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Climate change scientist faces lie detector test


Fears of US witch-hunt over wildlife researchers

who highlighted the deaths of polar bears

By Michael McCarthy

It's the next step in "Polarbeargate" - one of two scientists whose report on dead polar bears in the Arctic helped make the animal a potent symbol of climate change has been asked to take a lie detector test as part of an investigation by US agents.

Дело о глобальном потеплении вышло на новый уровень – доклад, согласно которому в Арктике начали вымирать белые медведи, сделал животных настоящим символом нависшей над планетой климатической угрозы. В ходе расследования автора доклада вынудили пройти проверку с помощью детектора лжи (полиграфа).

The 2006 report from American wildlife researchers Jeffrey Gleason and Charles Monnett told of dead bears floating in the Arctic Ocean in 2004, apparently drowned, and focused attention on the vulnerability of the animals to the melting of the Arctic ice, which they need for hunting2). Widespread references were made to the dead bears and they figured in the film An Inconvenient Truth неудобная правда, made by A1 Gore Альберт Гор to highlight the risks of global warming.

В 2006 году увидел свет доклад двух исследователей животного мира Арктики, Джефри Глисона и Чарльза Моннета. Согласно докладу, в 2004 году ученые обнаружили в океане мертвых белых медведей. Ученые заявили о том, что животные едва ли могут выжить в условиях тающих льдов, так как лед необходим им, чтобы охотиться. Дело получило широкую огласку, материалы исследования были использованы в фильме Альберта Гора «Неудобная правда», посвященного угрозе глобального потепления.

But earlier this year, allegations were made within the US Department of the Interior that acts of scientific misconduct might have been committed in relation to the report, and the Department's Office of Inspector General (OIG) began an inquiry расспросы.

Mr Monnett, who works for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, a Department of the Interior agency, became the focus of the inquiry and was interviewed several times by OIG agents; in July he was suspended.

The OIG said the suspensions followed concerns about a research contract he had been involved in awarding, and not his polar bear article(3). But some pressure groups alleged the episode represented political interference with science and was a witch-hunt, or at least an attempt to intimidate researchers whose studies might affect the politics of climate change. The issue became known in some quarters as "Polarbeargate".

Kassie Siegel, director of the Climate Law Institute with the Centre for Biological Diversity, a charity that campaigned to have the polar bear listed as a threatened species in the US, said at the time: "There's no way this can have anything but a chilling effect on the ability of other scientists to carry out their work."(4)

Mr Monnett has now returned to work but the investigators are now focusing on his colleague and fellow author of the report, Mr Gleason, who has already been interviewed, earlier this year. This week Mr Gleason was interviewed intensively by investigators and asked if he would take a polygraph (lie detector) test; he responded that he would only take such a test if the agent interviewing him took one as well.

Polar bears are the worlds largest land carnivores and it is widely believed that extensive melting of the summer sea ice in the Arctic will seriously compromise the bear's ability to hunt the seals which are their principal food.

Independent, Oct. 28, 2011

1. Анализ текста

1.1. Тема, идея и общая стратегия перевода

1. Сформулируйте тему статьи. Какое явление обозначено в данном тексте сочетанием climate change? Найдите контекстуальный си­ноним для его обозначения. Как в связи с этим понимать выраже­ние politics of climate change? Прочитайте статью policy, politics, politician в МНС.

2. Восстановите для себя хронологическую последовательность со­бытий, упоминаемых в статье. С чего началась и как развивалась эта история?

3. В чем заключается идея статьи? Какие последствия может иметь описанный в статье инцидент? Исходя из содержания статьи и общих сведений о ситуации в мире, укажите, в чем заключается резкое расхождение во взглядах на указанную в статье проблему в двух разных лагерях и кто входит в эти лагеря.

