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3. Learn to deduce the meaning of English words


(lo be done at home in written form and to be discussed in class)

В разных употреблениях одного и того же слова и его про­изводных обычно обнаруживается общий элемент с м ы с л а, который может присутствовать в нескольких рус­ских словах. Выбор русского эквивалента определяется ан-глийским контекстом и нормой русского языка.

Ex. 25. Give adequate Ukrainian equivalents of the italicized words.

Available, availability — общий элемент смысла: нали­чие в момент надобности; то, чем можно р. о с if о л ь з о в а т ь с я. Частотные русские эквиваленты: available — имеющийся в наличии, в распоряжении, доступ­ный, годный и т. д.; availability — наличие, доступность и т. д. 1. Future observation of these comets will surely be possible if space vehicles are available to observe them. 2. Of these substances the first three are available to lite plant: carbon dioxide, water and oxygen. 3. In what follows an outline of the results available at the time of writing is given. 4. The availability of water-power makes it easy to have electricity. 5. The latter effect isdue. to the non-avail­ability of free electrons to associate with the broken bonds.

Concern — общий элемент смысла: непосредствен-н^о е касательство, заинтересованность; о б е с а опоенное т ь. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to concern — - касаться, иметь отношение; беспокоить и т. д.; to be concerned with — интересоваться, заниматься; concern — отношение, касательство; забота; интерес; важность, значе­ние и т. д.

1. The science of crystallography concerns the enumeration and classification of all possible types of crystal structure. 2. The water "Shortage concerns all of us. 3. The experiments can yield some in­formation concerning the overall conectness of the basic theories of physics. 4. The institute is also concerned with this project. 5. It is ne­cessary to inform all those concerned with the problem. 6. So far as their essential physiological functions are concerned, there is much, similarity among the plants. 7. The chemist's basic concern is with the structure ofjnolecules and the reactions in which these struc­tures change. 8. It is a social problem of great concern to the scientists.

Consider, consideration, considerable — общий элемент смысла: включение во в и и м а и и е и учиты­вай и е. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to consider — рас­сматривать, обсуждать, обдумывать; принимать во внимание; считать и т. д.; consideration --- рассмотрение, обсуждение; соображение и т. д.; considerable — значительный, важный и т.д.

1. They have not considered the project yet. 2. The authors do not consider it necessary to include unimportant results in such a short review. 3. The present study is a reason for considering Helmholtz one of the three creators of the new scientific physiology. 4. The prob­lem considered required further qualification. 5. No decision has been taken yet as the problem is now under consideration, 6. The problem is given a careful consideration in the next chapter. 7. All possible sources of error are taken into consideration. 8. Several considerations have influenced the decision. 9. As part of this work, considerable effort was devoted to the design of supporting facilities for research and material-testing.

Fail, failure — общий элемент смысла: н е в ы волн е-ние ожидаемого или должного. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to fail — терпеть неудачу; переставать действовать, выходить из строя и т. д.; to fail to do smth. — не суметь, оказаться неспособным сделать, не сделать и т.д.; failure — неудача; недостаток, отсутствие; авария, отказ в ра­боте и т. д.

1. In his book Prof. N. tried to succeed in what many scientists had failed before him. 2. All precautions failed to prevent the explo­sion. 3. Cells resulting from such division are often very small and fail to divide further. 4. Success came after many failures. 5. Planck was brought to the discovery of the quantum of energy by the failure of the classical laws to account for the properties of heat. 6. They could not complete the experiment in time because of the failure of the equipment.

Ex. 26. Compare the meanings oi the three English verbs and give Ukrainian equivalents of the italicized words.

Argue, argument — общий элемент смысла: о с п a p и в а-н и е и /или отстаивание некой точки зрения. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to argue — спорить; ар­гументировать, утверждать, доказывать, приводить доводы; argument — довод, доказательство; аргументация; дискуссия и т. д.

Prove, proof — общий элемент смысла: проверка и установление истинности. Частотные русские эквиваленты: to prove — доказывать; подвергать испытанию, пробовать; (в результате) оказываться и т. д.; proof — дока­зательство; испытание, проверка и т. д.

