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Exercises. 1. The following information is obtained from two independent samples selected from two populations

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1. The following information is obtained from two independent samples selected from two populations

; ; ; ;

Test at the 1% significance level if is equal , against the alternative that it is less.

2. A sample of 600 observations taken from the first population gave . Another sample of 700 observations taken from the second population gave . Show the rejection and nonrejection regions on the sampling distribution of for against the alternative using significance level of 2.5%. Will you reject the null hypothesis?

3. According to the statistics, 65% of single women and 80% of single men own cars. Assume that these estimates are based on random samples of 1700 singles women and 1900 single men. At the 1% significance level, can you conclude that the proportion of single women who own cars is the same as the proportion of men who own cars against the alternative that it is less than the proportion of men who own cars? Also find p- value.

4. The management of a supermarket wanted to investigate if the percentage of men and women who prefer to buy national brand products over the store brand products are different. A sample of 600 men shoppers at the company’s supermarkets showed that 246 of them prefer to buy national brand products over the store brand products. Another sample of 700 women shoppers showed that 266 of them prefer to buy national brand products over the store brand products. Testing at the 5% significance level, can you conclude that the proportion of all men and all women shoppers at these supermarkets who prefer to buy national brand products over the store brand products are equal?

5. A sample of 500 male registered voters showed that 57% of them are in a favor of higher taxes on wealthy people. Another sample of 400 female registered voters showed that 54% of them are in favor of higher taxes on wealthy people. Test at the 1% significance level if the proportion of all male voters who are in favor of higher taxes on wealthy people is not different from that of female voters against two-sided alternative.

6. A medical researcher investigates if the smoking results in wrinkled skin around the eyes. By observing 150 smokers and 250 nonsmokers, the researcher finds that 95 of the smokers and 103 of the nonsmokers have prominent wrinkles around their eyes. Do these data substantiate the belief that prominent wrinkles around eyes are more prevalent among smokers than nonsmokers? Answer by calculating p- value.

7. In a comparative study of two new drugs, A and B, 120 patients treated with drug A and 150 patients with drug B, and the following results were obtained

Drug A Drug B

Cured: 52 88

Not cured: 68 62

Total: 120 150

Do these results demonstrate statement that these two drugs have the same effect against the alternative that higher cure rate with drug A? Test at .

8. According to a 2001 survey, 48% of managers “would choose the same career if they were starting over again”. In a similar survey conducted 10 years ago, 60% of managers said that they “would choose the same career if they were starting over again”. Assume that the 2001 survey is based on a sample of 800 managers and the one done 10 years ago included 600 managers. Test at the 5% significance level if the proportion of all managers who “would choose the same career if they were starting over again” has not changed against the alternative that it decreased during the past 10 years.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 121 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Tests of the population proportion (Large sample) | Tests of the variance of a normal distribution | Exercises | Tests based on paired samples | Exercises | Tests based on independent samples | Exercises | Tests based on independent samples | Exercises |
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Tests for the difference between two population proportions| Text I.

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