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1) deliberate deception, trickery, or cheating intended to gain an advantage

Word + transcription,









/frɔ:d/ [C or U]

1) deliberate deception, trickery, or cheating intended to gain an advantage

2) informal a person who acts in a false or deceitful way

1) обман; жульничество; подделка

2) притворщик; мошенник, плут, жулик

to commit / perpetrate a fraud — мошенничать

to expose/denounce a fraud — разоблачать мошенничество

a pious fraud — невинная, "святая" ложь

1) cheat, swindle, trickery, trick, imposture, deception; deceit

2) cheat, impostor, humbug

1) artlessness, forthrightness, good faith, guilelessness, ingenuousness, sincerity

2) adept, crackerjack, expert, maestro, master, past master, professional, virtuoso, whiz, wizard


e.g. Our involvement would be a political fraud of

the worst possible kind.



/sləʊθ/ [U]

literary unwillingness to work or make any effort

бездеятельность; леность; медлительность; нерасторопность


(tree) sloth — ленивец

inactivity, indolence, laziness, idleness

sluggishness, slowness

activity, concern, diligence, interest, involvement

e.g. Distressingly little time for sloth or idleness.


idleness [U]


idle adj/vb; idly adv

laziness, inaction

праздность, безделье;


to live in idleness - вести праздную жизнь

bread of idleness - даровой / разг дармовой/ хлеб

inactivity, indolence, laziness

ineptitude, futility


action, ambition, concern, diligence, involvement

e.g. Distressingly little time for sloth or idleness.


swindle [C]


swindle vb; swindler n

an act or instance of cheating (someone) of money, etc.; of defrauding

мошенничество, надувательство, обман

to swindle smth. out of smb.,

to swindle smb. out of smth. - взять у кого-л. что-л. обманным путём

cheating, deceit, deception double-dealing, stealing, trickery, fraud

benevolence, donation, gift

e.g. This Argentine scheme is a commonplace Stock Exchange swindle.



/ˈpresɪpɪs/ [C]

precipice adj

1) a) the steep sheer face of a cliff or crag

b) the cliff or crag itself

2) a precarious situation

1) обрыв, пропасть

2) опасное положение

to stand on the brink of a precipice — стоять на краю пропасти


bluff, cliff, crag, height, sheer drop, steep


e.g. You are standing on the edge of a precipice, Sir Robert.



/ˌɪndɪˈskreʃən/ [U]


indiscretionary adj

when a person or their behaviour is indiscreet


неосмотрительность, опрометчивость, неблагоразумный поступок;


to behave with indiscretion - неблагоразумно /неразумно/ вести себя

imprudence, carelessness, thoughtlessness; tactlessness, unseemliness

care, discreetness, discretion, right;

tactfulness, tact

e.g. Robert, is there, in your life, any secret, any indiscretion?...which persuades me...that you think as highly of the play as I so myself.


/ˈfɒli/ [C or U]

stupidity, or a stupid action, idea, etc

неосмотрительность, недальновидность; безрассудный поступок или поведение

folly is wise in her own eyesпосл. "каждый дурак умён в собственных глазах"

absurdity, craziness, fatuity, foolishness, imprudence, indiscretion, irrationality, preposterousness, rashness, recklessness, senselessness, silliness, stupidity, unsoundness, witlessness, inability to think things out, thoughtlessness

judgment, knowledge, seriousness, understanding, wisdom,

logic, reason, reasonableness, sense


e.g. Is it fair, Arthur, that some act of youthful folly should be brought up against me now all these years later?


crag [C]


a steep rugged rock or peak

скала, утёс


cliff, mountain, peak, rock


e.g. Once a man has set his heart and soul on getting to a certain point...if he has to climb the crag, he has to climb the crag.

mire [C usually singular/U]



mire vb; miriness n; miry adj

1) a boggy or marshy area

2) mud, muck, or dirt

1) трясина, болото; топь

2) а) грязь, слякоть

б) "трясина", сложное положение, трудная ситуация

find oneself in the mire - оказаться в затруднительном положении; опозориться; ≈ сесть в лужу, в калошу

to bring in the mire / to drag through the mire — облить грязью, выставить на позор

1) bog, fen, marsh

2) dirt, mud, muck


e.g. And if he has to walk in the mire...then he has to walk, in the mire.



1) the border, brim, or margin of a surface, object, etc

2) the sharp cutting side of a blade 3) a brink or verge the edge of a cliff the edge of a breakthrough

4) keenness, sharpness, or urgency

5) force, effectiveness, or incisiveness

1) кромка, край; грань, граница

2) лезвие, острие; заточенность

3) (горный) кряж, хребет

4) острота, резкость (о языке, манерах)


1) cutting edge — острый край jagged / ragged edge — зазубренный край

at / on an edge — на краю

from edge to edge - от края до края

to be on the edge of doing smth. - быть на грани, быть готовым сделать что-л.

2) Put an edge on this knife. — Надо поточить этот нож.

3) edge of a mountain - гребень горы

4) Yet knows to put an edge upon his speech. — Но умеет выразиться довольно резко.

to be on edge - нервничать; быть, как на иголках

to give an edge to one's appetite - раздразнить аппетит

5) to take the edge off an argument — ослабить силу довода


(all) on edge — нетерпеливый; раздраженный

frayed at the edges - потрёпанный жизнью

to be over the edge — сойти с ума,

to set smb.'s nerves on edge — раздражать кого-л.

to set the teeth on edge — действовать на нервы; резать слух


1) border, brim, brink, rim, verge, border, outline



4) blade

1) centre, interior, middle





e.g. You are standing on the edge of a precipice, Sir Robert.


to detest


detestation n; detester n

to dislike intensely; loathe

ненавидеть, питать отвращение; не выносить

[+ -ing verb]

abhor, loathe, abominate, execrate, despise

love, like

e.g. You dislike me. I am quite aware of that. And I have always detested you.

to glare


glareless n; glary adj

1) to shine too brightly

2) to look directly and continuously at someone or something in an angry way

1) ослепительно сверкать; ярко светить; палить;

бросаться в глаза

2) пристально или сердито смотреть (на кого-л.)