Reason, reasoning — общий элемент смысла: л о г и ч-ность, обоснованность, разумность. Частот­ные русские эквиваленты: to reason — размышлять, рас­суждать логически, умозаключать; обсуждать и т. д.; reason — разум, основание, соображение; причина и т. д.; reasoning —-рассуждение, логический ход мысли, аргументация и т. д. А. 1. The author is not going to argue this point, since it is purely a matter of formal definition. 2. As early-as 1897 Т. G. Chamber­lain was arguing that the earth resulted from the aggregation of cold particles. 3. The argument of this article is that these discoveries are not products of pure reason, but the final outcome of a loug chaiu of empirical research. 4. The method of inductive reasoning was estab­lished which leads from observations to general laws. 5. One can argue that modern solid-state physics is one of the fundamental areas of physics. However, the truth of such a statement cannot be proved by mere demonstrations. Many facts, postulates and axioms of the scieace must be reasoned both by theory and experiment. 6. if the problem of parallels could be solved, it would be proved that the fifth postulate is a theorem of absolute geometry. 7. This was the final proof of the argument. 8. / have every reason to expect you to object to this style of research. 9. There are good reasons to be­lieve that pulsars are accelerators in which Nature makes cosmic,rays. 10. The hypothesis proved to be false. 11. The proof of the pudd­ing is in the eating.

B. In the days before Space Age, astronomers learned to reason out an extraordinary amount of theories, hypotheses and assump­tions aboui, the sun. primarily by studying the visible light that shines from it. These investigations were important for two princi­pal reasons First, the sun is the heart of the solar system; second, the sun is the only star near enough to permit reasonably close obser­vation. Therefore, it stands to reason that astronomers should focus their attention on the study of the sun's characteristics, namely, on its temperature and energy balance. For the reasons given above, modem aslronomy research techniques were developed, modified and impro red. These studies require a great variety of computa­tional work, new instruments, let alone sound reasoning on the part of the space scientist, to further unravel the mysteries of the sun.

Ex. 27. In the sentences below recognize the words that are similar in meaning an d give their Ukrainian equivalent So

A. Find three words meaning «пеодииаконый».

1. Different discoveries are made in different ways. 2. They could not help admiring the landscape diversified by hills and woods.

3. They nanaged to grow new eryslals^varied in form and colour.

4. Nobody expected them to form diverse judgements upon the sub­ject. 5. The effects of this disease are various in different cases.

B. Find three words meaning «а настоящее время».

1. At present a considerable amount of effort is being devoted to the possible use of holography in data processing. 2. The study of relations between the galaxies is usually distinguished nowadays as the science of cosmology. 3. Currently, the development of new technique; towards the maximum exploitation of scientific and technical information is becoming a matter of major concern for many countries.

C. Find three words meaning «главный, основной».

1. Automatic control is a major new movement in technology and an increasing force in our social, political and economic life. 2. One of the principal areas of biological research is concerned with how evolution happens and what brings it about. 3. Indeed, per­haps one of the main contributions of all five volumes is to show the English-speaking readers the work of some of their European col­leagues.


(oxs 28 -30 to bo done in class; exs 31, 32 to be done at. home)

Ex. 28. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the N'...N"...№' groups and of the hyphenated word groups.

A. 1. A science student; a physics department (of an university); a computer project. 2. In the text to follow people who were invol­ved in the development of the first computer, are referred, to as «a computer groups or ((Computer people*, and those who supported the idea of an accelerator, are mentioned as ((accelerator enthusiasts)). I B. Short-range and long-range forecasts; a problem of a long-term nature; an unexpected break-through into a new field; a self-evident statement.

