Port eng. Exceeding nft", "starboard and

exceeding nft-.But if both of the transmitters give 118% signals, the regulator also


gives the signal to the valve HM-3A, which shutdown the engine. So, 2 transmitters prevent the felse shutdown of the engine.

3. When ate - nte* = 5-9% (range 80-105%) the regulator changes over

the engine rating to the "ER" Off) ratings.

ntc.n -nte of the neighbor engine besides, if ntc is less by 1%, than takeoff nte

4. The regulator has the automatic selfcheking system, which in case of

failure in the regulator diagram switches on the lights "Port eng. EER OFF*,

"Starboard eng EER OFF" and disconnects the executive mechanisms.

plight maintenance

1. Connect supply voltage dc 27v.

2. Switch on 2 switch " Port eng EER", "Starboard eng. EER" (control


3. Check the "FTAD" system:


a) put the 3 position switch to the "CHECK FTP position (1st n«

transmitter) and increase the main rotor "ipm" till the light "Port

(starboard) eng. Exceeding nft" comes on. It must be when n,nr -»

91.5 ±2%.

b) Decrease the MR RPM by 5-7%, and put the 3 position switch to

the "Operation" position - the signal light must go off.

c) By the same way check the 2nd transmitters, but making sure in

mat the lights are not on.

d) Put the switches to the " Operation" positions, make sure that

lights are not on and close the EER panel cover.

Notes 1. The switches "ER" must be in "ON" position always. 2. If we want to check the shutdown of the engines we change the 3 position switch from the "CHECK FT-1" position to the "CHECK FT-2" position without 0.2 sec delay.


4. when during the flight the light-panel"... eng. Exceeding nft " comes

on, we should:

a) The engine continue operates: we disconnect the switch "... ENG

EER" for short period of time. If the light-panel continue on, we

should raise the attention and land.

b) The engine is shuted down (or engine parametric are nonnormal)

we should disconnect the engine.


5. In case of the engine failure and when nts- n tan — 5 + 9% (range 80

-s-110%), the regulator switches on the extraordinary rating of another

engine, the signal-light"... ENG.ER" comes on.

6. If the light panel"... ENG EER OFF" comes on, we should

disconnect the corresponding switch with inscription "... ENG.

EER" and check the D*. by means of the tachometer. The light-panel

also comes on, if the nto I 60%.

• Vibration indicator HB-500JL


It switches on the yellow and red light-panels in case of HIGH OR DANGER engines vibration.


- MB-03-1 transmitters (engines)

- YCC-6 coordination units (cargo cabin, left side, 2-3 fr.)

- E3-9E electronic unit (left rack)

- Signal-lights (4pcs, left instrument board)

- "HB-500E CHECK" button (left side panel).


- Supply voltage;: -de ±10%

-dclphllSv, 400hz

- Signal vibration value: - f HIGH- 45mm/s

- f danger HSOmm/S



Principle of operation.

The MB-0.3-1 transmitter converts the engine mechanical vibration into electrical current, which is given to the electronic unit E3-9E, where it is compared with constant frequency voltage by the comparators. When the engine vibration v/ill equal 45mm/s, the electronic unit E3-9E switches on the light-panel **.. ENG vibration HIGH", yellow colour, and when -60mm/s - the light-panel"... ENG VIBRATION D^GER" - red colour.

Flight maintenance

1. Connect supply voltages: 27 v, - 1 xl 15v.

2. Press the "HB-500E CHECK" button - 4 light-panel should be on.

3. When during the flight only yellow light come on, we should raise the

attention for engine operation.


4. After yellow lamps, the red light-panels come also on we should decrease the engine rating operation:

a) red lights go off necessary to set v=13(M40km/h and land as the


b) red lights don't go off, we should shut down the engine.


It measures the main rotor RPM.

- 2 generator:; #•! (main gear box)

- 2 indicators (pilot's instrument boards)

The HT3-1T tachometers is similar to the HT3-2 tachometers.


It consist of 3 instruments with common indicator.

a) main gear box oil pressure gauge ^HM-8

- supply voltage - Iphx36v (Hough transformer 115/36)

- range 0-8 kgffcm2

- error i4°C

b) intermittent and tail gear box oil thermometers

Switching on is the same of the 3 pointer indicator 3MH-3PBH. The indicator is located on the central panel.


It measures the oil temperature in the helicopter main gear box. The indicator is located on the central panel.

- supply voltage - dc 27v ±10% (via IIM fuse)


error ±3°C



It measure the main rotor pitch. SET:

- transmitter #C-11 - synchro type

- indicator (left instrument board)


- supply voltage: dc 27v ±10%

ac 3ph x 36v

- readings: down position 1° ±lmm ~*|

middle position 7°30' ±lmm X co11- Pitch

lever upper position 14°30' ±lmm -J



It limits the position max. of the tail rotor blades in depending on "P" and "T°" of the ambient air. So, it prevents the overloading of irhe tail rotor and transmission.


