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Допишите окончания глаголов (-s или -es) там, где это нужно.

Читайте также:
  1. Präsens сильных глаголов, изменяющих корневую гласную –e- на -i/ie
  2. А16 (А15). Правописание глаголов и глагольных форм.
  4. Арми­рование ствола после окончания его проходки и крепления
  5. Большой толковый словарь русских глаголов. Некоторые размышления после беглого ознакомления с оным.
  6. Вопрос № 16. Формы окончания предварительного расследования. Процессуальный порядок окончания предварительного расследования.
  7. Вопросительная форма образуется с помощью вспо­могательных глаголов do/does.

1. Не go... to school by bus. 2. She like... milk. 3. My father watch... TV in the evening. 4.1 play... tennis on Sundays. 5. My brother play... football quite well. 6. My sister sing... very well. 7. She wash... her face and hands in the morning and in the evening. 8.1 usually drink... tea for breakfast. 9. Jane do... her English exercises after school. 10. Peter drive... a car.

6. Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола.

1. She (swim/swims) very well. 2. Luc (live/lives) in London. 3. Jack (come/comes) from the USA. 4. Betty (dance/dances) a little. 5. He (have/has) three brothers. 6. My granny (are/is) in Smolensk. 7. The Thames (is/are) a big river in Britain. 8.1 (is/am) a student. 9. Ted (like/likes) music. 10. Chris (cook/cooks) cakes quite well.

7. Вставьте вместо точек does, is или has.

1. My sister... very clever. 2. What... she do? 3. Who... he? 4. She... a teacher at school. 5. Where... your sister live? 6. Greta... a little house in the country. 7.... Mary married? 8.... Sam have any pets? 9. This girl... called Mary. 10. She... a lot of friends.

8. Вставьте вместо точек does или do.

1.... you sleep well? Yes, I....

2.... your sister wash the plates? Yes, she....

3. What... the teacher ask you to do?

4.... Kitty read English books? Yes, she....

5. He... not like porridge.

6. We... not go to school in summer.

9. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1. Bess helps her mother. 2. My friend plays the piano. 3. We listen to music. 4. You make a lot of mistakes. 5. The farmer works in the field. 6. The small boy rides a bike. 7. He looks at the pictures in the book. 8. The workman paints the house. 9. Richard and Henry swim in the river in summer. 10. John goes to school by tram. 11. She gets up at eight o'clock. 12. He has tea for breakfast. 13. She usually has dinner at two o'clock. 14. Mike is my best friend. 15. Peter lives in London.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 599 | Нарушение авторских прав

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