Случайная страница | ТОМ-1 | ТОМ-2 | ТОМ-3
АрхитектураБиологияГеографияДругоеИностранные языки
МедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогика

Test Plan

Table 2 | Analysis of Website Creation Software | Table 15 | Table 4 | Feedback | Table 10 | Table 24 | List of files | Database structure | Client feedback |

Testing gives that all pages pass.

Test Number Description Data type Expected results Pass/Fail Reference on evidence
Test 1 Checking is the website working Valid – insert address and browse   Address goes to the right web page   Pass T1. 1.
Test 2 Links’ work Valid – Go to every link and see the result All links carry on appropriate page Pass T2. 1
Invalid – Go to nonexistent link 404 error page is shown Pass T2. 2
Test 3 Page’s design works Valid – Check design in every page Design of every page should be shown as wanted, all tags should work correctly Pass T3. 1
Test 4 JavaScript (slideshow) works Valid – Check if slideshow works correctly Slideshow works as required Pass T4. 1
Valid – change pictures in slideshow All pictures are shown correctly Pass T4. 2
Test 5 Media files works Valid – Check all audio/video files on the page Media files should work Pass T5. 1
Invalid – Delete media file or change link The error should show that there is no media and should contain mail link to administrator Pass T5. 2
Test 6 Database connection Valid – Check the data downloaded from database Data downloaded successfully Pass T6. 1
Invalid – Delete data from database and check on the web site Certain error is shown Pass T6. 2
Extreme – Change password in database Certain error is shown Pass T6. 3
Test 7 SQL injection prevented Invalid – try to enter SQL requests in different fields All requests blocked Pass T7. 1
Test 8 Contact form works Valid – Go through products process Service is booked Pass T8. 1
Valid – E-mail to the costumer is sent Message should be sent Pass T8. 2
Invalid – Enter invalid data Invalid data error shown Pass T8. 3
Invalid – Do not fulfill all the data Error is shown Pass T8. 4
Test 9 Admin page check Valid – Try to enter to the admin page from different URLs It should require password to enter Pass T9. 1
Valid – Try to edit or delete pages All system is shown as expected Pass T9. 2
Valid – Try to add news News are created and shown correctly Pass T9. 3
Invalid – Do not fulfill required entities Error should be shown and action not allowed Pass T9. 4
Test 10 The website must work in web server Valid -insert address and browse Address opened the right web page Pass T6.1
Test 11 Link with social sites Valid -insert address and browse Address opened the right web page Pass T8.3
Test 12 Moving to other page from homepage via clicking in buttons Valid – correct work of JavaScript I moved to other page Pass T8.1-8.3

Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 79 | Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
List of variables, arrays and fields| Test Result

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