Ex., 29. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word groups: 1. to have room for (Earth has room for everything); 2. to give an opportunity (He was given an opportunity to continue his research); 3. to have an.opportunity; 4. to throw away an opportunity (Once you have an opportunity, don't throw it away); 5. to take place (The process does not take place at such low temperatures); 6, to take into consideration (To solve the problem one must take into consi­deration ail major factors involved); 7. to make an effort (He made no effort to rebuild the laboratory); 8. to make forecasts (It is very risky to make long-range forecasts); 9. to make smth.. certain (All these factors make rapid progress in this field practically certain); 10. to present the case for (Two physicists will speak and present the respective cases for their fields of research); 11. to keep in touch (It is good for physics to keep in close touch with biology); 12. to come into being (New branches of science are coming into being); 13. to come to one's mind (An idea came to his mind of building quite a different machine): 14. to do research (Ho is doing research in the field of polymers); 15. to be of two minds (1 don't know what to do, I am of two minds about it); 16. to be in a position (The Academy of Sciences is in a position to influence the distribution of funds); 17. to be at home (He knows the subject very well, he is quite at homo in many fields); 18. to be in the forefront (Molecular biology is in the forefront of the search for knowledge).

Ex. 30. Give Ukrainian equivalents of V...Adv. groups, 1. Afterwards the field of.accelerators was taken over by another organization. 2. Francis ('rick got interested in molecular biology and gave up physics altogether. 3. Rain comes down upon the poor and the rich alike. 4. Scientists move upwards in the scale of comple­xity — they go from physics and chemistry into molecular biology. 5. There are signs of new techniques coming along.

Ex. 31. Make up English-Ukrainian pairs of the word groups equivalent in meaning,

1. In some respects; 2. above all; 3. by far; 5. far and wide;
5. to come to one's mind; 6. to have a hearing on; 7. let alone;
S. rather than; 9. beyond the reach of; 10. in spite of; 11. a piece
of luck; 12. in preference to. i f v

• 1. He говоря уже о... (оставляя в стороне); 2. иметь отноше­ние к; 3. вширь и вглубь; 4. прийти и голову; 5. отчасти (в неко­торых отношениях); 6. намного (далеко превосходит); 7. прежде всего (более всего); 8. удача; 9. скорее чем; 10. предпочтительно; 11. несмотря на; 12. недосягаемый (за пределами досягаемости).

Ex. 32. From the list below choose the English equivalents of the itali­cized Ukrainian phrases.

A. 1. Прежде всего, нам следует обсудить этот вопрос. 2. В'конце концов, это неплохой выход. 3. Во всяком случае, ваши основные положения правильны. 4.* Во многом такой подход вполне оправ­дан. 5. Отчасти вы правы.

anyway, after all, in some respects, first of all, in many ways.

B. Данная проблема будет рассматриваться в целом, хотя некоторые ее аспекты ""надо '"обсудить" подробно. В частности, необходимо оценить, в какой-то степени, фактор времени.

in detail, to some extent, as a whole, in particular.

C. Более того, существует много других возможностей для решения этой проблемы помимо тол ько-что""упомянутой.

moreover, apart from.

D. До сих пор такой подход только осложнял решение этой проблемы которая^ настоящее время, требует поиска новых путей.

so far, at present.

E. Если взглянуть на проблему широко, то молено выделить три основных положения, которые, по мнению автора, представ­ляются спорными. Однако, по-моему, это слишком категорическое утверждение. В научном плане может быть и неплохо, что наши возможности ограничены.

scientifically speaking, to ту mind, in the author's opinion, broadly speaking.



(to be done at home in written form)

Ex. 33. Road the text, concentrating on some, tun/, no, and their deriva­tives. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the italicized words.

Some people think that whatever is done in a research laboratory is sure to result in something useful. Yet every scientist knows how.dif­ficult il is lo produce results of sameyraclical value. So far no attempt


has been made to work out a procedure to help us know in advance whether'the output of a research may find anxj application somewhere some day. No scientist is quite certain, when he starts the work, of what he is going to have at the end. It happens only too often that the end product has nothing to do with what he expected. However, no effort is ever wasted altogether. One can paraphrase the English saying «no news is good newsft and say that mo positive result is also a results, sometimes even a better "one than anything that was expected.

