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Устный экзаменпо английскому языку 2 страница

с ней приятно обсуждать

она стала более гибкой (по характеру)

что ей только на пользу

за годы нашей дружбы

смысл дружбы в том, чтобы давать, а не брать на многие годы


Answer the following questions for self-control:

1. Do you agree that friendship is a hard work?

2. Have you got a friend?

3. What does your friend look like?

4. When and where did you make friends?

5. What episode or experience made you closer?

6. Can you share your personal thoughts and ideas with your friend?

7. Are you welcome in your friend’s home?

8. How do you understand the proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”?

9. Is it a real-life situation when your friend has a better friend than you are?

10. What is friendship about? (What does friendship mean?)


Make the necessary additions to the topic on the basis of the vocabulary given below.



make friends


go to the same school

ходить в ту же школу

train together

вместе тренироваться

be neighbours

быть соседями

older than

старше, чем!

younger than

младше, чем

share views

разделять взгляды

share with a friend

поделиться с другом

discuss the issues of...

обсуждать проблемы

both at school and at home

как в школе, так и дома

arrange picnics

устраивать пикники

help each other

помогать друг другу

spend time together

проводить вместе время







have a good sense of humor

иметь хорошее чувство юмора


Read the text.


§ 1. Whittaker High was coming out, and the students were crowding the pavement. Cindy saw the white Chevrolet below the steps, and didn’t hurry. Her mother used to park at the back of the school, but Cindy had walked home a couple of times, not wanting to talk to her, or to anybody at all. She wasn’t allowed to go on the bus, because of the way the other kids were act­ing up - the driver said last week he was going to quit his job unless he could have an official guard on board.

§ 2. ‘Where were you, darling?’

‘I was talking.’

‘I’ve been waiting ages!’

Cindy got in. Now that her mother parked right outside the school, she couldn’t pretend she hadn’t seen the car, and walk home again.

§ 3. ‘Buckle your safety belt, darling. ’

‘It’s OK.’

‘They save lives, they do really, Cindy.’ She reached across and did it for her, and for an instant Cindy saw her mother’s face in close up, still young and pretty and honey-coloured because of tennis, but with the worry in her eyes, like it always was. ‘Isn’t Louise coming with you?’

‘No,’ Cindy said.

‘But I thought she was! I thought you said you’d be bringing her home today.’

‘I changed my mind.’

§ 4. Somebody waved as the car drew away, but Cindy wasn’t in time to see who it was. Maybe Louise.

‘But she’s such a nice child, darling. I wish you’d see more of her - you ought to have more friends.’

§ 5. This, Cindy thought vaguely as she turned and stared out of the win­dow, was why it had been so nice to walk home, those times. Fasten your seat belt, and bring Louise home, and have more friends and all that stuff, all the way to the house where she didn’t want to go anyhow.

§ 6. ‘Don’t you think you ought to have more friends, darling?’ It wasn’t worth answering; but without actually talking about it they’d made a kind of agreement between them, never to let silences happen when they were riding together in the car.

§ 7. ‘I’m fifteen years old, mother. If I wanted more friends, I could probably get them. But I don’t.’ There was silence now, but they both knew mother wasn’t breaking their agreement: she was just beaten, that was all, and didn’t know what to say. Mother couldn’t ever imagine anyone not wanting friends - it was another world, and she didn’t have anything to say about it. It was like suddenly speaking to her in Chinese and expecting an answer.

§ 8. ‘This evening we eat tacos [a kind of Mexican pancakes], darling.’ After some time, Cindy said, ‘I won’t be hungry.’

She was aware of the hurt she was giving her mother. But she didn’t want to hurt, she just didn’t want to talk. The subject of tacos was a dead end - they both knew that.

‘Oh, it’s a long way to dinner time yet, Cindy, and we - we both hope you’ll be eating with us tonight. Daddy mentioned it specially.’

*1 won’t be hungry, mother.’

From Blue Jay Summer by Elleston Trevor



Choose the correct answer.

1. Cindy didn’t hurry (§ 1). Why not?

A She could not get through the crowd of students.

В She disliked being picked up by her mother.

С She had to wait till her mother had parked the car,

D She was tired after a long day at school.

2. What becomes clear about the bus driver from the last sentence in para­graph one?

A He could not deal with the students all by himself.

В He had lost his guard because of the children’s behaviour.

