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1) Арка, аркада, свод, дуга, прогиб












1) Арка, аркада, свод, дуга, прогиб

2) радуга



1) изгибаться дугой



1) Хитрый, лукавый, ловкий, игривый (о взгляде)



1) a curved structure that supports the weight of sth above it, such as a bridge or the upper part of a building


2) a structure with a curved top that is supported by straight sides, sometimes forming an entrance or built as a


3) the raised part of the foot formed by a curved section of bones


4) anything that forms a curved shape at the top



1) if you arch part of your body, or if it arches, it moves and forms a curved shape


2) to be in a curved line or shape across or over sth



1) (often disapproving) seeming amused because you know more about a situation than other people


Go through the arch and follow the path.


Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.


the delicate arch of her eyebrows


The cat arched its back and hissed.


an arch tone of voice




Неистовый, бурный, возбуждённый, яростный

(of people, animals or behavior) noisy and full of life and energy

tumultuous, frantic, furious

It was a challenge, keeping ten boisterous seven-year-olds amused.

Brazen it out


Держаться вызывающе, нагло выкручиваться, изворачиваться, нагло вести себя

to behave as if you are not ashamed or embarrassed about sth even though you should be


Now that everyone knew the truth, the only thing to do was to brazen it out.



Благородный, великодушный,


(of men) polite, kind and behaving with honor, especially towards women





Сжиматься, съёживаться, приседать, пригибаться

to bend low and/or move backwards because you are frightened


A gun went off and people cowered behind walls and under tables.


As the crow flies

По прямой линии


To eat boiled crow

Быть вынужденным к чему-то неприятному


To have a crow to pick with one

Иметь счеты с кем-либо

1. 1) ворона

2) вор, стоящий на стреме

3) орел на гербе

4) курятина

5) пение петуха

6) радостный крик младенца


2. 1) кричать ку-ка-ре-ку

2) издавать радостные звуки (о детях), ликовать

1) a large bird, completely or mostly black, with a rough unpleasant cry


2) a sound like that of a cock / rooster




1) to make repeated loud high sounds, especially early in the morning


2) to talk too proudly about sth you have achieved, especially when sb else has been unsuccessful


He won’t stop crowing about his victory.


She gave a little crow of triumph.



1) запачканный, немытый, замаранный, нечистый


2) мерзкий, противный, неприятный; слякотный


3) низкий, подлый, отвратительный


4) непристойный, непотребный, вульгарный

1) very dirty and unpleasant


2) very rude and offensive and usually connected with sex


3) (informal) showing anger


4) (informal) (of the weather) cold and wet

1) dirty, muddy, foul, nasty, unclean

3) underhand, vile

4) obscene

It’s filthy in here!


filthy language / words

He’s got a filthy mind.


She has a filthy temper.


Isn’t it a filthy day?

Ann gave him a filthy look.




turn in one’s grave (BrE)/ roll in one’s 'grave




а) могила, захоронение б) могильный курган в) место успокоения; место, где застала смерть

2) смерть, гибель



1) вырезать, гравировать, высекать 2) произвести впечатление




1) а) серьёзный, веский, важный требующий размышления

б) важный, степенный, серьёзный

2) а) тяжёлый, угрожающий; серьёзный, чреватый последствиями

б) мрачный, печальный

в) тёмный (о красках)


1) a place in the ground where a dead person is buried


2) (often the grave) (literary) a person’s death



1) (of situations, feelings, etc.) very serious and important; giving you a reason to feel worried

2) (of people) serious in manner, as if sth sad, important or worrying has just happened

1) crypt, mausoleum, sepulchre, tomb, vault, burial


3.1) sedate, weighty, important, serious, solemn


We visited Grandma’s grave.


There were flowers on the grave.


Is there life beyond the grave.


She smoked herself into an early grave.


The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child’s safety.

We were in grave danger.


He looked very grave as he entered the room.


to desecrate a grave — осквернять могилу


to pray at a grave — молиться на могиле


imprudence imprudently

Неблагоразумный, опрометчивый, неосторожный, безрассудный, неосмотрительный, нерассудительный

not wise or sensible


It would be imprudent to invest all your money in one company.



Намек, подозрение

a slight knowledge of sth that is happening or about to happen


The first inkling I had that something was wrong was when I found the front door wide open.



1) Злоба, ехидство, враждебность, неприязнь, недоброжелатель-ность

2) досаждать, делать на зло, выводить из себя, относиться враждебно, раздражать, сердить.


a feeling of wanting to hurt or upset sb



to deliberately annoy or upset sb


I’m sure he only said it out of spite.


They’re playing the music so loud just to spite us.



Испугать, сильно удивить, пугать, вздрагивать, поражать, напугать, встревожить

to surprise sb suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them


I didn’t mean to startle you.


The explosion startled the horse.


I was startled by her question.



1) нереагирующий, неотвечающий


2) неотзывчивый; невосприимчивый

not reacting to sb/sth; not giving the response that you would expect or hope for

Nonreactive, unsympathetic

He is a politician who is unresponsive to the mood of the country

To be alert – быть настороже, наготове

To brake oneself on smth – отучиться

To go out of one’s way – уйти с чьей-либо дороги

To have smth up one’s sleeve – иметь что-то на уме

To turn smb round one’s finger – обвести вокруг пальца

To wheedle smth out of smth – выманить что-то у кого-то

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