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The people of the Land of Oz

Читайте также:
  1. Evidence, Dilated Peoples
  4. Formal for More Complicated Questions and Asking Important People Questions
  5. Thes One, People Under the Stairs
  6. Thes One, People Under the Stairs






The Wizard




The Witch of the West

Ozma – the Witch of the South

The Greenman

Uncle Henry

Aunt Em




The people of the Land of Oz


Dorothy Uncle Aunt Uncle Dorothy Woman Dorothy Woman Dorothy Woman Dorothy Woman Dorothy Woman Dorothy Woman Scarecrow Dorothy Scarecrow Dorothy Scarecrow Dorothy Scarecrow Dorothy Scarecrow Woodman Dorothy Scarecrow Woodman Dorothy Scarecrow Dorothy Lion Dorothy Lion, Woodman Dorothy Greenman Dorothy Greenman Greenman The Wizard Dorothy The Wizard Dorothy The Wizard Dorothy The Wizard Greenman The Wizard Scarecrow The Wizard Scarecrow The Wizard Greenman The Wizard Woodman The Magic Lion The Magic Lion The Magic Dorothy Lion Woodman Scarecrow Dorothy Dorothy Greenman Witch Three monkeys Witch Dorothy Witch Dorothy Witch Dorothy Witch Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Woodman Scarecrow Lion Dorothy Dorothy Magic Dorothy Magic Dorothy Magic Woodman Lion Scarecrow Scarecrow Magic Dorothy Scarecrow Woodman Lion Magic Dorothy Magic Lion Magic Scarecrow Magic Scarecrow Magic Scarecrow Magic Woodman Magic   Dorothy Magic Lion, Scarecrow, Woodman Magic People Magic Dorothy Dorothy Magic Dorothy Greenman Scarecrow Greenman Dorothy Greenman Lion, Scarecrow, Woodman, Dorothy Ozma Dorothy Ozma Dorothy Ozma Dorothy Scarecrow Lion Woodman Dorothy Dorothy Hello! My name is Dorothy. I live in Great Kansas prairie with my uncle Henry and aunt Em. It’s a pity but this land (Показывает вокруг) is not beautiful. There are no trees and flowers here. But I am happy I’ve got a true friend. (Вбегает Тото) His name is Toto. (Входят дядя и тетя) The weather is not nice today. It’s cloudy and rainy. The sky is dark (Испугано глядя в небо). It’s going to rain. A tornado, a tornado! Dorothy, run to the house. We must take care of the cows and horses (Убегают. Дороти с Тото вбегают в дом. Дом улетает за кулисы. На сцене цветы. Выходят Дороти с Тото, оглядываются вокруг). Where are we? What a nice country. (Выходят женщины и мужчины). You are welcome beautiful Fairy to the Land of Oz to the country of Munchkins. We thank you very much. You killed the witch of the East. Our people were her slaves. Now they are free. Oh, no I am only a little girl. I didn’t kill anybody. Look! (Показывает на дом, из-под него торчат туфли). Your house fell on the witch and killed her. Now I understand. But who are you? I am the witch of the North. But I am a good witch. There are four witches in the Land of Oz. Two of them are good witches and two are wicked. So now there is only one wicked witch. OK. If you are a good Fairy help me to go back to Kansas. I don’t know where Kansas is. I can’t help you. You have to stay with us. Oh, no! (Плачет). Don’t cry dear child. Listen to me. Only Oz the Great Wizard of the Land of Oz can help you. He lives in the Emerald City. The witch’s silver shoes (Берет туфли из-под дома, дает их Дороти) will help you. And how will I find the way to the Emerald city? The road to it is made of yellow bricks. Walk along that road. Be careful. The way is full of danger. (Дороти уходит за кулисы, все машут ей вслед. Выходит Чучело. Летают вороны, каркают, чучело их отгоняет, вороны улетают. Дороти подходит к Чучело). Hello, my name is Scarecrow and who are you? I am a little girl. My name is Dorothy. I am going to the Emerald city to ask the Great Wizard to send me back to Kansas. (Удивленно) Who is the Great Wizard? Where is the Emerald city? Everybody in this country knows him. And I don’t. You see the farmers stuffed me with the straw and I have no brains. I know nothing. I am silly. I am very sorry for you. I want to go with you and ask the wizard to give me some brains if you don’t mind. Of course. You can come with us. (Дает ему руку. Тото рычит и лает) Don’t be afraid of him. I am afraid only of lit matches. (Они уходят под музыку. На сцену выходит дровосек с топором и начинает рубить лес. Мимо проходят Дороти и Чучело). Where are you going? We are going to the Emerald city to the Great Wizard to ask him to send me back to my aunt and uncle. And to give me a brain. May I go with you? I want to ask the Wizard to give me a heart. I have no heart, and I can’t feel anything. I am sure the Wizard will help you. Come go with us. (Музыка. Уходят. Выходят и слышат рев. Выбегает лев, рычит. Тото лает. Лев бьет Тото, Чучело, Дровосека). Don’t bite my Toto! You are so big and he is so small. You are a big coward. Only cowards can be bad to those who are smaller than they. Yes, I am a coward (Грустно). All the other beasts in the forest think that I am very brave. All people call me the king of beasts. They afraid of me but I’m afraid of them. (Жалеет льва). I think you must come with us to the Great Wizard and