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An encroacher

2. Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) Why were the objects unhappy?

2) What did Gaston want?

3) Why was the Beast so indifferent?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


COGSWORTH: I knew it, I knew it was ………….. to get our ………… up.

LUMIERE: Maybe it would have been better if she had never come at all.

LUMIERE: Could it be?

MRS. POTTS: Is it she?

LUMIERE: Sacre bleu, …………………..!

COGSWORTH: Encroachers!

MRS. POTTS: And they have the mirror!

COGSWORTH: Warn the master. If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them.

Who's with me? Aahh!

GASTON: Take whatever ………. you can find, but remember, the beast is mine!

OBJECTS: Hearts ablaze, …………… high!

We go marching into battle.

…………….., although the danger just increased!

MOB: ………. the flag, sing the song.

Here we come, we're fifty strong.

And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong.

Let's kill the beast!

MRS. POTTS: Pardon me, master.

BEAST: ………………………...

MRS. POTTS: But sir, the castle is ……………………..!

MOB: Kill the beast, kill the beast!

LUMIERE: This isn't working!

FEATHERDUSTER: Oh, Lumiere! We must do something!

LUMIERE: Wait! I know!

MOB: Kill the beast, kill the beast!

MRS. POTTS: What shall we do, master?

BEAST: …………………………. now. Just let them come.

MOB: Kill the beast, kill the beast, kill the beast!!

4. Answer the questions:


1) What was it foolish to do? Do you agree?

2) What did Mrs Potts tell the Beast?

3) What did the Beast answer?

4) What phrase did Mob repeat?

5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to get one’s hopes up увеличиваться

to be ready for sth добыча

booty быть атакуемым

to ablaze бесстрашный

a banner гореть

unafraid надеяться

to increase поднимать

to raise sth флаг

to be under attack быть готовым к ч.-л

6. Match Russian expressions to the English equivalents:

Черт возьми, захватчики It doesn't matter

Это глупо делать ч.-л. Leave me in peace!

Это не имеет значения Sacre bleu (fr.), invaders

Оставьте меня в покое! It is foolish to do sth

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Просто глупо на это надеяться; 2) Солдаты бесстрашны: их сердца горят, а флаги высоко подняты; 3) Черт возьми, захватчики! Нас атакуют! Поднимай флаг! Опасность увеличивается! 4) Оставьте меня в покое; 5) Сейчас это не имеет значения.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) The Beast; b) Cogsworth; c) Lumiere; d) Gaston; e) Mrs Potts; f) mob.


Episode 23

1. Study the comments:

a miracle – wonder

1'amour (fr.) – love

to let bygones be bygones - forget past offences

pompous – self-impoerant, too elevated

paraffin – a flammable waxy crystalline mixture

pea – the seed of the pea (plant), usually green and round

overgrown – grown too big

pocket watch – a portable timepiece designed to be carried in the pocket

2. Watch the episode and answer the question:


Why did Cogsworth and Lumiere quarrel again?


3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


BEAST: You came back.

BELLE: Of course I came back. I couldn't let them...Oh this is all my fault. If

only I'd gotten here sooner.

BEAST: Maybe it's better this way.

BELLE: Don't talk like that. You'll be all right. We're together now. Everything's

going to be fine. You'll see.

BEAST: At least I got to see you one... last...time.

BELLE: No, no! Please! Please! Please don't leave me! I love you!

PRINCE: Belle! It's me!

BELLE: It is you!

PRINCE: Lumiere! Cogsworth! Oh, Mrs. Potts! Look at us!

CHIP: Mama! Mama!

MRS. POTTS: Oh my ……………………!

LUMIERE: It is a ……………..!

LUMIERE: Ah, 1'amour. Heh heh!

COGSWORTH: Well, Lumiere, old friend. Shall we let ………………………….?

LUMIERE: Of course, mon ami. I told you she would break the spell.

COGSWORTH: I beg your pardon, old friend, but I believe I told you.

LUMIERE: No you didn't. I told you.

COGSWORTH: You most certainly did not, you ………………. paraffin- headed

……… -brain!

LUMIERE: En garde, you overgrown …………………..!

CHIP: Are they gonna live happily ever after, mama?

MRS. POTTS: Of course, my dear. Of course.

CHIP: Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?


4. Answer the questions:


1) What did Chip ask his mother?

2) Did Chip want to sleep in the cupboard?



5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

a miracle горох

1'amour чудо

to let bygones be bygones карманные часы

pompous любовь

paraffin переросший

pea напыщенный

overgrown парафин

pocket watch позабыть прошлые обиды

6. Give English (French) equivalents to the Russian expressions:

Мой друг!

О боже мой!


7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Боже! Это чудо! 2) Ну, мой старый друг Люмьер, давай позабудем прошлые обиды; 3) Прошу прощения, но я полагаю, что уже говорил тебе об этом.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Prince; b) Cogsworth; c) Lumiere; d) Chip; e) Mrs Potts; f) Belle.

Final Test




Пусть будет по-твоему.

Будьте милосердны!

О боже мой!

Это все он виноват.

Это не имеет значения.

Я ничего плохого не хотел!

Какой стыд (позор)!

Дайте мне подумать.

Заберите его!

Не заблуждайся на этот счет.

Вы ничего не можете сделать.


Вы очень любезны.

Выше нос!

Это бесполезно.

Держите себя в руках!

Действуй, вперед!


Мне все равно.


HORISONTALLY: 1) to terrify, to make afraid; 2) a person who lives by asking money, food or help for charity; 3) a passenger without a ticket; 4) huge; 5) to talk nonsense; 6) a marriage ceremony; 7) to try; 8) smart; 9) wonder; 10) wish


VERTICALLY:1) everlastingly; 2) monster; 3) prohibited; 4) liberty; 5) household duties


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Составители: Митина Анна Мееровна

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