С He thought the guard was not doing his job properly.

D He would lose his job if the children damaged the bus.

3. What did Cindy’s mother want to make clear to her in paragraph two?

A She was annoyed that Cindy had not come more quickly.

В She was interested in what Cindy had been doing at school.

С She was very happy to have Cindy with her again.

D She was worried that Cindy had been doing something wrong.

4. From the end of paragraph two (‘Cindy got in...’) it is clear that in the past Cindy had sometimes...

A asked her mother not to come and pick her up after school.

В behaved as if he did not know her mother was waiting for her.

С not noticed that her mother was waiting to take her home.

D told her mother not to park her car right outside the school.

5. What did Cindy notice about her mother’s appearance, according to para* graph three?

Her mother...

A did not look as good as usual.

В looked attractive but not quite relaxed.

С looked better than usual.

D was worried about her own appearance.

6. Why had it been ‘so nice to walk home’ (§ 5) on previous occasions?

A Cindy did not like riding in a car.

В Cindy liked the company of other students.

С Cindy was ashamed at being picked up from school by her mother.

D Cindy was fed up with her mother always telling what to do.

7. What was it that Cindy and her mother had not actually talked about (§ 6)?

A How to behave towards each other during their car rides.

В The fact that Cindy did not want to go home.

С The fact that Cindy hated being driven home.

D What was the best way to make more friends.

8. Why was it that Cindy’s mother ‘didn’t know what to say’ (§ 7)?

A Cindy had made a stupid remark.

В Cindy had said something her mother just could not understand.

С She did not want to risk causing a disagreement with Cindy.

D She was afraid to make Cindy angry.

9. ‘It’s a long way to dinner time’ (§ 8). Cindy’s mother said this because...

A she hoped that Cindy would change her mind.

В she knew that Cindy would be hungry by then.

С she knew that tacos took a long time to prepare.

D she thought that her husband would be home late.

10. At the very end of the text, Cindy let her mother know that... A she would rather stay with her friends.

В she was not going to join the family dinner.

С she was sorry she wouldn’t get hungry by dinner time.

D Mexican food was not her favourite.



Choose the right synonym of the word according to the text

1. to quit (§ 1)

A to stop В to change С to give up

2. to buckle (§ 3)

A to click В to fasten С to tighten

3. vaguely (§ 5)

A unclearly В impatiently С unhappily

4. dead end (§ 8)

A. no choice В no luck С no solution

Choose the right variant of translation according to the text

1. Her mother used to park at the back of the school... (§ 1)

А Ее мама привыкла останавливаться сзади школы.

В Ее мама в качестве парковки использовала заднюю площадку школы.

С Ее мама раньше ставила машину сзади школы.

2.... Cindy had walked home a couple of times, not wanting to talk to her, or to anybody at all. (§ 1)

А Синди ходила домой пару раз, не желая разговаривать с ней или с кем-нибудь еще вообще.

В Синди несколько раз ходила домой пешком, совсем не желая разговаривать ни с ней, ни с кем-то еще.

С Синди пошла домой пешком раз-другой, не пожелав разговари­вать ни с ней, ни с кем-то еще.

3. Now that her mother parked right outside the school, she couldn’t pretend she hadn’t seen the car, and walk home again. (§ 2)

А Теперь, когда ее мама поставила машину прямо возле школы, она уже не могла сделать вид, что не заметила машину и снова пойти домой пешком.

В Ее мать сейчас поставила машину с правой стороны школы, и она уже не могла сделать вид, что не заметила машину и снова пойти домой пешком.

С Поставив машину ее матери прямо возле школы, она не смогла притвориться, что увидела ее и снова пойти домой пешком.

4.1 wish you’d see more of her... (§ 4)

А Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты побольше видела ее.

В Жаль, что ты ее больше не видишь.

С Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты с ней чаще встречалась.



1. Hello, I am Vladimir Sokol, and I’ll tell you about the place we live in.

2. First I’m going to speak about our residential area and neighbour­hood, then I’ll talk about our flat, and finally I’ll share with you where I’d like to live when I have a job and a family of my own.

3. We live in a big residential area of Minsk called Serebryanka.

4. The population of this part of Leninski district perhaps is equal to that of a medium size city,

5. What I find good about this place is that there are no enterprises there, and the ecological situation is relatively safe.