^ Ex. 34. Identify the structures including hat and give Ukrainian equival­ents of the relevant part of the sentence.

1. That this factor is too important to be ignored does not require any further proof. 2. The main point that the author tries to make is that biology rather than physics will be in the forefront of the search for knowledge in the years"to come. 3. That"the" leadership in high-energy physics passed to Berkeley turned out to be fortunate" for the English Cambridge. 4. The"only real danger for physics is that it will become too pure and isolated from the practical problems of life for young people to want to study it. at all. 5. That the sun is but a typical star is one of the most significant facts of modern astronomy. 6. Moreover, human speech differs from all forms of ani­mal speech in that it can be expressed and presented in writing. 7. That this was noCthe"case*was"proved when they obtained more data.

Ex. 35. Identify the structures including what and give Ukrainian equival­ents of the relevant part of the sentence.

1. What is done cannot be undone. 2. I would here refer"to'what I'have already said"about~ these substances. 3." This article will review what has been achicved'in this field since 1951. 4. From what has been said one concludes that the results obtained depend principally on the technique employed. 5. What we want to stress is indivisibility and complexity of the'environrnent. G. In what may seem too precise a" form, the answer"is as follows. 7. What follows is extremely significant in its bearing on the problem of the relation­ship of physics with other sciences. 8. Much of what we do in space, much of what is expected of us strains our technology to the breaking point. 9. In this article Dyson states what may be considered three rules of managing a research laboratory. 10. What goes into a system must eventually come out.

Ex. 36. Identify the element described by «whieh-clause» and gi»e Ukrainian equivalents of which.

1."After Von Neuman's tragic death the computer project was abandoned," which was most unfortunate for Princeton, 2. It is impossible to make a complete list of things which physic.'sts may find interesting to do in the coming decade. 3. This idea, which was wrong at that time, is no less wrong today. 4. The other disastrous thing seems to me to be a real danger, which can be avoided, however, if we stayed diversified. 5. This technique was borrowed from phy­sics, which is rather typical of the present-day biology. 6. The scien­lists expected the experiment to be completed by the end o! the month, which would allow them to participate in the sympo­sium. 7. That this comes out to be the case is a conclusive proof of the correctness of the theory. What is still doubtful is the details, which does not prevent the theory from being useful, however.

Ex.'37. A. Give English equivalents of the italicized part of the sen­tence using that, which or what.

1. To, что это действительно происходит, неудивительно.

2. Трудно понять, что происходит в этот момент на самом деле.

3. То, что происходит в действительности, нельзя объяснить на основе этой гипотезы. 4. В этот момент температура резко повышается, что трудно объяснить на основе этой гипотезы. 5. В этот момент они увидели то, что ученые наблюдают очень давно, хотя и не могут объяснить природу этого явления. 6. Он при­водил много фактов из жизни разных ученых, что делало его лек­ции очень интересными.

В. Choose English equivalents for the italicized part of the sentence_from: who, which, which of, what.

1. Трудно найти человека, который бы не задумывался над этим. 2. Это вопрос, который касается всех. 3. Трудно сказать, какая us этих проблем сложнее. 4. Необходимо решить, кто из них возглавит эту работу. 5. Трудно сказать, какие вопросы будут нас волновать через два десятка лет. б. Никто не знает, кто первым: применил это устройство. 7. Лектор сказал, какую лите­ратуру надо прочитать по этому предмету. 8. Трудно было решить, кто из них был прав.

Ex. 39. Give Ukrainian equivalents of whether...Nj...Vt.

1. The question is whether he will send you to the conference or go himself. 2. Whether the project will be approved at present is a matter of importance. 3. One of the fundamental questions is whether petroleum migrates over considerable distances to form pools, or whether it was formed essentially in place. 4. There was a dis­agreement whether they should continue along the same line or whether they should take another approach. 5. Whether this difference of approach played a decisive role in the final solution of the problem remains a subject for speculation. 6. One of the funda­mental problems of today is whether we shall be able to meet the chal­lenge of the environmental crisis.


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