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Общественное животное. Введение в социальную психологию. 45 страница


В мои намерения не входит читать проповеди на тему ответственности социальных психологов. Лучше всего я представляю то, за что считаю ответственным себя самого. Говоря кратко, мой долг - распространять знания о том, как. можно использовать эти методы воздействия и как сохранять бдительность, не допуская злоупотреблений при их применении. И я чувствую эту ответственность, продолжая заниматься исследованиями, призванными расширить наши знания о нас - общественных животных, о том, как мы думаем и как ведем себя.


Если честно, я не знаю, какое еще занятие может быть интереснее или важнее этого.


Литература и комментарии


К главе 1 Что такое социальная психология?


1. MichenerJ. (1971). Kent State: What happened andwhy. New York: Random t House.


2. Clark, K. & Clark, M. (1947). Racial identification and preference in Negro children. In T.M.Newcomb & E.L. Hartley (Eds.), Reading? in social psychology (pp. 169- 178). New York: Holt.


3. Harris, J. (1970). Hiroshima: A study in science, politics, and the ethics of war. Menio Park, CA: Addison-Wesley.


4. Powell, J.L. (1988). A test of the knew-it-all-along effect in the 1984 presidential and statewide elections. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 760-773.


5. Michener, Kent State.


6. Ellen Berscheid; личное сообщение.


7. Zimbardo, P. (1971, October 25). The psychological power and pathology of imprisonment (p. 3). Statement prepared for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary; Subcommittee No. 3: Hearings on Prison Reform, San Francisco, CA.


К главе 2 Конформность


1. Copyright c 1933, 1961 by James Thurber. From <The day the dam broke>, in My life and hard times (New York: Harper, 1933), pp. 41, 47. (Впервые напечатано в: ^ New Yorker).


' 2. Schachter, S. (1951). Deviation, rejection, and communication. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46, 190-207.



3. Kraglanski, A. W. & Webster, D.W. (1991). Group member's reaction to opinion deviates and conformists at varying degrees of proximity to decision deadline and of environmental noise. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 212-225.


4. Speer, A. (1970). Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs. (R. Winston & C.Winston, Trans.). New York: MacMillan.


5. Playboy, January 1975, p. 78.


6. Kruglansky, A. W. (1986, August). Freeze-think and the Challenger. Psychology Today, pp. 48-49.


7. Janis, 1.L. (1971, November). Groupthink. Psychology Today, pp. 43-46. Janis, 1.L. (1984). Counteracting the adverse effects of concurrence-seeking in policy-planning groups. In H. Brandstatter, J.H. Davis, & G. Stocker-Kreichgauer (Eds.), Group decision making. New York: Academic Press.


8. Asch, S. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgement. In M.H.Guetzkow (Ed.), Groups,leadership and men (pp. 117-190). Pittsburgh: Carnegie. Asch, S. (1956). Studies of independence and conformity: A minority of one against a unanimous majority. Psychological Monographs, 70 (9, Whole No. 416).


9. Wolosin, R., Sherman, S., & Cam, A. (1975). Predictions of own and other's conformity. Journal of Personality, 43, 357-378.


10. Deutsch, М., & Gerard, H. (1955). A study of normative and informational social influence upon individual judgement. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51, 629-636.


II. Moulton, L., Blake, R., & Olmstead.J. (1956). The relationship between frequency of yielding and the disclosure of personal identity. Journal of Personality, 24, 339-347.


12. Argyle, М. (1957). Social pressure in public and private situations. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54, 172-175.


13. Asch, S. (1955). Opinions and social pressure. Scientific American, 193 (5), 31-55. Morris, W., & Miller, R. (1975). The effects of consensus-preempting partners on reduction of conformity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, II, 215-223. Boyanovsky, E., Alien, V., Bragg, B., & Lepinsky, J. (1981). Generalization of independence created by social support. Psychological Record, 31, 475-488.


14. Alien, V., & Levine, J. (1971). Social support and conformity: The role of independent assessment of reality. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 7, 48-58.


