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Task24. Fill in the appropriate words.

Читайте также:
  1. Consult the dictionary to learn the difference in meaning between the following words.
  2. Read the sentences out loud. Write down the numbers in words.
  3. Task 6.Match the appropriate definition for each word from the list below
  4. VII. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the underlined words.
  5. VII. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the underlined words.
  6. Write the numbers 1 to 15 next to the correct words.

1. Archaea are prokaryotes that resemble both … and ….

2. Like bacteria, the archaea lack … and …. Like eukaryotes, they display … and ….

3. The nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotes probably evolved from ….

4. The autotrophic prokaryotes proved useful to their hosts because they produced … through ….

5. Over time, the autotrophic prokaryotes developed into … and the heterotrophic prokaryotes developed into ….

Task25. Explain these biological terms.

- archaea

- cell membranes

- histone proteins

- endoplasmic reticulum

- autotrophic prokaryotes

- heterotrophic prokaryotes

- ribosomes


Task26. Translate these words and word combinations into English. Find their transcription and memorize them.

- многоклеточный организм

- пищеварительная система

- дыхательная система

- система кровообращения

- органелла

- клеточное ядро

- генетический материал

- цитоплазма

- рибосомы

- лизосомы

- эндоплазматический ретикулум

- аппарат Гольджи

- повреждённая клетка

- митоз

- мейоз

- автотрофы

- гетеротрофы

- высшие животные

- ископаемое

- отдалённый предок

- взаимовыгодные отношения


Task1. Open the brackets and use the appropriate grammar form.

In the 1960s, American microbiologist Lynn Margulis (to resurrect) the forgotten early-20th-century studies by Russian biologists Konstantin S. Mereschkovsky and B. M. Kozo-Polyansky and American biologist Ivan Wallin, and (to demonstrate) the prokaryotic nature of eukaryotes such as plants and animals. Margulis’s studies (to lead) to the hypothesis of endosymbiosis, the idea that key eukaryotic features such as the energy-generating centers (to call) mitochondria in all animals, plants, and fungi and the photosynthesizing centers (to call) chloroplasts in all algae and plants (to derive) from ancient bacteria.

Studies of bacteria (to lead) to the revolutionary view, (to put) forward in the 1970s by American biologist Carl Woese, that the separation of organisms into prokaryotes and eukaryotes (not to represent) the fundamental distinction between all organisms. Woese (to suggest) that the archaebacteria, which (to resemble) both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, (to represent) one ancestral lineage, bacteria another, and eukaryotes a third, and (to propose) that each be placed in their own domain.

Task2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate articles, if necessary.

Most algae are … eukaryotes. … important organelle found in eukaryotic algae is … chloroplast, which contains … light-absorbing pigments responsible for capturing … energy in sunlight during … photosynthesis. In … most algae … primary pigment is … chlorophyll, … same green pigment used in … plants.

Like plants, most algae have … rigid cell walls composed largely of … cellulose. … exception is … diatom, whose cell wall is composed primarily of … silica. Many eukaryotic algae have … whiplike appendages called flagella attached to … their cell walls. By beating flagella in … rotary movement, these algae are able to move through … water with considerable speed. A few algae that are devoid of … rigid cell walls are able to protrude … one part of … body ahead of … other to crawl on … solid surfaces in … amoeba-like fashion.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-26; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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