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Study the table

ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА | UNIT 1. PERSONAL BACKGROUND | This is the first day at the university and students try to know each other. Read the dialogue, act it out | Say it in English | Study the table | Read the text, answer the questions after it | Complete the diagram below with words from the text, add your own | Study the table | Read the text, find the words from the vocabulary and make your own sentences with some of these words | Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form |

Читайте также:
  1. A countable noun has a singular and a plural form.
  2. A Study in Scarlet 1 страница
  3. A Study in Scarlet 2 страница
  4. A Study in Scarlet 3 страница
  5. A Study in Scarlet 4 страница
  6. A Study in Scarlet 5 страница
  7. A Study in Scarlet 6 страница
Форма всех типов предложений с оборотом THERE + TO BE
  + ?
Present Ind. There is/are There is/are not (isn’t / aren’t) Is/Are there …
Past Ind. There was/were There was/were not (wasn’t / weren’t) Was/were there …
Future Ind. There will be There will not be (won’t be) Will there be …

Example: There is a car in the garage. – В гараже стоит машина.

There were not many chairs in the sitting-room. – В гостиной было немного стульев.

Will there be much snow in the winter? – Зимой будет много снега?


Fill in the gaps with suitable noun-phrases

a dean’s office; a computer; a lot of students; English-Russian dictionaries; a lot of snow; a few exams; many historical places; a meeting; old houses; a library; not much furniture; modern conveniences; journals; English classes

1. There is ___ on the second floor. 2. There are ___ in the corridor. 3. There is ___ in the classroom. 4. There are ___ in the bookcase. 5. There are ___ in our town. 6. There are ___ in the library. 7. There was ___ on the ground last winter. 8. There were ___ last week. 9. There was ___ at our University. 10. There will be ___ this spring. 11. There were ___ in this street. 12. There is ___ in the room. 13. There are all ___ in our house. 14. There is ___ on the first floor of this building.


Ask questions to get information. Use the words in brackets

Example: There are (were) many churches in this town (your town).

Are –

there many churches in your town?

Were –

A: 1. There are (were) a lot of bridges over the Thames (the Tura). 2. There are (were) a lot of monuments in Tobolsk (in your town). 3. There is (was) a computer class on the ground floor (a dean’s office). 4. There are (were) fifteen departments at our University (at our Institute). 5. There are (were) a lot of English-Russian dictionaries in our library (in the reading-hall).


Example: There will be a lecture on Mathematical analysis.

Will there be a lecture on Mathematical analysis?

B: 1. There will be five exams this spring (next term). 2. There will be many dictionaries in our library (our reading-hall). 3. There will be many students at the lecture (at the seminar). 4. There will be a seminar next week (in a week). 5. There will be a meeting in this room (in the hall).


Disagree with the following statements

Example: There will be a lecture on Theoretical Mechanics.

There will not be a lecture on Theoretical Mechanics or

There will be no lecture on Theoretical Mechanics.

1. There is a text on this page. 2. There is a secretary at the dean’s office. 3. There were English classes yesterday. 4. There were some students at the conference. 5. There will be some mistakes in my test. 6. There will be a church in this street. 7. There will be many exams next summer.

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