ask him to give your courage. And you can help us keep away the other beasts. (Все уходят. Подходят к стене с надписью “The Emrald city”. Стоит зеленый страж в очках). We want to see the Great Wizard. Can you tell us how we can find him? What does he look like? The Wizard can change his form when he likes, and he changes it all the time. Some people say he looks like a bird, or cat. Other people say he looks like a monkey. But nobody knows what his real form is. OK. It doesn’t matter, we need his help, so show us the way to his palace. OK. You must all put on green eye-glasses. All houses in the Emerald city are made of emeralds and if you look at them without glasses it will hurt your eyes Все надевают очки и уходят за кулисы вслед за «зеленым солдатом». Звучит музыка. На сцену выезжает огромная маска в виде головы. Выходит солдат. The girl is invited to the Throne Room. (Уходит за кулисы. Входит Дороти.) I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you? I am Dorothy, the Small and the Quiet. What do you want from me? I’d like to return to Kansas, to my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Please, send me back to my country. Well, I will help you. But you must also help me. You must kill the Wicked Witch of the West. I don’t want to kill anyone. You killed the Wicked Witch of the East. Do what I say and I’ll send you back to Kansas. Дороти плачет. Музыка. Волшебник уходит за кулисы. Выходит зеленый солдат. The Scarecrow is invited to the Throne Room. Уходит. За ним уходит Дороти. Музыка. На сцене появляется женщина. Это переодетый Oz. Садится на трон. Выходит Чучело. I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you? Why are you here? I am a Scarecrow, I am stuffed with straw. I would like to have brains in my head instead of straw. I can give you brains. But first you must do something for me. I want you to kill the Wicked Witch of the West. But I can’t do this. I don’t care. But you will have no brains until the Witch is dead. Встает и уходит. Чучело садится и плачет. Выходит зеленый солдат и объявляет. The Tin Man is invited to the Thone Room. Музыка. Солдат уходит. За ним уходит Чучело. Музыка. На сцене появляется Oz, переодетый в огромного зверя. Выходит Железный человек. I am Oz, the Great and the Terrible. Who are you and why are you here? I am a woodman, I am made of tin. I have no heart. Please, give me a heart, Great Oz. Then I can love and be happy. I shall give you a heart, if you kill the wicked witch of the West. Then come to me. I’ll give you the biggest and the kindest heart in all the Land of Oz. (На сцене все друзья, сидят грустные). Now I shall go to see him. If he is in the form of a beast I shall roar and frighten him. If he is in the form of a beautiful girl I shall jump at her and frighten her. And if he is in the form of a head, I shall push it down from the chair. All will be well my friends. (Все уходят. На сцене ребята изображают огонь перед троном, голос из-за трона). Come in (Входит лев). I am Oz the Great and Powerful (Лев пытается пробиться к трону, но огонь не дает). Who are you and what do you want of me. I am a cowardly lion. I am afraid of people and animals. I ask you to give me some courage. Kill the wicked witch of the West and I shall give you courage. (Огонь убирают, на сцене все друзья). What shall we do now? There is only one thing we can do. We can go to the West and kill the wicked witch. I agree with the lion. I do not want to kill anybody, but I think we have to do it. I shall do it with you. OK. Let’s go. (Подходит зеленый страж, они ему отдают очки и уходят). (Дороти спрашивает зеленого стражника). Where can we find the wicked witch of the West? It is very easy. You must go to the West all the way and you will find her. (Все уходят. На сцену выходит одноглазая злая волшебница с подзорной трубой, смотрит в зал). I don’t want strangers in my country. (Хлопает в ладоши, прилетают обезьяны). Fly to those people, kill the Tin Woodman and the Strawman. Bring the little girl and the lion here. They will work for me. (Музыка. Волшебница уходит, обезьяны вытаскивают из-за кулис железного человека, тянут его в разные стороны и бросают. Он лежит на сцене. Толкают Чучело, тот падает, лежит на сцене тоже. Хватают Дороти, Тото и льва и убегают с ними. Третья обезьяна убирает железного человека и Чучело за кулисы). (Выходит волшебница, за ней ведут Дороти, льва и Тото). I am the wicked witch of the West, you will be my slaves. Go and work. (Обезьяны приносят ведро воды и швабру, дают Дороти. Дороти идет со шваброй и спотыкается. Туфелька спадает с нее. Волшебница хватает туфлю.) Give me back my silver shoe! I shall not, it is not your shoe, it is my shoe now! You are a wicked old woman. You must not take my shoe from me! (Волшебница смеется. Дороти берет ведро с водой и выливает на волшебницу). Oh, no! (приседает медленно). What are you doing? Look, I am melting. I am very sorry. The water! It will make an end of me! OK. Now you will not take other people’s