6. We live not far from the “Polessye” supermarket and farm­ers’ market with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, which makes it easy to go shopping.

7. Our flat is on the tenth floor of a twelve-storied block of flats, so we’ve got a really nice view from our windows, especially from the living room.

1. Здравствуйте, меня зовут Влади­мир Сокол; я расскажу вам о том, где мы живем.

2. Сначала я опишу наш микрорайон и место, где расположен наш дом, затем нашу квартиру и в заключение поделюсь с вами своими мыслями о том, где бы мне хотелось жить, ко­гда я стану работать и у меня будет своя семья.

3. Мы живем в большом жилом рай­оне Минска, который называется Серебрянка.

4. Население этой части Ленинского района Минска, вероятно, сопоста­вимо с городом средней величины.

5. Мне нравится здесь то, что у нас нет промышленных предприятий, а экологическая обстановка относи­тельно благополучная (безопасная).

6. Мы живем недалеко от универса­ма «Полесье» и продовольственного рынка, где продается много всяких фруктов и овощей, что облегчает проблему покупок.

7. Наша квартира находится на деся­том этаже двенадцатиэтажного дома, поэтому у нас действительно краси­вый вид из окна, особенно из гости­ной.


8. Our two-room flat was fine when my parents moved in there, but now I really wish we had more space to live in.

9. I mean another room would be very much to the point.

10. I share a room with my younger brother, and my parents have to sleep in the living room.

11. Of course, a big kitchen is quite often a solution when there’s too little space for us.

12. There’s an electric stove, a fridge and a table with four stools in the kitchen,

13. Besides, lots of flowers are on the window-sill, which makes the kitchen more attractive.

14. The largest room in the flat is our living room.

15. There is a sofa at the right-hand wall, a TV-set in the comer, a book­case with hundreds of books opposite the sofa, a stereo in another comer and an arm-chair in our living room.

16. We’ve got a few nice pictures on the wall and curtains on the window.

17. Thanks to my parents we’ve got quite a good library, so 1 don’t have to go the library to borrow the books I need for school.

18. As I’ve said, my brother and I share a smaller room.

19. There is a bed and a folded armchair there, with a few book­shelves and posters on the wall.

20. We have tried our best to make our room functional, in other words - good to study and relax in.

8. Наша двухкомнатная квартира была замечательной, когда мы туда переехали, но сейчас мне бы хоте­лось иметь больше пространства для жилья.

9. Я имею в виду, что весьма кстати была бы еще одна комната.

10. Мы с младшим братом спим в одной комнате, а родителям прихо­дится спать в гостиной.

11. Конечно, когда в квартире так немного места, большая кухня часто является неплохим выходом из си­туации.

12. На кухне у нас есть электропли­та, холодильник, а также стол и че­тыре табуретки.

13. Кроме этого, на подоконнике много цветов, что делает кухню бо­лее привлекательной.

14. Самая большая комната в нашей квартире — это гостиная.

15. В нашей гостиной справа у стены стоит диван, в углу - телевизор, на­против дивана - книжный шкаф с сотнями книг, в другом углу - музы­кальный центр и кресло.

16. На стене у нас висят несколько красивых картин, а на окнах - шторы.

17. Благодаря моим родителям у нас довольно неплохая домашняя биб­лиотека, поэтому мне не нужно брать необходимые для школы кни­ги в (публичной) библиотеке.

18. Как я уже сказал, мы с братом делим меньшую комнату.

19. Там у нас находится кровать, раскладное кресло, а не стене - не­сколько книжных полок и плакаты.

20. Мы постар&чись сделать все воз­можное, чтобы наша комната была функциональной - другими словами, пригодной для учебы и отдыха.

21. When I become independent, have a well-paid job and a family of my own, I would like to live in a house, not in a flat.

22. I think people feel as if they are in a shell when they live in a flat, whereas in the house you feel more like part of nature and there’s every­thing you need including a garden there.

23. I hope my dream is quite realis­tic and I’ll try my best so that it would come true.

21. Когда я стану жить отдельно и у меня будет хорошо оплачиваемая работа и своя семья, мне бы хоте­лось жить в собственном доме, а не в квартире.

22. Мне кажется, что люди, живущие в квартирах, чувствуют себя как буд­то они находятся в ракушке, в то время как в своем доме ощущаешь себя частью природы и там есть все, что необходимо, в том числе сад.