15. Deutsch & Gerard, Normative and informational social influence.


16. Mausner, B. (1954). The effects of prior reinforcement on the interaction of observed pairs. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49, 65-68. Mausner, B. (1954). The effect on one's partner's success in a relevant task on the interaction of observed pairs. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49, 557-560. Goldberg, S., & Lubin, A.

(1958). Influence as a function of perceived judgement error. Human Relations, II, 275-281. Wiesenthal, D., Endler, N., Coward, Т., & Edwards, J. (1976). Reversibility of relative competence as a determinant of conformity across different perceptual tasks. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 7, 35-43.


17. Milgram, S. (1961). Nationality and conformity. Scientific American, 205(5), 45-51. Frager, R. (1970). Conformity and anticonformity in Japan. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15,203-210.


18. Maccoby, E., & Jacklin, C. (1974). The psychology of sex differences^^. 268- 272). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Copper, H. (1979). Statistically combin-446


ing independent studies: A meta-analysis of sex differences in conformity research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 131-146.


19. Eagly, A., & Carii, L. (1981). Sex of researchers and sex-typed communications as determinants of sex differences in influenceability: A meta-analysis of social influence studies. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 1-20. Javomisky, G. (1979). Task content and sex differences in conformity. Journal of Social Psychology, 108, 213-220. Feldman-Summers, S., Montana, D., Kaspinyk, D., & Wagner, B. (1980). Influence attempts when competing views are gender-related: Sex as credibility. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5,311-320.


20. Schneider, F. (1970). Conforming behavior of black and white children. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 16, 466-471.


21. Allport, G. (1954). The nature of prejudice (pp. 13-14). Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley.


22. Dittes, J., & Kelley, H. (1956). Effects of different conditions of acceptance upon conformity to group norms. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 53, 100-107.


23. Bushman, B.J. (1988). The effects of apparel on compliance: A field experiment with a female authority figure. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 14, 459-467.


24. Festinger, L. (1954). Atheory of social comparison processes. Human Relations, 7, 117-140.


25. Mullen, В., Cooper, С., & Driskell, J.E. (1990). Jaywalking as a function of model behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 16 (2), 320-330.


26. Aronson, E., & O'Leary, M. (1982-83). The relative effectiveness of models and prompts on energy conservation: A field experiment in a shower room. Journal of Environmental Systems, 12, 219-224.


27. Cialdini, R.B., Reno, R.R., & Kallgren, C.A. (1990). Afocus theory of normative conduct: Recycling the concept of norms to reduce littering in public places. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 1015-1029.


28. Ibid.


29. Schachter, S., & Singer, J. (1962). Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional state. Psychological Review, 69, 379-399.


30. James, W. (1890). Principles of psychology. New York: Smith.


31. Haney, C. (1984). Examining death qualification: Further analysis of the process effect. Law and Human Behavior, 8, 133-151.


32. Kelman, H. (1961). Processes of opinion change. Public Opinion Quarterly, 25, 57-78.


33. Kiesler, С., Zanna, M., & De Salvo, J. (1966). Deviation and conformity: Opinion change as a function of commitment, attraction, and presence of a deviate. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3, 458-467.


34. Vogler, R., Weissbach, Т., Compton, J., & Martin, G. (1977). Integrated behavior change techniques for problem drinkers in the community. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 267-279. Kuetner, С., Lichtenstein, E., andMees, H. (1968). Modification of smoking behavior: A review. Psychological Bulletin, 70, 520-533.


35. Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 371-378. Milgram, S. (1965). Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority. Human Relations, 18, 57-76. Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to authority. New York: Harper & Row.



36. Elms, A.C., & Milgram, S. (1966). Personality characteristics associated with obedience and defiance toward authoritative command. Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 1, 282-289.


37. Kilham, W., & Mann, L. (1974). Level of destructive obedience as a function of transmitter and executant roles in the Milgram obedience paradigm. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 29, 696-702. Shanab, M., & Yahya, K. (1977). Abehavio-ral study of obedience in children. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35, 530-536. Miranda, KB., Caballero, R.B., Gome?., M.G.,&Zamorano, M.M. (1981). Obedience to authority. Psiqui^: Revista de Psiquiatria, Psicologiay Psicosomatica, 12, 212- 221. Mantell, D. (1971). The potential forviolence in Germany. Journal of Social Issues, 27, 101-112.


38. Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to authority. New York: Harper & Row. Sheridan, C., & King, R. (1972, August). Obedience to authority with an authentic victim. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association.


39. Milgram, S. (1965). Liberating effects of group pressure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 127-134.


40. Milgram, S. (1965), Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority. Human Relations, 18, 57-76.


41. Milgram, S. (1965). Liberating effects of group pressure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, /, 127-134.


42. Rosenthal, A.M. (1964), Thirty-eight witnesses. New York: McGraw-Hill.


43. Korte, C., & Kerr, N. (1975). Response to altruistic opportunities in urban and nonurban settings. Journal of Social Psychology, 95, 183-184. Rushton, J.P. (1978). Urban density and altruism: Helping strangers in a Canadian city, suburb, and small town. Psychological Reports, 43, 987-990.


44. Darley, J., Latane, B. (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: Diffusion of responsibility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 8, 377-383. Latane, В., & Darley, J. (1968). Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 10, 215-221. Latane, В., & Rodin, J. (1969). A lady in distress: Inhibiting effects of friends and strangers on bystander intervention. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 5,189-202.


45. Latane, В., & Nida, S. (1981). Ten years of research on group size and helping. Psychological Bulletin, 89,308-324.


46. Latane & Rodin, Lady in distress.


47. Darley & Latane, Bystander intervention.


48. Piliavin, 1., Rodin, J., & Piliavin, J. (1969). Good samaritanism: An underground phenomen? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 13, 289-299.


49. Bickman, L. (1971). The effect of another bystander's ability to help on bystander intervention in an emergency. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 7, 367-379. Bickman, L. (1972). Social influence and diffusion of responsibility in an emergency. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 8, 438-445.


50. Piliavin, J., & Piliavin, E. (1972). The effect of blood on reactions to a victim. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 23, 353-361.


51. Darley, J., & Batson, D. (1973). <From Jerusalem to Jericho>: A study of situational and dispositional variables in helping behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 27,100-108.


52. dark III, R., & Word, L. (1972). Why don't bystander help? Because of ambiguity? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24, 392-400. Solomon, L.,



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53. Baron, R.A. (1970). Magnitude of model's apparent pain and ability to aid the model as determinants of observer reaction time. Psychonomic Science, 21, 196-197.


54. Suedfeld, P., Bochner, S., & Wnek, D. (1972). Helper-sufferer similarity and a specific request for help: Bystander intervention during a peace demonstration. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2,17-23.


К главе 3


Массовая коммуникация, пропаганда и процесс убеждения


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5. Mark Levy, цит. по: Time, October 1, 1979, p. 83.


6. Mann, P., & Iscoe, 1. (1971). Mass behavior and community organization: Reflections on a peaceful demonstration. American Psychologist, 26, 108-113,


7. St. Petersburg (Florida) Times, October 21, 1982. The (Nashville) Tennes-seean, October 31, 1982.


8. Newsbank, October 1982, Vol. 19, p. 1.


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30. Santa Cru^ Sentinel, January 13, 1987, p. A8.


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39. Leishman, К. (1987, February). Heterosexuals and AIDS. The Atlantic Monthly, pp. 39-58.


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41. dark III, R.D. (1990). The impact of AIDS on gender differences in willingness to engage in casual sex. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20, 771-782.


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43. Williams, S.S., Kimble, D.L., Cowell, N.H., Weiss, L.H., Newton, K.J., Fisher, J.D., & Fisher, W.A. (1992). College students use implicit personality theory instead of safe sex. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 921-933.


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45. Aronson, E. (1989). Excuses, excuses, excuses: Why sexually active college students do not use condoms. Invited address, meeting of the Western Psychological Association, 1989.


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47. Nisbett, R., Borgida, E, Crandall, R., & Reed, Н. (1976). Popular introduction: Information is not always informative. In J.S. Carroll and J.W. Payne (Eds.), Cognition and social behavior^. 227-236). Hilisdale, NJ: Eribaum. Nisbett, R., & Ross, L.