property and kill people. (Забирает свою туфельку, надевает ее и уходит с Тото и львом). (Дороти хлопает в ладоши. Появляются обезьяны). Fly and find my friends. Bring them back to the palace. (Обезьяны приводят железного человека и Чучело в порядок). I am very glad to see you again, my dear friends. The wicked witch of the West died and we must go back to the Wizard of Oz. At last I shall get my heart. And I shall get my brain. And I shall get my courage. And I shall go back to Kansas. OK. Let’s start for the Emerald City. (Музыка. Все уходят за кулисы. Зеленый страж выдвигает кресло. Входят Дороти, Тото и другие. Оглядываются). There is nobody here. Where is the Great Wizard. I am here, but you cannot see me. (в зал). Now you must do what you promised. But what about the wicked witch of the West? She is dead. I threw a bucket of water at her and she melted. How sudden. Well, come tomorrow. I must have time to think it over. No, you had a lot of time to think it over. Give me my heart. And my courage. And my brain. (Все стали искать волшебника и вывели из-за кулис маленького человека). Who are you? I am Oz the Great and Powerful. Don’t kill me. I shall do what you want. (Все переглянулись). I saw Oz in the form of a great Head. I saw Oz in the form of a beautiful Girl. I saw Oz in the form of a terrible Beast. And I saw Oz in the form of a Ball of Fire. No. You are wrong. I fooled you all the time. You are not a great wizard. Hush! It’s my secret. I am not a wizard, I am a poor man. I can do a lot of tricks and so people thought that I was a great wizard. But where are you from? And how can you do your tricks? I worked in a circus as a balloonist. But one day there was a very strong wind and it carried my hot-air balloon and me away. On the morning of the second day my balloon came down and I saw a beautiful country. People ran up to me and began to cry: “a Great Wizard fell from the sky!” So I became a Great Wizard. It is a very interesting story, but if you are not a wizard you can’t help us. You know now that I was not born a magician, but during all these years I learned a little magic. So I shall try to do what I promised. First of all scarecrow come to me (подходит Чучело) and sit down here (садится). I shall have to cut your head off and put brains into it. OK. (Волшебник делает вид что что-то кладет в голову Чучело). Now you are the wisest man in the land of Oz. You have a big new brain. (Подбегает к друзьям). Look! How wise I am! (Уходит за кулисы). Now. The woodman come up to me. This is a heart for you (Кладет ему за пазуху большое сердце). Now you have the kindest heart in the world. Thanks, I am so happy now (гладит сердце и уходит). Now, the Lion can come up to me (подает ему бокал с водой). Drink it. It is your courage (Лев выпивает воду). Now you are not a cowardly lion. You are the king of all beasts (Лев уходит счастливый). And what about me? You see. I came to this country in a balloon. You came from the air too. So I think the best way to get back to Kansas is through the air. Of course I can’t make a tornado. But I can make a balloon. We shall help you. (Все начинают работать. Музыка, выносят шарики, корзину). Now the balloon is ready. (Выходит лев, Чучело, Дровосек, обезьяны, люди). Good bye Oz. I am going away on a visit. While I am away the Scarecrow will be the ruler of the Emerald city. He is very wise, you must obey him. Good bye. I can’t find Toto. I don’t want to go without him. (Музыка, ветер, шар улетает). Wait for me. I can’t. (Все убегают за кулисы, крича Good bye). (На сцене сидит Дороти и ее друзья). He flew away. I shall never get home to my aunt Em and uncle Henry. (Выходит зеленый страж). Only Ozma can help you. Who is Ozma? Ozma is a very kind fairy. She is the Witch of the South. Where can I find her? You must go to the South. It is easy to find her palace. We shall go with you.     Thank you dear friend. I want to start out at once. (Музыка, все уходят). (На сцене танец цветов. Выходит волшебница Озма. Цветы выносят трон под музыку, украшают сцену цветами и т.п.) Good morning. I am Ozma the witch of the South. (Дороти перебивает ее радостно). Oh, dear Ozma I came to ask you to help me. I know your story Dorothy and I can help you. Oh, it’s great. Can you really? Your silver shoes will carry you home. You don’t know their magic, but I do. Turn on your heels three times and say aloud: “I want to get back to Kansas”. That’s all. Oh, how easy it is. OK. Dear friends will you go with me? Thank you, Dorothy. But we shall stay in the Emerald city. We like it. And we shall do our best to make the people of the Emrald city happy. Don’t worry about us, Dorothy. Remember us and we shall remember you. (Дороти посреди сцены поворачивается и говорит). I want to get back to Kansas! (Музыка, все уходят, выходит дядя и тетя, вбегает Дороти). Oh, I am again in my homeland. Hello, dear uncle Henry. Hello, dear aunt Em. Now I am happy. THE END


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