23. Я надеюсь, моя мечта вполне реальная, и я постараюсь сделать все возможное, чтобы она осуществилась.



Find the English equivalents of the following Russian expressions and put them down in the right-hand column:

о том, где я живу

сначала я расскажу о нашем жилом районе поделюсь с вами, где бы я хотел жить равно населению города средней величины...что делает покупки легким занятием там нет предприятий

экологическая ситуация относительно безопасна

когда мои родители поселились там (переехали туда)

мне бы хотелось иметь больше пространства

...что делает кухню привлекательнее и уютнее

на десятом этаже двенадцатиэтажного дома

мы с братом живем в одной (меньшей) комнате

благодаря нашим родителям у нас довольно неплохая библиотека

раскладное кресло

шторы на окнах

несколько книжных полок и плакатов на стене мы сделали все возможное, чтобы наша комната была функцио­нальной

другими словами пригодная для учебы и отдыха когда у меня будет хорошо оплачиваемая работа и своя семья... чувствуют себя, как будто находятся в ракушке (изолированно) там есть все, в том числе сад (огород) моя мечта вполне реальна

я сделаю все возможное, чтобы она осуществилась TASK 2

Answer the following questions for self-control:

1. Where do you live - in a house or in a flat?

2. Is your residential area ecologically safe?

3. What is situated in the neighbourhood?

4. When did you move in your flat (house)?

5. What kind of view have you got from your windows?

6. How many rooms are there in your flat (house)?

7. What kind of furniture is there in your flat (house)?

8. Do you think your flat is large enough for your family?

9. Where would you like to live when you become independent?

10. Do you think you’ll be able to afford (позволить себе) to have a larger flat (house)?


Make the necessary additions to the topic on the basis of the vocabulary given below.

in our own house

в собственном доме

in an apartment bloc

в многоквартирном доме

= block of flats


in the neighbourhood

по соседству

lay-out (of rooms)

расположение (комнат)

location of the block of flats

местоположение дома

developed infrastructure

развитая инфраструктура

modem conveniences

современные удобства

running water


gas stove

газовая плита

electric stove










моющие средства



living room = sitting room




a view of

вид на





air conditioner




central heating

центральное отопление






раковина (умывальник)



housewarming party


vacuum cleaner




bedside table

прикроватный столик

cabinet = sideboard

кухонный сервант


книжный шкаф



my home is my castle

мой дом - моя крепость


Section 2:___________ TEXT FOR COMPREHENSION

§ 2. Wankie, in Zimbabwe, is one of Africa’s last great elephant parks; 24,000 of these huge beasts have their home here. Normally the park is a great tourist attraction, but 19 months of drought have transformed this mag­nificent wilderness into an elephant graveyard.

§ 3. Besides the loss of the elephants, there is the great question of the well-being of the park itself. Elephants eat a lot of plants at the best of times. Ад adult elephant consumes up to one third of a ton of leaves each day, washed down with about 185 litres of water. But nature’s failure to renew the trees and plants last season has forced the elephants to eat practically anything they can find. As a result, the landscape looks like a Great War battlefield: a wreckage of smashed and uprooted trees in every direction.

§ 4. Part of the problem is simply a question of numbers. In the twenties, (here were no more than a thousand elephants in the entire region. During the dry season, they would trek into neighbouring Botswana or even as far as the Zambezi River. Many calves died of hunger or thirst on the way, and the population was kept in check. But then well-meaning men came along and laid on regular supplies of pumped water. The elephants multiplied so much that they have become too many for the park to keep alive. In a bad drought there is simply not enough food to go round.

§ 5. Ironically, thirst is not the major killer. Most of the victims starve to death. Wankie’s ten thousand natural ‘pans’ of water dried up a year ago, but pumps installed by the Rhodesian authorities 50 years ago continue to fill 60 artificial waterholes. However, some of the heroic British-made diesel en­gines continually break down, and the pumps with their underground pipes sucking the precious water from deep down under the Kalahari desert are in desperate need of replacement.

§ 6. So long as the pumps keep working, the animals will not go thirsty. But the elephants tied by their daily need to drink, can travel no more than half a day’s march from the waterhole in search of food. Each day they go further, until every little bit of plant within 40 miles has been eaten, and the animals go hungry.