4. Обратите внимание на последовательность подачи информации в этой статье (в том числе информации, раскрывающей преды­сторию описанного инцидента), ее повторы и связи между ее от­дельными блоками. При необходимости рассмотрите возможность композиционно-синтаксических перестроек для обеспечения оп­тимального восприятия информации читателем перевода.

1.2. Связь с широким контекстом

1. Как вы понимаете значение слова Polarbeargate? Из каких слово­образовательных элементов оно состоит? В чем значение элемента -gate, на какое выражение он указывает и ассоциации с каким со­бытием вызывает? В чем связь между тем событием и описанной в статье историей?

2. Проверьте, на какой именно тип текста указывает слово report в данном контексте.

3. Кто такой Al Gore, какова роль этой личности в современной куль­туре и какое отношение он имел к фильму "An Inconvenient Truth"?

4. Что представляет собой US Department of the Interior, Office of Inspector General, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, Climate Law Institute, Centre for Biological

Diversity? Проверьте наличие традиционных вариантов названий этих организаций на русском языке. При отсутствии или недосто­верности таковых предложите свой вариант передачи этих назва­ний на русский с учетом соответствующих переводческих норм и правил русской орфографии.

5. Как вы понимаете в этом контексте выражение acts of scientific misconduct? В чем подозревают ученого (при необходимости на­ведите дополнительные справки)?

1.3. Частные языковые трудности

1. Какое значение имеет слово agents в предложении (1)? Какие эле­менты последующего контекста помогают уточнить его словарное соответствие?

2. Какое значение имеет слово apparently в предложении (2)? Рассма­тривая варианты его передачи, ознакомьтесь со статей apparent в МНС, а также проанализируйте упражнение 2.1. и предложите варианты передачи выделенных слов.

3. Обратите внимание на конструкцию a research contract he had been involved in awarding, and not his polar bear article в предложе­нии (3). Какая ее часть является ремой предложения? Рассматри­вая варианты ее передачи при переводе, сперва проанализируйте упражнение 2.2. и предложите варианты перевода предложений с выделенными словами.

4. Обратите внимание на конструкцию to have the polar bear listed (as a threated species) в предложении (4). Рассматривая варианты ее перевода, сперва проанализируйте упражнение 2.3. и предложите варианты передачи выделенных фрагментов.

2. Упражнения

2.1. Утверждение с определенной степенью вероятности, задаваемой вводной конструкцией

4. Scientists in Bristol have discovered that fat people are more cheerful than their thin peers. I thought this was just a revivification of the ancient (well... maybe 25-year-old) wisdom that says you shouldn't go on a totally fat-free diet because your brain needs its fat surround to keep from crashing against your skull. That makes you depressed, apparently. (G., Dec. 28, 05)

5. President Putin insists the law is needed to stop terrorists and spies undermining the state - an argument he has deployed to justify scrapping elections for regional governors and restricting media coverage. The truth is that he is stifling free debate while apparently working to bring all aspects of Russian life under Kremlin control before parliamentary and presidential elections in 2007-08. (G., Dec. 27, 05)

6. Dinosaurs have broad public, as well as scientific, interest partly because they are extinct. It is widely believed that all dinosaurs died out at the same time - apparently quite suddenly at the end of the Cretaceous Period. This belief is not entirely correct. (E.B.)

7. Dr Woo-suk Hwang was forced to quit his post at South Korea's leading academic institution, Seoul National University, following an investigation into his apparently pioneering work on human cloning. (G., Dec. 24, 05)

8. Ellis is one of the few British artists who can combine daftness and depth, whose work comes across as irreverently anarchic at the same time as culturally well-informed. Ellis makes poetic assemblages out of apparently mundane found objects that are imbued with a touching anecdotal potency. (G., Dec. 24, 05)

9. As violent and unscrupulous as most of the other Merovingian rulers, Theodoric was arguably the most vigorous and effective of Clovis' sons. (E.B.)