- HKfl static pressure transmitter (connected to the right pilot static tubule)

n-1 air temperature transmitter (between the engines inlets)

- EY-32-1 control unit (central panel)

- MII-100M electrical mechanism (main gear box)

- feed back transmitter (main gear box) - fbt


- control panel (central panel)

- supply voltage: dc27v ±10%

ac 3ph x 36v, 400Hz

- MTI-100M rod tull time moving Јl9s



Principle of operation

The EY-32-1 control unit receives the signals from Pst and T° air transmitter and creates the Vc controlling signal, which is given to the MTI-100M mechanism. It moves the stopper mechanism to the corresponding position and so it limits the right pedal moving. The MII-100M rod position is indicated by the movable index on the control panel. In case of P=7<>0mm Hg and T°=-15°C, the movable index should occupy the middle position. In the Pst 4 - T° t, the index moves to the left side.



1. Connect the supply voltages =27v and * 3ph x 36v.

2. After starting-up switch on CB "CIiny-52" - lamp-button "OFF" comes


3. Switch on the switch "Cimy-52" (left panel) - the lamp goes off.

4. Put the pedals into the neutral position.

5. Press the lamp-button (it comes on) and set me "CHECK" switch to the

"t" poison - the movable index should move to the right, then press to the

"P" position - the movable index should move to the left.

6. Leave the lamp-button and "CHECK" switch.

7. Press the lamp-button and turn the handle to the right - the index will

move to the extrim right position. Switch off the "CIiny-52" switch and

release lamp-button the index will move to the left extrim position.

8. Switch on the "Cnny-52" switch, press the lamp-button and set the index

to the middle position by means of the handle.

9. During the flight.


a) The right pedal teaches the limitter mechanism by means of the "jaw"

channel of the autopilot. In this case the special microswitch changes over the

autopilot operation mode from "stabilization" to the "slaving". The pilot puts

the feet on the pedals.

b) the system failed - the MEI-100M mechanism pulls in. its rod, the index

moves to the left extreme position:





a).ZJHM-100K (2pcs) measure hydraulic systems pressure

((MOOkgt/cm2), connected by the switch "TANSFORMER J&M" (central


b) MBY-100K- measure air system pressure (0*60kgt/cm2) MB-60-

measures brake system pressure located on the left side panel, Burbon tube type.



It measures the full quantity of fuel, in the ever}1 tank, indicates the critical fuel reserve and full capacity.


- five tank transmitters (every tank)

- indicator B3-09K(right instrument board)

- selector switch fl-SY (right instrument board)

- red lighn "3001 remained" (right instrument board)

- white lights (near the fuel tank refueling openings)

Main data

- supply voltage dc 27 v ±10%.

- error ±5%.

type float - arm.

Flight maintenance

1. Connect the supply =27v ±10% and CB "fuel quantity gauge"

2. Set the switch "CHECK-refueling" to the "CHECK" position - all

white lights should be on. Set this switch in the "Refueling" position, when the


tank is full - the corresponding light comes on. After refueling to set this switch in the neutral position.

3. Measure the fuel quantity by the indicator and selector switch:

- 0*12001 scale - every tank.

- 0*28001 scale -total quantity.

4. When in the service tank 3001 are remained the red light comes on.


It measures the air temperature in the cargo cabin. It consists off: - 3 bulb II-9(cargo cabin ceiling)

- indicator (right instrument board)

- supply voltage = 27v± 10%

- range - 60*+70°C

- error ±5°C



a) It records: H=50 * 6000m

Vair=60 * 400km/h mrpitch^l-5-14° iw =70*110% roll =±60% PITCHES0

b) It registers: - 3001 fuel remained

- fuel pumps failed

- Deicing eng. system on manually

- hydraulic system on failed

- fire in 4 section

- P oil mr i2.8kgffcm2



- transmitters (in the helicopter systems)

- coordination unit YCC-4 (tail bum section)

- signal distribution unit 1186(tail bum section)

- altitude transmitter ^B-l 5m (under the pilot's floor)

- air speed transmitter ^AC

- main rotor pitch transmitter MV-615(main gear box)

- Receiver K-12-51#M (fail but section).

Main data

- supply voltage = 27v ±10%

-Error ±5%

- V film 0,65mm/s

-1 operation >5hour

Principle of operation


The electronic deflection device eives the parameter signal and deflects the light beam vertically. It makes the mark on the film, which is moved by the electrical motor.

After flight we remove the cassette and sand it to the photo laboratory, where it is developed.

Then another expert decodes the recorders by means of the special unit.


Flighf piaintenance

1. Fix the cassette to the recorder K-12-51.

2. Set the switch "CAHITI-12" to the "manual position" - the system

starts to operate, die light "CAPDH- operates" will blink.

3. If the " "CAPnn-12" switch is in the "automatic" position", the

system will be switched on by the microswitches on the main legs of the

helicopter undercarriage.

4. When we change the cassette we, before switching on the system,

press the two buttons "Supply on" and "Null lines" on the recorder K-12-51 for

30-35 sec.

5. If the T° air < 0°C, before first switching on we should heat the

system for not less than 15 min, if T° air < +10°C - for some minutes. For this we

switch on CB "Hydraulic system" and the "automatic" mode of operation.


a) press gauge #HM-3 - indicated AH-9 Pair. It is switched on together

with others ^HM pressure gauges.

b) Thermometer TCT-282 - indicates gas temperature with accuracy

±12C. It consist of: T-82 thermocouples (2pcs)

Indicator (middle panel)

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 | Harry texts Louis on Sunday asking how he’s feeling and Louis says he thinks he had a bit of a twenty four hour flu, but that he told the boys he was feeling poorly and they’ve taken care of him.

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