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Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.


Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.


Ladies’ Clothing

306, (2) 3d Avenue

Chicago, 60602


118 Regent Street

London (4)WIC 37D



a. the ZIP Code in the mailing address

b. the addressee’s name

c. the street name in the return address

d. the sender


В(1) d

В(2) c

В(3) b

В(4) a




Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.


(1) Ladies’ Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago (2)60602


118 Regent Street

(3)London WIC 37D




a. the ZIP Code in the return address

b. the sender’s company name

c. the country the letter goes to

d. the city the letter goes to


В(1) b

В(2) a

В(3) d

В(4) c


Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

(1)Mr. George Ganson

Wilson Electronics, Ltd

(2) 113 Carpenter Ave,

New York MA 01880

(3)V/O Rossimport

14 Kirovskaya Street

Moscow (4)103006



a. the ZIP Code in the mailing address

b. the addressee’s company name

c. the house number and the street name in the return address

d. the sender


В(1) d

В(2) c

В(3) b

В(4) a



Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

Mr. George Ganson

(1)Wilson Electronics, Ltd

113 Carpenter Ave,

New York (2) MA 01880

V/O Rossimport

14 Kirovskaya street

(3) Moscow 103006

(4) Russia

a. the ZIP Code in the return address

b. the sender’s company name

c. the country the letter goes to

d. the city the letter goes to


В(1) b

В(2) a

В(3) d

В(4) c




Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

(1) Mr. Down

Damen Centre, Ltc.

(2)101 Golden Street

Washington, MA01987

(3) Pumps&Co

20 Peace Square

Paris (4)P3571



a. the ZIP Code in the mailing address

b. the addressee’s company name

c. the house number and the street name in the return address

d. the sender

В(1) d

В(2) c

В(3) b

В(4) a



Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.


Ladies’ Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 60602

21 Oct, 2000

(2) Gentlemen:

We saw your women’s dresses and suits in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market.

Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of January next?

We would require 2,000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10-14. Please quote c.i.f. Chicago prices.

(3) Very truly yours,




118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D



B+ 1, 4, 2, 3.

B- 1, 2, 3, 4.

B- 3, 1, 4, 2.

B- 4, 2, 1, 3.



Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.


(1) DOBSON &Co. Ltd

75 Hounslow High Street

Midllesex TWG 2 Q

United Kingdom

(2) Sincerely yours,



(3) Dear Sirs,

We read about your new tape recorders in your October catalogue.

We would be grateful if you would send us further information including unit cost, discounts, delivery period and payment terms.

Thank you for an early reply.

(4) 12 Dec, 2009


618 West Street

Chicago 34567



B+ 1, 4, 3, 2.

B- 1, 2, 3, 4.

B- 4, 3, 1, 2.

B- 2, 1, 3, 4.




Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

(1) Mr. George Ganson

Wilson Electronics Ltd.

113 Carpenter Ave,

New York MA 01880


(2) Dear Sirs,

Further to the recent discussions we had with Mr. Otten from Brown & Co in London we would be grateful to you if you will send us your new catalogues for the latest model of refrigerator. If you can guarantee prompt delivery and can quote really competitive prices we shall be able to place an order with you for 250 refrigerators.

We hope to hear from you within the next few days.

(3)Yours faithfully,


Ivanov F.T.


(4) V/O Rossimport

14 Kirovskaya street

Moscow 103006


2nd July, 2004


B+ 4, 1, 2, 3.

B- 1, 3, 4, 2.

B- 3, 1, 4, 2.

B- 4, 2, 1, 3.



Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

(1)Yours faithfully,

Modern Wear

D.A. Leary

Sales Manager

(2) HOWARD Ltd

12 Chipstead Way

Behstead SM 73 JS


(3) Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to make you a firm offer regarding our products in the size you require.

All the models can be supplied by the middle of December 2009. If you prefer the goods to be delivered by air freight, this kind of shipment will be charged extra cost.


20 Bennett Hill

Brighton BN 3 XB


2nd July, 2004


B+ 4, 2, 3, 1.

B- 1, 4, 2, 3.