10. Maltodextrin is a sweet polysaccharide made from corn. Arguably, it has no real nutritional value beyond that of sugar as it is as rapidly absorbed as glucose. It is used primarily to give body, flavour and viscosity to foods like packaged desserts and crisps as well as having a nice 'mouth feel'. (Obs., Aug. 20, 06)

11. Nonetheless, this book [Nonmerci, Oncle Sam! byNoelMamere] contains a large number of anglicisms which seem quite simply unnecessary. These include: 'les telespectateurs zappent' (p. 10), '[ils] surfent sur le Web,' 'le lobby agroalimentaire,' 'de confortables portefeuilles de stock- options,' 'les gangs Hisses.' There is no a priori reason why all these anglicisms - even where italicised or put in quotation marks - could not have been replaced by genuine French words or phrases. Arguably, the presence of these anglicisms can only be understood as a manifestation, on an unconscious or semi-conscious level, of precisely that submission to US mass-cultural hegemony which, on a conscious level, the two authors reject, and opposition to which is actually the raison d'etre of their book! (C. Rollason)

12. [James] Cain himself resented anyone who lumped him with Hammett and Chandler as the leaders of a "hard-boiled school" of fiction.

claimed never to have read either writer. Eventually - and - Cain's reputation would be eclipsed by the other two, whose relatively brief careers offered a compact and cohesive body of work. Cain, on the other hand, outlived the mainstream vogue for his work, but kept on writing, producing fiction that showed less and less of the original power. (Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers)

13. Much of the film's ["Hunting for Red October"] action takes place on the submarine among a homogeneous Russian-speaking group of characters. In the same way as the film's set represents the interior of a submarine, the nonnative Russian spoken in some early scenes represents native Russian speech. (In this case, the quality of set construction and casting is arguably better than the quality of Russian construction, as native speakers tell me that they find the Russian in this opening section of the film impossible to follow without reference to the English subtitles.) (С. O'Sullivan)

14. No discussion of 19th-century Russian literature in English translation would be complete without considering Constance Garnett. In the first half of this century, she was arguably the most famous and influential of all English translators of Russian literature, having translated, as she did, 72 volumes. (Translation Review, 02)

2.2. Учет межъязыковых различий в способах актуального членения. Преобразования, связанные с порядком следования элементов в сопоставительных конструкциях. Отношения полного или частичного взаимного исключения

Mechanics, not microbes, are the menace to civilization. (N. Douglas) Consumers the world over want Italian olive oil because it is supposed to be the finest, redolent of dolce vita. In truth, Italy does not grow enough olives to meet even its own demand, let alone foreigners'. Spain, not Italy, actually, has the world's largest olive harvest. (I.H.T., May 8-9, 04) Nato and not the EU has been responsible for the relative peace in this continent over the past 50 years. (Т., May 21, 99)

The attacks on America exposed both the shortcomings and the unexpected virtues of new media over old. Although many Americans were at work when the assaults took place, it was to the television set, which they could watch together, not the solitary computer screen, that almost everybody turned. Only 3% of those connected to the Internet actually used it as their chief source of news. (E., Sep. 29, 01) It was senior officials at the Department of Energy, not the Clinton White House, who opposed a tougher search for Chinese spies in America's nuclear laboratories, said a top department intelligence officer. (E., Apr. 17, 99)

1. 2.



In democracies, communities with varying beliefs about ultimate questions can live together in a spirit of respect, if not always in amity -
even when different belief imply different individual choices. (E., Apr. 9, 05)

7. "Sense and Worth", as the pamphlet is titled, argues that society no longer expects children to think independently, logically or analytically, and that able children are often isolated rather than encouraged. (Т., Nov. 18, 99)

8. Butter was originally made by churning the whole milk, but by the 16th century butter much more like our own was obtained by using cream rather than milk. As well as being valued as a cosmetic, butter was originally used as a medicine rather than food. A 10th-century Anglo-Saxon treatise advised pounding up butter with yarrow to apply to swellings. In the 17th century, it continued to be despised as food, Thomas Muffet in 1655 calling it "the chief food of the poorer sort." (L. W. Cowie)