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48. Gonzales, M.H., Aronson, E., & Costanzo, M. (1988). Increasing the effectiveness of energy auditors: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 1049- 1066.


49. Hovland, С., Lumsdain, A., & Sheffield, F. (1949). Experiments on mass communications. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


50. Miller, N., & Campbell, D. (1959). Recency and primacy in persuasion as a function of the timing of speeches and measurements. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59,1-9.


51. Zimbardo, P. (1960). Involvement and communication discrepancy as determinants of opinion conformity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60, 86-94.



52. Whittaker, J.O. (1963). Opinion change as a function of communication-attitude discrepancy. Psychological Reports, 13, 763-772.


53. Hovland, С., Harvey, O.J., & Sherif, M. (1957). Assimilation and contrast effects in reaction to communication and attitude change. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55,244-252.


54. Aronson, E., Turner, J., & Carlsmith, J.M. (1963). Communication credibility and communication discrepancy as determinants of opinion change. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67,31-36.


55. Zellner, M. (1970). Self-esteem, reception, and influenceability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15, 87-93.


56. Janis, I.J., Kaye, D., & Kirschner, P. (1965). Facilitating effects of <eating-while-reading> on responsiveness to persuasive communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 181-186.


57. Hass, R.G., & Grady, K. (1975). Temporal delay, type of forewarning, and resistance to influence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, II, 459-469.


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60. Bensley, L.S., & Wu, R. (1991). The role ofpsychological reactance in drinking following alcohol prevention messages. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21, 1111-1124.


61. Heilman, M. (1976). Oppositional behavior as a function of influence attempt intensity and retaliation threat. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 33, 574- 578.


62. Petty, R., & Cacioppo, J. (1977). Forewarning, cognitive responding, and resistance to persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35, 645-655.


63. Festinger, L., & Maccoby, N. (1964). On resistance to persuasive communications. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68, 359-366.


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70. Статистика взята из: Pratkanis, A.R., & Aronson, E. (1992). Age of propaganda: The everyday use and abuse of persuasion. New York: W.H. Freeman.


71. Liebert, R. (1975, July 16). Testimony before the Subcommittee on Communications of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.



72. San Francisco Chronicle, August 25, 1979, p. 15. San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, August 26, 1979, p. 2. San Jose Mercury-News, February II, 1982, p. A2.

73. Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M., & Signorelli, N. (1986). Living with television: The dynamics of the cultivation process. In J. Bryant & D. Zillman (Eds.), Perspectives on media effects (pp. 17-40). Hilisdale, NJ: Eribaum.


74. Цит. по: Newsweek, December 6, 1982, p. 140.


75. Haney, С., & Manwlati, /.(1981). Television criminology: Network illusions of criminal justice realities. In Readings about the social animal (6th ed., pp. 120-131). San Francisco: W.H. Freeman.


76. Hennigan, K., Heath, L., Wharton, J.D., DelRosario, M., Cook, Т., & Colder, B.

(1982). Impact of the introduction of television on crime in the United States: Empirical findings and theoretical implications. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 461-477.


77. Ronis,D.,Baumgardner, M., Leippe, M.,Cacioppo, J., & Greenwald, A. (1977). In search of reliable persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35, 548-569.


К главе 4 Социальное познание


1. Lippmann,W. (\911).Public opinion.^ew York: Harcourt, Brace, & Co.


2. Именно в те времена возник обычай, согласно которому мужчина должен был идти так, чтобы <прикрывать> женщину от проезжей части улицы. В эпоху средневековья подобный обычай казался вполне осмысленным: сапоги мужчины, если их забрызгает грязью, было легче отчистить, чем платье женщины.


3. Panati, С. (1987). Extraordinary origins of everyday things. New York: Harper & Row.


4. Gilovich, T. (1991). How we know what isn 't so. New York: Free Press.


5. Bentham, J. (1876/1948). A fragment on government and an introduction to the principles of morals and legislation.Oxford: Blackwell.Pyc.nep, - Избранные сочинения Иеремии Бентама. Т. 1. Спб., Русская книжная торговля. 1867, Современную версию <калькуляции блага> - см.: Fishbein, M., &.А^еп, J. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

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