§ 7. The young elephants between three and six years old are the first to die. Baby elephants can still have milk, but when they have to stand on their own feet, they are too small and weak to look after themselves when the adults are desperate for food and water. After a while they fall behind and die, sometimes with water just a few inches away.

§ 8. Meanwhile, the park guards concentrate on keeping the water flow­ing, with just a single Second World War lorry to carry diesel fuel to the only pump station. ‘The drought is already a tragedy for this park,’ says Thomson. ‘But if this year’s rain is too late or too little, then it will turn into a catastrophe.’

From The Sunday Times


Choose the correct answer.

1. Who or what caused the death of the elephants (§ 1)?

A They were shot by Matabele hunters.

В They were shot by the park guards.

С They died as a result of a dangerous disease.

D They died because of the continuous dry weather.

2. Which of the following statements about Wankie National Park is true, according to § 2?

A It has become less popular with visitors than it used to be.

В It is kept as a place for burying elephants.

С It is the last elephant park to have been established.

D It will soon have to close down because of financial losses.

3. What has caused the landscape to look like a ‘Great War battlefield’ (the end of § 3)?

A The elephants have had to change their eating habits.

В The park authorities have not been looking after the trees properly.

С There has been a lot of fighting among the elephants.

D Trees have fallen down because of the lack of water.

4. What is meant by the first sentence in § 4?

A It is hard to say how many elephants have died this year.

В Many elephants are moving to neighbouring countries.

С The elephant population is too large for the park.

D The park cannot support more than a thousand elephants.

5. What do sentences 3 and 4 of § 4 (During... in check) explain?

A Life used to be a lot easier for the elephants in the past.

В Natural circumstances used to keep down the number of elephants.

С Neighbouring countries used to protect the elephants.

D The elephants used to have more young in the past.

7. Where does the water for the artificial waterholes come from?

A It is colleted and stored during the rainy season.

В It is pumped overland from neighbouring countries.

С It is pumped up from below the ground.

D It is taken from the natural waterholes.

8. Why do the elephants travel no more than half a day’s march (§ 6)?

A There is food only near the waterholes.

В They are too weak to go any further.

С They need to stay close to a water supply.

D The young elephants cannot walk very far.

9. Why are the elephants between three and six the first to die?

A Their mothers do not have enough milk for them.

В Their need of food is greater than that of fully grown elephants.

С They are not strong enough to keep up with the older elephants.

D They are too young[1] to know what food is good for them.

10. What is the park guards’ most important work at the moments, according

lo the last paragraph?

A Checking whether the water pipes are still all right.

В Keeping an old lorry in working order.

С Making sure that drinking water remains available.

D Taking water to the park’s waterholes.


4. to trek (§ 4)

A to hide В to move С to fly


Choose the right variant of translation according to the text.

1. Many calves died of hunger or thirst on the way, and the population was kept in check. (§ 4)

А Многие маленькие слоны умерли с голоду и жажды по пути, и насе­ление держали под контролем.

В Много детенышей погибли от голода и жажды, и их количество ре­гулировалось.

С Большое количество детенышей погибало в пути от голода и жаж­ды, а популяция слонов была под контролем.

2. The elephants multiplied so much that they have become too many for the park to keep alive. (§ 4)

А Слоны размножались настолько быстро, что их стало слишком мно­го, чтобы они могли выжить в парке.

В Слонов завезли в таком большом количестве, что парк не мог с этим справиться.

С Слоны так интенсивно размножались, что их стало слишком много для сохранения в парке.

3. In a bad drought there is simply not enough food to go round. (§ 4)

А В сильную засуху просто недостаточно еды, которая бы позво­ляла передвигаться.

В В сильную засуху просто не хватает пищи для выживания.

С В сильную засуху просто недостаточно пищи для полного цикла жизни.

4.... the pumps with their underground pipes sucking the precious water from deep down under the Kalahari desert are in desperate need of replacement. (§ 5) A... насосы с расположенными под землей трубами, перекачивающие

драгоценную воду из глубокой скважины в пустыне Калахари, срочно нуждаются в замене,

В... насосы с их подземными трубами, всасывающие драгоценную воду из глубин пустыни Калахари, отчаянно нуждаются в замене.

С... насосы с расположенными под землей трубами, которые перека­чивают драгоценную воду из глубокой скважины, находящейся глу­боко под пустыней Калахари, срочно нуждаются в замене.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 278 | Нарушение авторских прав

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2024 год. (0.069 сек.)

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