9. It seems astonishing that the world is still watching rather than acting two weeks after the Lebanon war began. (G., Jul. 27, 06)

10. Managing a network these days is more like gambling than business, more like truffle-hunting than agriculture, a matter of luck. (New York, Oct. 3, 05)

11. Today, most of us [students of a school whose headteacher decided to get rid of the bells announcing the beginning and end of lessons] have forgotten what all the fuss was about. It seems inconceivable that we ever needed those bells. The corridors are safer, calmer places between lessons; the bell does not rip through the end of a lesson at the most inopportune moment; people don't suffer ear damage if they happen to be standing below it when it rings. All in all, the school feels more like a place of learning and less like a factory or house of correction. (G., Jul. 25, 06)

12. The Western tradition of the isolated heroic genius toiling away in a lab or study is based on myth as much as fact, she added. That model has had a powerful impact, helping to discount the more collaborative aspects of innovation, but it is "completely dated," Ms. Baldwin said. (N.Y.T., Feb. 9, 11)

2.3. Сложное дополнение,

обозначающее изменение состояния, с предикативным членом, выраженным неличными формами глагола (complex object)

1. An attempt by Bern to have city employees set a good example and leave their cars at home has been blocked in court. Bern officials had hoped that the symbolic sacrifice by city workers would bolster support for public transit. But federal judges ruled that city employees have private lives like everyone else. (I.H.T., Jun. 2, 94)

2. As an early Christmas present, my friend paid for me to have my horoscope done by a fortuneteller. (Ind., Dec. 23, 95)

3. A Nazi collaborator accused of rounding up British secret agents and having them deported to a death camp has been arrested in Germany. (D.M., Jan. 20, 04)

4. Lloyd George was believed to have had the beer diluted in pubs near centres of ammunition-production during the first world war, in order to keep the wheels of the home front turning without a hiccup. (Т., Jun. 9, 93)

5. His [Michelangelo's] world was transformed by Lorenzo de' Medici, the de facto ruler of Florence who recognised the young man's talent and had him educated in his own household. (D.T., Apr. 17, 99)

6. Sandwich may have derived its name from John Montague, fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), who is said to have had slices of cold beef placed between slices of toast brought to the gaming table to enable him to go on playing cards without leaving off for a meal. (L. W. Cowie)

7. Reginald slid a carnation of the newest shade into the buttonhole of his latest lounge coat, and surveyed the result with approval. "I am just in the mood," he observed, "to have my portrait painted by someone with an unmistakable future. So comforting to go down to posterity as "Youth with a Pink Carnation" in catalogue-company with "Child with Bunch of Primroses", and all that crowd." (H. Munro)

8. A Michigan man who had his ice cream store torched to collect insurance, blaming the blaze on anti-Arab sentiments stirred up by the Gulf War, has been sentenced to 21 months in prison. Kareem Saba Khoury, 38, and of Palestinian ancestry, admitted hiring a former employee to set fire to the Dairy Queen in Blissfield, in 1991. (I.H.T., May 5, 94)

9. Pop star George Michael arrived at the High Court in London yesterday to hear that he has lost his legal battle with Sony to have his contract ruled unenforceable. (F.T., Jun. 22, 94)

10. The father of a millionaire missing since he was kidnapped nine years ago has won the first round in a legal fight to have his son declared dead, Hong Kong newspapers reported yesterday. (Т., Sep. 24, 99)

11. This month Sainsbury followed Tesco's lead by launching a home shopping service which enables customers to order groceries by phone, fax or over Internet and have them delivered direct to their homes. (D.T. Apr. 14, 98)

12. The miracles that get saints canonised usually involve the curing of a serious physical illness in a way that defies medical explanation. (G., May 18, 02)


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