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Message Format

Читайте также:
  1. Background Information
  2. Read the information about several cross-disciplinary and more specialized branches without a dictionary and decide what field of chemistry it is about.
  3. Read the information about some of the most famous Britons.
  4. Theoretical Information

Message Format is XML file, which is containing Header and up to 35 records. Single installation/removal procedure corresponds to record in the list (table).

Message’s Header

Header’s content:

Class of floating AtoN <object>

Specifies selection: Buoy/Sparbuoy:




Cannot be edited on board.

Procedure selection <action>

Specifies installation or removal procedure:

<action> PAIGALDAMISE </action>

<action> V&#x00c4;LJA V&#x00d5;TMISE </action>

Cannot be edited on board.

Document title <docnr>

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <docnr>4S04 Sparbuoys removal</docnr>

Single record of message <record>

Record is containing assigned (shore filled) fields and on board editable actual location and time fields.

Record is containing following fields:

AtoN-s EST nr <regnr>

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <regnr>148</regnr>

AtoN-s name <name>

Cannot be edited on board.


<name> Rammu l&#x00e4;&#x00e4;nepoi</name>

Inventory Nr of AtoN structure (buoy body) prepared to installation <inv>

Field is shore filled (can be empty).

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <inv>5036</inv>

Type of AtoN structure (buoy body) <model>

Field is shore filled.

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <model>MR-2S</model>

Equipment container’s ID <locsysid>

Field is shore filled (can be empty).

In case of sparbuoys field is always empty.

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <locsysid>98603016</locsysid >

Latitude of AtoN’s assigned location <lat>

Field is shore filled in WGS-84 format:


DD – deg

MM – min

NNN – min fraction (precision can be varied)

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <lat>59&#x00b0;35.140'</lat>

Longitude of AtoN’s assigned location <lon>

Field is shore filled in WGS-84 format:


DD – deg

MM – min

NNN – min fraction (precision can be varied)

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <lon>25&#x00b0;11.350'</lon>

Precision for AtoN position < precision >

Field is allowed AtoN displacement in meters

< precision >4.0</ precision >

Proposed date of installation/removal procedure <date>

Field is shore filled: dd.mm.yy

Cannot be edited on board.

Sample: <date>27.01.05</date >

Inventory number of actually installed structure <inv1>

Field is filled on board in case field <inv> was not shore filled or actually was installed buoy/sparbuoy with another inventory number.

Sample: <inv1>5036</inv1>

Actually installed type of AtoN structure (buoy body) <model1>

Field is filled on board in case field <model> was not shore filled or actually was installed another type of buoy/sparbuoy.

Sample: <model1>MR-2S</model1>

Actually installed equipment container’s ID <locsysid1>

Field is filled on board in case field <locsysid> was not shore filled or actually was installed another equipment container. In case sparbuoys is not filled. Field can be held empty.

Sample: <locsysid1>98603016</locsysid1 >

Latitude of AtoN’s actual (anchor’s) location <lat1>

Field is filled on board in WGS-84 format:


DD – deg

MM – min

NNNN – min fraction

Sample: <lat1>59&#x00b0;35.1400'</lat1>

Longitude of AtoN’s actual (anchor’s) location <lon1>

Field is filled on board in WGS-84 format:


DD – deg

MM – min

NNN – min fraction

Sample: <lon1>25&#x00b0;11.3500'</lon1>

Actual GPS mode in use:


Field is filled on board with GPS quality indicator referenced to moment of position fix (lat1 lon1) Numbers as in GGA message NMEA 0183 standard

0 – fix not available or invalid

1 – GPS SPS mode, fix valid

2 – Differential GPS, SPS mode fix valid

3 - GPS PPS mode, fix valid

4 – Real Time Kinematic. System used in RTK mode with fixed integers

5 – Float RTK. Satellite system used in RTK mode, floating integers

6 – estimated (Dead Reckoning) mode

7 – Manual input mode

8 – Simulator mode


Field is filled on board with GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision referenced to moment of position fix

X.X – floating point value in string

(sample <hdoplevel>3.5</hdoplevel>)

value depends on GPS receiver model. Digits amount and decimals may vary.

XML Node <hdoplevel> is empty if value is not available.


Depth from sea surface in meters referenced to moment of position fix

X.X – floating point value in string

(sample <depth> 25.6</depth>).

Digits amount and decimals may vary.

XML Node <depth> is empty if value is not available.


Heading true (measured from North) in degrees


Sample <heading>123.4°</heading>

XML Node < heading > is empty if value is not available.


Speed over ground, knots reported by GPS referenced to moment of position fix

X.X – floating point value in string

(sample < speed > 2.6</speed>).

Digits amount and decimals may vary.

XML Node <speed> is empty if value is not available.

Actual date of installation/removal procedure <date1>

Field is filled on board.

Date format: dd.mm.yy

Sample: <date1>27.01.05</date1>

Notes <comment>

Field is filled on board, if needed.

Please pay attention to the following:

In the XML file buoy RegNr and Name fields must be different for every buoy.

You should always indicate the hemisphere symbol in the coordinates’ fields – N, S, W or E.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-30; просмотров: 1 | Нарушение авторских прав

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2024 год. (0.007 сек.)