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Choose the correct pronoun.

Правила чтения согласных букв | Match the words in part a) with their transcriptions in b). | Put the words from exersice 1 in alphabatic order. | Read and memorize the words. | Make up short dialogues using the appropriate form of the verb to be. | Артикль | Study the following table. | Put the article where necessary. | Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных | Read and memorize the words. |

Читайте также:
  1. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms.
  2. B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice
  3. B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.
  4. C. Choose the right variant. Explain your choice.
  5. Choose and fill in the correct form of the verb.
  6. Choose the antonym
  7. Choose the antonym.

1) Are (this/these) your books?

2) Who are (this/those) people?

3) (That/Those) men are mechanics.

4) Is (that / those) your sister's bike?

5) (This / These) are my friends Kevin and Bill.

6) Are (that / those) pictures a birthday present from your aunt?

7) (These / this) is my bed.

8) (That / those) are his magazines.

9) This is an apple and (those / that) are oranges.

10) What is (these / this)?


Make up dialogues as in the example using the given words either in singular or in plural.

Example: -What’s this (that)?

-This (that) is a pen.


-What are these (those)?

-These (those) are trees.


Cup, mathematician, scientist, street, cake, flat, lake, pencil, pen, theatre, sea, chair, table, plate.


Ask questions about the qualities of various objects.

Example: tie/ black/ red

Is this (that) a tie? – Yes, it is.

Is the tie black? – No, it isn’t. It’s red.

1) Hat/ white/ black

2) Cake/ awful/ tasty

3) Table/ small/ big

4) Sea/ black/ blue

5) Rooms/ small/ large

6) Book/ serious/ funny

7) Park/ green/ gloomy

8) People/ mathematicians/ physicists


Add some information to the following statements. Use the words given below.

Example: -These are his friends.

-They are nice.


1. These are articles. 2. These are my plans. 3. These are trees. 4. These are my pictures. 5. These are cups. 6. These are their answers. 7. These are her sons. 8. These are their parents. 9. These are parks. 10. These are hats.


difficult, green, serious, lovely, nice, correct, red, big, large, black.


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