1) (down)

2) (at, on, upon)

1) beam, blaze, daze, dazzle, flame, flare, glow

2) gaze, stare, do a slow bur


2) grin, smile

e.g. No, I don't care for that lamp. It is far too glaring.


to inspire

1) to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it

2) to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction

3) to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc

1) инспирировать, тайно внушать

2) внушить; вселить; пробудить; заронить (мысль, чувство)

3. вдохновлять, воодушевлять; стимулировать

1) [+ to infinitive]

to inspire respect - вызывать уважение

2) to inspire smb. with hope [confidence, distrust, terror],

to inspire hope [confidence, distrust, terror] in /into/ smb. - вселить в кого-л. надежду [уверенность, недоверие, ужас]

to inspire smb. with new life - вдохнуть в кого-л. новую жизнь; придать кому-л. свежие силы

to inspire smb. with respect - внушать кому-л. уважение

3) the book was inspired by his travels in the Far East - стимулом для написания книги послужила его поездка по Дальнему Востоку


1) impel, motivate

2) encourage, inspirit

3) give one an idea, affect, hearten

discourage, dissuade, dishearten, dispirit

e.g. Thank you, Lady Chiltern, that was most inspiring.


to hound

/haʊnd/ [C]


hound n; hounder n

to chase someone or refuse to leave them alone, especially because you want to get something from them

1) травить, преследовать, подвергать преследованиям, гонениям (кого-л.)

2) не отставать (от кого-л.); не давать проходу (кому-л.)


1) to hound a dog on smb. — натравить собаку на кого-л.

2) hound down - выловить, разыскать

hound out - выжить (откуда-нибудь)

chase, be on one's back, be on one's case, be on one's tail, hunt, persecute

1) leave alone

2) escape, retreat, run away

e.g. You would be hounded out of public life.


to shun (-nn-)



shunnable adj; shunner n

to avoid deliberately; keep away from

беречься, избегать, остерегаться

to shun danger — избежать опасности

to shun publicity — избежать огласки

to shun smb. like the plague - бегать от кого-л. как от чумы


avoid, ignore, disdain, keep away from, keep clear of

accept, face, meet

e.g. A person who has once been guilty of a dishonest and dishonorable action may be guilty of it a second time and should be shunned.



infamously adv; infamousness n

1) having a bad reputation; notorious

2) causing or deserving a bad reputation; shocking

1) имеющий дурную репутацию; печально известный

2) позорный; бесчестный, постыдный

infamous acts - постыдные поступки

infamous conduct - а) позорное поведение;

б) нарушение профессиональной этики (врачебной)

1) notorious, disreputable, ill-famed, scandalous, villainous, wicked

2) shameful, disgraceful, depraved, disgraceful, dishonorable,

dignified, glorious, good, innocent, moral, perfect, principled, pure, respectable, righteous, virtuous

e.g. It is a fraud

an infamous fraud at that.




invariability or invariableness n

not subject to alteration; unchanging

неизменный, постоянный, стабильный


unalterable, steady, constant, uniform, unchanging

inconstant, variable

e.g. She invariably finds it out.





loathsomely adv; loathsomeness n

causing loathing; abhorrent

противный, отталкивающий, омерзительный


abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, gross, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, nasty, nauseating, nauseous, obnoxious, obscene, odious, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, shocking, sickening, ugly

innocuous, inoffensive, respectful, enjoyable, pleasant

e.g. Think of their loathsome joy.




trivially adv; trivialness n

1) of little importance; petty or frivolous trivial complaints

2) ordinary or commonplace; trite

1) незначительный, мелкий, ничтожный

2) банальный, обычный

the trivial round — обыденщина, рутина

trivial loss — незначительная потеря

1) paltry, poor, trifling, inconsiderable, insignificant,meaningless, nonessential, unimportant, slight

2) banal, casual, everyday, habitual, plain, ordinary, usual

1) consequential, important, significant, useful, valuable, weighty, worthwhile


2) abnormal, extraordinary, noteworthy, rare, scarce, uncommon, unusual, valuable

e.g. Pray be as trivial as you can.




willfully adv; willfulness n

1) intent on having one's own way; headstrong or obstinate

2) intentional

1) своенравный, упрямый

2) преднамеренный, (пред)умышленный

wilful homicide — преднамеренное убийство wilful misrepresentation — умышленное введение в заблуждение; обман

1) headstrong, obstinate, stubborn, hard-headed, strong-willed

2) premeditated, deliberate, voluntary, intentional

1) flexible, willing, yielding


2) involuntary, unwilling, unintentional

e.g. I see you are quite as willful as you used to be.





wondrously adv; wondrousness n

1) adj exciting wonder; marvellous

2) adv (intensifier)

1) изумительный, чудесный, невиданный

2) удивительно

wondrous beauty - дивная красота

1) amazing, astonishing, astounding, fascinating, impressive, miraculous, striking, wonderful

1) boring, dull, expected, unamazing, ordinary, plain

e.g. All these riches

this wondrous luxury...

amounts finally to nothing.


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