B- 4, 3, 1, 2.

B- 2, 1, 3, 4.




Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

(1) 9th September, 2008

Damen Centre, Ltc.

101 Golden Street

Washington, MA 01987


(2) Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to receive your request of 1 September for the information about our waterproof material.

We will be happy to send you the samples of the items you mention in your letter. We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business association. We hope to receive your order soon.

(3)Yours sincerely,

Johnson & Co

A.K. Dood

Marketing manager

(4) Johnson & Co

20 Bennett Hill

Brighton BN 13 XB



B+ 4, 1, 2, 3.

B- 1, 3, 4, 2.

B- 3, 1, 4, 2.

B- 4, 2, 1, 3.



Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

2008– 2010 Consulted managers of small companies on designing business plans.

Developed and designed a scheme for business plans as part of internship at the TACIS representative office.

2006–2008 Researcher at ABRT Corporation.

Did research in macroeconomics of economies in transitions. Made presentations at the international conferences.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B+ a resume

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите названия разделов резюме с соответствующей информацией.

(1) Employment

(2) Languages

(3) Skills

(4) Education


a. 2008–present Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. Secretary to the Sales Manager. Typing and filing correspondence, office support.

b. excellent typing skills, ability to work under time pressure, driver`s license.

c. 2004–2008 South Thames College, London. Secretarial courses: Shorthand Grade 2, Typing Grade 3.

d. Native English, fluent German.

B (1) a.

B (2) d.

B (3) b.

B (4) c.


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

Work history:

2008–present junior assistant manager, James Associates, NYC.

helped preparing staff meetings arranged files of the employees, prepared materials for the training seminars.

2005 –2007 assistant-trainee, James Associates, NYC Education:

2001–2005 Boston University, honors

B.Sc. (Business Administration)

B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B+ a resume

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите названия разделов резюме с соответствующей информацией.

(1) Computer literacy

(2) Employment

(3) Skills

(4) Education


a. Good typing skills, organizational skills, good time management.

b. 2011–present junior assistant manager, Samara Trade Corporation,

preparing commercial and legal documents.

c. 2006–2011 Samara State University, Department of Management, diploma of specialist in management.

d. Word Perfect, Excel, Internet user.


B (1) d.

B (2) b.

B (3) a.

B (4) c.




Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите названия разделов резюме с соответствующей информацией.

(1) Work history

(2) Languages

(3) Skills

(4) Education


a. 2001–2005 Boston University, honors B.Sc. (Business Administration)

b. 2005–present junior assistant manager, James Associates, NYC.

helped preparing staff meetings arranged files of the employees, prepared materials for the training seminars.

c. Good typing skills, organizational skills, good time management.

d. Native Russian, professional level of English

B (1) b.

B (2) d.

B (3) c.

B (4) a.




Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

I would like to apply for the position of senior assistant to personnel manager advertised in the "Daily News" on 9lh October. A copy of my resume is enclosed. From this you will see that I am at present working as a junior assistant in the personnel department at James Associates. Although I enjoy my work, I feel I would now like to take on a position with more responsibility and in a larger organization. I can be available for interview at any time, and I look forward to hearing from you.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

I am applying for the job in your sales department, which you advertised. I am graduating from college this year and would like a job in sales. Please find enclosed my resume. I hope you will find me suitable and that I will hear from you soon.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

Although I am presently employed, it has always been my intention to work in commercial environment. I would like to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.

My work experience allows me to work in Public Relations today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would enjoy working in a German-speaking environment.


B- an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

I would like to apply for the position of chief engineer in the project department advertised by you on 13th January. A copy of my resume is enclosed. From this you can see that I am working as an engineer at Rail Network. Although I enjoy my work, I feel I would like to take on a position with more responsibility though in a smaller organization. I can be available for interview at any time, and I look forward to hearing from you.


B- an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

I would like to apply for the job in your personal department, which you advertised. I have graduated from college this year and received the qualification of manager in personal. I would like to get a job in your company because it is a quickly developing up-to-date organization. Please find enclosed my resume. I hope you will find me suitable and I will hear from you soon.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


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