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Simbolism of colours in russian icons

Читайте также:
  1. Card 2. Translate from Russian into English.
  2. Define the underlined nouns as count, uncount, singular, plural or collective. Translate them into Russian paying attention to singular-plural correspondences.
  3. Exercise 5. Put the following adjectives into 2 categories – describing positive qualities and negative ones. Translate them into Russian.
  4. Exercise 6. Translate into Russian.
  5. II. Translate the sentences into Russian
  6. Land categories of Russian Federation
  7. Match Russian phrases with English equivalents

A binding ['baɪndɪŋ] agent – связующее вещество

egg yolk represents the beginning of life

· a symbol of the dove – the prototype of the innocent victim of Jesus Christ; cleanliness, gentleness

to stir [stɜː] vigorously ['vɪg(ə)rəslɪ] встряхивать/перемешивать энергично

to sanctify mundane [mʌn'deɪn] objects - освящение мирских предметов

vinegar ['vɪnɪgə] (уксус) reminds one of the Son of Man’s sufferings on the cross inbehalf of (ради) all mankind [mæn'kaɪnd] (рода человеческого)

to gild – золотить, gilded – позолоченный

squirrel brushes – беличьи кисти

mineral pigments remind that God created man “ from the dust of the earth”.

o clays or ochre ['əukə] pigments reveals various colors and tones from gold to red and light to dark

o minerals — many which are semiprecious [semɪ'preʃəs] stones (полудрагоценный камень, самоцвет) — represent the heavenly rewards given by God to the saints for their holy deeds.

To attain [ə'teɪn] – достичь, добиться

lively ['laɪvlɪ] – живой, яркий, глубокий, выразительный

vibrant [vaɪbrənt] – вибрирующий, живой, дрожащий

GOLD. Traditionally, the background of the icon was painted first in yellow or gold ochre, which many times substituted (заменять) for the gold leaf that symbolized

· heavenly light, the Сelestial [sə'lestɪəl] kingdom (царство небесное), divine [dɪ'vaɪn] (божественный) nature of God himself.

RED is the colour of

1) victory of life over the death, the celebration of eternal life; love, passion, life-giving energy

2) Christ’s sufferings and sacrifice; blood

3) Red is used to depict Seraphim whose love for God is like an eternal flame of fire

4) beauty (красный = красивый)

cinnabar ['sɪnəbɑː] киноварь

martyr ['mɑːtə] мученик

resurrection [rez(ə)'rekʃ(ə)n] – воскрешение

PURPLEmeans royalty (царственность, власть). Only the Byzantine emperor could sign edicts in purple ink and sit in glory upon a purple throne, and it was only he who wore purple clothing and boots - for all others it was strictly forbidden. This color is present in icons on the clothing of the Mother of God - the Celestial Queen.

WHITE colour is penetrated (пронизан) by the light of God

· the divine [dɪ'vaɪn] world,

· cleanliness, holiness,

· simplicity [sɪm'plɪsətɪ] – умеренность, скромность

· righteous ['raɪʧəs] – благочестивый, добродетельный, праведный (syn: virtuous, moral)

· swaddling bands (пеленки) of babies, the shrouds [ʃraud] (саваны) of the dead and the robes of angels depicted in white colour

Christ’s Ascension [ə'senshən] – Вознесение Господне

the elders – старцы

the book of Revelation - откровение Иоанна Богослова; книга Апокалипсиса

Various tinges [tɪnʤ] (оттенки) of BLUE AND DARK BLUE includes the pigments of azurite [aʒʊrʌɪt] (карбонат меди), lazurite [lazjʊrʌɪt] (лазурит), vivianite [vɪvɪənʌɪt] (виванит – фосфат железа). This is the color of the infiniteness ['ɪnfɪnətnes] (бесконечность) of the sky, everlasting world.

· Dark blue was considered the color of the Mother of God who combines in her self both the terrestrial [tə'restrɪəl] (земное, мирское) and celestial.


GREEN colour represents natural, living things: grass and leaves, youth, flowering, hope, and eternal renovation [renə'veɪʃ(ə)n] (вечное обновление).

· Ancient iconographers often painted the earth green to denote (обозначить) the when life began – in scenes of the Annunciation [ənʌn(t)sɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] (Благовещение)and the Nativity [nə'tɪvətɪ](Рождество Христово).

Green is traditionally used on icons in the cloak of John the Baptist. He preached (проповедовал) a baptism of repentance [rɪ'pentən(t)s] (покаяние) and turning away from sins to life eternal.

BROWN indicates

· the bare [beə] earth – пустая земля, dust – прах, тлен

· transient ['trænzɪənt ] – кратковременный, преходящий

· perishable ['perɪʃəbl] – тленный, бренный

Used in combination with the royal purple clothing of the Mother of God, this color reminds one of her human nature, which was subject to death.

BLACK means evil and death. Сaves colored black are symbols of humankind's grave (смертность человека) and the gaping ['geɪpɪŋ] infernal [ɪn'fɜːn(ə)l] abyss [ə'bɪs] (зияющая дьявольская/адская пропасть/бездна).

robe – одеяние

eschewing [ɪs'ʧu: ] – воздержание

Pentecost ['pentɪkɔst] (Пятидесятница) or Descent [dɪ'sent] of Holy Spirit (Троицын день).

GREY is never used in iconography. When mixing black and white together, iniquity [ɪ'nɪkwətɪ] (беззаконие, зло, несправедливость) and righteousness ['raɪʧəsnəs] (праведность, справедливость), it becomes the color of

· vagueness ['veɪgnəs] неопределенность,

· void [vɔɪd] пустота;

· non-existence – небытие, нереальность, ничто

There was no place for this color in the radiant (сияющий, лучезарный) world of the icon.

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